SBPE :: Volume #16

#10527: Chapter 10527

Chapter 10527 第10527章 Under the nearly substantialize line of sight oppresses, does not have the white skeleton of fur/superficial knowledge obviously, for the first time has the feeling that a numerous fine hair towered unexpectedly. 在其近乎实质化的视线压迫之下,明明没有皮毛的白色骷髅,竟破天荒生出了一众汗毛耸立的感觉。 Although the theory or the past experience, it does not believe intellectually Lin Yi can break open up firmly, but the intense intuition is warning it at this moment crazily, making it leave this dangerous human, again! 虽然无论是理论还是以往的经验,它在理智上都不相信林逸能够破开光牢,可是此刻强烈的直觉正在疯狂的警示着它,让它离这个危险的人类远一点,再远一点! However, prepares in it from the heart, wants has numerous under the hand | subordinate temporary strategic to evacuate time, Lin Yi actually relieved black armor suddenly, since received the demon to bite the sword. 不过,就在它准备从心,想要带着一众手下暂时战略性撤离的时候,林逸却忽然自行解除了身上的黑甲,收起了魔噬剑。 I think, reasonable teaches me to listen, after all I am not a person of iron.” “我想了想,有道理的教诲我还是得听一下,毕竟我也不是一个头铁的人。” An audience strange silence. 全场一阵诡异的寂静。 This sudden god transition, is reduced to the waist plate to be prominent a numerous skeleton solid, each other looks at each other to be speechless for a very long time. 这突如其来的神转折,结结实实把一众骷髅闪得腰间盘突出,彼此相视久久无语。 Under the white skeleton heart relaxes, subconscious somewhat is breathless, since bragged the Saint clan, moreover was gentle, it did not permit himself before the person rude, even if the opposite party were only the slave in its eye. 白色骷髅心下松了一口气,下意识就有些气急败坏,不过既然自诩圣族,而且出身名门,它不允许自己在人前失态,哪怕对方只是它眼中的奴隶。 Is willing to listen respectfully to the instruction, explained that you are not also incurable, so long as you maintain have progressed humbly, I as the master, will want permits a you bright future.” “愿意聆听教诲,说明你也并不是不可救药,只要你一直保持谦逊上进,我身为主人,愿意许你一个光明的未来。” Lin Yi hears word is curious: I, since were the slaves, what bright future but can also have?” 林逸闻言好奇:“我既然都是奴隶了,还能有什么光明的未来?” The white skeleton happily smiles: I can help the you reincarnation become one of the Saint clan, making you extricate from the endless sea of bitterness henceforth, this future, insufficient light?” 白色骷髅得意一笑:“我可以帮伱转生成为圣族的一员,让你从此从无尽的苦海中解脱,这个未来,难道还不够光明吗?” „......” “……” Lin Yi had nothing to say in reply. 林逸无言以对。 Puts human well to be improper, turns into itself the skeleton, is this very bright? 放着好好的人类不当,把自己变成骷髅,这很光明? The white skeleton thought obviously his silence is the excited performance , to continue to encourage saying: So long as you do well, my political opportunists will never treat unjustly the underlings.” 白色骷髅显然觉得他的沉默就是心动的表现,继续劝勉道:“只要你好好干,我纵横家从来不会亏待底下人。” Lin Yi nods: I may really probably experience the elegant demeanor of all of various schools of thought well.” 林逸点点头:“那我可真要好好见识一下诸子百家的风采了。” He received the hand at this time suddenly, did not instigate that also did not feel, once did not have the regular strength, oneself cannot certainly break this light to be firm, but presented an accidental/surprised accident. 他这个时候突然收手,并不是怂了,也并不是觉得一旦没有了规则力量,自己就一定破不开这个光牢,而是出现了一个意外的变故。 Jiang Xiaoshang awoke. 姜小尚醒了。 Since previous and evil god fights, Jiang Xiaoshang fell into the deep sleep. 自从上次与邪神一战,姜小尚就陷入了沉睡。 He is contesting actually not what accident/surprise, but in planned the evil god after Lin Yi jointly, he as being next to the Lin Yi's big winner, that benefits all of a sudden are too many, suddenly did not digest. 倒不是他在过招中出了什么意外,而是在跟林逸联手算计了邪神之后,他身为仅次于林逸的大赢家,一下子得到的好处太多,一时间消化不了。 Now since wakes up from the deep sleep, explained that he has digested. 如今既然从沉睡中醒来,也就说明他已经消化完毕。 It is no doubt that this goods inevitably are shed the mortal body and exchange the bones. 不用说,这货必然已是脱胎换骨了。 However seems like from the surface, this fellow with before was actually nothing's difference, the scene that once with the aid of the field of vision of child pupil, Lin Yi saw was immediately different. 不过从表面上看起来,这家伙跟之前却是没有任何的区别,然而一旦借助子瞳的视野,林逸看到的景象立马就不一样了。 Your this appearance, but can also be clone?” “你这个样子,还能算是分身吗?” Lin Yi cannot bear ask. 林逸忍不住问道。 Before then, Jiang Xiaoshang existence, although extremely is special, but without a doubt, he essentially is clone. 在此之前,姜小尚的存在虽然十分特殊,但毋庸置疑,他本质上还是一个分身 Although he has independent action ability, even also for the first time has own thought that but his all strength roots, still come from his main body. 他虽然有着独立行动能力,甚至还破天荒拥有自己的思想,但他一切的力量根源,依然来自于他那位本尊。 In other words, if his main body wants to cope with him, has no need to act, so long as cuts off the strength supply, Jiang Xiaoshang will collapse of itself. 换句话说,如果他那位本尊想要对付他,根本都用不着出手,只要掐断力量供应,姜小尚自己就会不攻自破。 However present Jiang Xiaoshang, obviously is very different. 但是眼前的姜小尚,很明显已经不一样了。 He has oneself source of strength, which perspective regardless of, could not have found the clone trace on his body. 他有自己的力量之源,无论从哪个角度来看,在他的身上都已经找不到分身的痕迹。 If not know this goods the details, even if lets Lin Yi, him with clone will not link absolutely. 如果不是知道这货的底细,哪怕让林逸来看,也绝对不会把他跟分身联系在一起。 Jiang Xiaoshang happily smiled: What kind of? buddy this plays beautiful, helping your Yin dying evil god that silly bird not say, I can also retrieval freshman, completely go out since then am my own road, was this wave can give a perfect score ready ready?” 姜小尚得意一笑:“怎么样?哥们这一手玩得漂亮吧,帮你阴死邪神那个傻鸟不说,我自己还能重获新生,从此彻底走出属于我自己的一条路,这一波是不是妥妥能打个满分?” The Lin Yi squint looks at him: You determined that your main body will ignore?” 林逸斜眼看着他:“你确定你那本尊会置之不理?” That is insufficient but actually, I am the board game piece under his careful arrange/cloth, how possibly easily to put me to be free?” “那倒不至于,我是他精心布下的棋子,怎么可能轻易放我自由?” Jiang Xiaoshang is discouraged immediately: Plans all welldoing by him, my presently situation also in his planning, I can erase the clone trace absolutely, he will perhaps also be glad to see him succeed.” 姜小尚顿时就泄了气:“以他算计一切的德行,我现在的情况绝对也在他的算计之中,我能抹去分身痕迹,他恐怕还会乐见其成。” Lin Yi thinks: Also yes.” 林逸想了想:“也是。” After all that truly in the goal of planning, in this side World that is true supreme, so long as Jiang Xiaoshang were his clone, even if he arranged again thoroughly, finally could not escape the result of being exposed. 毕竟那位真正在算计的目标,在这一方世界那可是真正的至高无上,只要姜小尚还是他的分身,哪怕他布置得再周密,最终也逃不过东窗事发的结局。 Only had Jiang Xiaoshang to be separated from his clone status from various significances completely, the later all sorts of movements, truly had practice trickery a successful possibility. 唯有姜小尚从各种意义上完全脱离了他的分身身份,之后的种种动作,才有真正瞒天过海成功的一丝可能性。 Let alone, Jiang Xiaoshang, even if no longer were his clone, made Jiang Xiaoshang obediently obedient in that method still at least 10,000 means. 何况,姜小尚就算不再是他的分身了,以那位的手段也至少有一万种办法让姜小尚乖乖听话。 Helpless Jiang Xiaoshang said: My presently situation, if hides your here does not go out, theoretically he is impossible to affect me again, after all you have the absolute control to new World, without your permission, is unable to invade even at his level.” 姜小尚无奈道:“我现在的情况,如果就躲在你这里不出去,理论上他就已经不可能再影响到我了,毕竟你对新世界有着绝对的掌控,没有你的许可,就算以他的层次也无法入侵进来。” Lin Yi looks at him: Therefore you do prepare to hide here for a lifetime?” 林逸看着他:“所以你准备在我这里躲一辈子?” Fart.” “屁。” Jiang Xiaoshang strained the neck to shout to shout: You cannot understand the word usage, my named hiding? My this is covert named strategy!” 姜小尚扯着脖子嚷嚷道:“你懂不懂怎么用词,我这个叫躲吗?我这个叫战略隐蔽!” Lin Yi expressed the appreciation: Good, changing a word sounded is more unyielding.” 林逸表示赞赏:“不错,换个词听起来就硬气多了。” Being a promising young man of Jiang Xiaoshang face, continued saying: Originally, I truly am possible in your here hiding several thousand several Ten-thousand-year, but new World develops unexpectedly such quickly in the hand of your abnormal, perhaps soon, I can benefit from association with your going out to walk sideways.” 姜小尚一脸的孺子可教,继续说道:“本来呢,我确实可能得在你这里隐蔽个几千几万年,不过新世界在你这个变态的手里居然发展得这么快,说不定用不了多久,我就能沾你的光出去横着走了。” Lin Yi is funny: Thinks highly of me?” 林逸不由好笑:“这么看得起我?” He naturally can hear the meaning in opposite party words. 他自然听得出对方话里的意思。 Even except the clone trace, Jiang Xiaoshang the status were extremely still sensitive, once goes out from here, will stare by his main body was not saying, will not be good even also to bring in creates the attention of the world god. 即便除去了分身的痕迹,姜小尚的身份依旧极其敏感,一旦从这里出去,会被他那本尊盯着不说,一个不好甚至还会引来创世神的关注。 His presently relates so closely with Lin Yi, once exposes under creating the eyes of the world god hides, not only Lin Yi must die, he must follow dead. 现在林逸关系如此密切,一旦暴露在创世神的眼皮子底下,不仅林逸得死,他也得跟着死。 Two people are completely grasshopper on a rope. 两人完全就是一根绳上的蚂蚱。 Only if Lin Yi strength can grow to does not fear completely creates the altitude of the world god, otherwise he does not say to walk sideways, it is estimated that does not have including the courage that appears outside. 除非林逸实力能够成长到完全不惧创世神的高度,否则他别说出去横着走,估计连在外面露头的胆子都没有。 Let alone , compared to create the world god, to him a more fearful main body. 何况,相比起创世神,对他来说还有一个更加可怕的本尊。 Jiang Xiaoshang a face sincere is patting the Lin Yi shoulder: You must be confident to yourself, can buddy later the last auspicious day, be possible to point at you.” 姜小尚一脸语重心长的拍着林逸肩膀:“你要对自己有信心,哥们以后能不能过上好日子,可都指着你呢。” Lin Yi turned a supercilious look, speechless say/way: Do not talk nonsense, since does not want to say that what new ability this time obtained, that first said that the present matter, why does make me go to that hundred holy cities?” 林逸翻了一记白眼,无语道:“别扯淡了,既然不想说这次获得了什么新能力,那就先说说眼下的事吧,为什么让我去那百圣城?” Jiang Xiaoshang smiled. 姜小尚嘿嘿一笑。 Obtained the so huge advantage from evil god there, his harvest is not erases the clone trace is so simple merely, obtained ability in other aspects inevitably. 从邪神那里得到了如此巨大的好处,他的收获绝不仅仅是抹掉分身痕迹这么简单,必然还获得了其他方面的能力
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