SBPE :: Volume #16

#10754: Chapter 10754

All parties discussed that the imposing manner of Lin Yi army was even more maneating, the morale such as the rainbow proceeded to advance a big truncation the front, the following personnel also crossed the giant Shi building collectively, put in the frontal battlefield. 各方议论间,林逸大军的气势愈发凶悍,士气如虹生生将战线往前推进了一大截,后续人员也都集体越过巨大石牌楼,投入到了正面战场之中。 However immediately, Lin Yi realized faintly several points are not right. 不过随即,林逸就隐隐意识到了几分不对劲。 The Shi building with ten kills the palaces, although some distances, but observed from not participating a moment ago, under without such big depth space, can hold enough 200,000 people of positive/direct dashing certainly! 石牌楼与十杀殿之间虽然有些距离,但刚才从局外观察,绝没有这么大的纵深空间,能够容纳下足足二十万人的正面冲撞! And must have the fishy. 其中必有蹊跷。 However in Lin Yi responded, the side scene suddenly changed, turned into the indoor from the outside directly, but just did not have the trail in neighbor not far permits Anshan people instantaneously. 然而就在林逸反应过来之时,身边景象陡然一变,直接从室外变成了室内,可刚刚还在附近不远的许安山众人却瞬间没了踪迹。 Not only permits Anshan and other numerous core strength, including that thousand revering boundary expert, 100,000 armies, the flash did not have the trail completely. 不仅许安山等一众核心战力,包括那千位尊者境高手,还有十万大军,一瞬间全部都没有了踪迹。 Lin Yi looked was expected to fall the empty body week, as if before all were only the illusions. 林逸看了看空空荡荡的身周,仿佛之前发生的一切都只是幻象。 100,000 killers who just, the front eyes covetously, really overthrew this possibility. 只不过,前方虎视眈眈的十万杀手,实实在在的推翻了这个可能性。 Really a little thing.” “果然有点东西。” Facing those images and scenes, Lin Yi, although is somewhat surprised, but not slight not handles. 面对此情此景,林逸虽然有些惊讶,但并没有丝毫的无措。 Even if guesses that still guesses come out, all these are ten kill the effect of palace inevitably, ten kill the palace to take the killer association to press the bottom the card in a hand, naturally not with Xiaoke. 就算猜也猜得出来,这一切必然又是十杀殿的效果,十杀殿作为杀手协会压箱底的底牌,自然非同小可 Naturally, Lin Yi is not worried about the permits Anshan people safety at this moment actually. 当然,林逸倒是并不担心许安山众人此刻的安危。 Ten kill the might of palace to be big, cannot achieve absolutely solves 100,000 armies all of a sudden, particularly also over a thousand revering boundary expert. 十杀殿的威力再大,也绝对做不到一下子解决十万大军,尤其是其中还有上千位尊者境高手 Really must have such terrifying prestige energy, the killer association had walked sideways in the land god country, then its backstage is not Sage Confucius near and strongest faction, but in turn. 真要有这么恐怖的威能,杀手协会早就已经在陆上神国横着走了,那它的后台就不是孔圣临和最强派系,而是反过来了。 permits Anshan people were shifted another quarter at this moment inevitably, regarding dangerously, was says no on. 许安山众人此刻必然是被转移到了另一处所在,至于说有多危险,却是说不上。 After all at this moment most dangerous is not others, is Lin Yi oneself. 毕竟此刻最危险的不是别人,正是林逸本人。 A pair 100,000! 一对十万! Only is the present scene, made everyone has desperate sufficiently. 光是眼前的这副场面,就足以令所有人心生绝望。 Do not look that Lin Yi killed the four directions in a moment ago greatly, the casual move can harvest several hundred expert, at first sight accomplishes a task with ease, he alone eats 100,000 killers to be as if a cinch. 别看林逸刚才在阵中大杀四方,随便一招就能收割数百个高手,乍看起来游刃有余,他一个人吃掉十万杀手似乎都不在话下。 But that to closing the important premise, his side 100,000 armies, oneself do not need to sustain too many pressures. 可是那有一个至关重要的前提,他身边也有十万大军,本人并不需要承担太多的压力。 Reviews presently, the allied force that surrounding can share the pressure does not have, Lin Yi must by the strength, resist the huge imposing manners of 100,000 killers! 反观现在,周围一个能够分担压力的友军都没有,林逸必须以自己一人之力,对抗十万杀手的庞大气势! Even if his popularity field is strong, that also completely not in a magnitude. 哪怕他本人气场再强,那也完全不在一个量级。 Facing such situation, the countermeasure that any thought normal expert can take, absolutely is not the iron storm, is leaves to draw back inevitably. 面对这样的局势,任何一个思维正常的高手会采取的对策,都绝对不会是头铁强攻,必然是抽身而退。 However from a moment ago the scene fluctuating the flash, Lin Yi could have felt obviously, the surroundings space had been blocked completely, wants to depend upon space ability to withdraw, this road had died of suffocation completely. 然而从刚才场景变幻的一瞬间,林逸就已明显感觉得到,周围空间已经被完全封锁,想要依靠空间能力脱身,这条路已经被完全堵死。 Has not thought of ten to kill the palace is not a palace, but is a space most precious object!” “没想到十杀殿不是一座宫殿,而是一件空间至宝!” Lin Yi responded immediately, the space blockade was not what formation limits, but from ten killed palace's seal! 林逸立马反应过来,空间封锁并非是什么阵法限制,而是来自于十杀殿本身的封闭! On the other hand, ten kill the palace, if not for the most precious object of bringing space force, but is only the words of conventional palace, is impossible to hold 话说回来,十杀殿若不是自带空间力量的至宝,而只是常规宫殿的话,根本不可能容纳得 In the Lin Yi heart calculates at the same time, opposite 100,000 killers facing this sudden accident, are the spacious hand are obviously less. 林逸心中盘算的同时,对面的十万杀手面对这突如其来的变故,明显也是绰手不及。 Is good because of present this, to them is big good, without the pressures of 100,000 armies, made them hold one's ground all of a sudden sufficiently, is insufficient this one wave to crash. 好在眼下这个局面,对他们来说是大大的利好,一下子没有了十万大军的压力,足以令他们重新稳住阵脚,不至于就此一波崩盘。 However because of slaughter deterrent, even if 100,000 pairs one, a killer actually does not dare to act rashly suddenly. 不过因为刚才的屠杀威慑,哪怕是十万对一,一众杀手一时间却也是不敢轻举妄动。 both sides fell into short and strange deadlock. 双方陷入了短暂而诡异的僵持。 Surrounds to look at the numerous as for outside these, then at this moment look at each other in blank dismay, sighs with regret all. 至于外面那些围观看众,此刻则是面面相觑,无不扼腕叹息。 Their presently can see that besides ten kills palace that huge outline indistinctly, other have been empty. 他们现在能够看到的,除了十杀殿那影影绰绰的庞大轮廓之外,其他已是空无一物。 Just also the vast momentum frontal battlefield, the both 200,000 troops disappeared all of a sudden unexpectedly together do not see, this and other superb methods made them see what one never saw before, hear something never heard of before. 刚刚还声势浩大的正面战场,一下子双方二十万人马竟是齐齐消失不见,这等出神入化的手段着实令他们见所未见,闻所未闻。 But how even if to sigh again, the scene that they can see was lively, still can only stop. 但即便再怎么叹息,他们能够看到的现场热闹,也只能到此为止了。 Remaining if nothing unexpected happens, after can only wait till both sides to decide the victory and defeat, searches. 剩下的如无意外,只能等到双方分出胜负之后再探。 However the average person is unable to continue to observe, these all parties great men and top expert invisible thought that actually patrols to circle sky over the battlefield, searches the opportunity to search into ten to kill in the palace unceasingly. 不过普通人无法继续观战,那些各方巨佬和顶级高手们的无形念头,却是在战场上空游弋盘旋,不断寻觅机会探入十杀殿之中。 After all today a war is important, finally the victory and defeat will directly affect the influence pattern of entire land god country's, not being able to allow the least bit to be backward. 毕竟今日一战事关重大,最终胜负将会直接影响到整个陆上神国的势力格局,容不得半点落后。 Absolute information that let alone regardless of Lin Yi or the killer association two Leader cards in a hand, is not usually able to investigate, once misses an opportunity, perhaps later wants to probe must be one's turn them to act personally. 更何况无论林逸还是杀手协会两位当家的底牌,都是平常无法探查的绝对情报,一旦错过机会,以后再想试探说不定就得轮到他们亲自出手了。 At this moment, ten kill in the palace the sound of public law to transmit again from afar. 就在这时,十杀殿中公法的声音再度远远传来。 „The Lin Yi young child, I must teach your matter today, you must record well clearly.” 林逸小儿,今天我要教会你一件事,你要好好记清楚了。” My killer association, you cannot stir up!” “我杀手协会,你惹不起!” The sound keeps aloof, is passing the infinite self-confidence, as if copes with Lin Yi he to have absolute assurance extremely, the Lin Yi momentum is even abundant, cannot turn his palm. 声音高高在上,透着无穷的自信,似乎对付林逸他有着十二万分的绝对把握,林逸即便声势再盛,也翻不出他的手掌心。 Lin Yi Yao Yao looks to the distant place, the chuckle the response: That may be sorry, I memory is not good, Your Excellency must teach my thing is so profound, I not necessarily can remember.” 林逸遥遥看向远处,轻笑着回应:“那可太抱歉了,我这人记性不好,阁下要教给我的东西这么高深,我未必记得住。” The public law contemptuously sneers: Cannot remember also indifferently, not necessarily needs the good memory as a deceased person, so long as from now on, making entire day below people remember on the line!” 公法轻蔑冷笑:“记不住也无所谓,作为一个死人也未必需要多好的记性,只要从今往后,让全天下的人都记住就行了!” Lin Yi this time leads the numerous to challenge his killer association, the intention of most core punishes one as a warning to others, but his killer association, is not never holding the similar idea! 林逸这次率众挑战他杀手协会,最核心的意图就是杀鸡儆猴,而他杀手协会,何尝又不是抱着同样的想法! In the past the killer association was the ominous name, the world, no one did not become angry while talking about it vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 当年杀手协会是何等凶名,纵横天下,无一人不谈之色变。 Now is to actually degenerate into Sage Confucius near subordinate black glove, knows lover to raise, said that is the hole domestic dog, are they possibly resigned? 如今却是沦为孔圣临麾下的黑手套,知情人一提起来,就说是孔家养的狗,他们怎么可能甘心? If not for Sage Confucius before leaving him and year trauma is too big, making them unable to give birth to the heart of resistance, since by the killer association consistent unruliness, has perhaps been ready to make trouble, is separated from the control of Kong. 若不是孔圣临留给他和叶斯年的心理阴影太大,令他们生不出抵抗之心,以杀手协会一贯以来的桀骜,恐怕早就已经蠢蠢欲动,脱离孔家的掌控了。 Today this war, regarding killer association admittedly is an unprecedented giant crisis, but also is the golden chance of a lifetime. 今天这一战,对于杀手协会固然是一个前所未有的巨大危机,但同时也是千载难逢的绝佳机会。 So long as can win Lin Yi Group, the killer association that he leads can pick up long-lost powerful self-confident, did not say that works loose the control that Sage Confucius is near directly at one fell swoop, at least can strive for a bigger initiative, for future plans to lay the most essential good groundwork. 只要能够大胜林逸集团,他所率领的杀手协会就能重新捡起消失已久的强大自信,不说直接一举挣脱孔圣临的掌控,至少可以争取到更大的主动权,为日后的谋划做好最关键的一步铺垫。 The intention of opposite party, the Lin Yi nature had guessed correctly. 对方的这番意图,林逸自然早已猜到。 No one is the fuel-efficient lamp. 谁都不是省油的灯。 Lin Yi shot a look at opposite 100,000 killers, selects the eyebrow say/way slightly: Causes such battle formation by any means possible, is this you to one-to-one that I said? I alone to your one crowd, it seems like you truly am understand select only.” 林逸瞥了一眼对面的十万杀手,微微挑眉道:“千方百计弄出这么个阵势,这就是你跟我说的一对一?我一个人对你们一群是吧,看来你确实是懂单挑的。” Regarding Lin Yi's this taunt, the public law actually thinks little. 对于林逸的这番嘲讽,公法却是不以为意。 ( (
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