SBPE :: Volume #16

#9774: Chapter 9774

Lin Yi in his eyes is the sediment same unimportant person, does not need him to begin personally, talked the goods that casually can press with ease, now grows even he to need to be afraid in an instant unexpectedly, powerful existence that even his father needs to attach great importance to! 林逸在他眼里原本不过是渣滓一样的小人物,根本都不需要他亲自动手,随便动动嘴皮子就能轻松摁死的货色,如今一转眼居然成长到了连他都需要害怕,甚至连他父亲都需要重视的强大存在! If not for this moment herd god stands there, perhaps he will really not have scruples anything at this time again face, the tone runs directly without delay. 若不是此刻牧神站在那里,他这个时候恐怕真不会再顾忌什么面子面子,直接二话不说调头就跑。 face important, is poor life important, this he can figure out. 面子重要,还是小命重要,这点他还是拎得清的。 Otherwise as long as Lin Yi, caught him actually to threaten the city main mansion slightly shameless, the consequence was dreadful. 否则林逸但凡稍微无耻一点,抓了他却威胁城主府,后果不堪设想。 The herd god narrowed the eye slightly: „Did you kill the Qin to be outstanding?” 牧神微微眯起了眼睛:“你杀了秦人杰?” Is.” “算是吧。” Lin Yi's made audience in an uproar honestly. 林逸的坦诚令全场一阵哗然。 All influence represents to size up hastily, can cut to kill Qin and god of death squad, moreover dares to be in front of Sky King herd god to acknowledge unscrupulously directly, this person of flamboyant degree has surpassed their conventional cognition completely. 各方势力代表连忙重新打量起来,能够斩杀秦人杰和死神小队,而且还敢肆无忌惮直接当着天王牧神的面承认下来,这人的牛逼程度已经完全超出他们的常规认知了。 However, so flamboyant big shot level exists, just how did a point have the feeling? 不过,如此牛逼的大佬级存在,刚刚怎么一点存在感都没有? Even, they could not recall when Lin Yi comes, leaves behind an unclear sleep/felt of face to be severe in abundance. 甚至,他们根本都回想不起来林逸是什么时候进来的,纷纷留下一脸的不明觉厉。 Ok, today does not have came in vain finally.” “可以,今天总算没有白来一趟。” Herd god is saying, while takes out a pair of black glove to put on slowly, the air/Qi field of whole body also starts to rise suddenly crazily. 牧神一边说着,一边取出一双黑色手套缓缓戴上,周身的气场随之开始疯狂暴涨。 The ground that in a flash, the entire refined appearance Shen is at collapses three zhang (3.33 m)! 一瞬之间,整个风神沈家所在的地面都生生塌下去三丈有余! The ground is split up, Shen high and low and a guest injured party is countless. 地面四分五裂,沈家上下和一众宾客受伤者不计其数。 This also merely is only the prestige of air/Qi field. 这还仅仅只是气场之威。 Lin Yi hints Shen Yifan to lead the person to draw back, looks at opposite this strongly, if the man of demon god, revealed the prudent color rarely. 林逸示意沈一凡带人退下,看着对面这个强若魔神的男人,难得露出了慎重之色。 So far, he has confronted giant ultimate grand perfection expert did not calculate little, coping with this kind of thorny character also gained in some experiences. 到目前为止,他所对阵过的巨头终极大圆满高手也不算少了,对付此类棘手人物也算是积累了一些经验。 However, front Sky King herd god, unlike he had seen in the past anybody. 不过,面前的这位天王牧神,跟他以往见过的任何人都不一样。 This person, is strong very purely. 这个人,强得很纯粹。 Nearby king three hold the pants pocket to say certainly: Wants me to help shout one, you're welcome.” 一旁王三绝揣着裤兜说道:“要我帮忙就喊一声,不用客气。” The herd god shot a look at his one eyes: Symbol does Wang Family have such energy? Hehe, extraordinary.” 牧神瞥了他一眼:“阵符王家也有这样的底气?呵呵,了不起。” On face not contemptuous expression, but the meaning of despising can be seen in speech and appearance. 脸上毫无轻蔑表情,但轻蔑之意溢于言表。 The kings three do not have the least bit enraged meaning certainly, said indifferently: „ Your city main mansion is flamboyant, said that extinguishes the person whole families to extinguish the person whole families, I small symbol Wang Family naturally cannot provoke, in the past should instigate that is instigating, has nothing disgraced. 王三绝却是没有半点被激怒的意思,无所谓道:“你们城主府多牛逼啊,说灭人满门就灭人满门,我小小的阵符王家当然招惹不起,以往该怂就怂着点,也没什么丢人的。 However now you violate stupid, provoked the powerful enemy on own initiative, that do not blame me to step on a foot. ” 不过如今你们自己犯蠢,主动招惹了强敌,那就别怪我来踩上一脚了。” Powerful enemy?” “强敌?” The herd god shakes the head slightly: He has not been, the Qin could not represent the city main mansion top strength outstandingly, even if extinguished his god of death squad, still made the inadequate many pressures, that team, the city main mansion can pull up ten eight momentarily again.” 牧神微微摇头:“他还算不上,秦人杰代表不了城主府的顶级战力,就算灭了他的死神小队,也造不成多少压力,那种队伍,城主府随时可以再拉起十支八支。” This saying listens quite to boast, even if Qin is not real giant ultimate grand perfection expert, that is still ready proper would-be giant ultimate grand perfection expert. 这话听着相当吹牛,秦人杰就算不是货真价实的巨头终极大圆满高手,那也是妥妥的准巨头终极大圆满高手 Even if the character of that rank Jianghai Institute cannot discover many, the city main mansion is more impossible. 那种级别的人物就算江海学院都找不出多少,城主府就更加不可能了。 But Lin Yi hears come out, this saying not how much moisture contents. 可是林逸听得出来,这话并没有多少水分。 Like this proud and pure person, disdains in radically lying, even if faces like oneself the enemy. 像这种骄傲而纯粹的人,根本就不屑于说谎,哪怕是面对像自己这样的敌人。 Lin Yi smiles: If I extinguished you here, the city main mansion does meet the pain?” 林逸笑了笑:“那如果我在这里灭了你,城主府是不是会痛一点?” You do not match.” “你不配。” The herd god voice falls, the under foot catches up suddenly, under the whole person flickered to cross ten several feet distances to be direct presently in front of Lin Yi, wears the iron fist of jet black gauntlet/glove also to rumble on the Lin Yi face. 牧神话音落下,脚下猛然发力,整个人下一瞬就越过十数丈的距离直接出现在林逸面前,戴着漆黑拳套的铁拳随之轰在林逸脸上。 Lin Yi was exploded by the hammer immediately. 林逸当即被生生锤爆。 The entire process is extremely short, winked the eyelid to the people quickly without enough time, the fight had finished. 整个过程极短,快到众人连眼皮都来不及眨一下,战斗就已结束了。 The audience are stunned. 全场愕然。 The only king three looks certainly this is calm and composed even in press of work, the herd god shows come out strength to be truly terrorist in this flash, even his observer responded without enough time, but must say that Lin Yi was easily rumbled to kill, that talked nonsense absolutely. 唯独王三绝看着这一幕好整以暇,牧神在这一瞬间展现出来实力确实恐怖,连他这个旁观者都来不及反应,可要说林逸这么轻易就被轰杀了,那绝对是扯淡。 Sure enough, next second of Lin Yi then perfect reappears before the people. 果不其然,下一秒林逸便完好无损的在众人面前重新出现。 Moreover, is over a hundred. 而且,一下就是上百个。 clone. 分身 Lin Yi very long has not used clone massively, after all the beforehand opponent has not compelled in him this share, however the present Sky King herd god, can actually be joined to this treatment. 林逸已经很久没有这么大规模使用分身了,毕竟之前的对手都没把他逼到这个份上,但是眼前的天王牧神,却配得上这个待遇。 Is gaudy.” “又是花里胡哨。” The herd god said faintly, immediately is changes into the remnant shadow, Lin Yi has many clone together, he has many remnant shades. 牧神淡漠的说了一句,随即又是化为一道残影,林逸有多少个分身,他就有多少个残影。 Almost at the same time, each Lin Yi clone same was recorded in the black fist bang, then the total hammers explode, does not remain. 几乎在同一时间,每一个林逸分身都被同一记黑拳轰中,然后全数锤爆,一个不留。 The twinkling clears. 瞬息清场。 However is many Lin Yi clone, was just several hundred, then directly was over a thousand! 不过紧接着便是更多的林逸分身,刚刚是数百个,这下直接就是上千个! Dealing of herd god as before simple direct, figure twinkle over a thousand remnant shades, as before is a fist, the complete hammer explodes. 牧神的应对依旧简单直接,身形闪烁化出上千个残影,依旧是一个一拳,全部锤爆。 The both sides rapidness of attack and defense rhythm, some looking farther ahead quarter people cannot breathe. 双方的攻防节奏之快,看得远处所有人都喘不过气来。 Then is only the appetizer.” “这才只是开胃菜啊。” The kings three said certainly leisurely, be that as it may, he actually is also looks fights intent to be vigorous, hot blooded rushes, do not forget him is also a young fellow. 王三绝悠悠说了一句,话虽如此,他本人却也是看得战意蓬勃,热血澎湃,别忘了他也是一个少年人啊。 If not for the body is shouldering entire symbol Wang Family, he also really the hope to have such a to put together all fights evenly matched, what a pity, this matter is doomed also only to be thinks. 若不是身上肩负着整个阵符王家,他也真希望能有这样一场势均力敌拼上一切的战斗,可惜,这种事注定也只能是想想而已。 Said accurately, so far, actually can only be probe and warming up of both sides. 准确的说,到目前为止,其实只能算是双方的试探和热身。 May regarding the people on the scene, light/only be this warms up to make them say, in them the large number person certainly, continually is casual complementary waves unable to receive. 可对于在场众人来说,光是这点热身就已经让他们直呼受不住了,他们中的绝大数人,连随便一点余波都受不住。 If in field these two if runs up to their home to open does, halves the minutes family extermination of the clan certainly. 如果场中这俩要是跑到他们家中开干,绝对分分钟破家灭族。 Jianghai city already the high-end fight of too long not this level, people have started to fade from the memory gradually these true top strength some multi- terrors, some people even think, so long as is willing to bid, even the top strength will still do the cow to make the horse for them. 江海城已经太久没有这种层次的高端战斗,以致于人们已经渐渐开始淡忘那些真正的顶级战力到底有多恐怖了,有人甚至以为只要肯出价,即便顶级战力也会为他们做牛做马。 If nothing else, symbol Wang Family does not have one. 别的不说,阵符王家不就有一位嘛。 However until at this moment, them realizes own idea finally oddly. 然而直到此刻,他们才终于意识到自己的想法有多离谱。 Suddenly, the people thoughts are especially complex. 一时间,众人心思格外复杂。 Also increased fear to city main mansion, but also increased to the awe of Jianghai Institute, even their news is not quick, still knows that Lin Yi is five of failing a grade fresh institute great, but in Jianghai Institute, the top strength of his progression and incessantly two. 既增加了对城主府的畏惧,但同时也增加了对江海学院的敬畏,即便他们消息再不灵通,也知道林逸是留级生院的五巨,而在江海学院,他这种级数的顶级战力并不止一个两个。 Thinks it over, finally a numerous influence represents draws the same conclusion as if by prior agreement. 思来想去,最终一众势力代表不约而同得出同一个结论。 Sitting on the fence. 骑墙。 Shows the attitude at least before Jianghai Institute thoroughly, cannot too early reverse to the city main mansion, once otherwise the city main mansion falls from power, they must follow completely unlucky. 至少在江海学院彻底亮明态度之前,绝不能太早倒向城主府,否则一旦城主府倒台,他们全部都得跟着倒霉。 Meanwhile they must try to find the solution, at least cannot make the city main mansion project on their heads the idea forcefully, falls a being with one's family broken up and decimated pitiful fate early. 但同时他们也得想办法,至少不能让城主府强行将主意打到他们的头上,早早落一个家破人亡的凄惨下场。 After all sits on the fence is not good to ride, especially regarding the small influence, this is very difficult technique lives ready ready. 毕竟骑墙也不是那么好骑的,尤其对于小势力而言,这妥妥是高难度的技术活。 Quick, in them had the Congming/smart person to project in clone innumerable Lin Yi the idea. 很快,他们之中有聪明人就将主意打到了分身无数的林逸身上。
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