SBPE :: Volume #16

#10530: Chapter 10530

Chapter 10530 第10530章 In a flash, more than 20 eyes focused on Lin Yi's completely. 一瞬间,二十多双眼睛全部聚焦在了林逸的身上。 Lin Yi felt the thick hostility. 林逸感受到了浓浓的敌意。 According to the common sense, everyone each other is human, was grasped comes to here to be the fellow sufferers, this kind of time optimal choice was the report group warms up inevitably. 按照常理,大家彼此都是人类,被抓来这里可算是难兄难弟,这种时候的最优选择必然是报团取暖。 No matter before were what status, now is a captive, was under others hand slaves, the racist contradiction overlay class contradictions, which perspective regardless of were ready the proper United Front. 不管之前是什么身份,如今都是阶下囚,都是人家手底下的奴隶,种族矛盾叠加阶级矛盾,无论从哪个角度来看都是妥妥的统一阵线。 The result comes in a new fellow-sufferer, the people First response does not win over unexpectedly, but is hostile? 结果进来一个新的难友,众人第一反应居然不是拉拢,而是敌视? Lin Yi is not really able to understand. 林逸实在无法理解。 At this time, he a little thought finally others skeleton said the human existence incorrigbility, seemingly did not have the truth. 这个时候,他终于有点觉得人家骷髅说人类存在劣根性,貌似也并不是毫无道理了。 You will be closed here an evening, wait for me will come tomorrow again the time, who can also stand, who represents my political opportunists to go to battle with the altar.” “你们会被关在这里一个晚上,等我明天再过来的时候,谁还能站着,谁就代表我纵横家出战祭坛。” The white skeleton confessed simply two, look later to Lin Yi: Good luck.” 白色骷髅简单交代了两句,随后看向林逸:“祝你好运。” With departure of numerous skeleton, under the abattoir only had an numerous to degenerate into human cultivator of slave, originally the tight atmosphere, all of a sudden became at daggers drawn. 随着一众骷髅的离开,底下角斗场就只剩下了一众沦为奴隶的人类修炼者,本就紧张的气氛,一下子就变得剑拔弩张起来。 Everyone is alerting others. 所有人都在戒备着其他人。 After all just the words of white skeleton translated, basically is equal on the scene, only then a person can live. 毕竟刚刚白色骷髅的话翻译过来,基本上就等同于在场只有一个人能够活着。 Therefore, they want to live, must first get rid of others on the scene. 所以,他们想要活着,就必须先干掉在场的其他人。 This logic, clear. 这个逻辑,一目了然。 However quick Lin Yi detected that was not right. 不过很快林逸就察觉到了不对劲。 These people alert at first sight mutually, but actually all focuses centralized on own body, oneself are their common enemies! 这些人乍看起来是相互戒备,但其实所有的焦点都还是集中在自己的身上,自己才是他们共同的敌人! Although said that is is not completely incomprehensible, Lin Yi as the successor, encounters these qualifications deeper old slaves to run on jointly even besieges, itself cannot be how strange. 虽然说起来也不是完全不能理解,林逸身为后来者,遭到这些资历更深的老奴隶联手挤兑甚至围攻,本身并不能算是多么奇怪。 After all regardless of where, even including the secular world work place, has the old person to suppress the tradition of rookie. 毕竟无论在什么地方,甚至包括世俗界的职场,都有老人压制新人的传统。 However at present this condition, made Lin Yi think that somewhat was quite subtle. 但是眼下这个状态,还是令林逸觉得颇有些微妙。 The goals of these people are so clear, rather also extremely did a point, when among human cultivator become unites as one of the one mind? 这些人的目标如此明确,未免也太过齐心了一点,人类修炼者之间什么时候变得这么团结一致了? When plays out, in the crowd has female cultivator unable to bear the opens the mouth. 正当剑拔弩张之时,人群中有个女性修炼者忍不住开口。 That......, or we first chatted with him, perhaps is he also willing to join us?” “那个……要不我们还是先跟他聊一聊吧,说不定他也愿意加入我们呢?” Immediately is countered by nearby fierce robust man: Chatted! You looked at him just to the flattering type of that skeleton, the spineless thing, you can guarantee that he wasn't that group of skeletons sends to infiltrate our internal spies?” 随即就遭到旁边一个凶恶壮汉的反驳:“聊个屁!你看他刚刚对那骷髅的谄媚样,没骨头的东西,你敢保证他不是那帮骷髅派来打入我们内部的奸细?” The female cultivates the weak say/way: According to the view of that skeleton, he must participate to slaughter, if no other self-help means that he is also a narrow escape, will not be necessarily able to live tomorrow morning.” 女修弱弱道:“可是按照那个骷髅的说法,他也要参与厮杀,如果没有别的自救办法,他也是九死一生,未必能够活得到明天早上啊。” Fierce robust man cold snort/hum refutes again: Woman is a woman, had not figured out by this time, perhaps this is a ruse of inflicting an injury on oneself that they specially arrange, do you obtain come out?” 凶恶壮汉再次冷哼驳斥:“女人就是女人,到这个时候还拎不清,说不定这就是他们特意安排的一出苦肉计,你分得出来吗?” The female cultivates the language to obstruct. 女修语窒。 At this time nearby cultivator persuaded: Murong miss heart is friendly, but somewhat was truly inopportune at this time, we point of no return, has related to the lives of big fellow so many people, really could not allow the least bit to be tenderhearted and careless.” 这时旁边修炼者劝说道:“慕容姑娘心善,但在这个时候确实有些不合时宜,我们已经箭在弦上,关系到大家伙这么多人的性命,实在容不得半点心软和马虎。” Others also follow to back up: Yes, must blame only to blame he himself is not in luck, come time was too late, moreover follows that skeleton such nearly, our presently really does not have that energy to distinguish him is deceitful is loyal.” 其他人也纷纷跟着帮腔:“是啊,要怪只能怪他自己不走运,来的时间点太晚了,而且又跟那个骷髅走得这么近,我们现在实在没那个精力去分辨他是奸是忠。” In order to Insurance, can only choose to make him shut up forever.” 保险起见,只能选择让他永远闭嘴了。” People short several words, gave Lin Yi to sentence the death penalty directly. 众人短短几句话,直接就给林逸宣判了死刑。 Lin Yi watches critically. 林逸冷眼旁观。 Before matter really and him , the difference of very estimating, although did not have to say directly the come out dragon went to the lineage/vein, but among few words, at least can hear come out, this group of person not internal strifes, but has formed a faction of common onset and retreat. 事情果然跟他之前预想的很不一样,虽然没直接说出来龙去脉,但只言片语之间,至少可以听得出来,这帮人并没有起内讧,而是已经形成了一个共同进退的小集体。 But fellow-sufferer who oneself this comes in newly, although with for meeting misfortune human cultivator, but could not win their trusts obviously, instead became thorn in the side that hinders their important matter. 而自己这个新进来的难友,虽说是同为落难的人类修炼者,但显然还得不到他们的信任,反而成了妨碍他们大事的眼中钉肉中刺。 Lin Yi sinking sound said: I do not know that you are equaling anything, but I am newly-arrived, with does not have the injustice not to have the enmity , if must fight me, I have to accompany.” 林逸沉声道:“我不知道你们在合计什么,但我初来乍到,跟诸位也无冤无仇,诸位如果一定要跟我动手,我也只好奉陪。” Tone is very crazy!” “口气还挺狂!” Fierce robust man hears word laughs: Looks at your appearance, should take the method to get so far as buries bone key? Only Yellow Step Late Phase peak, where comes self-confident speaks the last words with our one crowd of Yellow Step grand perfection?” 凶恶壮汉闻言嗤笑:“看你这副样子,应该是走了门路才弄到埋骨地钥匙的吧?区区一介黄阶后期巅峰尊者,到底哪来的自信跟我们一群黄阶大圆满尊者叫板?” Speech at the same time, he takes the lead to bully the body directly on. 说话的同时,他直接率先欺身而上。 At present this situation, everyone revering boundary strength results in Qiqi by the seal 88, only has the mortal body strength also to use normally. 眼下这个处境,大家一身尊者境实力都被封印得七七八八,唯有肉身力量还能正常使用。 But looked that the build of fierce robust man knows, this person inevitably is rare mortal body expert! 而看凶恶壮汉的体型就知道,这人必然是一个难得一见的肉身高手 Mortal body expert is not necessarily popular outside, after all even if the mortal body monsters of five breakthrough growth shackles, cannot withstand very intensive regular strength to devastate, only if can step forward the qualitative change like Lin Yi one step, exercises the god body, otherwise the rule is all. 肉身高手在外面不见得吃香,毕竟哪怕是五次突破生长枷锁的肉身怪物,也根本经不起高强度的规则力量摧残,除非能够像林逸这样跨出质变的一步,练就神体,否则规则才是一切。 But here, mortal body expert actually became the solid sweetie pie. 可是在这里,肉身高手却成了实实在在的香饽饽。 If by synthesizing strength, the fierce robust man takes a broad view at the audience unable to arrange first ten, is at present this situation, he is actually ready the proper audience top strength. 若论综合实力,凶恶壮汉放眼全场排不进前十,可是眼下这个处境,他却是妥妥的全场顶级战力。 Bang! 轰! A fierce robust man first fist rumbles, in the air also resounds an burst sound that made person scalp tingles, this was the symbol of fist fast breakthrough sonic barrier. 凶恶壮汉抢先一拳轰出,空气中随之响起一阵令人头皮发麻的震爆声,这是拳速突破音障的标志。 This fist, impartial center Lin Yi's Achilles'heel. 这一拳,不偏不倚正中林逸的命门。 Just cultivates for that female who Lin Yi made noise does not endure to look again, other numerous cultivator simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform showed the inspired look. 刚刚替林逸出声的那位女修已经不忍再看,其他一众修炼者则齐齐露出了振奋的神色。 Although they not necessarily looked that the fierce robust man is pleasing to the eyes, but at least at the present, each other is the benefit community, if can simply be agile a fist to solve Lin Yi, what benefit is all of them. 他们虽然未必看凶恶壮汉顺眼,但至少在眼下,彼此已是利益共同体,如果能够干脆利索一拳解决掉林逸,受益的是他们所有人。 However it is expected that flesh and blood collision sound has not transmitted, displacing is actually the Lin Yi indifferent sound. 然而预想中的骨肉碰撞声并没有传来,取而代之的却是林逸淡然的声音。 Effort is good, speed difference.” “力度不错,速度差了点。” The fierce robust man eyelid jumps, turns around suddenly, Lin Yi impressively already presently his behind. 凶恶壮汉眼皮一跳,猛然转身,林逸赫然已经出现在他的身后。 Just in his boxing, unexpectedly is the remnant shadow that Lin Yi left behind. 刚刚他这一拳击中的,竟是林逸留下的残影。 Presents others also to look at simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform to look the startled color. 在场其余众人也都看得齐齐面露惊色。 If divine sense had not been suppressed, they are insufficient to make such big mistake, the key of issue lies in the present they are unable to lock Lin Yi with divine sense, can only trace the Lin Yi's speed by the naked eye purely, this difficulty may not be general was big. 如果神识没有被压制,他们不至于出现这么大的失误,问题的关键在于眼下他们无法用神识锁定林逸,只能纯靠肉眼来追踪林逸的速度,这难度可就不是一般的大了。 Plays tricks, matches depending on you?” “装神弄鬼,凭你也配?” The fierce robust man does not believe in evil doctrines, pursuing the Lin Yi's body advantage of terrain is being one attacks crazily. 凶恶壮汉不信邪,追着林逸的身形便是一通狂攻。 He as mortal body expert, body technique is not naturally bad, little said that is also the Grandmaster rank, however to Lin Yi, actually just like degenerated into no brain boorish fellow at this moment. 他身为肉身高手,体术方面自然不差,少说也是宗师级别,然而此刻对上林逸,却俨然沦为了无脑莽夫。 One snatches to incur, the Lin Yi's lower hem corner has not even bumped into obstinately. 一顿抢招下来,愣是连林逸的衣角都没有碰到一下。 Presented others to look stupidly. 在场其他人都看傻了。
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