SBPE :: Volume #16

#10531: Chapter 10531

Chapter 10531 第10531章 Each other before becoming the benefit-sharing community, has various types of contradictions a lot, in them many people under the hand of fierce robust man are eating excessively shrivelled, has the profound experience regarding this strength. 彼此成为利益一致的共同体之前,没少发生各种矛盾,他们之中的不少人都在凶恶壮汉的手底下吃过瘪,对于这位的实力有着深刻的体会。 Has not thought that in this new front, reduced unexpectedly by the position that played jokes upon in the presence of everyone, the key looked at his appearance, unexpectedly was really means did not have. 没想到在这个新来的面前,居然沦落到了被这么当众戏耍的境地,关键看他的样子,居然还真是一点办法都没有。 Simply unthinkable! 简直匪夷所思! The fierce robust man somewhat cannot get out immediately, points at Lin Yi to say breathless: Has the classification to hide, meets the tough head-on with toughness with Father, will only run away is what skill!” 凶恶壮汉顿时就有些下不来台,指着林逸气急败坏道:“有种别躲,跟老子来硬碰硬,只会逃来逃去算什么本事!” The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人面面相觑。 Lin Yi looks at him funnily: Avoiding wasn't the skill? Your does Elementary School live?” 林逸不由好笑的看着他:“躲开就不是本事了?你小学生啊?” The fierce robust man choked the moment, becomes angry out of shame to look at other humanity: „Are you special the deceased people? At this time, did the thoughts stand there to see a play unexpectedly?” 凶恶壮汉噎了片刻,恼羞成怒看着其他人道:“你们特么都是死人啊?都这个时候了,居然还有心思站那里看戏?” The people look at each other. 众人相视一眼。 To the bad attitude of this goods, if trades to make other times, they looked absolutely will not look at his one eyes, but the situation is special at present, finally chose one to act. 就冲着这货的恶劣态度,如果换做其他时候,他们绝对连看都不会看他一眼,不过眼下情况特殊,最终还是选择了一起出手。 To bully little saying that naturally was not of pleasant to hear, but was related to the freedom and life and death, what trivial was face considered as? 以多欺少说出去自然是不好听,但事关自由与生死,区区面子又算得了什么? As the collective of people on the scene enters the war, Lin Yi's pressure all of a sudden big. 随着在场众人的集体参战,林逸的压力一下子就大了起来。 These people carry come out alone, the mortal body strength are inferior to the fierce robust man, but does not represent them is the weak chickens. 这些人单独拎出来,肉身战力都不如凶恶壮汉,但并不代表他们就都是弱鸡。 Although their main strength by the seal, were not primarily the mortal body close combat, but the vision is placed there after all. 虽然他们的主要实力都被封印了,原本也都不是以肉身近战为主,可毕竟眼界摆在那里。 Let alone to their levels, even if not specialize in the mortal body, the mortal body intensity is still no worse, breaks through expert of growth shackles inferiorly twice, even if places at present in this pure mortal body close combat, cannon fodder who easily cannot send. 何况到了他们这个层次,就算不是专修肉身,肉身强度也都差不到哪里去,最次也都是两次突破生长枷锁的高手,即便放在眼下这种纯粹的肉身近战之中,也绝不是轻易就能打发的炮灰。 The most direct-viewing performance is, with joining of people, Lin Yi flashed the space that the revolutions organized to be reduced the limit directly. 一个最直观的表现就是,随着众人的加入,林逸闪转腾挪的空间直接就被压缩到了极限。 Then couldn't avoid? Dies to me!” “这下躲不开了吧?给我死!” The fierce robust man catches the opportunity to laugh, the card people are sealing off Lin Yi thoroughly all gaps that walks the bit space, a rudely sonic boom iron fist, direct bang on the Lin Yi's face. 凶恶壮汉逮到机会哈哈大笑,卡着一个众人彻底封堵住林逸所有走位空间的间隙,一记势大力沉的音爆铁拳,直接轰在了林逸的脸上。 Others act also stop, look to the Lin Yi's vision, is the stance of giving up on the person. 其余众人动作随之停下,看向林逸的目光,已然都是一副看死人的架势。 The might of their too clear this fist. 他们太清楚这一拳的威力了。 If trades to do is in them anyone, the upfront is intimate solid such a fist, must die without doubt. 如果换做是他们之中的任何一人,正面结结实实挨上这么一拳,必死无疑。 Mother is very hard.” “妈的还挺硬。” The fierce robust man took back the fist crassly, be that as it may, but looks at come out from his self-confident expression, Lin Yi in his eyes truly is an out-and-out deceased person. 凶恶壮汉骂骂咧咧的收回了拳头,话虽如此,但从他自信的表情看得出来,林逸在他眼中确实已经是一个不折不扣的死人了。 However immediately, he detected that the expressions of others are not quite normal, knitting the brows head. 但是随即,他就察觉到其他众人的表情不太正常,不由皱了皱眉头。 Looks! A fist that suffered my to kill, can he also live inadequately?” “看个屁啊!挨了我这必杀的一拳,他难道还能活着不成?” Result is not people's reply, but is the Lin Yi light sound. 结果等来的不是众人的回答,而是林逸平淡的声音。 Effort is truly good, almost broke me against.” “力度确实不错,差点就把我打破防了。” The fierce robust man turns head, looks at Lin Yi that returns safe and sound, on the face cannot conceal the panic-stricken color finally again, the subconscious violent falls back on beyond ten meters, points at bellowing that Lin Yi is shouting oneself hoarse: What thing are you?” 凶恶壮汉回头,看着毫发无伤的林逸,脸上终于再也掩饰不住惊骇之色,下意识暴退到十米之外,指着林逸声嘶力竭的大吼:“你到底是什么东西?” No one can receive directly his must kill a fist, possibly does not return safe and sound! 没有任何人能够正面接下他的必杀一拳,更不可能是毫发无伤! As once also calculates that passes a time in the land god country vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered expert, he is not that experience superficial frog in a well, mortal body expert he has seen absolutely innumerably, but has no one person to achieve in Lin Yi this share absolutely! 作为曾经也算在陆上神国纵横过一个时代的高手,他绝对不是那种见识浅薄的井底之蛙,肉身高手他见过无数,但绝对没有任何一人能够做到林逸这个份上! He is proud must kill a fist, unexpectedly continually minimum broken against cannot achieve, how possibly?! 他引以为傲的必杀一拳,居然连最起码的破防都做不到,怎么可能?! He is shocked, others are shocked than him. 他震惊,其他人远比他更加震惊。 If even he cannot break Lin Yi's to guard whole-heartedly, then trades to be them, gives the qualifications that Lin Yi scrapes the skin not to have continually. 如果连他全力以赴都破不了林逸的防,那么换做他们,更是连给林逸刮痧的资格都没有。 Monster that this special where comes? 这特么到底是哪来的怪物啊? Suddenly, everyone was motionless. 一时间,所有人都不动了。 Just because the population advantage brought that self-confident, crashed in this moment loudly. 刚刚因为人数优势带来的那点自信,在这一刻轰然崩塌。 If even/including breaking defense cannot break, even if that their are many and useful! 如果连破防都破不了,那么就算他们人数再多又有个屁用! Looks at the Lin Yi averagely not wonderful appearance, the people can feel at this moment, deep being incapable, made the terrifying pressure that they cannot breathe. 看着林逸平平无奇的模样,众人此刻能够感受到的,只有深深的无力,还有令他们喘不过气来的恐怖压力。 Even if at this moment, the Lin Yi gearing has not moved. 哪怕此刻,林逸连动都没动。 Since your rounds ended, presently should be one's turn me.” “既然你们的回合结束了,现在就该轮到我了。” Lin Yi chuckle, the figure from vanishes immediately same place, being startled everyone together is uneven the heart to jump. 林逸轻笑一声,身形当即从原地消失,惊得所有人齐齐心头一跳。 Only comes under attack does not hit back is not his style, an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth is his consistent attitude, since these people chose acted to him, what reason that regardless of, must pay the consciousness that must die! 只挨打不还手可不是他的风格,以眼还眼以牙还牙才是他的一贯作风,这些人既然选择了对他出手,那么无论出于什么样的理由,都必须付出必死的觉悟! Bang! 轰! Others responded radically without enough time, saw a huge body by the solid bang, impressively unexpectedly was in them the strongest fierce robust man. 其余众人根本都来不及反应,就见一个庞大的身躯被结结实实的轰到了地底下,赫然竟是他们之中最强的凶恶壮汉。 Is feeling the aura of fierce robust man rapid decline, a suffocating despair, covered in the heart of presenting everyone. 感受着凶恶壮汉迅速衰退的气息,一股令人窒息的绝望,笼罩在了在场每一个人的心头。 Had been swept by the Lin Yi faint look, everyone subconscious absolutely terrified, as if stared at generally, probably the next second by the god of death wanted on the step the footsteps of fierce robust man. 林逸淡漠的眼神扫过,所有人下意识毛骨悚然,仿佛被死神盯上了一般,也许下一秒就要步上凶恶壮汉的后尘。 Said accurately, the opportunity of their even/including step fierce robust man footsteps does not even have. 准确的说,他们甚至连步凶恶壮汉后尘的机会都没有。 Although the fierce robust man was struck second to kill, but depends on the mortal body intensities of five breakthrough growth shackles, can preserve a complete corpse reluctantly. 凶恶壮汉虽然被一击秒杀,但靠着五次突破生长枷锁的肉身强度,勉强还能保住一具全尸。 Perhaps as for them, makes a joint guaranty the entire corpse the opportunity not to have! 至于他们,恐怕连保住全尸的机会都没有! The Lin Yi vision sweeps clean from the face of everyone, opens the mouth slowly: How some are presently people willing to tell me is a matter?” 林逸目光从每一个人的脸上扫光,缓缓开口:“现在有人愿意告诉我是怎么一回事了吗?” The people collective is silent. 众人集体沉默。 The present aspect truly came as a surprise to their greatly, but also is actually insufficient to make they truly desperate situation. 眼下的局面确实大大出乎了他们所有人的意料,但却还不至于到令他们真正绝望的地步。 After all if only then this strength, they absolutely do not have the qualifications to expect what freedom! 毕竟如果只有这点实力,他们根本就没资格去奢望什么自由! Lin Yi knits the brows slightly, this group of people are not silent strange, may also be able to maintain such strength in meditation to this moment, that a little made one ponder. 林逸微微皱眉,这帮人沉默不奇怪,可到了这一刻还能保持这样的定力,那就有点令人玩味了。 When he prepares to adopt the movement, the under foot resounds a sound that suddenly just like the beast of prey roars. 就在他准备采取动作的时候,脚下忽然响起一个恍如猛兽咆哮的声音。 Strength king, liberation!” “力王,解放!” The next second, had just been infiltrated the bottom by him, the fierce great man (Han) who even the aura the thorough dispirited has gotten down, traded the savage shape that ruptured to have presently unexpectedly in front of Lin Yi's. 下一秒,刚刚已经被他打入地底,连气息都已彻底萎靡下去的凶恶巨汉,居然换了一个更加爆裂的凶残形态重新出现在林逸的面前。 The Lin Yi eyelid jumps. 林逸眼皮一跳。 He feels the regular strength of powerful rushing on the opposite party unexpectedly! 他居然在对方身上感受到了强大澎湃的规则力量! Boy, can compel this step me, is your this lifetime biggest glory, remembers the Father given name, Father calls history Zhan ! “小子,能够把我逼到这一步,是你这辈子最大的荣耀,记住老子的名号,老子叫史战!” At this time the great man (Han) whole person expanded an entire circle, is filling wreaking havoc steam from top to bottom. 此时巨汉整个人都壮大了一整圈,浑身上下弥漫着一股肆虐的蒸汽。 This is not the ordinary steam, after is regular strength nearly substantializing, to a certain extent twisted the space and time to transform the come out unusual scene. 这不是普通的蒸汽,乃是规则力量近乎实质化之后,某种程度上扭曲了时空所幻化出来的奇特景象。 But the opposite party shows the come out rule, impressively is rule of the vervest overbearing strength! 而对方所展现出来的规则,赫然正是最为刚猛霸道的力之规则!
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