SBPE :: Volume #16

#9863: Chapter 9863

Half th division returns to the subject saying: Such being the case, that will fight the mysterious boundary degradation simply, this can reduce to the loss of background, simultaneously strengthens the stability of entire mystical place , helping the quick repair loophole, answers multiple purpose.” 洛半师回归正题道:“既然如此,那就干脆将战神秘境降级吧,这样可以减少对底蕴的损耗,同时增强整个秘境的稳定性,有利于快速修复漏洞,一举多得。” Lin Yi gawked, isn't this safe mode? 林逸愣了一下,这不就是安全模式吗? Takes limiting various functions as the price, reduces the power loss at the same time assures the security, is really the myriad things is interlinked. 以限制各种功能为代价,降低功耗的同时保证安全,果然是万物相通。 As the matter stands, not only solved the hidden danger, guaranteed the mystical place effect in disguised form. 这样一来,不仅解决了隐患,同时也变相保证了秘境效果。 The trial pattern of original, once although goes through customs, trial then can obtain not the unimaginable great benefit, but first threshold and difficulty are extremely high, secondly trial quota extremely is limited, being doomed only to be few top cultivator paradises. 原版的这种试炼模式,虽然一旦通关,试炼者便能得到无法想象的巨大好处,但是一来门槛和难度都极高,二来试炼名额十分有限,注定只能是极少数顶级修炼者的乐园。 If is so open direct to the general training battalion member, definitely will have various twists and turns. 要是就这么直接开放给广大训练营成员,必然会生出各种波折。 But after the presently mystical place degrades, although individual improvement effect no longer that abnormal, but actually also lowered the admittance threshold enormously, can benefit everyone as far as possible, fully conforms to the objective of training battalion. 现在秘境降级之后,虽然个人提升效果不再那么变态,但同时却也极大降低了准入门槛,可以尽可能惠及所有人,完全符合训练营的宗旨。 Let alone the so-called improvement effect variation, is only the relative original. 何况所谓的提升效果变差,只是相对原版而言。 Regarding a Jianghai Institute numerous high-end strength, this as before is the top resources of only happening by happy circumstance, so long as is not they extremely draws the hip, an issue trains, completely has on opportunity one! 对于江海学院一众高端战力来说,这依旧是可遇不可求的顶级资源,只要不是他们自己太过拉胯,一期训练下来,完全有机会更上一层! Sees Lin Yi to set firm resolve, the day toward the sun also no longer rubbish with half th division, immediately leads him to comb hand in hand entire fights the mysterious boundary. 林逸已经下定决心,天向阳和洛半师也就不再废话,当即手把手带着他梳理整个战神秘境。 If nothing else, is only degradation process of this to fighting mysterious boundary, made Lin Yi benefit greatly. 别的不说,光是这个对战神秘境的降级过程,就令林逸受益匪浅。 To constituting some source rules of mystical place, particularly the operation pattern of space rule, had a deeper cognition. 对构成秘境的一些本源规则,尤其是空间规则的运行模式,有了更深的认知。 Originally 5% rule control, starts also to promote slowly. 原本百分之五的规则掌控度,也开始随之缓缓提升。 Although this wave of promotion is not quick, the overall scope is not in a big way, but can actually lay the foundation of Lin Yi to regular cognition, in the long run is profits absolutely infinitely. 这波提升虽然不算快,整体幅度也算不上有多大,但却能夯实林逸对规则认知的基础,从长远来看绝对是受益无穷。 But while the Lin Yi three people are busy transforms fights the mysterious boundary, in the network also some people had a wave of rhythm. 而就在林逸三人忙着改造战神秘境的同时,网络上却又有人带起了一波节奏。 The spearhead points to Lin Yi. 矛头直指林逸 Withstand/Top exile like Lin Yi, by black that was ordinary daily, the Lin Yi people have also become accustomed, he looked that did not look. 林逸这样的顶流人物,被黑那就是再普通不过的日常,林逸众人对此也早就已经习以为常,他本人更是连看都不看。 However these is disparaging his strength actually not, but changed a quite novel angle. 不过这一回倒不是在贬低他的实力,而是换了一个相当新奇的角度。 I remember that dust the view, must fighting the mysterious boundary contribution probably gives the entire school? presently had sole possession by a Lin Yi person, this table manners were also too ugly!” “我记得尘家的说法,好像是要把战神秘境贡献给整个学院的吧?现在却被林逸一个人独吞了,这吃相也太难看了吧!” Yes, betting is about a day of family/home and entire wartime committee makes the notarization, does not look on face of entire school, he goes to bet this war mysterious boundary with dust!” “就是啊,赌约是天家和整个战时委员会给做公证的,不是看在整个学院的面子上,他拿头去跟尘家赌这个战神秘境!” Takes everyone to choose the come out reputation to go with others to the gambling, lost did not owe, wins the blood to gain, Ok!” “拿着大家选出来的名头去跟人家对赌,输了不亏,赢了血赚,可以的!” Your this does not understand, hasn't listened to the stem that secular world 37 have been divided into? Under us these people only then the represented share, do not look at full that others gain, if you want to point in the seam to fish a soup to drink from him, no way!” “你们这就不懂了吧,没听过世俗界三七分成的梗吗?我们底下这些人就只有被人代表的份,别看人家赚的盆满钵满,你要是想从他手指缝里捞点汤喝,门都没有!” Various mystifying blot out the sky instantaneously. 各种阴阳怪气瞬间铺天盖地。 Although also many sounds stand come out to maintain Lin Yi, but will be besieged the taunt immediately. 虽然也有不少声音站出来维护林逸,但立马就会被围攻嘲讽。 The general idea/careless is, your floor outcastes also ration Lin Yi such top big shot to wash, knows own how many jin (0.5 kg) how many do two, know do own buttocks sit? 大意就是,你个底层贱民也配给林逸那样的顶层大佬洗地,知不知道自己几斤几两,知不知道自己屁股坐哪儿? Under adding fuel to the flames of person with high aspirations, various types searched for by the top on view of the Lin Yi table manners ugly topic hotly. 在有心人的推波助澜之下,各种针对林逸吃相难看的话题纷纷被顶上热搜。 Even if these of original standpoint neutrality eat the melon people, under the environment coerced joins denounced the army, the momentum was getting bigger and bigger, gradually became the potential of blotting out the sky. 哪怕原本立场中立的那些吃瓜群众,也在大环境裹挟下纷纷加入了声讨大军,声势越来越大,渐成铺天盖地之势。 Saw in the final analysis others eat the envy of meat instinct to be uncomfortable, this is the human inherent instinct. 说到底看到别人吃肉就会本能的嫉妒不爽,这是人类与生俱来的天性。 Really thinks that the thing of my dust is so good to take? Hehe, experiences taste of a hundred mouths cannot explain it away well!” “真以为我尘家的东西那么好拿?呵呵,好好体验一下百口莫辩的滋味吧!” The dust mountain looks that this sneers. 尘岳看着这一幕冷笑不已。 Although under the situation, their dust has to give up as a war mysterious boundary of foundation of clan before, but Lin Yi wants such comfortable eats, is not absolutely easy. 虽然之前迫于形势,他们尘家不得不放弃作为一族之本的战神秘境,但林逸就想这么舒舒服服的吃下来,也绝对没那么容易。 His presently is anticipating the Lin Yi stand come out rebuttal. 现在就期待着林逸出来反驳。 This matter always more wipes is blacker, so long as antagonistic mood instigating, that remaining is no brain output. 这种事情向来都是越抹越黑,只要把对立情绪给挑拨起来,那剩下的就是无脑输出。 The litigants said that said again sincerely objective radically useless, finally will only turn into all sorts more dangerous conspiracy theory, but Lin Yi oneself will only get sucked into the vortex, cannot extricate oneself! 当事人说再多说得再诚恳客观都根本没用,最终只会变成种种更加险恶的阴谋论,而林逸本人只会更加深陷漩涡,不可自拔! Although dust mountain these rhythm repertoires in not clear network, but as the words of dust is Elder, he understands the humane weakness, beginning this matter to him is the piece of cake. 尘岳虽然并不清楚网络上的这些节奏套路,但身为尘家的话是长老,他深谙人性的弱点,上手这种事情对他来说自是小菜一碟。 Finally from beginning to end, Lin Yi ignores to all these unexpectedly, from the start looked continually has not had a liking for one. 结果从始至终,林逸对这一切竟是置若罔闻,压根连看都没看上一眼。 Even the group of people including his under the hand | subordinate failing a grade fresh institute, does not have a core figure to stand the come out response. 甚至包括他手下留级生院的这帮人,也都没有一个核心人物站出来回应。 Lin Yi Group from top to bottom, the collective regarded the air this wave of threatening rhythm. 林逸集团从上到下,集体把这波来势汹汹的节奏当成了空气。 „Is this wants to install the ostrich cold treatment?” “这是想要装鸵鸟冷处理?” Dust mountain very self-confident pierced the Lin Yi's intention, immediately sends out to disdain to sneer: Also really thinks that feigned death can let this wave of heat degree in the past? Is so simple?” 尘岳很是自信的洞穿了林逸的意图,随即发出不屑冷笑:“还真以为装死就能让这波热度过去?有这么简单吗?” secular world really has much by the public relations case that feigning death to get by under false pretences, but that most basic premise, that is the topic character must leave the public eyes. 世俗界确实有不少靠装死来蒙混过关的公关案例,但那有一个最基本的前提,那就是话题人物必须离开公众视线。 The memory of populace is short, attention quickly by other topic dispersions, therefore the feigning death strategy will be effective. 大众的记忆毕竟是短暂的,注意力很快就会被其他话题分散,所以装死策略才会有效。 But is completely different in this Jianghai Institute. 但在这江海学院却完全不一样。 The Lin Yi's network withstand/top the class/flow position not to be possible to shake, especially had/left such matter, under rhythms wave after wave, the public eyes at all not possible to move out of the way from him, let alone also some people in behind unceasing adding fuel to the flames! 林逸的网络顶流地位根本无可撼动,尤其出了这样的事情,在一波接一波的节奏之下,公众视线根本不可能从他身上挪开,更别说还有人在背后不断的推波助澜! Popular feelings wave after wave. 舆情一波接着一波。 Although the middle also had/left other disturbances, but in dust and under an numerous secret person with high aspirations's guidance desirably, the rhythm focus of entire network falls on Lin Yi throughout. 虽然中间也出了其他的风波,但在尘家和一众幕后有心人的刻意引导下,整个网络的节奏焦点始终落在林逸身上。 He more drags not to act, the negativity that the public accumulates are more, the aspect even more is beyond redemption! 他越是拖着不出面,公众累积的负面情绪就越多,局面就越发不可收拾! For several days, Lin Yi were many one pile of new nicknames. 短短几天时间,林逸就多了一堆新外号。 Turtle god, ostrich phoenix, burying head in the sand spokesman...... 龟神,鸵鸟王,掩耳盗铃代言人…… But these, black Lin Yi is black is not a bystander who most goes all out, on the contrary is Jianghai Institute student. 而这其中,黑林逸黑得最卖力的不是外人,反倒是江海学院内部的学生 To outside person, this is eats a melon to watch the fun purely, but to their these internal student of Jianghai Institute, is actually related to the own interests. 对外面的人来说,这纯粹就是吃个瓜看个热闹,但对他们这些江海学院的内部学生来说,却是事关切身利益。 After all really must according to the view of dust, they fighting the mysterious boundary gave the entire school, rather than the Lin Yi individual, this means that at least each of them can have the share theoretically! 毕竟真要按照尘家的说法,他们是把战神秘境交给了整个学院,而不是林逸个人,这就意味着至少理论上他们每个人都能有份! That fights the mysterious boundary. 那可是战神秘境啊。 After these days's various popularizations, who hasn't known the advantage of this top mystical place? 经过这段时间的各种普及,谁还不知道这种顶级秘境的好处? So long as in going walks casually, can promote a boundary, which in the world also to have a ratio this better chance directly! 只要去里面随便走一趟,就能直接提升一个境界,天底下哪还有比这更好的机缘!
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