SBPE :: Volume #16

#9778: Chapter 9778

How did you agrees tell me?” “你到底怎样才肯告诉我?” Herd god issue asked the extremely hoodlum, his present whole person had been trigged , there is nothing with the qualification that Lin Yi bargained back and forth. 牧神这个问题问得十分光棍,他如今整个人都已被制住,已经没有任何跟林逸讨价还价的本钱了。 Only if, lifts the outgoing main mansion to threaten Lin Yi. 除非,抬出城主府来威胁林逸 May from Lin Yi acknowledge in the presence of everyone extinguishes kills Qin and god of death squad, the pressure of city main mansion in the face of this, perhaps radically is a joke. 可从林逸当众承认灭杀秦人杰和死神小队来看,城主府的威压在这位面前,恐怕根本就是个笑话。 Not only in fact Lin Yi, the city main mansion in all the top strength eyes of Jianghai Institute, never has what pressure, has been for many years formed the tacit understanding of well water not interfering with river water, therefore little has the action of border-crossing extremely. 事实上不仅林逸,城主府在所有江海学院的顶级战力眼里,从来都没什么威压可言,也就是多年来形成了井水不犯河水的默契,所以极少有越界之举。 But now the tacit understanding had been broken, naturally no one pays attention to the city main mansion the so-called custom. 而如今默契已被打破,自然更加没人理会城主府的所谓规矩。 Just like the present, Lin Yi issued a warrant for arrest by the city main mansion, from beginning to end has not paid attention to this from the start. 正如眼下,林逸被城主府通缉,从头到尾压根就没理会这一茬。 The herd god of presently including the city main mansion No. 2 character was stepped on by him in the under foot, how even if pastes the warrant for arrest on his face can, the city main mansion who can catch him? 现在连城主府二号人物的牧神都被他踩在了脚下,就算把通缉令贴在他脸上又能如何,城主府有谁能抓得了他? Can't Li Songzhang this city main Sir go into action personally? 总不能李诵章这个城主大人亲自出马吧? When the time comes if can a move trig Lin Yi, that said actually fortunately, once ends up with a today's herd god fate, that may open on the joke in a big way. 到时候要是能一招制住林逸,那倒是还好说,一旦落得跟今天牧神一个下场,那可就玩笑开大了。 The entire city main mansion must explode same place. 整个城主府都得原地爆炸。 By herd god's understanding of Li Songzhang, this city main Sir will not act to Lin Yi blatantly, not for such under the hand | subordinate takes such big risk, biggest possibly is spits in the face does, treats as to be all right to happen. 以牧神对李诵章的了解,这位城主大人绝不会公然向林逸出手,更不会为了自己这么个手下来冒这么大的风险,最大的可能是唾面自干,当做没事发生。 Therefore, at present all can only depend on he himself. 所以,眼下一切只能靠他自己。 Lin Yi thinks saying: Was inferior that you change job to consider as finished, does the failing a grade fresh institute leave a position to you?” 林逸想了想道:“不如你跳槽算了,留级生院给你留个位置?” The herd god complexion immediately becomes incomparably ugly: Cracks a joke must have a limit.” 牧神脸色顿时变得无比难看:“开玩笑也要有个限度。” Indeed, he and Li Songzhang relations also said no that on close, is the higher authority and subordinate, rather has the cooperation ally of primary and secondary division. 诚然,他和李诵章的关系也说不上有多密切,与其说是上级和下属,倒不如说是有着主次之分的合作盟友。 He and his Sky King squad need a shelter, but Li chant rules need powerful hired thug, both sides accord to his need, that is all. 他和他的天王小队需要一个安身之所,而李诵章则需要一个强力打手,双方各取所需,仅此而已。 But if his presently switches Jianghai Institute, regardless to the present rising city main mansion, is to ambitious Li chant chapter of oneself, will be an unprecedented serious attack. 可如果他现在转投江海学院,无论对眼下如日中天的城主府,还是对雄心勃勃的李诵章本人,都将是一记前所未有的沉重打击。 Even if at the appointed time to stand firm the will of the people, Li Songzhang must start to him! 到时哪怕是为了稳住人心,李诵章也必须对他下手! His rebel does not die, the power and prestige of city main mansion may step thoroughly, since will then degenerate into the laughingstock of entire Jianghai city! 他这个叛徒不死,城主府的威风可就彻底跨了,从此将会沦为整个江海城的笑柄! Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: I trade conditions, you continue to keep the city main mansion, but when necessary, you must give me to work as the planted agent.” 林逸笑笑:“那我换个条件,你继续留在城主府,但在必要的时候,你得给我当内应。” The herd god complexion changes: „Are you hitting the city main mansion the idea? This is your meaning, is the meaning of Jianghai Institute?” 牧神脸色一变:“你在打城主府的主意?这是你的意思,还是江海学院的意思?” Lin Yi already so terrifying, has far exceeded his expectation. 一个林逸就已如此恐怖,已经远远超出了他的预料。 If Jianghai Institute really start projects in the idea the city main mansion, that situation, his moment light is thinks to be afraid, scalp tingles! 若是江海学院真的开始将主意打到城主府头上,那个情形,他此刻光是想想都不寒而栗,头皮发麻! Lin Yi faint smile visits him: Whose meaning indifferent is, you said that doesn't do dry/does?” 林逸似笑非笑的看着他:“无所谓是谁的意思,你就说干不干吧?” I will not do to harm the city main mansion the matter.” “我不会做有损城主府的事情。” Herd god cold snort/hum. 牧神冷哼一声。 Lin Yi smiled: Do not misunderstand, my presently not in view of city main mansion meaning, but provides for a rainy day, will make some necessary preparations for the future possible accident.” 林逸笑了:“你别误会,我现在也没针对城主府的意思,不过是未雨绸缪,为将来可能的变故做一些必要的准备罢了。” The herd god is perplexed: What meaning?” 牧神不明所以:“到底什么意思?” Lin Yi said meaningfully: I will not request your presently to betray Li Songzhang, you must do is very simple, what is goes back not to do, with ordinary same was good, observes the Li Songzhang movement while convenient well, I think that this should not make you feel embarrassed?” 林逸意味深长道:“我不会要求你现在就背叛李诵章,你要做的很简单,就是回去什么都不做,跟平常一样就行了,顺便好好观察一下李诵章的动作,我想这应该不会让你为难吧?” „......” “……” Herd god silent long time: „If only this, is not naturally awkward, but so won't be simple?” 牧神沉默半晌:“若只是这样,自然不为难,不过不会这么简单吧?” Actually really does not have you to think is so complex.” “其实真没有你想的那么复杂。” Lin Yi takes back from him the foot: You with Li Songzhang are not a passer-by, so long as you paid attention to him, so long as you were not hoodwinked by him, you will go separate ways sooner or later.” 林逸将脚从他身上收回:“你跟李诵章不是一路人,只要你去留意他了,只要你不被他蒙蔽,你们迟早都会分道扬镳。” Herd god cold snort/hum: Such low level sowing dissension don't with come out, tacit understanding between I and city lords, but also is insufficient to instigate to bystander casual several frailly will publish in the share of fissure, you are the province province.” 牧神冷哼:“这么低级的挑拨离间就别拿出来了吧,我跟城主之间的默契,还不至于脆弱到外人随便几句挑拨就会出裂痕的份上,你还是省省吧。” Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: You, so long as remembers a few words, if day discovered oneself with him were not a passer-by, do not disclose, contacted me.” 林逸笑笑:“你只要记住一句话,如果有一天发现自己跟他不是一路人了,不要声张,跟我联系。” Long time, the herd god remains silent to nod: If on this point request, I can promise you.” 半晌,牧神闷声点头:“如果就这一点要求,我可以答应你。” Then, very aware then takes an oath by origin spirit. 说完,很自觉的便以元神起誓。 After all the verbal statements are no guarantee, really must put him to go back, Lin Yi felt relieved that he has not felt relieved. 毕竟空口无凭,真要就这么放他回去,林逸放心他还不放心呢。 Had the restraint of origin spirit pledge, once in the future reneges on a promise will backlash by origin spirit, even if this backlash giant ultimate grand perfection expert is very difficult to shoulder, it can be said that most binding one vowed. 有了元神誓约的约束,日后一旦反悔就会遭受元神反噬,这种反噬就算是巨头终极大圆满高手都很难扛住,可说是最有约束力的一种赌誓了。 Naturally, this is unilaterally the pledge. 当然,这是单方面誓约。 Unilaterally is only binding to the herd god, actually does not affect on Lin Yi's, on the other hand, the tacit understanding that each other discussed on by, originally could not restrain on Lin Yi's. 只单方面对牧神有约束力,却作用不到林逸的身上,话说回来,就以彼此谈下来的默契,本来也约束不到林逸的头上。 After all so long as he put the herd god, even if he has fulfilled commitment, then what course to follow, is the herd god own matter. 毕竟只要他放了牧神,他就算是已经履行承诺了,接下来何去何从,全是牧神自己的事情。 Good, your goes back.” “好,你这就回去吧。” Lin Yi said that then takes back the regular strength. 林逸说完便收回规则力量。 The herd god suddenly feels within the body that to be cut the gates of innumerable independent shackles to open completely, rushes the turbulent strength to fuse one finally, that powerful feeling came back immediately. 牧神顿觉体内那被切割成无数个单独牢笼的门全部打开,澎湃汹涌的力量终于能够重新融合一处,那种强大的感觉顿时就回来了。 Looks war intent that on the herd god surges, Lin Yi selected the eyelid: Hits again?” 看着牧神身上重新涌起的战意,林逸挑了挑眼皮:“再打一场?” The herd god some meanings moves immediately, although lost to Lin Yi a moment ago, but he did not think that is strength is weaker than Lin Yi, but cannot find out the opposite party card in a hand therefore the move. 牧神顿时有些意动,虽然刚才是输给了林逸,但他并不觉得是自己实力林逸弱,只是没能摸清楚对方底牌所以才中了招。 Really must hit again, he is not necessarily able to lose! 真要再打一场,他未必会输! However he eventually is not a fool, this matter also thinks, by presently he has not made clear, let alone comes again how oneself lose, even comes again 100, the big probability is to still deliver the vegetable/dish. 不过他终究也不是傻子,这种事情也就想想,到现在为止他连自己怎么输的都没搞清楚,别说再来一场,就算是再来一百场,大概率也是送菜。 Even if he longs for winning again, foolish matter that but this type brings contempt upon oneself obvious, he will not do. 哪怕他再渴望赢,但这种明摆着自取其辱的蠢事,他是不会干的。 „After, I will win one day.” “等以后吧,总有一天我会赢回来的。” The herd god is cold the face to get up from the ground. 牧神冷着脸从地上起来。 The under foot moves, then leaps a place battlefield center in confusion instantaneously, falls crowds that observes in a distant place numerous, immediately frightens scalp tingles the people of lagging behind. 脚下一动,瞬间便跃出一地狼藉的战场中心,落在远处一众观战的人群中间,顿时把后知后觉的众人吓得头皮发麻。 Although looked at the appearance, this lost probably. 虽然看刚才的样子,这位好像是输了。 But their level is too after all low, looked that the true key of not come out this top showdown is, is from beginning to end prominent an unclear sleep/felt to be severe. 可他们毕竟层次太低,看不出来这场顶级对决的真正关键所在,从头到尾就突出一个不明觉厉。 The so high-end fight naturally cannot understand with the thought of average man, although at the scene seemed like Lin Yi to suppress the herd god, at first sight was Lin Yi wins. 如此高端的战斗自然不能用常人的思维去理解,虽然场面上看起来是林逸压住了牧神,乍看起来是林逸赢了。 But by some chance is that only others special competition postures? 可万一那只是人家特殊的较劲姿势呢? If by some chance others herd god catches up with this style, actually the truth is not he is stepped by the Lin Yi's foot, but the Lin Yi's foot was held by him in turn, in Xixingdafa with secular world movie is the same, is Lin Yi actually a side of being restrained? 万一人家牧神就是用这种方式发力,其实真相不是他被林逸的脚踩住,而是反过来林逸的脚被他吸住了,就跟世俗界电影里的吸星大法一样,林逸其实才是受制的一方? Worst, that also shares half and half. 最不济,那也得是平分秋色。 Otherwise will Lin Yi let loose him? 要不然林逸怎么会放开他?
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