SBPE :: Volume #16

#10756: Chapter 10756

Chapter 10756 第10756章 Naturally really must to that time, 100,000 killers also be able the remaining several people, that to be possible not to say. 当然真要到了那个时候,现场的十万杀手到底还能剩下几人,那可就不好说了。 However, even if Lin Yi has used hundred type sword sacrifices, before own energy consumption bottoms does not mean to have no more worries. 不过,即便林逸一直使用百式剑祭,在自身精力消耗见底之前也并不意味着高枕无忧。 The ordinary killer is truly hard to arrive at the sword air/Qi to strangle to death, but the entire 100,000 killers, always have such a group of people able to break through hundred type sword sacrifices on the spot, even if population not so many, but Lin Yi wants to deal with is not easy. 普通杀手确实难以抵过剑气绞杀,可现场整整十万杀手,总有那么一群人能够突破百式剑祭,哪怕人数没有那么多,可林逸想要应付起来却是没那么容易。 Even if can hold one, considering that hundred type swords offer a sacrifice to cannot stop, tests regarding the rhythm pinnacle, the bonus is Lin Yi also quite feels thornily. 哪怕能够一掌一个,可是考虑到百式剑祭决不能停,其中对于节奏的极致考验,饶是林逸也都颇感棘手。 But this, is not most essential. 而这,都还不是最关键的。 Truly place awfully is, Lin Yi discovered with amazement, with oneself each time the move, the head destiny will present the unusual consumption. 真正要命的地方在于,林逸骇然发现,随着自己每一次出招,自己头上的气运都会出现异乎寻常的消耗。 Normally, destiny type of thing truly had the fluctuation. 正常情况下,气运这种东西确实本就存在波动。 But only if confronted the spirit sovereign time like before, used the violent air/Qi method of mass consumption destiny, otherwise fluctuated normally has the explicit bound. 但除非是像之前对阵灵皇时候那样,使用了大量消耗气运的暴气法门,否则正常波动都是有着明确的上下限的。 But presently this consumption, is not very obviously normal! 现在这种消耗,显然很不正常! Each destiny consumption, is obviously consistent with the style. 每一次的气运消耗,明显都与招式一致。 Every time has one move, the destiny will consume a point, but does not have the slight promotion regarding the style might. 每出一招,气运就会消耗一分,但对于招式威力却是没有丝毫的提升。 The union from came to start a moment ago, felt that has one , if there is pressure that resembles not to have, under the Lin Yi heart had suspected, slightly after the confirmation, drew the conclusion immediately. 结合从刚才进来开始,就感到身上有一股若有似无的压力,林逸心下有所猜想,稍加验证之后,立马得出了结论。 All these sources really come from ten to kill the palace! 这一切的源头果然来自十杀殿! This ten killed the palace is more and more interesting.” “这座十杀殿可是越来越有意思了。” Lin Yi is flabbergasted secretly. 林逸暗暗咋舌。 The conformity imposing manner from the beginning, walks itself under to even Kongnong 100,000 armies, to the destiny consumption of presently, ten kills the pleasant surprise that the palace brings it can be said that to emerge one after another incessantly again. 从一开始的整合气势,到平空弄走自己麾下的十万大军,再到现在的气运消耗,十杀殿带来的惊喜可说是层出不穷。 The killer association has such a ultra-large most precious object, no wonder is secure! 杀手协会拥有这么一件超大型至宝,难怪有恃无恐! He until presently, understands finally the opposite party convenes the true intentions of 100,000 killers forcefully. 他直到现在,才总算明白了对方强行召集十万杀手的真正意图。 clear(ly) knows that the killer not suitable upfront combat, to be possible still to nearly pile the head/number of people style to make them work as the cannon fodder with this type forcefully, the goal of opposite party, only then one, consumes the Lin Yi's destiny! 明知道杀手不适合正面作战,可依然要用这种近乎强行堆人头的方式让他们来当炮灰,对方的目的只有一个,就是消耗掉林逸的气运! In the Lin Yi heart moves, immediately attempted to have several moves. 林逸心中一动,当即尝试着又出了几招。 After result careful quantification, discovered that truly each move will have the destiny consumption . Moreover the destiny quantity of consuming is quite fixed. 结果仔细量化之后,发现确实每一招都会有气运消耗,而且消耗的气运量都比较固定。 Although the quantity are not many, but if 100,000 killers consume, even if these die a piece of cannon fodder, consumes sufficiently cleanly the destiny in top of the head! 虽然量不算多,可如果十万杀手这么消耗下来,哪怕这些都是一死一片的炮灰,也足以将自身头顶的气运生生消耗干净! Once the destiny consumes can be what fate cleanly, does not need others to remind, Lin Yi is also very clear. 气运一旦消耗干净会是什么下场,不用别人提醒,林逸也很清楚。 Then, the situation regarding Lin Yi is in a dilemma, may be called the overwhelming disadvantage! 如此一来,局势对于林逸来说已是进退两难,堪称压倒性的不利! Is good because, because just the continuous sword air/Qi strangled to death, scene rich to nearly substantialize bloody aura, making opposite killer cannon fodder be somewhat blown, walked back and forth to patrol in abundance is not daring to approach. 好在因为刚刚接连不断的剑气绞杀,现场浓郁到近乎实质化的血腥气息,令对面的杀手炮灰有些被镇住了,纷纷逡巡游弋着不敢靠近。 But this is only temporary. 但这只是暂时的。 Since they put, means that the situation is like Lin Yi, absolutely does not have the escape route. 他们既然被投放进来,就意味着处境跟林逸一样,绝对没有退路可言。 Wants the midway to withdraw does not work as the cannon fodder, no way. 想要中途退出不当炮灰,门都没有。 Sure enough, Lin Yi on the just relaxed the one breath, behind the opposite ten powerful aura had just caught up with Boytoy to be common, compel a killer to continue to initiate besiege. 果不其然,林逸这边刚刚松上一口气,对面后方的十道强大气息就已赶鸭子一般,强逼着一众杀手继续发起围攻。 Obvious, the opposite party is to carry through to the end the battle of attrition! 明摆着,对方就是要将消耗战进行到底! Meanwhile, that ten represent a Profound Step powerful aura also to approach rapidly, patrols regarding Lin Yi around by far back and forth, prepares to wait for an opportunity to act at any time. 与此同时,那十道代表着玄阶尊者的强悍气息也在迅速逼近,远远围绕着林逸四周来回游弋,随时准备伺机出手。 They are Profound Step Initial Phase, the scary score before Lin Yi is placed there, each other is very clear, once jumps come out to act to Lin Yi forcefully, is very likely to be instead killed by Lin Yi in the flash! 他们都是玄阶初期尊者,林逸之前的骇人战绩摆在那里,彼此都很清楚一旦强行跳出来林逸出手,极有可能在一瞬之间就被林逸反杀! However if in the tangled warfare of present this quantity steamroll, were held the opportunity that goes to enter by them, even if that is better than Lin Yi, still must pay the serious price. 不过要是在眼下这种数量碾压的混战之中,被他们抓住一个趁虚而入的机会,那么就算强如林逸,也必然要付出惨重的代价。 No Profound Step is easy with it generation, even if Profound Step Initial Phase. 没有一个玄阶尊者是易与之辈,哪怕是玄阶初期尊者。 This in the land god country is the general knowledge of striking root in the hearts of the people. 这在陆上神国是深入人心的常识。 Lin Yi has not chosen, facing killer cannon fodder who was driven away, he can only go against the destiny consumption, makes a move to clear again. 林逸没有选择,面对被驱赶过来的杀手炮灰,他只能顶着气运消耗,再次出手清场。 But this time, at the same time that his hundred type sword sacrifices make a move, to recent two powerful aura, no indication also launches an attack! 而这一次,就在他百式剑祭出手的同一时间,离得最近的两道强悍气息,毫无征兆的同时发难! Side is the wind, at first sight is only the ordinary wind blade, blots out the sky besides the quantity, not other extraordinary places. 一边是风,乍看起来只是普普通通的风刃,除了数量铺天盖地之外,并没有其他出奇之处。 However the careful observation will find, each wind blade echoes mutually, each other complements one another, had composed a giant sickle imperceptibly, just like the god of death of waiting harvesting. 然而仔细观察就会发现,每一道风刃相互呼应,彼此相辅相成,无形中已是组成了一把巨大的镰刀,犹如等待收割的死神。 Side is the fire, turbulent blazing, even if separates in most surrounding, can feel that heading on terrifying high temperature. 一边是火,汹涌炽烈,哪怕只是隔在最外围,都能感受到那种扑面而至的恐怖高温。 The killer cannon fodder who flees, moistened the flame surrounding merely side, changed into the hard coke directly instantaneously, then at the scene gasification! 许多逃离不及的杀手炮灰,仅仅只是沾到了火焰外围的边,就直接瞬间化为焦炭,而后当场气化! A wind fire, happen to died of suffocation thoroughly the Lin Yi's complete escape route. 一风一火,正好彻底堵死了林逸的全部退路。 What is scariest, the wind helps the fire intensity, after both unify, caused an ultra giant flame sickle forcefully, but Lin Yi is under the fatal cutting edge of this flame sickle. 最骇人的是,风助火势,两者结合之后硬生生弄出了一把超巨型火焰镰刀,而林逸就处于这把火焰镰刀的致命锋刃之下。 Incessantly so, other that eight powerful aura have not idled, are approaching rapidly, prepare to hit a person when he is down! 不止如此,其他那八道强悍气息也都没有闲着,正在急速靠近,准备落井下石! Then will have anything, Lin Yi does not need to be able to foresee. 接下来会发生什么,林逸根本不用多想就已经可以预见。 Even if he can receive top of the head this directly the fatal flame sickle, then definitely will still encounter the combination offensive one after another, but under these continuous powerful offensive, his destiny will bottom rapidly. 即便他能正面接下头顶这把致命的火焰镰刀,接下来也必然会遭遇一波又一波的组合攻势,而在这些连绵不绝的强大攻势之下,他的气运将会迅速见底。 presently is not the issue that he makes anything to choose, puts at front delivers the proposition together. 现在已经不是他做出什么选择的问题了,摆在面前的就是一道送命题。 Regardless how Lin Yi elects, finally is doomed is dies. 无论林逸怎么选,最终都注定是一个死。 The outside world cannot see this scene, all can only make up by the brain, but the land god country actually also several places, can see clearly the present all these. 外界看不到这番景象,一切只能靠自行脑补,不过陆上神国却也有几处地方,能够将眼下发生的这一切看得清清楚楚。 For example study room that Sage Confucius is near. 比如孔圣临的书房。 In this moment study room, Sage Confucius near stated father and son to sit facing each other with Kong, the middle was a checkerboard. 此刻书房内,孔圣临和孔述父子相对而坐,中间是一座棋盘。 However in the checkerboard appears actually should not have the appearance that is overlooks ten to kill the palace live picture impressively unexpectedly, at this time Lin Yi's every action and every movement, even changes including each slight look expression, in front of this pair of father and son is unretentive, clear. 不过棋盘中显现的却不是原本该有的样子,赫然竟是俯瞰十杀殿内部的现场画面,此时林逸的一举一动,甚至包括每一个细微的眼神表情变化,在这对父子面前都是毫无保留,一清二楚。 Kong Shuqing said with a smile: Lin Yi was a little probably difficult.” 孔述轻笑道:“林逸好像有点难了。” Said that Lin Yi falls into this paddies, actually his merit. 说起来林逸落入这步田地,其实还有他的功劳。 Ten Profound Step that the scene enters the war, exquisite layout that this set is linked together, has him in the shadow of secret participation. 无论是现场参战的十位玄阶尊者,还是这一整套环环相扣的精妙布局,其中都有他在幕后参与的影子。 On the other hand, at present such big matter, he as secret donor spokesman, if not the deep participation, that were fishy. 话说回来,眼下这么大的事情,他身为幕后金主的代言人要是不深度参与,那才是有鬼了。 The look that Sage Confucius is near actually shows neither approval nor disapproval: With leaves beforehand under is judging anxiously, calms down, looked that said again.” 孔圣临的神色却是不置可否:“遇事先别急着下判断,沉住气,看下去再说。” ( (
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