SBPE :: Volume #16

#9779: Chapter 9779

According to before destroyed day of a style that extinguished the place, really wanted to get the winning side completely, Lin Yi that definitely hit is right, always possibly was not because feared the city main mansion, therefore under did not dare the heavy hand. 照着之前毁天灭地的画风,真要已经完全占据了上风,林逸那肯定是往死里打才对,总不可能是因为怕了城主府,所以才不敢下重手吧。 Others gave to bury Qin and god of death squad, will also care are many a Sky King herd god? 人家连秦人杰和死神小队都给埋了,还会在乎再多一个天王牧神? A herd god face became the bottom of the pot thoroughly black. 牧神一张脸彻底黑成了锅底。 His mind can see clearly the idea of surrounding person, if this group of people analyze the victory and defeat normally, even is ridiculing to ridicule that at heart he does not matter, will not care about attitude of one flock of weak chickens in his pattern. 他的心眼是可以洞察周围人的想法的,如果这帮人只是正常分析一下胜负,甚至在心里奚落嘲笑他都无所谓,以他的格局根本不会在意一群弱鸡的态度。 May be this conceited brain makes up exactly, making his litigant look felt especially ashamed! 可恰恰是这种自以为是的脑补,让他这个当事人看了都觉得格外羞耻! Lost lost, next time will look on the line, was his solemn Sky King herd god that not being able to lose person? 输了就是输了,下次找回来就行,他堂堂的天王牧神是那种输不起的人吗? The herd god cannot bear wants to bellow, shaking to lose this group of idiots recalled, the initiative acknowledgment was lost letting people have a correct understanding of the facts! 牧神忍不住就想大吼一声,把这帮蠢货给震成失忆,主动承认是自己输了以正视听! However then one wants really a little is so silly, the herd god held in finally forcefully, but then the anger rises suddenly, his whole body imposing manner becomes even more powerful fearsome. 不过回头一想那样实在有点傻,牧神最终还是强行憋住了,只是如此一来怒气暴涨,他周身气势变得愈发强大可怖。 Finally when the people are fearful and apprehensive, strengthened this brain to make up a moment ago. 结果众人心惊胆战之余,更加坚定了刚才这番脑补。 Look, really must lose the words do not have the ample force at this time, how possibly also to have the so fearless power and influence! 看吧,真是要输了的话这种时候早就没有余力了,怎么可能还有这般气冲霄汉的威势! Really is Xixingdafa! 果然就是吸星大法! „......” “……” The herd god is really a killing heart has. 牧神真是一头撞死的心都有。 At this time Li Muyang stern-faced walked: „Doesn't herd uncle, how such good opportunity take Lin Yi?” 这时李沐阳一脸阴沉的走了过来:“牧叔,这么好的机会怎么不拿下林逸?” Herd god strange looked at his one eyes: I was stepped on the under foot, you also thought that I can take Lin Yi?” 牧神奇怪的看了他一眼:“我都被人踩在脚下了,你还觉得我能拿下林逸?” Arrived your level, let alone was stepped on a foot, perhaps was dismembered will not have a fracture?” “到了您这个层次,别说被人踩一脚,就是被人肢解了恐怕也都不会伤筋动骨吧?” Li Muyang response makes up the numerous to be exactly the same as that crowd of brains, even the brain makes up is more specialized: father has said that the powerful rule that you master is near body is invincible, even he has not grasped personal to win you, can only Lin Yi also be stronger than my father?” 李沐阳的反应跟那群脑补众如出一辙,甚至脑补得还更加专业:“父亲说过,您掌握的强力规则就是近身无敌,连他都没把握贴身赢过您,区区一个林逸难道还能比我父亲更强?” This possibility does not exist. 这种可能性根本就不存在。 Lin Yi presently strength became very strong, this point was undeniable, but must say that to has been able exaggeratingly with the degree that his father Li Songzhang placed on a par, that absolutely was dream of a fool! 林逸现在实力变得很强了,这一点无可否认,可要说已经夸张到能够跟他父亲李诵章相提并论的程度了,那绝对是痴人说梦! This fight looked a moment ago, his only understanding is, the herd god kept the hand. 刚才这一场战斗看下来,他唯一的理解就是,牧神留手了。 Right, in his opinion was not Lin Yi let off the herd god, but was the herd god let off Lin Yi! 没错,在他看来不是林逸放过了牧神,而是牧神放过了林逸 The herd god at this moment at heart is really 10,000 damn galloping. 牧神此刻心里真是一万匹草泥马奔腾而过。 Father lost lost, you special brain had the bubble, how could not believe? 老子输了就是输了,你们特么的都脑子有泡是吧,怎么一个个的非得不相信呢? Lin Yi main is stronger than I not to know the city, but I told you, I could not be victorious he, presently I could not at least be victorious he, understood?” 林逸是不是比城主更强我不知道,但我告诉你,我打不过他,至少现在的我打不过他,懂了吗?” The herd god said that no longer responds him radically, direct face unlucky takes a step to leave. 牧神说完根本不再搭理他,直接一脸晦气的迈步离开。 Li Muyang looks at his back, the complexion flickers: „ Can't be victorious? You are my city main mansion No. 2 character, even my father must be apprehensive that existence, can't be victorious Lin Yi? 李沐阳看着他的背影,脸色忽明忽暗:“打不过?你是我城主府的二号人物,连我父亲都要忌惮三分的存在,打不过林逸 Hehe, can be victorious is false, perhaps does not want to be victorious real. ” 呵呵,打不过是假,恐怕不想打得过才是真吧。” He has known, oneself father is the heart has to dread regarding this Sky King, although expensive/noble is the city main mansion No. 2 character, strength is also powerful is unable by the common sense idea, but until now not true thoughts of returning home. 他一直都知道,自家老爹对于这位天王是心有忌惮的,虽然贵为城主府二号人物,实力也强大得无法以常理计,但一直以来并没有真正归心。 The most direct performance is, he has not handed over the control of Sky King squad! 一个最直接的表现就是,他没有交出天王小队的掌控权! The Qin outstanding god of death squad is city main mansion one trains come out, regarding the city main mansion naturally is absolutely loyal. 秦人杰的死神小队是城主府一手培养出来,对于城主府自然是绝对忠诚。 But the Sky King squad is different, this is the secondary roles that herd god have, although in name is also the establishment of city main mansion, even the card in a hand of city main mansion most powerful. 天王小队不一样,这是牧神自己带起来的班底,名义上虽然也算是城主府的编制,甚至还是城主府最强力的底牌。 But in fact, the Sky King squad all member only giving loyalty to objects are herd god, as for Li Songzhang and city main mansion, the higher authority who in their eyes needs to give loyalty, rather is a pure employer. 但实质上,天王小队所有成员唯一的效忠对象就是牧神本人,至于李诵章和城主府,在他们眼里与其说是需要效忠的上级,倒不如说是一个纯粹的雇主。 Draws cash, management. 拿钱,办事。 This is all attitudes of Sky King squad. 这就是天王小队的全体态度。 Although shares the honor with the god of death squad in name, with for city main mansion two big trump cards, but the city main mansion high level knows, the real strength of Sky King squad above god of death squad! 虽然名义上与死神小队齐名,同为城主府的两大王牌,但城主府高层都知道,天王小队的真实战力远在死神小队之上! The herd god to Qin is all -around steamroll, the Sky King squad to the god of death squad similarly is all -around steamroll! 牧神对秦人杰是全方位的碾压,天王小队对死神小队同样是全方位的碾压! Li Muyang fully realized own father has drooled with envy about the Sky King squad, has been doing everything possible, wants to take back under the tent/account the Sky King squad truly, for this reason initially even proposed, making his only son join the Sky King squad by the ordinary status. 李沐阳深知自家老爹一直对天王小队垂涎三尺,一直都在想方设法,想要将天王小队真正收归自己帐下,为此当初甚至主动提出,让他这个唯一的儿子以普通身份加入天王小队。 Li Muyang is what kind of status! 李沐阳是何等身份! In others eyes, let alone joins the Sky King squad, takes over control of the Sky King squad directly, that is the logical matter. 在旁人眼里别说加入天王小队,就是直接接管天王小队,那都是顺理成章的事情。 Li Songzhang the pains everyone looks at come out, simultaneously he gave back to the herd god and Sky King Squad transferred the large amounts of valuable resources, including the highest grade independent mystical place, for was lets the herd god and Sky King Squad true thoughts of returning home. 李诵章的这番苦心大家都看得出来,同时他还给牧神和天王小队让渡了大量的珍贵资源,其中包括一个最高品级的独立秘境,为的就是让牧神和天王小队真正归心。 However, the herd god rejected. 然而,牧神拒绝了。 Reason one, Li Muyang strength is too bad, without the qualifications joins the Sky King squad. 理由就一个,李沐阳实力太差,没资格加入天王小队。 At that time he worked as the surface of people are saying these words, the scene fully was at a stalemate the quarter of an hour, the atmosphere once was stiff makes the people think that Li Songzhang must attack brutally with him. 当时他当着众人的面说出这句话的时候,场面整整僵持了一刻钟,气氛僵硬得让众人一度以为李诵章要跟他大打出手。 However finally, Li Songzhang jokes it away, uncovers this matter has not raised. 不过最终,李诵章还是一笑了之,把这件事揭过不提了。 In the surface is such, the lump definitely was remains at heart, even if each other both sides have not raised again, but that fissure is actually partly visible. 只是面上是那样,心里疙瘩却肯定是留下来了,哪怕彼此双方都没有再提,但那道裂痕却已是若隐若现。 Especially are getting fewer and fewer in these year of Sky King squad going out on duty, becomes estranged after the city main mansion relations more and more, in all will of the people have a premonition faintly, this fissure splits sooner or later thoroughly, will have the tremendous blow to the influence pattern of entire city main mansion! 尤其在这些年天王小队出勤次数越来越少,跟城主府关系越来越疏远之后,所有人心里都隐隐有一种预感,这道裂痕迟早彻底裂开,将会对整个城主府的势力格局造成巨大冲击! But presently, above the fissure were also many a fissure. 现在,裂痕之上又多了一道裂痕。 Does not grasp Lin Yi, this is giving me the father demonstration, the implied meaning was my city main mansion left your herd god, to your Sky King squad, only Lin Yi couldn't level?” “不抓林逸,这就是在给我父亲示威啊,言下之意就是我城主府离了你牧神,离了你的天王小队,就连区区一个林逸都摆不平是吗?” Li Muyang looks at the herd god back bitterly. 李沐阳恨恨的看着牧神背影。 As everyone knows, his thoughts were understood clearly clear by the mind of herd god. 殊不知,他这点心思被牧神的心眼洞悉得一清二楚。 With the arrogance of herd god, this matter had said one time, will not explain second time absolutely again, let alone Li Muyang does not have this qualifications, is Li Songzhang stands in the front, he is also disinclined to respond. 只是以牧神的傲气,这种事情已经说过一次,就绝对不会再解释第二次,别说李沐阳没这个资格,就是李诵章本人站在面前,他也懒得搭理。 As for that fabricated shameful secret thoughts, he does not spare a glance. 至于那点莫须有的阴私心思,他更是不屑一顾。 Looked at Lin Yi one from afar, sees Lin Yi to seem induction towards oneself to look, Li Muyang has a scare immediately, turns head to walk hastily, slightly is for fear that slow a point to walk without rest cannot leave. 远远的看了林逸一眼,见林逸似有感应的朝自己看过来,李沐阳顿时吓了一跳,连忙扭头就走,生怕稍微慢一点就连走都走不掉。 If nothing else, his presently was not the Lin Yi's opponent, this point self-knowledge he has. 别的不说,他现在绝不是林逸的对手,这一点自知之明他还是有的。 If Lin Yi really did not speak Wu De, while herd god, no matter, intended to take him to threaten the city main mansion directly, to his father Li Songzhang absolutely was an unprecedented big trouble! 林逸真要是不讲武德,趁牧神不管,直接出手拿下他去威胁城主府,对他老爹李诵章绝对是一个前所未有的大麻烦! Is good because, Lin Yi does not have this meaning. 好在,林逸并没有这个意思。
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