SBPE :: Volume #16

#9777: Chapter 9777

In comparison, the entire luck of five breakthrough growth shackles truly is a waste, each other completely not in a level. 相比之下,五次突破生长枷锁的全福确实就是个废物,彼此完全不在一个层次。 Just like the time rule and space rule, the powerful rule similarly is one of the most source World rules, estimated by Lin Yi, the rule control degree of opposite party with oneself similar, about 5%. 跟时间规则和空间规则一样,强力规则同样是最本源的世界规则之一,以林逸估测,对方的规则掌控程度跟自己差不多,在百分之五左右。 However only this 5%, enough have made a lot have the qualitative change. 不过单是这百分之五,就已足够令很多事情发生质变。 Before although the mortal body strength of entire luck also the extremely terrifying, really must centralized erupt come out at 1 : 00 completely, posed the fatal threat to the top strength of giant ultimate grand perfection level sufficiently. 之前全福的肉身力量虽然也十分恐怖,真要全部集中在一点爆发出来,也足以对巨头终极大圆满层次的顶级战力形成致命威胁。 But he is impossible to achieve. 但他根本不可能做到。 For two reasons, his he is unable to achieve the complete strength condenses at 1 : 00, his two he cannot control the so powerful strength, is unable to guarantee that certainly can rumble on the opponent. 原因有两个,其一他无法做到将全部力量凝聚在一点,其二他控制不住如此强大的力量,无法确保一定能轰在对手身上。 If not involve the regular level, only on the mortal body level, to his situation is actually the limit. 如果不涉及到规则层面,单就肉身层面而言,到了他这个地步其实就已是极限了。 Regardless of how cultivate, these two issues possibly are never solved again truly. 无论再怎么修炼,这两个问题始终都不可能真正解决。 May regarding controlling the herd god of powerful rule, these two are not the issues, because he controlled the powerful rule, controlled the essence of strong action! 可对于掌控了强力规则的牧神来说,这两个都不是问题,因为他掌控了强力规则,就是掌控了强作用力的本质! His strength at this moment wants terrifying hundred times compared with the entire luck, however can actually condense as before with ease. 他此刻的力量远比全福要恐怖百倍,然而却依旧能够轻松凝聚。 The key is, through the mysterious strength conduction, all these will certainly fall on Lin Yi's, once were locked by him hides radically continually does not have the means to hide, can only the upfront shoulder hardly. 关键是,通过玄妙的力量传导,这一切都一定会落在林逸的身上,一旦被他锁定根本连躲都没有办法躲,只能正面硬扛。 To a certain extent this be similar to must law of causality! 某种程度上这就跟必中的因果律差不多! Just like the present, the herd god laughs wildly a fist to rumble. 正如眼下,牧神狂笑着一拳轰出。 Lin Yi has avoided obviously completely, viewed from whichever angle, his fist has failed thoroughly. 林逸明明已经完全避开,无论从哪个角度看,他这一拳都已经彻底落空。 However what is strange, the strength of this fist in in the air conducts layer upon layer, finally fell above the Lin Yi's back unexpectedly forcefully. 然而吊诡的是,这一拳的力量在空中层层传导,最终竟是强行落在了林逸的后背之上。 Bang! 砰! Titan big buddha shape collapse leisurely/scatter, this is the Lin Yi First time is hit to collapse Titan big buddha with a crash face to face! 泰坦大佛形态砰然崩散,这还是林逸第一次被人当面打崩泰坦大佛! Un? Do you meet the space rule unexpectedly?” “嗯?你居然会空间规则?” Opposite Sky King herd god is also startled. 对面的天王牧神同样一惊。 Spoke truth his fist not to have the least bit to keep the hand, according to his expectation, even if cannot the direct fist kill by explosion Lin Yi, still at least needs to let the Lin Yi severe wound. 讲道理他这一拳已是没有半点留手,按照他的预料,即便不能直接一拳将林逸轰死,也至少要让林逸重伤。 However looks at Lin Yi condition at this moment, although was hit to collapse Titan big buddha shape to look somewhat distressedly, oneself return safe and sound actually radically. 然而看林逸此刻的状态,虽说被打崩泰坦大佛形态看着有些狼狈,实则本人根本毫发无损。 The trivial Titan big buddha is impossible to eat up the complete strength of his fist, reduces and solves one of the extremely at most, ninth remaining extremely must fall on Lin Yi on oneself. 区区泰坦大佛根本不可能吃下他这一拳的全部力道,顶多化解掉十分之一,剩下的十分之九必然要落在林逸本人身上。 But simply does not have in fact. 可事实上却是根本没有。 The only explanation, is the rule to the rule. 唯一的解释,就是规则对规则。 During he used the space rule ability to pass the burden to be void the strength of this fist directly. 他用空间规则的能力直接将这一拳的力道转嫁到了虚空之中。 „A point carves the insect small technique, vulgar.” “一点雕虫小技,难登大雅之堂。” Lin Yi very modest smiling, but fell in the opposite party eyes may the taunt mean ample. 林逸很谦虚的笑了笑,不过落在对方眼里可就嘲讽意味十足了。 Really is not simple!” “果然不简单!” The herd god sneered, under the heart moves silently high the Lin Yi's threat categorization, even if were proud with his pride, still has to acknowledge that Lin Yi has been able with the capital that he fought full power. 牧神冷笑一声,心下默默将林逸的威胁等级调到了最高,即便以他的骄傲和自负,也不得不承认林逸已经有了能与他全力一战的资本。 This is the platoon surface of space rule. 这就是空间规则的排面。 However if he knows Lin Yi grasps is not only the space rule, meanwhile has the time rule, perhaps even the wind element rule, will not have thought. 不过他要是知道林逸掌握的不仅仅是空间规则,同时还有时间规则,甚至还有风系规则,恐怕就不会这么想了。 Even if city main mansion No. Second man, he will also run away absolutely without hesitation! 哪怕身为城主府第二,他也绝对会毫不犹豫逃走! Even if he is mastering the powerful rule, simply does not have the least bit odds of success to such monster, only if he achieves half th division that rank, regarding control of rule can unilaterally steamroll Lin Yi. 即便他掌握着强力规则,对上这样的怪物也根本没有半点胜算,除非他达到洛半师那种级别,对于规则的掌控度能够单方面碾压林逸 Otherwise on his powerful rule, most uses force or high-handed methods the non-solution to simultaneously the time and space rule, does not know how should win! 否则就他一个强力规则,同时对上最为硬霸无解的时间和空间规则,根本都不知道该怎么赢! Very obvious, the herd god has not realized this point. 只是很显然,牧神还没意识到这一点。 To come in any normal person, on Lin Yi the giant grand perfection Mid Phase peak boundary, can fish a wee bit space rules at present calls the good fortune of luck day! 在任何一个正常人想来,就林逸眼下巨头大圆满中期巅峰的境界,能够捞到一丁点空间规则就已是叫侥天之幸了! Also has the time space two big rules, in the dream cannot think. 同时坐拥时间空间两大规则,梦里面也不敢这么想啊。 The people who the distant place observes are even more confused. 远处观战的众人愈发迷茫。 The following fight had surpassed their cognitive level completely, looks at the whole face ignorant to compel, to look at each other in blank dismay. 接下来的战斗已经完全超出了他们的认知层面,一个个看得满脸懵逼,面面相觑。 In fact let alone they, many detail king three this giant grand perfection expert have not learned certainly finally, even if same level exists, even if he also involved the regular level. 事实上别说他们,很多细节就连王三绝这位巨头终于大圆满高手都没看明白,哪怕是同级存在,哪怕他也涉及到了规则层次。 But the rule is different, the lots are not accommodating, let alone his control degree to the rule could not have compared Lin Yi and herd god! 可毕竟规则不同,很多东西并不相容,何况他对规则的掌控程度还比不上林逸和牧神! The clashing of space rule and powerful rule, continued the entire afternoon, has not divided the victory and defeat as before! 空间规则与强力规则的对撞,持续了整整一个下午,依旧未分胜负! The herd god bumps into Lin Yi to have one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing, Lin Yi bumps into him is the same. 牧神碰到林逸是见猎心喜,林逸碰到他又何尝不是一样。 Both sides rival in chess! 双方棋逢对手! The litigants are healthy and vigorous, instead this group of bystanders. 当事人精神奕奕,反而这群围观者一个个都遭不住了。 After all they solely are not sit observe, meanwhile must guard to divulge the come out complementary waves momentarily, the fight complementary waves of that two monster, have the least bit slightly carelessly, relaxed can extinguish their all groups. 毕竟他们不单单是坐着观战,同时还得随时提防泄露出来的余波,就那俩怪物的战斗余波,稍有半点不慎,轻轻松松都能将他们全体团灭。 Also three looks with Shen Yifan on the king only certainly with great interest. 唯独也就王三绝和沈一凡看得津津有味。 The former level is placed there needless saying that as for Shen Yifan, although has not touched the regular level, but the refined appearance has it is the one alternative of wind element regular strength shows presently, in addition he is the perception is also outstanding, many can always harvest. 前者层次摆在那里自不必说,至于沈一凡,虽然还没有触及规则层次,但风神具现本身就是风系规则力量的一种另类展现,加上他本身也是悟性出众,多少总能有所收获。 Bang! 轰! With a loud sound, the form of herd god has the presently surface suddenly baseless, without he sets out, a foot has then stepped on his chest, is Lin Yi. 伴随着一声巨响,牧神的身影忽然凭空出现在地表,没等他重新起身,一只脚便已踩在他的胸口,正是林逸 Lin Yi said one lightly: You lost.” 林逸淡淡说了一句:“你输了。” Loses!” “输个屁!” The herd god does not believe in evil doctrines, immediately struggles is wanting to gather the strength to set out, why however does not know, although he can feel oneself within the body that continuous great strength as before, however these strengths no longer such were actually united as one body like the past. 牧神不信邪,当即挣扎着想要蓄力起身,然而不知为何,他虽然依旧能感受到自己体内那源源不断的巨力,然而这些力量却不再如以往那样连成一体。 As if powerful and mysterious strength cut the innumerable shares by some type, just like shut in independent pens, each one spun in the shackles unceasingly same place, is actually not able to break through the fetter of shackles! 似乎被某种强大而神秘的力量切割成了无数份,犹如被关进了一个个单独的牢笼,各自不断在牢笼里面原地打转,却始终无法突破牢笼的束缚! Is impossible! Is absolutely impossible!” “不可能!绝对不可能!” The herd god is unbelievable, this afternoon hands over under the hand | subordinate to come, he also already very clear Lin Yi's space ability limit. 牧神还是难以置信,这一下午交手下来,他也已经很清楚林逸的空间能力极限。 By Lin Yi at present with his suitable rule grasping, is impossible to achieve this step, after all his powerful rule is not the low-rank rule, same level is absolutely impossible by this unilaterally steamroll. 林逸目前与他相当的规则掌握度,根本就不可能做到这一步,毕竟他的强力规则又不是什么下位规则,同级绝无可能被这样单方面碾压。 Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: This saying defeats the exclusive lines of dog, is actually not quite suitable you, you should ask how I do achieve?” 林逸笑笑:“这话是败犬的专属台词,其实不太适合你,你应该问问我是怎么做到的?” Although the herd god is extremely unwilling, but has to lower the head in the face of the reality finally, the astringent sound asked: How do you achieve?” 牧神虽然万分不甘,但最终还是不得不在现实面前低头,涩声问道:“你怎么做到的?” You guess.” “你猜。” The Lin Yi two characters choke directly this city main mansion No. 2 character. 林逸两个字直接把这位城主府二号人物噎死。 However turns over to angrily angrily, the herd god actually also knows that is related to the core card in a hand, Lin Yi really must disclose simply to him, waits for an opportunity to decode the opportunity that to him, that too was rather stupid. 不过恼怒归恼怒,牧神却也知道事关核心底牌,林逸真要就这么简简单单透露给他,给他伺机破解的机会,那未免真就太蠢了。
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