SBPE :: Volume #16

#10755: Chapter 10755

Chapter 10755 第10755章 I am waiting for your one-to-one, but the premise is you must have that ability to arrive at the tenth palace, if this cannot even achieve, do not come to me in front of disgracefully, how I have no interest in teaching a waste to cultivate the behavior.” “我在等着你的一对一,不过前提是你得有那个能耐走到第十殿,要是连这点都做不到,你还是别到我面前来丢人现眼了,我没兴趣教一个废物怎么做人。” Lin Yi cracks into a smile: That was interesting, I to teaching the waste cultivate the behavior, pouring is interested.” 林逸咧嘴一笑:“那就有意思了,我对教废物做人,倒还是蛮有兴趣的。” Right?” “是吗?” Public law cold snort/hum: Waste should hit with the waste, my under the hand | subordinate just has such ten, can accompany you to play.” 公法冷哼一声:“废物就该跟废物打,我手下刚好有那么十个,可以陪伱玩玩。” The voice falls, ten powerful aura shoot up to the sky in the distant place, even if under the entire personal character fields of 100,000 killers cover, in the firefly like night is still clearly discernible. 话音落下,十道强大的气息在远处冲天而起,哪怕是在十万杀手的整体气场笼罩之下,依旧如同黑夜中的萤火虫清晰可见。 The Lin Yi eyelid jumps. 林逸眼皮微跳。 This sudden ten aura, are completely Profound Step! 这突然出现的十道气息,全部都是玄阶尊者! Previously the killer list top ten top killer almost groups extinguished, in hidden regarding the killer association other top killers, Lin Yi had not been thinking that had slightly accidentally/surprisingly. 此前杀手榜排名前十的顶级杀手几乎团灭,对于杀手协会中还隐藏着其他的顶级杀手,林逸并不觉得有丝毫意外。 The so-called foundation is solid, the rich resources are only on the one hand, hidden in top expert of hidden place is the true key. 所谓的底蕴深厚,资源丰富只是一方面,隐藏在暗处的顶级高手才是真正的关键。 The killer association as one of the present age most ancient organizations, although the person of control goes through exchanges ownerships, but hides strength under water surface is still immeasurably deep. 杀手协会身为当世最古老的组织之一,虽然掌控之人几经易主,但潜藏在水面之下的实力依旧深不可测。 The bonus is so, the opposite party one makes come out entire ten Profound Step, made Lin Yi be startled. 饶是如此,对方一下弄出来整整十个玄阶尊者,还是令林逸吃了一惊。 Before Lin Yi one put in order thousand revering boundary expert, could have been the great writer who the land god national disaster saw, but compared with front ten Profound Step, was actually overshadowed unavoidably. 之前林逸这边一下整出千位尊者境高手,已经算得上是陆上神国难得一见的大手笔,但跟前方的十个玄阶尊者一比,却还是不免黯然失色。 Because of existence of that artificial order, Profound Step gold content not under Yellow Step may compare! 因为那条人为秩序的存在,玄阶尊者的含金量远非底下的黄阶尊者可比! Because of the Lin Yi weeding out wool again and again, Profound Step may not jump the ranks the artificial order of challenge to have several points of loose sign, is at least in immediately, Profound Step still enough maintains the value. 哪怕因为林逸几次三番的薅羊毛,玄阶尊者不可被越级挑战的人为秩序出现了几分松动的迹象,可是至少在当下,玄阶尊者依然足够保值。 If nothing else, at least under Lin Yi thousand revering boundary expert, cannot discover one earnest Profound Step! 别的不说,至少林逸麾下的千位尊者境高手,就找不出一个正儿八经的玄阶尊者! Public law sound proudly conveys: „To be one-to-one with me, first hit their ten waste to say again.” 公法傲然的声音传来:“想跟我一对一,先打过他们十个废物再说吧。” Be that as it may, the opposite takes the lead to clash is actually not that ten Profound Step, but is 100,000 killers. 话虽如此,对面率先冲过来的却不是那十个玄阶尊者,而是十万杀手。 Although because of the killing deterrent from the beginning, these killers dreaded regarding Lin Yi's every action and every movement extremely, but daredevils are created by extraordinary rewards, even if clear(ly) knows once the luck is not good, taking the lead to stare by Lin Yi is dead characters, but if is the luck good? 虽然因为一开始的杀伤威慑,这些杀手对于林逸的一举一动都极为忌惮,但重赏之下必有勇夫,哪怕明知道一旦运气不好,率先被林逸盯上就是一个死字,可如果运气好呢? The secret donor had stated clearly beforehand, so long as anybody creates killing to Lin Yi, can obtain the sky-high price reward of correspondence. 幕后金主事先就已言明,任何人只要对林逸造成杀伤,就能获得对应的天价奖励。 If can snatch the Lin Yi's head/number of people, that reaches the sky in a single bound henceforth, the world the rare top resources open completely, moreover from now on, will obtain the killer association 3rd Leader position permanently! 若是能够抢到林逸的人头,那更是从此一步登天,世所罕见的顶级资源全部开放,而且从今往后,将会永久获得杀手协会三当家的位置! Only this, made to present sufficiently all killer heartbeat accelerate. 仅这一条,就足以令在场所有杀手心跳加速 Killer association 3rd Leader with killer list rank Third, that is entirely different two matters. 杀手协会三当家跟杀手榜排行第三,那是截然不同的两码事。 The latter is representing strength and making a move pricetag, present age can arrange the person to this position is extremely rare, is nearby compared with, has the qualitative disparity. 后者代表着实力和出手价码,当世能够排到这个位置的人自是凤毛麟角,可是跟前者相比,却还是有着质的差距。 So long as anybody has enough strength, can arrange to killer list Third, but if does not have the support that Sage Confucius is near secretly, Leader of killer association is doomed only to be years and public law two people, will never have Third position Leader. 任何人只要有足够的实力,都能排到杀手榜第三,可如果没有幕后孔圣临的扶持,杀手协会的当家就注定只能是叶斯年和公法二人,永远都不会有第三当家 The former is the master of killer association, the latter is actually only hired thug that the killer association recruits, difference between heaven and earth of both sides position, it goes without saying. 前者是杀手协会的主人,后者却只是杀手协会招募的打手,双方地位的天差地别,毋庸赘言。 Did not say exaggeratingly, presents any killer, if can fish the killer association 3rd Leader position, not only means one have boundless prospects, his relatives and friends can following followers gain, even land god country henceforth multi- come out not to be underestimated big Family. 毫不夸张的说,在场任何一位杀手,如果能够捞到杀手协会三当家的位置,那不仅意味着自身前途无量,连带着他的亲朋好友都能跟着鸡犬升天,甚至陆上神国从此将会多出来一个不容小觑的大家族 Looks that front was confused the mental killer by the great advantage, Lin Yi narrowed the eye slightly, under the heart actually instead somewhat rejoiced. 看着面前一个个被巨利迷惑了心智的杀手,林逸微微眯眼,心下却反而有些庆幸。 Oneself choose to convene the troops positive/direct storm fortunately, the opposite party also enough coordinates, to cling to tenaciously general headquarters to accept a challenge directly, otherwise 100,000 killers who if are really blinded by greed this at present let out, even if to him will also be a huge trouble. 亏得自己选择召集人马正面强攻,对方也足够配合,死守总部正面应战,否则真要是把眼前这利欲熏心的十万杀手放出去,哪怕对于他来说也将是一个巨大的麻烦。 After all the place of most suitable killer, is not always the frontal battlefield. 毕竟最适合杀手的地方,从来都不是正面战场。 strength of these people place the frontal battlefield only to degenerate into the cannon fodder, but once makes them ambush, seizes every opportunity from each unexpected angle, the infiltration murderous intention, that threat may be no comparison between them with the present everywhere completely. 这些人的实力放在正面战场只能沦为炮灰,可一旦让他们潜伏下来,从各个意想不到的角度无孔不入,处处渗透杀机,那威胁可就跟眼下完全不可同日而语了。 Bang! 轰! Lin Yi lays out a big World palm immediately, but its strength steamroll the place, vacates a big piece immediately. 林逸当即又是拍出一记大世界掌,其力量碾压而过的地方,立马空出一大片。 Same starts to be exactly the same, as before is the steamroll of no suspense, held is several hundred killers were killed. 同一开始如出一辙,依旧是毫无悬念的碾压,一掌下去就是数百位杀手丧生。 But the movement not slight stops of other killers, even the sound of roaring instead became bigger, continued from turn toward Lin Yi to well up in all directions. 可其他杀手的动作并没有丝毫的停顿,甚至于咆哮之声反而变得更大了,继续从四面八方向着林逸涌来。 This performance with beforehand frontal battlefield, it can be said that clearly two extremes. 这一幕与之前正面战场的表现,可说是截然两个极端。 Under Lin Yi heart slightly cold. 林逸心下微凛。 This is one group regards the human life in the final analysis such as the worthless fellow, as the killer, others' life is not valuable, their lives are not naturally valuable. 说到底这就是一帮视人命如草芥的家伙,身为杀手,别人的命不值钱,他们自己的命自然也没有那么值钱。 Before sneaked away at a critical juncture, was because they could not see to harvest the hope of Lin Yi head/number of people. 之前临阵脱逃,是因为他们看不到收割林逸人头的希望。 Now 100,000 pairs one, Lin Yi is defeated is the matter of being settled, that naturally was a different matter. 如今十万对一,林逸落败已是板上钉钉的事情,那自然就是另一回事了。 At this time used the life to be risky, at least to them, very value. 这种时候用命冒险,至少对于他们来说,很值。 One after another, oneself, when the insect does cause? Really is the consciousness of hit man!” “一波一波的,都把自己当虫子使么?果然是职业杀手的觉悟!” Lin Yi looks that this does not flinch, even does not have the roaming to fight to pull the space the idea, without delay, the direct demon bites the sword to come out of the sheath. 林逸看着这一幕也并不退缩,甚至都没有游斗拉扯空间的想法,二话不说,直接魔噬剑出鞘。 Hundred type sword sacrifices! 百式剑祭! Tyrant Lie the sword air/Qi is centered on Lin Yi immediately, changes to a giant meat grinder, to takes away as many things as possible in all directions. 霸烈的剑气当即以林逸为中心,化作一架巨型绞肉机,向四面八方席卷而去。 Suddenly, everywhere flesh and blood flying in all directions. 一时间,到处血肉横飞。 Discussed the absolute lethality only, the big World palm actually strove to excel hundred type swords to offer a sacrifice to one section, but must say that at present this situation clearout efficiency, was actually hundred type swords offers a sacrifice to be much more efficient! 单论绝对杀伤力,大世界掌其实要强出百式剑祭一截,可要说眼下这种场合的清场效率,却是百式剑祭高效得多! The time of twinkling, the First wave is close to the Lin Yi's killer the collective degenerating into the hashed meat. 仅仅瞬息的工夫,第一波接近林逸的杀手就已集体沦为碎肉。 Most critically, after comparing big World palm each, must save the strength, now has become the hundred type sword sacrifices of Lin Yi draws A first choice gradually, almost does not have the obvious crevice. 更关键的是,相比起大世界掌每一式之后都要重新积蓄力量,如今已经渐渐成为林逸A首选的百式剑祭,前后之间几乎没有明显的空隙。 In other words, so long as Lin Yi wants, the sword air/Qi meat grinder that hundred type sword sacrifices form can maintain. 换句话说,只要林逸愿意,百式剑祭形成的这座剑气绞肉机可以一直维持下去。 The especially regular strength was theoretically inexhaustible, in addition Lin Yi is the sword Saint, is handier than others regarding the transfer of rule of strength sword, does not fear what battle of attrition. 尤其规则力量理论上本就无穷无尽,加上林逸又是剑圣,对于剑之规则力量的调用远比其他人更加得心应手,根本就不怕什么消耗战。 Only if his energy were worn down cleanly. 除非他本人的精力被消磨干净。 The regular strength can be inexhaustible, but the energy of person is eventually limited, even if Lin Yi this origin spirit powerful existence, without self- recover the opportunity of respite, will have bottoming sooner or later time. 规则力量可以无穷无尽,可人的精力终究是有限的,哪怕林逸这种元神强大的存在,一旦没有了自我恢复的喘息之机,也早晚会有见底的时候。 In today searches for hotly, a additional chapter! 今天上热搜,加更一章! 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