SBPE :: Volume #16

#10524: Chapter 10524

Chapter 10524 第10524章 The search efficiency of clone army is extremely high, quick, Lin Yi then discovered a food corpse ghost. 分身大军的搜索效率极高,很快,林逸便又发现了一头食尸鬼。 Actually the aggressivity of these dead spirit lifeform are extremely strong, as long as there is a living creature process, they will jump come out, cannot need to seek with effort. 其实这些亡灵生物的攻击性极强,但凡有活物经过,它们自己就会跳出来,根本用不到费力寻找。 But by strength of food corpse ghost, Lin Yi does not even need oneself to act, is only clone can solve. 而以食尸鬼的实力,林逸甚至都不需要本人出手,光是分身就能解决。 One to one could not solve, that two pairs of 13 pairs one, in any case by the clone army who the Lin Yi present level can maintain several hundred people of scales momentarily, the quantity manages enough. 一对一解决不了,那就二对一三对一,反正以林逸如今的层次随时都能维持数百人规模的分身大军,数量管够。 Only if opposite party strength surpasses too, can conduct the wide scope suppression to his clone army, otherwise Lin Yi is only a clone tactic that plays the brazen, made most Profound Step under existence scalp tingles sufficiently. 除非对方实力超出太多,能够对他的分身大军进行大范围镇压,否则林逸光是一个耍赖皮的分身战术,就足以令大多数玄阶尊者之下的存在头皮发麻。 Naturally, can resort to some brazen methods, is in itself hard strength some manifests. 当然,能够动用一些赖皮手段,本身就是硬实力的某种体现。 The Second food corpse ghost was solved quickly. 第二头食尸鬼很快就被解决。 Harvested a big wave soul granule again at the same time, Lin Yi really found section of six levels of Saint bones on his body. 再度收获了一大波灵魂粒子的同时,林逸果然又在其身上找到了一截六级圣骨。 However the position of this section of Saint bone from was different a moment ago. 不过这一截圣骨的位置跟刚才不同。 A moment ago was the phalanx, but this section was actually the rib, the size must on slightly big some. 刚才是指骨,而这一截却是肋骨,尺寸也要稍微大上一些。 Lin Yi somewhat knits the brows: According to this stance wants to collect a complete Saint bone, is not quite easy.” 林逸不由有些皱眉:“照这个架势想要凑出一副完整的圣骨,可是不太容易啊。” Person 206 bones, even if each dead spirit lifeform can ensure that blows out a Saint bone, that still at least needs to get rid of 206 to be good. 人身上206块骨头,就算每一头亡灵生物都能确保爆出一块圣骨,那也至少要干掉206头才行。 But in fact, this is not possible. 而事实上,这是不可能的。 Because every time a Saint bone that explodes come out definitely will appear repeatedly, moreover more arrives at Late Phase, the redundant possibility is higher! 因为每一次爆出来的圣骨必然会出现重复,而且越到后期,重复的可能性就越高! This looks like a collection card to play, wants a volume of simultaneous/uniform one set of complete card, the effort that needs to make at least is most ideal condition several times even dozens times! 这就像是一款集卡游戏,想要集齐一整套完整的卡,需要付出的心血至少是最理想情况的数倍甚至数十倍! Naturally, really must be determined to brush a complete Saint bone by Lin Yi's strength, so long as gives his enough time, finally pours cannot achieve. 当然,以林逸的实力真要下定决心刷出一副完整的圣骨,只要给他足够的时间,最终倒也不是做不到。 The point is that this is only six levels of Saint bones. 可问题是,这才只是六级圣骨而已。 By his vision, how to possibly satisfy the only six levels of Saint bones? 以他的眼界,怎么可能会满足于区区六级圣骨? Finally even cannot full Jisheng the bone graduate, inferiorly most inferior that at least is nine levels of Saint bones is still good, otherwise was laughed ready ready. 最终就算不能满级圣骨毕业,最次最次那也至少得是九级圣骨才行,要不然妥妥被人笑话。 Is good because, Lin Yi present center of gravity on soul granule, so long as there is greatly a soul granule may fish, he can maintain the patience absolutely. 好在,林逸眼下的重心还是在灵魂粒子上面,只要有大把的灵魂粒子可捞,他就绝对能够保持耐心。 As for the Saint bone, can only be the prize that forwards as an enclosure, he has not selected actually. 至于圣骨,只能算是附送的奖品而已,他倒是没有那么挑。 Let alone really must discuss the quality, six levels of Saint bones cannot calculate to lower absolutely, attaining outside goes to that also ready ready is the high-end resources of valuable no city, even if Lin Yi do not use, can still use to the under the hand | subordinate person. 何况真要论起品质来,六级圣骨也绝对不能算低了,拿到外面去那也妥妥是有价无市的高端资源,就算林逸自己不用,也可以给手下人用。 If really can collect every luxurious lineup of six levels of Saint bones, from now on, the group fights the level to walk sideways absolutely, speaks the last words the entire land god national capital to be a cinch! 真要是能够凑出人手一副六级圣骨的豪华阵容,从今往后,团战层面绝对横着走,叫板整个陆上神国都不在话下! On the other hand, Lin Yi also want full Jisheng the bone but actually, may look that at present this stance he has understood, this matter, only happens by happy circumstance. 话说回来,林逸自己倒也想要满级圣骨,可看眼下这个架势他就已经明白,这种事情,可遇不可求。 Not to mention can blow out the dead spirit lifeform of full Jisheng bone, he has resulted in competently, even if does, still must spend greatly flustered, even may the damaging severely vitality. 且不说能够爆出满级圣骨的亡灵生物,他到底能不能干得过,就算干得过,也必然要大费周章,甚至有可能大伤元气。 In this situation wants to brush an entire vice- full Jisheng bone, that difficulty, the light is thinks desperate. 这种情况下想要刷出一整副满级圣骨,那个难度,光是想想都让人绝望。 Currently speaking, the past Tathagata absolutely was a ruthless role! 从这一点来看,当年的西如来绝对是一个狠角色! Since he can attain full Jisheng a bone, sits the positions of last today's nine great man is also natural. 他既然能够拿到一副满级圣骨,坐上今日的九巨佬之位也是理所应当。 Solves the Second food corpse ghost, Lin Yi not slight aiming too high , to continue to direct the clone army to brush the chart methodically. 解决掉第二头食尸鬼,林逸没有丝毫的好高骛远,继续有条不紊的指挥着分身大军刷图。 Quick, met the Third fourth head. 很快,就遇到了第三头第四头。 Since this place buries the bone place, most does not lack is various dead spirit lifeform, besides the human shaped food corpse ghost, the dead spirit lifeform of various beast shapes. 这地方既然是埋骨地,最不缺的就是各种亡灵生物,除了人形的食尸鬼之外,还有各种兽形的亡灵生物。 strength of various corpse beasts have the weakness, Lin Yi sees the weakest intensity, only then about Base Construction Stage, in comparison, their soul granules are miserable, moreover explodes the Saint bone of come out also first-level, compared with ordinary skeleton, although must have sense of reality some, but also is limitedly strong. 各种尸兽的实力有强有弱,林逸见到最弱的强度只有筑基期左右,相比之下,它们身上的灵魂粒子就少得可怜,而且爆出来的圣骨也都只有一级,比起普通的尸骨虽然要有质感一些,但也强出有限。 Naturally, Lin Yi also sees excessively strongly. 当然,林逸也见到过强的。 The corpse beast of tyrannosaurus modeling, not only the entire build is much bigger, the strength intensity was half Profound Step level, is almost well-matched with big week school that ambitious Director summer Wenqing. 有一头暴龙造型的尸兽,不仅整个体型大得惊人,实力强度更是达到了半步玄阶尊者的层次,几乎与大周学院那位野心勃勃的院长夏文清旗鼓相当。 After giving new World built life Samsara, Lin Yi's overall strength welcomed one wave to rise suddenly, wanted to take this mourning corpse tyrannosaurus also is really not an easy matter! 要不是在给新世界搭建了生命轮回之后,林逸的整体实力迎来了一波暴涨,想要拿下这头丧尸暴龙还真不是一件易事! The bonus is so, Lin Yi also consumed one wave with the clone army, after discovering its most fatal flaw, can kill its sword bang. 饶是如此,林逸也都是用分身大军消耗了一波,找出其最致命的破绽之后,才能将其一剑轰杀。 However, pay/reports back that this mourning corpse tyrannosaurus brings absolutely is also astonishing. 不过,这头丧尸暴龙带来的回报也绝对惊人。 Not only has the soul granule of ten times of in Shishi ghost, but also blew out section of seven levels of Saint bones. 不仅有着十倍于食尸鬼的灵魂粒子,而且还爆出了一截七级圣骨。 Pouring into of magnanimous soul granule as the mourning corpse tyrannosaurus brings, Lin Yi discovered that the new World life evolution speed obviously stepped on a new level, he develops the come out life lake, presented the shape of crowding gradually. 随着丧尸暴龙带来的海量灵魂粒子的灌入,林逸发现新世界生命演化速度明显又上了一个新台阶,他开拓出来生命湖,渐渐呈现出了拥挤之象。 At the same time, admittedly is the scale of life lake was limited, but on the other hand, this also by the limit of new World scale. 一方面,固然生命湖的规模本就有限,但另一方面,这也是受新世界本身规模的限制。 Said one, new World starts from the birth, the big or small scale not remain unchanged. 多说一句,新世界从诞生开始,大小规模并不是一成不变的。 Almost every time, the new World range is increasing. 几乎每时每刻,新世界的范围都在变大。 It can be predicted that after the new World scale expands to the certain extent, the life Samsara system that Lin Yi builds must welcome a big promotion. 可以预见,当新世界的规模扩大到一定程度之后,林逸打造的生命轮回系统必然要迎来一番大升级。 However, at present is enough. 不过,眼下却是已经足够了。 Although life Samsara system incomparable important, but most important is still new World, cannot compete. 生命轮回系统虽然无比重要,可最重要的依然是新世界本身,不能喧宾夺主。 Otherwise even life evolves like a raging fire, is unable to make the Lin Yi this new World master profit, will instead play the counter-effect. 否则就算生命演化得如火如荼,也无法令林逸这个新世界的主人受益,甚至反而会起到反效果。 This matter, thinks that learning from another's mistakes of secular world understood, when various lifeform occupied the leading ecological niche, after if especially presented not controlled Hegemon level lifeform, regarding the destruction of entire World environment absolutely is unquantifiable. 这种事情,想想世俗界的前车之鉴就明白了,当各种生物占据了主导生态位,尤其若是出现了不受节制的霸主级生物之后,对于整个世界环境的破坏绝对是难以估量的。 Lin Yi regarding this is the heart like the bright mirror, in a short time has not naturally expanded the plan of life Samsara system. 林逸对此自是心如明镜,短时间内自然也没有扩展生命轮回系统的打算。 Injection of soul granule as the mourning corpse tyrannosaurus provides, existing entire life Samsara system, although has not arrived at the completely full load the condition, but also occupies 70-80%. 随着丧尸暴龙提供的灵魂粒子的注入,现有的整个生命轮回系统虽说还没到完全满负荷的状态,但也已经占据了七八成。 Under this promotes, was the life big eruption of new World just like to start to perform! 在此推动之下,属于新世界生命大爆发俨然已经开始上演了! Lin Yi First time discovered the multicellular organism. 林逸第一次发现了多细胞生物。 Moreover is not two types, but is entire one large quantities of! 而且还不是一种两种,而是整整一大批! Various seeing what one never saw before algaes and fungus categories, emerge like mushrooms after a spring rainfall crazily, although their build are very small, but had been separated from the category of unicellular organism obviously, then presented the modular design characteristics of multicellular organism. 各种见所未见的藻类和菌类,如雨后春笋般疯狂涌现,虽然它们的体型都还很小,但已经明显脱离了单细胞生物的范畴,转而呈现出了多细胞生物的典型结构特征。 Key these new multicellular organism, still evolved in the by visible speed fast. 关键这些新出现的多细胞生物,仍在以肉眼可见的速度快速进化。 Meanwhile, new World overall environment also fast evolution under the functions of these untouched lifeform, starts the survival and multiplication to become more suitable lifeform, evolution! 与此同时,新世界的整体环境也在这些原始生物的作用下快速演变,开始变得更加适合生物的生存、繁衍,还有进化!
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