SBPE :: Volume #16

#10529: Chapter 10529

Chapter 10529 第10529章 Jiang Xiaoshang smiled: That is the affirmation, but ants in addition drags out an ignoble existence, the cell of your within the body will turn into the cancer cell, let alone is these exceptional skeleton Saint clans.” 姜小尚笑了:“那是肯定的,可是蝼蚁尚且偷生,就连你体内的细胞都会变成癌细胞,何况是这些自命不凡的骷髅圣族。” Hundred holy cities are definitely fermenting a wave of big clean, once succeeds, it can give full play to the vitality.” “百圣城肯定在酝酿着一波大清洗,一旦成功,它就能重新焕发出生机。” But this wave, if were very passed by 36 72 clans, then its situation may be not quite wonderful, when the time comes comes to select what calamity again, the opportunity that we fish in troubled waters did not come!” “可这一波要是被三十六家七十二族挺过去了,那它的情况可就不太妙了,到时候再来点什么乱子,咱们浑水摸鱼的机会可不就来了嘛!” The words speaking of this step, the Lin Yi's mentality are incomparably clear: That in other words, then I must help 36 72 clans, making them hold on to the presently position, thoroughly does not become by the cancer cell that hundred holy cities control.” 话说到这一步,林逸的思路已是无比清晰:“那也就是说,接下来我得帮着三十六家七十二族,让它们坐稳现在的位置,彻底成为不受百圣城控制的癌细胞。” Jiang Xiaoshang nods: Good, as for the later matter, that must watch changes quietly, bides one's time.” 姜小尚点点头:“不错,至于之后的事情,那就得静观其变,以待时机了。” Said strictly, this set is not how careful thorough plan layout, at best can only be understands the situation clearly later waiting for the opportunity to act. 严格说起来,这一套并不是多么精心周密的计划布局,充其量只能算是认清形势之后的伺机而动。 However Lin Yi is also very clear, the matter in the world large number is unable to plan certainly carefully, waiting for the opportunity to act is most common and most effective opening style. 不过林逸也很清楚,天底下绝大数的事情都无法计划周密,伺机而动才是最常见且最有效的打开方式 Seven points by the human affairs, three points look at the divine intervention, nothing more than such as are. 七分靠人事,三分看天意,不外如是。 Let alone, according to the beforehand analysis, except for enters hundred holy cities with this group of skeleton Saint clans at present, he does not have other choice. 何况,按照之前的分析,眼下除了跟着这帮骷髅圣族进入百圣城,他也没有别的选择。 Quick, Lin Yi was detained into hundred holy cities by a numerous skeleton. 很快,林逸就被一众骷髅押入百圣城中。 Sees to see, everywhere is a lively scene of lively marketplace. 入目所见,到处是一副繁华市井的热闹景象。 Except that on the street in a business area comes and goes is the skeletons, the style is quite strange beside, with proper human city many differences, nothing but also has not been the thing of business is not quite actually same. 除了街面上来来往往的都是骷髅,画风比较奇怪之外,倒是跟正经的人类城池没多少出入,无非也就是买卖的东西不太一样罢了。 Thinks of the true colors of these hundred holy cities, being afraid of Lin Yi then instinct. 只是一想到这百圣城的真面目,林逸便本能的不寒而栗。 His presently, but penetrated into the center of opposite party within the body truly. 现在,可是真正深入到对方体内的腹地了。 Lin Yi has an intense intuition, at this time an under foot huge invisible will is peeping at itself, oneself any a wee bit slight action, cannot escape its sensation. 林逸有一种强烈的直觉,此时脚下一股庞大的无形意志正在窥视着自己,自己任何一丁点的细微举动,都逃不过它的感知。 On the contrary, after entering hundred holy cities, his divine sense sensation received the enormous limit. 相反,在进入百圣城后,他的神识感知就受到了极大的限制。 This is not a divine sense suppression desirably, because the opposite party is extremely terrifying, invisible between naturally formed a magnetic field disturbance. 这并不是一种刻意的神识压制,而是因为对方太过恐怖,无形之间自然形成了一种磁场般的干扰。 Only if divine sense powerful enough to can meet as an equal to it, otherwise wants presently its neighbor, divine sense will be suppressed all-around. 除非神识强大到能够与其分庭抗礼,否则只要出现在其附近,神识就会受到全方位的压制。 Lin Yi this also calculates good, divine sense at least can also find out outside the body, maintains about hundred meters perception area. 林逸这都还算好的了,神识至少还能探出体外,保持近百米的感知范围。 Trades to make other boundary expert, the big probability is released externally divine sense continually cannot achieve, the sensation level drops to the average person level directly. 换做其他尊者境高手,大概率连将神识外放都做不到,感知层面直接回落到普通人层次。 In addition, regular strength accidental/surprised by complete seal, even True Qi in within the body is operating is also blocked seriously. 除此之外,规则力量也不出意外的被完全封印了,甚至连带着体内的真气运行也都严重受阻。 Revering boundary expert in this place, even if did not say that completely degenerates into the disabled person, strength was still basically truncated over 90%, no wonder the skeleton Saint clan is so secure. 尊者境高手在这地方,即便不说完全沦为废人,一身实力也基本被削了九成以上,难怪骷髅圣族如此有恃无恐。 My political opportunists are one of the 36, has the most honored position in hundred holy cities, place that therefore we live , is also hundred holy city most honored sections.” “我纵横家是三十六家之一,在百圣城有着最尊贵的地位,所以我们住的地方,也是百圣城最尊贵的地段。” white skeleton self-satisfied turn head said that simultaneously hinted under the hand | subordinate to receive the light to be firm, gave the Lin Yi free activity space. 白色骷髅得意的回头说了一句,同时示意手下收起了光牢,给了林逸自由活动的空间。 Any human cultivator cannot raise the least bit storm here absolutely, it is naturally glad before Lin Yi this new slave, shows it magnanimous as master. 任何人类修炼者在这里都绝对掀不起半点风浪,它自然乐意在林逸这个新奴隶面前,展现它身为主人的大度。 About Lin Yi looks in all directions. 林逸左右四顾。 Comes he route that will pass through to understand clearly in chest/heart, at present the position, truly is the core regions of hundred holy cities, even if not the heart, is still the heart edge. 一路过来他已将所经过的路线了然于胸,眼下所处的位置,确实是百圣城的核心地带,即便不是心脏,也已经是心脏边缘。 Immediately, Lin Yi's vision then by a distant place grand stage attraction. 随即,林逸的目光便被远处一座雄伟的高台吸引。 white skeleton driving introduced: That is a chancel, the special priest sage uses, you will also go to there quickly.” 白色骷髅主动介绍道:“那是圣坛,专门祭司圣人用的,你很快也会去那里。” The Lin Yi eyelid jumps: Said that you catch me, but for me sacrificial offering that when the sacrificial offering uses?” 林逸眼皮一跳:“这么说你把我抓来,只是为了把我当祭祀用的祭品?” He is also thinking with the aid of the family background of opposite party, ambushes one in these hundred holy cities well. 他还想着借助对方的家世,在这百圣城好好潜伏一阵。 But if comes up to be regarded the sacrificial offering, that may a little be troublesome. 可要是上来就被当成祭品,那可就有点麻烦了。 The white skeleton exuded the strange laughter: Has no need such anxiously, you truly are the sacrificial offering, so long as you can win the slaves of other families/home, can live, will obtain the generous recompense of my political opportunists!” 白色骷髅发出了怪笑声:“用不着这么紧张,你确实是祭品,但只要你能打赢其他家的奴隶,还是能活下来的,而且还会得到我纵横家的重赏!” Lin Yi is astonished however: „Is so-called sacrificial offering sage, lets us there duel? Is that the altar or the abattoir?” 林逸讶然:“所谓的祭祀圣人,难道就是让我们在那里决斗?那到底是祭坛还是角斗场啊?” Not is only the altar, is the abattoir.” “既是祭坛,也是角斗场。” The white skeleton tone said seriously: You can kill seven step dragon beast with ease, in I have seen in slave, being able to stand in line number, the altar corner fought sufficiently directly is relating the resource distributions of various clans, your time represents my political opportunists to go to battle, makes no mistake!” 白色骷髅语气郑重道:“你能轻松杀死七阶龙兽,在我见过的奴隶之中,足以排得上号了,祭坛角斗直接关系着各家各族的资源分配,你这次代表我纵横家出战,不容有失!” The normal condition, their group of skeleton Saint clans treat the human slave so is not polite, Lin Yi this is also with own strength, winning position that is different from the common slave. 正常情况,他们这帮骷髅圣族对待人类奴隶绝不会如此客气,林逸这也算是用自己的实力,赢得了不同于一般奴隶的地位。 The slaves are not valuable, slave but who can maintain the position for their political opportunists, is very valuable. 奴隶不值钱,但是能够替他们纵横家保住地位的奴隶,很值钱。 Lin Yi asked one: How if I did lose can?” 林逸问了一句:“如果我输了会怎么样?” If you fought in the altar corner lost, our political opportunists will be excluded 36 ranks, since then degenerated into ordinary Family, if the enemy walked, we will be beyond redemption.” “如果你在祭坛角斗中输了,我们纵横家就会被剔除出三十六家行列,从此沦为普通家族,如果仇家找上门来,我们会万劫不复。” The white skeleton is especially honest. 白色骷髅格外坦诚。 Lin Yi strange looks at it: Since is so serious, you dare easily to detain the treasure in my head, because I did kill seven step dragon beast in your mouth?” 林逸奇怪的看着它:“既然这么严重,你就敢轻易把宝押在我的头上,就因为我杀了一头你口中的七阶龙兽?” The white skeleton returns said: My political opportunists naturally are not only then your slave, you want to represent my political opportunists to go to battle with the altar, must first exceed other slaves, since you are I bring personally, you can certainly win finally, I believe my vision.” 白色骷髅回道:“我纵横家自然不是只有你一个奴隶,你想要代表我纵横家出战祭坛,就必须先胜过其他奴隶,不过既然你是我亲自带回来的,你就一定能赢到最后,我相信我的眼光。” If I won, what advantage has?” “如果我赢了,有什么好处?” Lin Yi supplements one immediately: Let alone lets my reincarnation becomes your Saint clan one and so on words, I am not interested in this.” 林逸随即补充一句:“别说让我转生成你们圣族一员之类的话,我对这个不感兴趣。” The white skeleton silent moment, is determined to say finally: If you represent my political opportunists to fight in the altar corner win, I can take responsibility to reward to you ten levels of Saint bones.” 白色骷髅沉默片刻,最终下定决心道:“如果你代表我纵横家在祭坛角斗中获胜,我可以做主赏赐给你一根十级圣骨。” Although ordinary skeleton within the body does not have the Saint bone, but its political opportunists, since is one of the 36, in the hand is naturally having the Saint bone resources of most core. 虽然普通骷髅体内没有圣骨,但它纵横家既然是三十六家之一,手中自然是掌握着最核心的圣骨资源。 Ten levels of Saint bone admittedly are precious, but it also really not with not come out. 十级圣骨固然珍贵,但它还真不是拿不出来 Lin Yi selects the eyebrow slightly: Deal.” 林逸微微挑眉:“成交。” The white skeleton told to other skeletons: Leads him to see his opponents.” 白色骷髅对其他骷髅吩咐道:“带他去见一见他的对手们。” Lin Yi was brought to a big underground abattoir immediately, here, he saw with his same human cultivator, has more than 20 people scattered fully. 林逸随即就被带到一个偌大的地下角斗场,在这里,他见到了跟他一样的人类修炼者,零零散散足有二十多人。 The population are not at first sight many, but if considered that the entry control of god level school alliance's regarding burying bone place, this place one cannot come in even all year round several people. 人数乍看起来不多,可如果考虑到神级学院联盟对于埋骨地的进入管制,这地方就算一整年也进不来几个人。 Under this major premise, only political opportunists closed/pass more than 20 human cultivator, such number is very exaggerating. 这个大前提之下,只纵横家一家就关了二十多个人类修炼者,这样的数目已经很夸张了。
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