SBPE :: Volume #16

#9776: Chapter 9776

„Are you very disappointed?” “你很失望?” Lin Yi knits the brows slightly, in fact he himself is not quite satisfied regarding five lines of Titan big buddha shape some extremely. 林逸微微皱了皱眉,事实上就连他自己对于五行化极的泰坦大佛形态有些不太满意。 Indeed, this as before is a mortal body style of extremely powerful, places usually can kill the four directions as before greatly. 诚然,这依旧是一项极其强力的肉身招式,放在平常依旧可以大杀四方。 But his present strength grows is too quick, opponent level also following when production costs rise, prices rise too, before also calculates that easy-to-use these five lines of killing move have revealed the weary condition extremely gradually. 可他如今实力增长太快,对手层次也跟着水涨船高,之前还算好用的这些五行化极杀招已经渐渐显露出疲态。 Said accurately, cannot call it killing move. 准确的说,已经不能称之为杀招了。 To continue to take on no matter what greatly, these styles must follow the promotion evolution. 想要继续担当大任,这些招式也必须跟着升级进化。 The herd god receives the offensive suddenly, light hands tied say/way: Other card in a hand takes come out, so as to avoid a while died, dies with injustice unredressed.” 牧神忽然收住攻势,淡淡束手道:“还有别的底牌就拿出来,免得一会儿死了,死不瞑目。” Lin Yi smiled: Arrogant to your share, I is also the first time sees.” 林逸笑了:“傲慢到你这个份上的,我也是头一次见。” The herd god selects the eyebrow: „It is not arrogant, is lonely.” 牧神挑眉:“不是傲慢,是寂寞。” You will not be quickly lonely.” “那你很快就不会寂寞了。” The Lin Yi voice falls, the figure suddenly starts to rise suddenly. 林逸话音落下,身形突然开始暴涨。 The fourth breakthrough growth shackles! 第四次突破生长枷锁! The herd god eyelid jumped jumping, immediately shows the expression that has a relish, meaning that slightly do not intend to break. 牧神眼皮跳了跳,随即露出饶有兴致的表情,丝毫没有要出手打断的意思。 Lin Yi oneself height rose suddenly quickly four meters, Titan big buddha shape also followed time of growth, sent out a sacred inviolable pressure. 林逸本人的身高很快暴涨到了四米,泰坦大佛形态也跟着倍化增长,散发出一股神圣不容侵犯的威压。 Actually from going out kills since that moment of mysterious boundary, Lin Yi has been able to break through four shackles. 其实从走出杀神秘境的那一刻起,林逸就已经能够突破四次枷锁。 But he also wants to press again, making this breakthrough thicker, the increase is bigger. 只不过他还想再压一压,让这次突破变得更加厚实,增幅更大。 But is not good at present. 可是眼下不行了。 Only if, he wants without finds out the opposite party details completely, use card in a hand killing move decides the life and death with the opposite party forcefully. 除非,他想在没有完全摸清楚对方底细的情况下,强行动用底牌杀招跟对方一决生死。 Otherwise is on site to break through is the only choice. 否则临场突破就是唯一的选择。 This also a little meaning.” “这还有点意思。” Is feeling under the big buddha shape, that almost must overflow the come out strength pressure, the herd god licked tongue excitedly. 感受着大佛形态之下,那股几乎要溢出来的力量威压,牧神不由兴奋的舔了舔舌头 The figure flashes, the herd god bullies the body again on. 身形一闪,牧神再次欺身而上。 Bang, the scene ground collapses a loudly again. 一声轰然巨响,现场地面再度坍塌。 Big small two fist deadlock moments, immediately herd god directly by flying upside down of rumbling! 一大一小两只拳头僵持片刻,随即牧神直接被轰的倒飞而出! The distance of although flying upside down is not far, but high under has stood sees! 虽然倒飞的距离并不远,但已高下立见! Feels strength that within the body is rushing, let alone the opposite party, even Lin Yi are big feeling to be shocked. 感受着体内澎湃的力量,别说对方,连林逸自己都大感震惊。 He had had a premonition before faintly, will be in the future, the strength increase that each breakthrough growth shackles bring is bigger. 他之前隐隐已经有所预感,越是往后,每一次突破生长枷锁带来的力量增幅就越大。 But the terrifying of this strength increase, far exceeded his expectation. 但这一次力量增幅之恐怖,还是远远超出了他的预料。 If quantifies come out, the previous strength increase is ten, then these has at least achieved three figures time! 如果量化出来,上一次力量增幅是十的话,那么这一次至少已经达到了三位数! The fourth breakthrough growth shackles already so exaggerating, then later the fifth time even sixth time, is the astonishing scene! 第四次突破生长枷锁就已如此夸张,那么以后第五次甚至第六次,又将是何等惊人的景象! After did not say, solely is at present, he has realized the counterattack, in turn formed the strength steamroll to the herd god! 不说以后,单单是眼下,他就已经实现逆袭,反过来对牧神形成了力量碾压! Good! Good very! This is the opponent who I want!” “好!好的很!这才是我想要的对手!” The herd god does not get angry counter- happily. 牧神不怒反喜。 This is the First time, since his formal has joined the city main mansion First time, finally some people can the positive/direct steamroll in the strength he. 这是第一次,他正式加入城主府以来的第一次,终于有人能在力量上正面碾压他。 Must know that even the city lord Li Songzhang, cannot achieve this point. 要知道就算是城主李诵章,都做不到这一点。 Then finally can hit one happily!” “接下来终于可以痛痛快快打一场了!” The herd god takes off the glove slowly, throws conveniently one side: Knows why I can wear this thing?” 牧神缓缓摘下手套,随手扔到一旁:“知道我为什么要戴这个东西吗?” Lin Yi is silent, the look concentrates. 林逸默然不语,眼神微凝。 From the beginning, he had suspected to the function of this jet black glove. 从一开始,他就对这副漆黑手套的作用有所猜疑。 And contains a powerful banned fluctuation, but is actually not in the conventional cognition the strength increase and so on auxiliary effect. 其中蕴藏着一股强大的禁制波动,不过却并不是常规认知中力量增幅之类的辅助效果。 If he has not guessed that wrong, its function is possibly just the opposite. 如果他没猜错的话,其作用可能恰恰相反。 Sure enough, a herd god chuckle: This is a handcuff, can lock in my 90% strengths the handcuffs!” 果不其然,牧神一声轻笑:“这是一副手铐,一副可以锁住我90%力量的手铐!” The distant place pays attention to this people in abundance in an uproar. 远处关注着这一幕的众人纷纷哗然。 According to this meaning, before was also only of a strength his extremely? 照这个意思,难道之前还只是他十分之一的力量? This is what monster! 这都是什么怪物啊! Strength broken ten thousand laws, in the face of the absolute strength, all are gaudy!” “一力破万法,在绝对的力量面前,一切都是花里胡哨!” The herd god is laughing toward the Lin Yi steps. 牧神大笑着朝林逸踏步而来。 Lin Yi actually shows a strange expression: This saying to be listening familiar-soundingly, what are you relate with the failing a grade fresh institute entire luck?” 林逸却不由露出一个古怪的表情:“这话听着耳熟,你跟留级生院全福是什么关系?” Thought, that waste was also dies in your hands, was actually not injust.” “想起来了,那个废物也是死在你的手里,倒是一点都不冤。” Speaking thoughtlessly that the herd god thinks little of one: He is my same side Junior Brother, close that.” 牧神不以为意的随口说了一句:“他是我的同门师弟,至亲的那种。” Be that as it may, he does not have the slight mood to fluctuate, the tone indifferently, just like is saying a stranger. 话虽如此,他却没有丝毫的情绪波动,语气漠然,犹如在说一个陌生人。 Lin Yi selects the eyebrow slightly: No wonder a way.” 林逸微微挑眉:“难怪一个路数。” That waste aptitude is too bad, living also insults master's sect, you killed his me also to thank you.” “那种废物资质太差,活着也是侮辱师门,你杀了他我还得感谢你。” On the herd god face showed a shutting out expression rarely. 牧神脸上难得露出了一丝嫌弃的表情。 Lin Yi is speechless. 林逸无语。 At that time although the entire luck has not become many essence threats to other party, but also is the mortal body monsters of five breakthrough growth shackles, where regardless of placed is No. 1 character. 当时全福虽说没对他造成多少实质威胁,可好歹也是五次突破生长枷锁的肉身怪物,无论放在哪里都算是一号人物了。 Finally in this person of eye, is actually only waste sediment one. 结果在此人眼里,却只是废物渣滓一个。 This saying passes on, does not know that many people must cry to faint in the restroom, because the standard of their waste sediment enough not on. 这话传出去,不知有多少人得哭晕在厕所,因为他们连废物渣滓的标准都够不上。 Idle talk said, presently can make me well happy!” “废话说完,现在可以让我好好痛快一把了!” The herd god is laughing sticking out suddenly. 牧神大笑着暴起。 The both sides positive/direct bang hits again. 双方再一次正面轰撞。 However this actually unusual tranquility, without the huge momentum of calamity, felt that time is only two ordinary expert contests in that almost cannot see what technique content. 不过这一次却异乎寻常的平静,没有了天塌地陷的巨大声势,给人感觉就只是两个普通高手在那过招,几乎看不出什么技术含量。 The distant place people have doubts. 远处众人不由疑惑。 The only king three looks at the eyelid crazily to jump certainly, under heart cursed: Mother, both are abnormal!” 唯独王三绝看得眼皮狂跳,心下大骂:“妈的,两个都是变态!” Others do not look clearly, can actually see at his level clearly. 其他人看不明白,以他的层次却能清晰看到。 With two people fists to the bang, two person weeks has the debris to emit unceasingly, according to like this develops, sooner or later the hit space will collapse! 随着两人的拳头对轰,两人身周不断有空间碎片冒出,照这样发展下去,迟早会被打的空间坍塌! The space collapses, in any place is the disaster, even if will also form the chain-reaction little, even evolves the disaster that makes a snowman finally. 空间坍塌,在任何地方都是灾难,哪怕只有一点点也会形成连锁反应,甚至最终演变成滚雪球的天灾。 If the independent mystical place, collapsing also collapsed, depends on the space restores ability, on has met recover such as beginning. 如果是独立秘境,坍塌也就坍塌了,靠着空间的自我修复能力,过上一阵又会恢复如初。 But this lord World to be different. 可这主世界不一样啊。 Once really presents the chain-reaction, that cannot stop, even finally space recover, this piece of person will still probably die may not certainly. 一旦真的出现连锁反应,那根本就停不下来,就算最后空间会自行恢复,这一片的人也非得死绝了不可。 However the fact showed that the king three wants certainly. 不过事实证明,王三绝还是想多了。 The debris has not spread. 空间碎片并没有蔓延开来。 Herd god and Lin Yi's strength, although terrifying, but has not really arrived can puncture conveniently lord the World situation. 牧神和林逸的实力虽然恐怖,但也还真没到能够随手打穿主世界的地步。 Ripples admittedly has the ripples, but also is ripples, even if this side World is not the stars sea, that is still vast Taihu Lake. 涟漪固然是有涟漪,可也就是一丝涟漪而已,这方世界即便不是星辰大海,那也是浩瀚太湖。 Several points of ripples, but also is not enough to affect fundamentally. 几分涟漪,还不足以影响到根本。 The bonus is so, the king three looks certainly as before fearful and apprehensive. 饶是如此,王三绝依旧看得心惊肉跳。 As the war is thorough, both sides have gradually made the anger, each one has used the regular strength. 随着战局深入,双方已逐渐打出火气,各自已动用起了规则力量。 Lin Yi also clarified the card in a hand of opposite party finally. 林逸也终于弄清楚了对方的底牌。 powerful rule. 强力规则。 If puts secular world, Lin Yi believes that this goods can hold concurrent jobs to work as Physics study Professor ready ready. 如果放到世俗界,林逸相信这货妥妥能去兼职当个物理教授 Other not to mention, single view the understanding of the strong action, this from the number Sky King city main mansion No. 2 character can ready ready the steamroll certainly large number mechanics expert. 其他且不说,单论对强作用力的理解,这位自号天王的城主府二号人物妥妥能碾压绝大数力学专家。 After all others study at most, but he is actually the essence control. 毕竟人家顶多是研究,而他却是实质掌控。
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