SBPE :: Volume #16

#10523: Chapter 10523

Chapter 10523 第10523章 The present discovery, makes Lin Yi somewhat delighted really! 眼前的这个发现,着实令林逸有些喜出望外! Although he before with the aid of the assistance of child pupil, built the new World life Samsara system initially, but solely depended on the souls in big week school these ancient human bodies, at best can only make the system barely revolve. 他之前虽然借助子瞳的辅助,初步搭建起了新世界生命轮回系统,可单单只是靠着大周学院那些古尸中的灵魂,充其量只能令系统勉强运转起来。 Really must say, therefore obtains what explosive great great accomplishment fruit, in a short time basically does not have that possibility. 真要说因此得到什么爆炸性的巨大成果,短时间内基本没那种可能性。 Without the means that the soul granule is too few, the start fund be only selects, even the prospective profit is good, still must pass through a long dormant period, this does not have the matter of means. 没办法,灵魂粒子还是太少,启动资金就只有那么点,就算盈利前景再好,也必然要经过一段漫长的蛰伏期,这是没办法的事情。 Lin Yi not possible to collect the soul granule, starts to the average person. 林逸又不可能为了收集灵魂粒子,就对普通人下手。 Even if he really gives to lose cleanly all moral integrity, how many soul granules an average person can have? 就算他真的把所有节操都给丢干净,一个普通人又能有多少灵魂粒子? Must know that the soul granule the scale and strength intensity are closely linked, the strength powerhouse, its soul often is powerful, the soul granule that the body gathers are also naturally more. 要知道灵魂粒子的规模与实力强度是息息相关的,实力越强者,其灵魂往往越是强大,身上聚集的灵魂粒子自然也就越多。 Even if the list from the performance-to-price ratio, squeezes out the soul granule from the average person also absolutely is an extremely unrecommendable stupid choice. 哪怕单从性价比来看,从普通人身上榨取灵魂粒子也都绝对是一个极不可取的愚蠢选择。 Let alone, during that method too wound day, is dark definitely will backlash. 何况,那种手段太伤天和,冥冥之中必然会受到反噬。 However, the present food corpse ghost absolutely does not have the worry in this aspect! 但是,眼前的食尸鬼却完全没有这方面的顾虑! What most important is, soul granule that its body gathers, even endures compared with the sum total of big week school that batch of ancient human bodies! 重要的是,它身上聚集的灵魂粒子之多,甚至堪比大周学院那批古尸的总和! Key these soul granule free states, it may be said that are the natural excellent raw material, Lin Yi, even if hits the lantern unable to discover Second absolutely again. 关键这些灵魂粒子本身都还是游离状态,可谓是天然绝佳的原料,林逸就算打着灯笼也绝对再找不出第二家。 Burying the bone is really a good place.” “埋骨地果然是个好地方啊。” Looks soul granule that in the life lake doubles, Lin Yi unprecedented is ordinary with the old farmer, feeling the joy of harvest. 看着生命湖中足足翻了一番的灵魂粒子,林逸破天荒跟个老农一般,久违的感受到了丰收的喜悦。 This is also only a harvest of food corpse ghost! 这还只是一头食尸鬼的收获! Since came to meet such a head, from the probability study, took a broad view entire buries the bone place, the dead spirit lifeform of similar rank will not be absolutely few. 既然一进来就遇上了这么一头,从概率学上来说,放眼整个埋骨地,类似级别的亡灵生物绝对不会太少。 This time buries the tour of bone place, even if other anything does not do, hunts these dead spirit lifeform harvesting soul granules, can earn ready ready full to Lin Yi! 这次埋骨地之行,哪怕其他什么都不做,就只是狩猎这些亡灵生物收割灵魂粒子,对林逸来说都妥妥能赚得盆满钵满! The life Samsara system has been ready, so long as then pours into massive soul granules , is the life big eruption of new World to be close at hand! 生命轮回系统已经就绪,接下来只要灌入大量的灵魂粒子,那么,属于新世界生命大爆发就已近在眼前! However, this food corpse ghost contributes also solely is not a big wave soul granule. 不过,这头食尸鬼贡献的还不单单是一大波灵魂粒子。 When Lin Yi recovers from new World, clone the remaining headless food corpse ghosts opening in broken pieces. 林逸从新世界中回过神来,分身已经将剩下的无头食尸鬼给拆得七零八碎了。 Is exuding the strong stench bulk skeleton besides place, Lin Yi impressively discovered a section of extremely special bone. 除了一地泛着浓烈腥臭的散装尸骨之外,林逸赫然在其中发现了一截极其特殊的骨头。 The size is not big, so long as half pinky size. 尺寸不大,只要半截小拇指大小。 All over the body like the jade, sending out one is contrary to the food corpse ghost evil aura clearly, feels the holy sacred aura inexplicably. 通体如玉,散发着一股与食尸鬼邪恶气息截然相反,令人莫名觉得圣洁的神圣气息。 Above also carved a serial number, six. 上面还刻了一个编号,六。 Six levels of Saint bones?” “六级圣骨?” In the Lin Yi mind recalled before embarking, Zhao Xian collects specially buries the bone place related the information. 林逸脑海中回想起临出发之前,赵贤专门收集来的有关埋骨地的情报。 Because although information blocked reason, Zhao Xian information source is limited, under his analysis reorganization, obtained many quite valuable information. 虽然因为情报被封杀的缘故,赵贤的情报源有限,不过在他的分析整理之下,还是得出了不少颇有价值的信息。 Regarding large number cultivator, buries the bone most important resources certainly is the Saint bone. 对于绝大数修炼者来说,埋骨地最重要的资源就是圣骨。 It is reported that buries the bone is a ancient battlefield, innumerable expert advanced uninterruptedly dead in battle here, the skeleton once piled up, therefore had buried the name of bone place. 据传埋骨地本是一处上古战场,无数高手前赴后继战死在这里,尸骨一度堆积如山,于是才有了埋骨地之名。 Over time, these ancient expert skeleton overwhelming majority are decayed, but has an extremely special sage clan, their bodies bring the sacred aura, its skeleton thousand Ten-thousand-year are immortal, therefore is called the Saint bone. 随着时间的流逝,那些上古高手的尸骨绝大部分都已腐朽,但其中有极为特殊的圣人一族,他们的身上自带神圣气息,其骨骼千万年不朽,故而被称为圣骨。 In rumor, so long as can the Saint bone change itself on, cultivator can obtain blessing of sage, henceforth another day will trade the life. 传言中,只要能够得到圣骨换到自己身上,修炼者就能得到圣人的庇佑,从此改天换命。 Not can only enhance own aptitude potential sharply, meanwhile can strengthen regarding the compatible sensation strength of all regular strengths! 不仅能够大幅提升自身的资质潜力,同时还能强化对于一切规则力量的亲和感知力! Regardless which, is the cultivator long-awaited effect. 这其中无论哪一项,都是修炼者们梦寐以求的效果。 In the past case, after obtaining the Saint bone, shed the mortal body and exchange the bones is not infrequent, the most typical representative, was of Tathagata current alliance nine great men. 在以往的案例中,获得圣骨之后脱胎换骨者不在少数,其中一个最典型的代表,就是当今联盟九巨佬之一的西如来。 Tathagata the nameless, the entire land god country few had paid attention to his existence. 西如来曾经籍籍无名,整个陆上神国几乎没人关注过他的存在。 When he after burying bone come out, actually soars directly, climbed the top levels of nine great men, the entire rise process must be blessed by God, making countless people unthinkable! 然而当他从埋骨地出来之后,却直接一飞冲天,一路爬升到了九巨佬的顶级层次,整个崛起过程如有神助,令无数人匪夷所思! Without a doubt, burying the bone is his place of gain of fame and fortune. 毫无疑问,埋骨地就是他的发迹之地。 Passed on a message his within the body, is hiding an entire vice- full Jisheng bone, can therefore shed the mortal body and exchange the bones, soar! 传言他的体内,就藏着一整副满级圣骨,所以才能脱胎换骨,一飞冲天! Each enters buries the bone place cultivator, is almost saving to become the thought of next Tathagata, even if on the mouth did not say, also has similar luck at heart inevitably. 每一个进入埋骨地的修炼者,几乎都存着成为下一个西如来的念头,哪怕嘴上不说,心里也必然有着类似的侥幸。 If buries the bone is a game transcription, then full Jisheng the bone is the god attire that this transcription is in sole possession. 如果说埋骨地是一个游戏副本,那么满级圣骨就是这个副本独有的神装。 full Jishen installs, is each player's natural pursue, no one can be exceptional. 满级神装,是每一个玩家天然的追求,无人可以例外。 Lin Yi chooses to bury the bone place, besides all sorts of considerations on situation, is truly also saving the thoughts of making full Jisheng a bone. 林逸选择进来埋骨地,除了局势上的种种考虑之外,确实也存着弄一副满级圣骨的心思。 Although he has the god body, but this does not conflict with the Saint bone, to a certain extent, the Saint bone can understand that for promotion destiny and perception high rank item, with the god sleeve of pure Physics level is the thing that two do not disturb each other. 虽然他已经有了神体,但这与圣骨并不冲突,某种程度上,圣骨可以理解为提升气运和悟性的高阶道具,与纯物理层面的神体完全是两个互不干扰的东西。 But some discovery of soul granule, has the earth-shaking influence on the evolution of entire new World now sufficiently, in comparison, the Saint bone appeared not instead critical. 只不过如今有了灵魂粒子的发现,足以对整个新世界的演化产生翻天覆地的影响,相比之下,圣骨反而显得没那么紧要了。 But this did not represent Saint bone really not important. 可这并不代表圣骨就真的不重要了。 If can get so far as full Jisheng a bone here, even if by Lin Yi now strength, definitely will welcome a big promotion. 若是能够在这里弄到一副满级圣骨,哪怕以林逸现下的实力,也必然会迎来一次不小的提升。 The key is, this collects the soul granule the demand not to conflict with him, instead is completely consistent. 关键是,这与他收集灵魂粒子的需求并不冲突,反而完全一致。 The dead spirit lifeform of if then meeting was like, provides massive soul granules at the same time just this food corpse ghost, but can also blow out the Saint bone, that is ready proper killing two birds with one stone! 如果接下来遇到的亡灵生物都跟刚刚这头食尸鬼一样,提供大量灵魂粒子的同时,还能爆出圣骨,那就是妥妥的一举两得! Thought of this point, Lin Yi came the working zeal immediately. 想到这一点,林逸顿时来了干劲。 Without delay, Lin Yi branches out several hundred clone to plunder directly to all directions, opened sweeping graph model of no dead angle in this proper cheating method. 二话不说,林逸直接分出数百个分身掠向四面八方,以这种妥妥的作弊手段开启了无死角的扫图模式。 Existence of clone army, besides can promote to sweep the chart efficiency sharply, meanwhile can play the security effect. 分身大军的存在,除了能够大幅提升扫图效率之外,同时还能起到警戒效果。 Burying the bone after all is not own back garden, even if expert of Profound Step level comes , is still not necessarily able to burst in unscrupulously everywhere. 埋骨地毕竟不是自家的后花园,就算是玄阶尊者层次的高手进来,也未必就能够肆无忌惮随处乱闯。 Just endured compared with the Yellow Step grand perfection food corpse ghost, perhaps next meeting is half Profound Step, even compared favorably with a name brand Profound Step terrifying to exist directly. 刚刚遇到的只是堪比黄阶大圆满尊者的食尸鬼,说不定下一次遇到的就是半步玄阶尊者,甚至直接就是媲美正牌玄阶尊者的恐怖存在了。 Eats the corpse ghost to explode the Saint bone of come out is also six levels, but full Jisheng bone that in Zhao Xian information mentioned, that was ten levels of Saint bones! 要知道,食尸鬼爆出来的圣骨也才是六级而已,而赵贤情报中提到的满级圣骨,那可是十级圣骨! According to the Saint bone rank is higher, a dead spirit lifeform stronger rule, can blow out the dead spirit lifeform of ten levels of Saint bones, what rank that is strength? 按照圣骨级别越高,亡灵生物越强的规律,能够爆出十级圣骨的亡灵生物,那实力又得是什么级别? Does not dare to imagine. 不敢想象。
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