SBPE :: Volume #16

#9775: Chapter 9775

Since this is willing to shelter refined appearance Shen, that means that so long as pay enough price, can shelter their these neutral influences? 这位既然愿意庇护风神沈家,那是不是意味着只要自己付出足够的代价,就同样有可能庇护他们这些中立势力? Although does not dare visible direct binding on Lin Yi, but if can suffering unexpected financial losses eliminating the risk, be many such a charm amulet, certainly large number influence or extremely on the scene want. 虽然不敢明着直接绑定在林逸身上,但如果能够破财消灾,多这么一张护身符,在场绝大数势力还是十分愿意的。 Naturally, that premise is he can shoulder the city main mansion directly, at least can suppress the present Sky King herd god! 当然,那个前提是他能正面扛住城主府,至少得能压制眼前的天王牧神! One group of idiots.” “一群蠢货。” Although the herd god seems like in the brain to be covered with the pure boorish fellow of muscle at first sight, thoughts extremely is actually bright, can the sensation present everyone's psychology to fluctuate momentarily, but he is disinclined to respond. 牧神虽然乍看起来像是脑子里长满肌肉的纯莽夫,实则心思十分剔透,随时能够感知在场所有人的心理波动,只不过他懒得搭理罢了。 This ability, is called the mind. 这项能力,叫做心眼。 However once this ability uses during the fight, that may be another appearance. 不过一旦这项能力用在战斗之中,那可就是另一番模样了。 He does not use generally, because this will affect him to enjoy the fight the pleasure. 只是,他一般都不用,因为这会影响他享受战斗的乐趣。 Just like the present. 正如眼下。 If he begins using the mind, Lin Yi multi- clone is also again useless, because his twinkling can lock the true body. 他如果启用心眼,林逸化出再多分身也没有用,因为他瞬息就能锁定真身。 Arrived their levels, clone actually had affected limitedly, even if domain clone is also the same, only if Lin Yi can go a step further based on this, causes the regular level clone, that really can become new lethal trump card actually. 到了他们这个层次,分身其实已经作用有限,哪怕是领域分身也一样,除非林逸能够在此基础上更进一步,弄出规则层次的分身,那倒是真能成为新的杀手锏了。 Naturally, this indulgent matter also thinks. 当然,这种异想天开的事情也就想想而已。 The regular strength is not the cabbage of roadside, which is he wants to pick to pick, the chance, perception and strength, the aspects have to have such a opportunity to moisten the least bit completely. 规则力量又不是路边的大白菜,哪是他想捡就能捡得起来的,机缘、悟性、实力,方方面面全部具备才有那么一丝机会沾到半点。 As more and more clone were hit to explode, the herd god finally starts to think that was somewhat senseless, the mind opens, locks the Lin Yi position. 随着越来越多的分身被打爆,牧神终于开始觉得有些无趣了,心眼一开,锁定林逸位置。 Immediately then flees to Lin Yi in front. 当即便窜至林逸面前。 Said one, this nearly flickers to move in others opinion, but in fact this is his pure mortal body strength shows, without using any extra ability, the minimum movement does not have continually. 多说一句,这一幕在旁人看来近乎瞬移,但实际上这是他纯粹的肉身力量展现,没有使用任何额外的能力,连起码的身法都没有。 Giving up affectation, this is the wisest movement.” “返璞归真,这就是最高明的身法。” Under the Lin Yi heart actually for the first time somewhat admired. 林逸心下却是破天荒有些艳羡。 Each man has one type regarding the pure strength from the pursue of instinct, although his variable step is wise, may be less than the opposite party simple and crude eventually. 每一个男人对于纯粹的力量都有一种发自本能的追求,他的无常步虽然高明,可终究不及对方简单粗暴。 To be opposite party level, the mortal body at least needs five breakthrough growth limits, this need long-term temperance and accumulation, solely do not depend on the perception in one single day to solve. 只是想要达到对方这种层次,肉身至少需要五次突破生长极限,这需要长时间的锤炼和积累,不是单单靠悟性一朝一夕能够解决的。 Also has the thoughts to be absent-minded before me? Are you provoking me?” “在我面前还有心思开小差?你是在挑衅我?” The herd god faint voice of conveys, coming is the innumerable black fist shadow, scary of might, made a series of space cracks unexpectedly! 牧神淡漠的声音传来,迎面而至的就是无数个黑色拳影,威力之骇人,竟是生生打出了一连串的空间裂缝! This is not the independent mystical place. 要知道,这可不是独立秘境啊。 Space barrier of independent mystical place is quite relatively frail, was made the space crack is also nothing unusual, but here is the solid principal space, makes the difficulty of space crack to be far more than high over a thousand times! 独立秘境的空间壁障相对比较脆弱,被打出空间裂缝倒也不足为奇,可这里是实实在在的主空间,打出空间裂缝的难度何止高上千倍! Key goods useless anything style, is depends on a pair of fist to hit radically purely hardly. 关键这货根本都没用什么招式,纯粹就是靠着一双拳头硬打。 Putting down the A output is so terrifying, if traded killing move that presses the bottom, that scene cannot imagine simply. 平A输出都这么恐怖,要是换了压箱底的杀招,那场面简直不可想象。 However Lin Yi also has no time to let. 不过林逸也不遑多让。 The opposite party make the space crack at the same time, his here handed over also delivered small-scale black hole. 对方打出空间裂缝的同时,他这边转手也送了一个小型黑洞。 The people who the distant place surrounds have looked thoroughly stupidly, until finally some people awakens, escapes without delay, this scatters in all directions finally as if awakening from a dream the escape. 远处围观的众人已经彻底看傻了,直至终于有人惊醒过来,二话不说夺路而逃,这才终于如梦初醒四散逃命。 The fight of top strength, is really not the average person wants to surround can surround. 顶级战力的战斗,真不是一般人想围观就能围观的。 If really wants to look at this liveliness, must complete to pay the life consciousness. 真要想看这一场热闹,必须得做好付出生命的觉悟。 Then a little meaning!” “这才有点意思!” Herd god not startled counter- happy, laughs a fist to pound to the black hole, was stuck a face by the space and time turbulent flow. 牧神不惊反喜,大笑着一拳砸向黑洞,然后就被时空乱流糊了一脸。 Trades to be the average person, even if giant grand perfection Late Phase peak expert, dual falls from the sky on the origin spirit mortal body directly at the scene, may arrive at his here to be unexpectedly superficial! 换做一般人,哪怕是巨头大圆满后期巅峰高手,直接当场就得元神肉身双重陨落,可到了他这里居然不痛不痒! Really is also monster that grasped the regular strength!” “果然也是个掌握了规则力量的怪物!” Lin Yi secret nod. 林逸暗暗点头。 The strong mortal body is impossible to live to shoulder the space and time turbulent flow, moreover returns safe and sound, the only explanation is the regular strength, be only the regular strength of same level has the possibility. 再强的肉身也不可能生扛时空乱流,而且还毫发无伤,唯一的解释就是规则力量,只有同层次的规则力量才有可能。 However concrete is what rule, grasped several points, but must continue to probe to know. 不过具体是什么规则,到底掌握了几分,还得继续试探下去才能知道。 Again come!” “再来!” The herd god laughs is fleeing to Lin Yi in front of again, but Lin Yi these also no longer withdraws time, opened five lines of extremely Titan big buddha shapes directly, the meeting the tough head-on with toughness upfront with it to just! 牧神大笑着再度窜至林逸面前,而林逸这一次也不再退避,直接开启五行化极泰坦大佛形态,硬碰硬正面与之对刚! Bang! 轰! both sides to the powerful blow wave that the bang creates, shortly will have given the plow the ground that will sink. 双方对轰造成的强大冲击波,顷刻之间把本就已经下沉的地面又给犁了一遍。 Although refined appearance Shen this chapter is insufficient to fall the family extermination of the clan the fate, but the entire Family station is actually destroyed in a moment, is good because of his family/home as the flying shuttle monopoly business, most does not lack is spirit jade. 风神沈家这回虽说不至于落个破家灭族的下场,可整个家族驻地却是毁于一旦,好在他家作为飞梭垄断商,最不缺的就是灵玉 So long as the person is all right, reconstructing a Family station is only trivial matter one. 只要人没事,重建一个家族驻地只是小事一桩。 Let alone to the influences of their level, each one had the independent mystical place, the true Family background hides in the mystical place, even if outside these destroyed cleanly at most are still only a wound fur/superficial knowledge. 何况到了他们这种层次的势力,各自都有独立秘境,真正的家族底蕴都藏在秘境之中,外面这些就算毁干净了顶多也只是伤点皮毛而已。 Just like at present Shen high and low, looks at this except for the shock, even also thought that gained. 正如眼下沈家上下,看着这一幕除了震惊,甚至还都觉得赚到了。 After all the top of this rank clashes, is normal they unable to see for a lifetime, toward small said this is subject for a lifetime, toward big said that perhaps in them some people can take the opportunity to see the light suddenly the breakthrough! 毕竟这种级别的顶级对撞,正常他们一辈子都看不到,往小了说这就是一辈子的谈资,往大了说,他们之中说不定有人就能借机顿悟突破! In field both sides, as the rhythm speeds up, crossed both sides of probe stage no longer to restrain strength. 场中双方,随着节奏加快,过了试探阶段的双方都已不再收敛实力 Fights between two top strengths, turned to the dauntless man showdown of meat impressively sincerely! 两位顶级战力之间的战斗,赫然变成了拳拳到肉的硬汉对决! At this time, the textbook conventional tactical rules that the domain collided and so on have expired thoroughly, regarding each other, the domain opened in a big way, the flaw was then bigger. 这种时候,领域碰撞之类的教科书式常规战法已经彻底失效,对于彼此来说,领域开得越大,破绽便越大。 Even if the Lin Yi's perfect five lines of domains is the same! 哪怕是林逸的完美五行领域都一样! Only has like five lines condenses the complete domain strength in the style of 1 : 00 eruption extremely, may apply. 唯有像五行化极这样将全部领域力量凝聚于一点爆发的招式,才有可能派上用场。 In fact even so, still very difficult wound to arrive at each other both sides. 事实上即便如此,也很难伤到彼此双方。 Arrived the giant ultimate grand perfection level, must look regarding the control of regular strength finally, that is truly fatal killing move, but killing move is killing move, lies in not being able easily to display. 到了巨头终极大圆满层次,最终还是要看对于规则力量的掌控,那才是真正致命的杀招,只不过杀招之所以是杀招,就在于不能轻易施展。 Once has the move, must see the life and death. 一旦出招,必须见生死。 At this moment although both sides have crossed the probe stage, but has not been in the situation that the life and death sets up sees, strict, this as before is a probe, but is actually a probe whole-heartedly. 此刻双方虽然已经过了试探阶段,但还没到生死立见的地步,严格来说,这依旧是一场试探,不过却是一场全力以赴的试探。 Five lines of Titan big buddhas, under this shape spell extremely directly hardly, Lin Yi little has suffering a loss extremely time, even if had no time to let to on alone king and dropping dragon such existence before. 五行化极泰坦大佛,这个形态之下与人正面硬拼,林逸极少有吃亏的时候,即便之前对上独王、堕龙那样的存在都不遑多让。 However at this time facing herd god, except for from the beginning several times to bang, but can also be shares half and half reluctantly beside, then did not have the suspense to develop in the one-sided direction. 然而此时面对牧神,除了一开始几次对轰,还能勉强算是平分秋色之外,接下来却是毫无悬念朝着一边倒的方向发展了。 Opposite fist fast is getting quicker and quicker, Titan big buddha was compelled to retrocede layer upon layer, the body ray even more is also dim. 对面拳速越来越快,泰坦大佛被逼得层层后退,身上光芒也愈发黯淡。 This? Does not satisfy a craving!” “就这?不过瘾!” The herd god the big feeling is disappointed immediately, just experienced Lin Yi domineering side, he also thinks that today finally meets a substantive powerful enemy, finally can let loose the self- fetter to get well. 牧神顿时大感失望,刚刚见识了林逸强势的一面,他还以为今天终于遇上了一个有份量的强敌,终于可以放开自我束缚好好打上一场。 Without thinking is actually rejoices without reason, he has not acted seriously, the opposite party could not have supported. 没想到却是空欢喜一场,他都还没动真格的,对方就已经撑不下去了。
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