SBPE :: Volume #16

#9377: Chapter 9377

The adviser smiles should under: Sir felt relieved although, two masters not only do not need to brave any danger, perhaps can also bring her home , helping Sir helping hand.” 师爷微笑着应下:“大人尽管放心,二爷非但不用冒任何危险,也许还能抱得美人归,助大人一臂之力呢。” Allow nature to take its course.” “顺其自然吧。” The Nanjiang kings actually show neither approval nor disapproval: Wang Family is the raging fire boils the oil now, really must catch such steamship, was the luck is the calamity may be difficult to say very much.” 南江王却是不置可否:“王家如今是烈火烹油,真要搭上这么条大船,是福是祸可难说得很。” In an instant, three days of time has crossed. 转眼之间,三天时间已过。 Lin Yi and king Shiqing follow one on the left and other on the right in Tang Yun behind, arrived at the main entrance of Jianghai Institute, two people distinguish are, little girl is holding the hand with Tang Yun, but Lin Yi falls on the rear about ten meters. 林逸和王诗情一左一右跟在唐韵身后,来到了江海学院的正门,两人区别在于,小丫头是跟唐韵手挽着手,而林逸则是落在后方十米开外。 Regarding this Lin Yi is also very helpless, these three days he let alone chats with Tang Yun well, Tang Yun from the start not to the opportunity that he meets, is come out goes to school reluctantly agreed that makes him follow by far, as long as otherwise is close slightly, divides the minutes warning to make an arrest. 对此林逸也很是无奈,这三天他别说跟唐韵好好聊聊,唐韵压根都不给他见面的机会,也就是出来上学才勉强同意让他远远跟着,否则但凡稍微接近一点,分分钟报警抓人。 The only good news is, Tang Yun loses recalled that turns over to lose recalled, but at least the personal safety had the guarantee, before is hanging the heart may put down half. 唯一的好消息是,唐韵失忆归失忆,但至少人身安全有了保证,之前悬着的心可算是放下了一半。 Broken day grand perfection guard......” “破天大圆满的守卫……” Lin Yi looks to defend in main entrance one team of guards from afar, is flabbergasted secretly, damn saw before the broken day grand perfection guard enough has made, now unexpectedly must rise Grade that he is shocked again, such school can only describe with four characters, trench inhuman. 林逸远远看着守在正门的一队守卫,不由暗暗咋舌,尼玛之前见到破天大圆满的护卫就已经够令他震惊的了,如今居然还要再升一个档次,这样的学院只能用四个字形容,壕无人性。 The key is aura that several elites guard, Lin Yi faint feeling unexpectedly also above oneself! 关键是其中几个精英守卫的气息,林逸隐隐感觉竟然还在自己之上! After a brief actually thorough inspection, three people successful through gate exam, only this link, then made appraisal of Lin Yi to the entire school also high. 经过一番简短却周密的检查,三人成功通过门检,单是这一个环节,便令林逸对整个学院的评价又高了一层。 Although the entire process is short, but the divine sense investigation and formation shine even also include the special symbol perspective/see through, the gate of so all-around multiple perspectives examines him also is really First time sees, without regular formalities, the bystander wants to mix such as to ascend to heaven simply difficultly. 整个过程虽短,但是神识探查、阵法映照甚至还包括特殊的阵符透视,如此全方位多角度的门检他还真是第一次见,若没有正规手续,外人想要混进来简直难如登天。 At least Lin Yi confessed that does not have this assurance. 至少林逸自认没这个把握。 „A year 50 ten thousand spirit jade tuition, are really outstanding.” “一年五十万灵玉学费,果然不同凡响。” king Shiqing said after a sigh heartfeltly. 王诗情由衷感叹道。 Tang Yun hears word said with a smile: This is the city main mansion has the special financial allocation to subsidize, otherwise depends entirely on the words with own expense, tuition may continue this price, at least 3 million starts.” 唐韵闻言笑道:“这还是城主府有专门的财政拨款补助,否则全靠自费的话,学费可远不止这个价,至少三百万起步。” The king poetic appeal spits tongue: This where is goes to school? Is amasses money to shear the fragrant-flowered garlic simply.” 王诗情不由吐了吐舌头:“这哪里是上学啊?简直就是抢钱割韭菜啊。” Rushes to work as this fragrant-flowered garlic on this also many people not to, because the school threshold decides too high, does not arrive at broken day grand perfection not to have the qualifications that the registration enters a school.” “就这还有很多人抢着想要当这个韭菜而不得,因为学院门槛定得太高,不到破天大圆满连报名入学的资格都没有。” Tang Yun recalled a while ago by Wang Family Old Ancestor with the situation that the secret technique is enlightened, raised broken day grand perfection her boundary forcefully at one fell swoop, action of the proper heaven defying! 唐韵不禁回想起前阵子自己被王家老祖用秘术醍醐灌顶的情形,硬生生将她的境界一举拔高到了破天大圆满,妥妥的逆天之举! On the other hand, this is also an embarrassed portrayal that Wang Family lacks successors immediately. 话说回来,这也是王家当下后继无人的一个窘迫写照。 After all secret technique type of thing is often representing the enormous price, even at the Wang Family Old Ancestor strength level, use so exaggerating being enlightened still wants the damaging severely vitality, if not the situation compels, even if Tang Yun again his favor, will not spare no expense to handle this matter. 毕竟秘术这种东西往往代表着极大的代价,即便以王家老祖实力层次,使用如此夸张的醍醐灌顶也都要大伤元气,若非形势所迫,哪怕唐韵再得他欢心,也不会不惜血本做这种事情。 Fortunately I am only a young housemaid, is not formal student.” “还好我只是一个小丫鬟,不是正式学生。” King poetic appeal rejoiced, according to the school custom, each student can lead a retinue, can the following master audit, but does not enjoy school any benefits and substantive jurisdiction. 王诗情一阵庆幸,按照学院规矩,每个学生可以带一名仆从,可以跟着主人旁听,但不享受学院任何福利和实质权限。 Rear Lin Yi is also one rejoiced: Fortunately I am broken day grand perfection, otherwise could not come.” 后方林逸也是一阵庆幸:“还好我是破天大圆满,要不然就进不来了。” Wang Family gives the status that he arranges, although is Tang Yun's personal Bodyguard, but looks from the procedure/program, is actually solid school student, single this point it can be said that benefitted from Wang Family huge. 王家给他安排的身份虽是唐韵的贴身保镖,但从程序上看,却是实实在在的学院学生,单这一点可说是沾了王家天大的光。 Has saying that as the king half city in Legend, the Wang Family background and breadth of spirit is really not general aristocratic family can place on a par. 不得不说,作为传说中的王半城,王家的底蕴和气魄真不是一般世家能够相提并论的。 Tang Yun stared his one eyes speechless, Lin Yi understood immediately. 唐韵无言的瞪了他一眼,林逸立马就看懂了。 Not being able to come to be good. 进不来才好。 At this time the front broadcast a moderate masculine sound suddenly: „The Tang Yun study younger sister, you really came, welcome.” 这时前方忽然传来一个温和的男性声音:“唐韵学妹,你果然来了,欢迎。” Three people look following the sound, what heaving in sight is one seems like the young men who makings aloof but actually reveal has rare warm feeling, Lin Yi startled, its appearance with the makings, has eight points of similar to Nanjiang king Jing who the past few days sees. 三人循声看去,映入眼帘的是一个看似气质高冷但却流露出一丝难得的暖意的青年男子,林逸不由愕然,其样貌跟气质,跟前些天见的南江王竟有八分相似。 Own younger brother of Nanjiang king children of the same mother, Jiang Ziheng. 正是南江王一母同胞的亲弟弟,姜子衡。 Tang Yun is nodding the head to the person slightly: School leader Jiang.” 唐韵对着来人微微颔首:“姜学长。” The vision that Jiang Ziheng appreciates has swept on his body, then slightly crosses the king poetic appeal, fell on Lin Yi's directly: This is?” 姜子衡欣赏的目光在其身上扫过,而后略过王诗情,直接落在了林逸的头上:“这位是?” Lin Yi blinks had not replied, then looks to Tang Yun. 林逸眨了眨眼睛没有回答,转而看向唐韵 Replying that Tang Yun must not prefer very much: He called Lin Yi, is Bodyguard that in the family/home gave me to arrange.” 唐韵只得很不情愿的答道:“他叫林逸,是家中给我安排的保镖。” Jiang Ziheng nods: As Bodyguard can maintain the distance with you on own initiative, is somewhat knows it to understand, but must remind to in the school in the future is cautious in word and deed, otherwise disgraced , is not only he himself, meanwhile relates to the entire Wang Family face, including the king face.” 姜子衡点点头:“身为保镖能够主动跟你保持距离,算是有些自知之明了,不过还是要提醒一下日后在学院须得谨言慎行,否则丢人的不仅是他自己,同时还关系到整个王家的脸面,包括王师的脸面。” Lin Yi has not spoken, king Shiqing hears word is not dry: My Old Bro Lin Yi naturally knows that what should make should not make what, needs your a bystander of first meeting to teach? Are you very ripe with us?” 林逸这边还没说话,王诗情闻言却是不干了:“我林逸哥哥自然知道该做什么不该做什么,需要你一个初次见面的外人来教训?你跟我们很熟么?” Jiang Ziheng returns to smile: king master and I have the friendship of half th division, Wang Family is the relations is really also dense with my elder brother Jiang grand, two families passes good of family/home, my concern Wang Family honor, why not proper?” 姜子衡回以微笑:“王师与我有半师之谊,王家与我兄长姜隆也是关系甚密,两家乃是通家之好,我关心一下王家的荣誉,有何不妥?” king master in his mouth, does not hesitate the self-inflicted injury vitality to Wang Family Old Ancestor that Tang Yun is enlightened. 他口中的王师,正是不惜自伤元气给唐韵醍醐灌顶的王家老祖 The Lin Yi eyelid jumps: Jiang grand? Are you younger brother of Nanjiang king?” 林逸眼皮一跳:“姜隆?你是南江王的弟弟?” Does not need to be anxious, matter that I never mix my elder brother, so long as you know one's place to complete Tang Yun study younger sister's Bodyguard, I guarantee all your is well! However remember, you must know one's place.” “不必紧张,我从不掺合我兄长的事情,只要你安分守己做好唐韵学妹的保镖,我保你平安无事!但是记住,你得安分守己。” Warning in Jiang Ziheng the words means obviously. 姜子衡话语中的警告意味显而易见。 Lin Yi heard that the word selects the eyebrow: How to be called to know one's place?” 林逸闻言挑眉:“怎么叫做安分守己?” Jiang Ziheng said lightly: Can't understand? Should not be your never possibly is your, does not want some improper ambition, like this you can cross, will at least not draw on the unexpected calamity with ease for no reason.” 姜子衡淡淡道:“听不懂?不该是你的就永远不可能是你的,不要有非分之想,这样你可以过得轻松一些,至少不会无端招来横祸。” I, if isn't willing to know one's place?” “我要是不愿意安分守己呢?” Some that people will help you know one's place.” “那就会有人帮你安分守己。” The threat of this smell of gunpowder ample said come out from Jiang Ziheng the mouth, appearing the unusual cloud poor business conditions is light, as if itself jolts not the broken truth. 这句火药味十足的威胁从姜子衡的嘴里说出来,显得异常云淡风轻,仿佛本身就是颠簸不破的真理。 No longer looks at Lin Yi one, Jiang Ziheng then said to Tang Yun: „The Tang Yun study younger sister, you as the Wang Family successor, making the symbol are you major in the specialty inevitably, joining to make rune/symbol She is the imperative matter, after waiting for admittance to be calmly good, comes to look for me as soon as possible.” 不再多看林逸一眼,姜子衡转而对唐韵道:“唐韵学妹,你身为王家传人,制符必然是你主修专业,加入制符社是势在必行之事,等入学事宜安顿好之后,就尽快过来找我吧。” Some Tang Yun doubts: Looks for you?” 唐韵有些疑惑:“找你?” Jiang Ziheng said with a smile: Studies the younger sister to have not to know, since this semester, was the brother meets hand made President rune/symbol She on formal, represented to make rune/symbol She to await respectfully the arrival of Tang Yun study younger sister in this.” 姜子衡笑道:“学妹有所不知,从这学期开始,为兄就正式接手制符社社长一职了,在此谨代表制符社恭候唐韵学妹的驾临。” That may really congratulate the school leader.” “那可真是恭喜学长了。” Tang Yun hears word, nearby king Shiqing asked amazed at this time low voice: What making rune/symbol She is? Has the relations with a refinement symbol?” 唐韵闻言惊诧不已,这时一旁王诗情小声问道:“制符社是什么?跟炼制阵符有关系吗?” Jiang Ziheng replied: Big characteristics of our Jianghai Institute, then encourage the student independent research, therefore established many specialized mass organizations, making rune/symbol She is oldest, is the school recognized senior statesman level mass organization, every year will conduct the mass organization to incur newly, but is not the casual what people can mix, only then has extremely high symbol attainments, has the opportunity through incurring the new test.” 姜子衡代为回答:“咱们江海学院的一大特色,便是鼓励学生自主研修,因此成立了许多专业社团,制符社便是其中历史最悠久的一个,乃是全校公认的元老级社团,每年都会进行社团招新,但不是随便什么人都能混进来的,只有拥有极高的阵符造诣,才有机会通过招新测试。”
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