SBPE :: Volume #16

#10528: Chapter 10528

Chapter 10528 第10528章 Very big probability, becomes last trick up sleeve ability of maintaining life card in a hand sufficiently! 很大概率,是足以成为保命底牌的撒手锏能力 However since Jiang Xiaoshang did not plan saying that Lin Yi will not force, before has experienced so many things, especially also withered the evil god together jointly, this minimum trust and tacit had. 不过既然姜小尚自己不打算说,林逸也不会逼迫,之前经历过这么多事情,尤其还一起联手干死了邪神,彼此之间这点起码的信任和默契还是有的。 Other cannot guarantee, but at least a little Lin Yi extremely determined, Jiang Xiaoshang not to oneself disadvantageous. 别的不敢保证,但至少有一点林逸十分确定,姜小尚不会对自己不利。 Solely is not believes that the moral integrity of opposite party, what important is, he believes IQ of opposite party. 倒不单单是相信对方的节操,更重要的是,他相信对方的智商 About this hundred holy cities, you have also guessed correctly some clue to come, good, these said that the fellows of Saint clan essentially are by the sage skeleton of ancient period.” “关于这个百圣城,想必你也已经猜出一些端倪来了,不错,这些自称圣族的家伙本质上就是由上古时期的圣人骨骼所化。” Jiang Xiaoshang laid bare the truth directly. 姜小尚直接一语道破。 Lin Yi is stunned: Where comes so many sage skeletons?” 林逸愕然:“哪来那么多圣人骨骼?” Food corpse ghost who although according to before contacted and other numerous corpse beast, the Saint bone that each within the body contained was not big, only then a section, but could not support many a little makes a mickle. 虽说按照之前接触的食尸鬼等一众尸兽来看,每一头体内蕴藏的圣骨都不大,只有一小节,但架不住积少成多啊。 Especially looks at the scale of that hundred holy city, inside little said that also has several hundred even tens of millions so-called Saint clans! 尤其看那百圣城的规模,里面少说也有数百甚至数千万的所谓圣族! This must be completely the Saint bone, how many sages can that build? 这要全部都是圣骨所化,那得搭进去多少圣人? Cannot ancient period various God walk everywhere, the sage is inferior to the dog...... 总不能上古时期诸神遍地走,圣人不如狗吧…… Jiang Xiaoshang shook the head: You may think crookedly, this group of skeleton Saint clans truly are the Saint bone, but they are different from other corpse beasts.” 姜小尚摇头:“那你可就想歪了,这帮骷髅圣族确实是圣骨所化,但它们跟其他尸兽不一样。” Other corpse beasts come back to life alone, therefore within the body of each corpse beast has a section of Saint bone inevitably, without the Saint bone, they are only one pile of ordinary rotten bones, from the start will not live.” “其他尸兽都是单独复生,所以每一头尸兽的体内必然都有一截圣骨,如果没有圣骨,它们就只是一堆普普通通的烂骨头,压根就不会活过来。” But the skeleton Saint clan is different.” “但是骷髅圣族不同。” They are the entire race come back to life together, in most important most essential that several except for them, the bodies of other individuals absolutely does not have the Saint bone.” “它们是整个种族一起复生,除了它们之中最重要最关键的那几位,其他个体的身上根本就没有圣骨。” Do not look that each seems like the independent individual, actually they definitely are unable to be separated from hundred holy cities to survive independently, insist on the words that spoke, actually the entire hundred holy cities is a true super corpse beast!” “你别看它们每一个看起来都是独立的个体,其实它们完全无法脱离百圣城独立生存,硬要说的话,其实整个百圣城才是一头真正的超级尸兽!” The group of skeleton Saint clans that you see, in the strict sense is only the part of fluid quite strong organizations of this super corpse beast, is similar to the blood of our within the body.” “你看到的这帮骷髅圣族,严格意义上只是这头超级尸兽的一部分流动性比较强的组织罢了,跟我们体内的血液差不多。” Jiang Xiaoshang the explanation, made Lin Yi renovate chapter of three views. 姜小尚的这番讲解,着实令林逸刷新了一回三观。 Before mourning corpse tyrannosaurus, even if put the outside world is also a not to be underestimated aggressive giant beast, if not bump into present Lin Yi, even if two months ahead of schedule, Lin Yi met it only to be able around walking. 之前遇到的丧尸暴龙,哪怕放到外界也都已经是一头不容小觑的凶悍巨兽了,如果不是碰到如今的林逸,哪怕只是提前两个月,林逸遇到它都只能绕着走。 But such existence, with hundred holy cities puts together even comparison, as before is the light and bright moon splendor of glow, is no comparison between them completely. 可即便是这样的存在,跟百圣城放在一起比较,依旧是萤火之光与皓月之辉,完全不可同日而语。 Looks at the distant place gradually clear huge outline, Lin Yi is absolutely terrified. 看着远处渐渐清晰的庞大轮廓,林逸不由毛骨悚然。 Before was only felt like that some were not quite right, at this moment recalled, when clone First time discovered its existence, he had one type inexplicably by the feeling that some terrifying lifeform stared. 之前只是隐约觉得有些不太对劲,此刻回想起来,在分身第一次发现其存在的时候,他就莫名有一种被某个恐怖生物盯上的感觉。 Then, he by the present group of skeletons surrounding. 然后紧接着,他就被眼前的这帮骷髅给困住了。 This obviously is not a pure coincidence. 这显然不是一个单纯的巧合。 Lin Yi frowns: According to your view, I actually by this group of skeletons not staring, but by hundred holy cities staring, are this group of skeletons only it extend a tentacle of come out?” 林逸不由皱起了眉头:“按照你这个说法,我其实不是被这帮骷髅给盯上了,而是被百圣城给盯上了,这帮骷髅只是它伸出来的一只触手而已?” Jiang Xiaoshang nods: Therefore you, even if presently can withdraw forcefully, later definitely will still encounter wave of stronger chasing down.” 姜小尚点点头:“所以你就算现在能够强行脱身,之后也必然会遭遇一波比一波更强的追杀。” Only if leaves buries the bone place, so long as otherwise you entered the eyes of hundred holy cities, will definitely not have any opportunity of cultivating one's own moral worth again.” “除非离开埋骨地,否则只要你入了百圣城的眼,就绝对不会再有任何独善其身的机会。” What most awfully is, you time in outside enduring is longer, is more likely to attract the opposite party to further pay more attention, in this place, once becomes the key attention target of opposite party, you may really be difficult.” “最要命的是,你在外面挺住的时间越长,就越有可能引来对方更进一步的关注,在这地方一旦成为对方的重点关注目标,那你可就真的寸步难行了。” This truth, Lin Yi do not want to understand difficultly. 这番道理,林逸自己也不难想明白。 In this case, draws the hatred under with it outside forcefully, reverse its say/way hides the eyes of opposite party to hide, might as well be a wiser choice. 在这种情况下,与其强行在外面拉仇恨,反行其道躲到对方的眼皮子底下,未尝不是一种更加明智的选择。 Lin Yi selected the eyebrow say/way: „Isn't this perhaps also the complete reason?” 林逸挑了挑眉道:“这恐怕还不是全部原因吧?” Hehe, really anything cannot hide the truth from you.” “嘿嘿,果然什么都瞒不过你。” Jiang Xiaoshang no longer kept guessing finally: In riches and honor danger asked that hundred holy cities were this bury the bone biggest threat, was here biggest chance, since has come to here, will definitely not come away empty with your temper, must play plays a ticket to be big!” 姜小尚终于不再卖关子:“富贵险中求,百圣城是这埋骨地最大的威胁,同时也是这里最大的机缘,既然都已经来这里了,以你的性子肯定不会空手而回,要玩就玩一票大的!” Lin Yi is speechless: You really think highly of me actually.” 林逸无语:“你倒是真看得起我。” Although the principle is such principle, but if knows hundred holy cities unexpectedly are such terrifying exists on the 1st, even with his courage, should still think over one to say absolutely well again. 虽然理是这么个理,但如果事前知道百圣城竟是这么恐怖的一号存在,即便以他的胆魄,也绝对会好好掂量一番再说。 He does not even need to think, hundred holy cities absolutely before him all opponents are much thornier, including evil god! 他甚至都不用想,百圣城绝对比他之前遇到的所有对手都棘手得多,包括邪神! The gods who although the evil god keeps aloof, may have many limits after all, strength that can project truly, let alone one of the extremely, including 1/1000 not necessarily can have. 邪神虽说是高高在上的神明,可毕竟有着诸多限制,真正能够投射下来的力量,别说十分之一,连千分之一都未见得能有。 Evil god who let alone kills truly, was actually Jiang Xiaoshang that main body, he and Jiang Xiaoshang said strictly, but played a chapter of side drum to grab a chapter of bargain. 何况真正弄死的邪神的,其实是姜小尚的那位本尊,他和姜小尚严格说起来,只是敲了一回边鼓捡了一回便宜而已。 Reviews the front hundred holy cities, but here solid person Patriarch field. 反观前方的百圣城,这里可是实实在在的人家主场。 Others strength far more than is the percentage hundred displays, even 120% extraordinary displays, are still logical! 人家实力何止是百分百发挥,就算是百分之一百二的超常发挥,也都顺理成章! Even if Lin Yi strength rises suddenly now, but makes him cope with such existence, viewed from whichever angle, fights a hopeless battle, brings about own destruction! 哪怕林逸如今实力暴涨,可是让他去对付这样的存在,无论从哪个角度看,也都是以卵击石,自寻死路! Jiang Xiaoshang was actually full of enthusiasm: Normal condition, you truly do not have the least bit odds of success, after all is completely not magnitude existence, your physique pounds, it is estimated that even/including the gap between teeth cannot crowd.” 姜小尚却是兴致勃勃:“正常情况,你确实没有半点胜算,毕竟完全不是一个量级的存在,就你这点身板砸进去,估计连人家的牙缝都塞不满。” „But if under certain not normal peculiar circumstances, that discussed separately.” “可要是在某些不正常的特殊情况之下,那就另说了。” The Lin Yi eyelid jumps: How peculiar circumstance?” 林逸眼皮一跳:“怎么个特殊情况?” Jiang Xiaoshang did not answer asked back: „A life body wants to maintain the vigor, what most important is what?” 姜小尚不答反问:“一个生命体想要保持活力,最重要的是什么?” Lin Yi looking pensive: Metabolism?” 林逸若有所思:“新陈代谢?” Good, is the metabolism.” “不错,就是新陈代谢。” Jiang Xiaoshang spoke with confidence: Hundred holy city such huge bodies, are conducting the metabolism of wide scope every time, otherwise it will lose the control to oneself body.” 姜小尚侃侃而谈:“百圣城这么庞大的躯体,每时每刻都在进行着大范围的新陈代谢,否则它就会对自己的躯体失去控制。” However these said that the skeleton of Saint clan, is participates in the metabolic the main body!” “而这些自称圣族的骷髅,就是参与代谢的主体!” If hundred holy city conditions are normal, each should have large quantities of skeleton Saint clan to be eliminated, will have large quantities of new skeleton superiors.” “若是百圣城状态正常,每一刻都应该有大批的骷髅圣族被淘汰,同时会有大批的新骷髅上位。” In other words, hundred holy city influences must conduct unceasing shuffle, it can maintain the health, otherwise, it will have problems!” “换句话说,百圣城内部的势力必须进行不断的洗牌,它才能保持健康,反之,它就会出问题!” Lin Yi hears here eye brightly one: Just the fellow declared 36 72 clans, explained that hundred holy city internal influences have solidified completely, did the metabolism of hundred holy cities have problems?” 林逸听到这里眼睛一亮:“刚刚那家伙宣称三十六家七十二族,说明百圣城内部势力已经完全固化,百圣城的代谢出问题了?” Jiang Xiaoshang happily nodded: That is it!” 姜小尚得意点头:“就是这个意思!” Lin Yi knits the brows immediately slightly: But any life body has the self- error correction mechanism, if hundred holy cities are really the whole of having the unity will, it will certainly have the reaction mechanism of correspondence, is used to break this internal solidification.” 林逸随即微微皱眉:“但是任何一个生命体都有自我纠错机制,百圣城如果真是一个有统一意志的整体,它就一定会有对应的反应机制,用来打破这种内部固化。”
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