SBPE :: Volume #16

#10522: Chapter 10522

Chapter 10522 第10522章 In the Lin Yi estimate, since is the burying bone place in Legend, buries the outstanding heroes skeleton specially the place, the environment inevitably is dangerous incomparable, badly is also bleak. 林逸预想中,既然是传说中的埋骨地,专门埋葬群雄尸骨的地方,环境必然是险恶无比,最不济也是一片荒凉。 However at present is actually the beautiful scenery, green and luxuriant. 然而眼前却是青山绿水,郁郁葱葱。 „Is this opens style is not right?” “这是打开方式不对?” Lin Yi was just suspicious, the whole person rich was bound immediately to nearly substantialize corpse air/Qi by one, the surrounding air also turned into one piece fishy smell red, like filling blood plasma, along with the fishy smell stink of irritating the nose, making one be afraid in the gastric disorder. 林逸刚刚心生疑惑,整个人随即就被一股浓郁到近乎实质化的尸气裹住,周围的空气随之变成了一片腥红,如同弥漫着一层血浆,伴随着刺鼻的腥臭味,令人在反胃中心生恐惧。 Next second, a bone claw that is hanging the fuzzy flesh emits from the under foot suddenly. 下一秒,一只挂着模糊血肉的骨爪陡然从脚下冒出。 Lin Yi dodges, the ankle area was held, the whole person drew in immediately underground. 林逸闪躲不及,脚踝被抓住,整个人随即就被拖入地下。 Scene quick recover became the beforehand elegant scene, as if nothing happened crosses. 场面很快恢复成了之前的秀美景象,仿佛什么都没有发生过。 After the moment, the ground explodes with a crash, the Lin Yi's form appears. 片刻后,地面砰然爆开,林逸的身影重新显现。 But follows he to appear together, a human shaped monster of covered with blood, does not have a completeness from top to bottom, dense white bone is partly visible, without the skin package, several times appears in the giant head of average person exceptionally fierce fearsome, sends out silent shouting toward Lin Yi. 而跟着他一起出现的,还有一头血肉模糊的人形怪物,浑身上下无一处完好,森森白骨若隐若现,没有皮肤包裹,数倍于普通人的巨大头颅显得异常狰狞可怖,朝着林逸发出无声的嘶吼。 Lin Yi crooked wry neck, avoids another killing of opposite party, is sizing up image of opposite party, a familiar phrase also floats the heart. 林逸歪了歪脖子,避开对方的又一次扑杀,重新打量着对方的形象,一个熟悉的字眼随之浮上心头。 Eats the corpse ghost. 食尸鬼。 The fellow who the average people see this looks, divides minutes to frighten the heart disease. 普通人看到这副尊容的家伙,分分钟吓出心脏病。 Even high-grade cultivator, still were very perhaps difficult at this time keeps calm, the monster that because front skeleton composes, his body erupted the come out aura to be a Yellow Step grand perfection level impressively! 即便是高等级的修炼者,这种时候恐怕也很难保持镇定,因为面前这头尸骨组成的怪物,其身上爆发出来的气息赫然已经达到了黄阶大圆满尊者的层次! Intensity that especially just killed several times, even has exceeded a general Yellow Step grand perfection limit! 尤其刚刚几次扑杀的强度,甚至都已超出了一般黄阶大圆满尊者的极限! In fact, if not Lin Yi has the card in a hand that god body type nearly cheats, just under First attacked time, big probability injured . Moreover the wound will not be light. 事实上,如果不是林逸有着神体这种近乎作弊的底牌,刚刚第一下受到突袭的时候,大概率就要受伤,而且伤得不会太轻。 When Lin Yi is surprised also suddenly. 林逸惊讶之余也不禁恍然。 No wonder here will be listed as the Four Great restricted area, common revering boundary expert comes, truly is a narrow escape, the luck, as long as in the difference 1 points, died by the pit slightly ready ready here. 难怪这里会被列为四大禁地,寻常的尊者境高手进来,确实是九死一生,运气但凡稍微差上一点,妥妥被坑死在这里。 Roar! 吼! Ate the corpse ghost to shout to throw again. 食尸鬼再一次嘶吼着扑了过来。 Finally Lin Yi this time has not continued to dodge, but caught the impact of opposite party directly directly. 结果林逸这一次没有继续闪避,而是直接正面接住了对方的冲击。 Eats the corpse ghost regardless of the build or the hand claw, compared with on normal human big several times, its two bone claws was however held by Lin Yi steadily, nothing but works loose. 食尸鬼无论体型还是手爪,都比正常人类大上数倍,然而它的两只骨爪却被林逸稳稳抓住,死活无非挣脱。 Compared with it, calm Lin Yi is the solid monster! 跟它相比,波澜不惊的林逸才是实实在在的怪物! Eats the corpse ghost not to express any surprised mood, although it is also maintaining human shaped on the whole, but absolutely does not have the reason of human, had degenerated into from head to tail evil ghost. 食尸鬼并没有表现出什么惊讶的情绪,它虽然大体上还保持着人形,但已经完全没有了人类的理智,早已沦为了一头彻头彻尾的恶鬼 Is depending upon the wild fight instinct, eats the corpse ghost in two bone claw held First time, opens the big mouth to nip directly toward Lin Yi one. 依靠着狂暴的战斗本能,食尸鬼在两只骨爪被抓住的第一时间,就直接张着血盆大口朝林逸一口咬下。 Your tone is a little heavy.” “你口气有点重啊。” Lin Yi knits the brows slightly, although by the defensive power of his god body, whatever even the opposite party tears and bites is still very difficult broken to guard, but, eventually is a little nauseating. 林逸微微皱了皱眉,虽说以他神体的防御力,即便任由对方撕咬也很难破防,不过,终究还是有点恶心 A at the same time suddenly flying knee of speech, impartial just right and its big mouth facing on. 说话的同时猛然一记飞膝,不偏不倚正好与其血盆大口正面对上。 Therefore, ate the corpse ghost gigantic fierce head to fly at the scene. 于是,食尸鬼硕大狰狞的头颅当场就飞了。 Regarding present Lin Yi, existence of Yellow Step grand perfection rank insufficiently had looked, wants to contest with him directly, at least is also half Profound Step. 对于如今的林逸来说,黄阶大圆满尊者级别的存在早已不够看了,想要跟他正面过招,最起码也得是半步玄阶尊者。 At present this food corpse ghost looks, although to terrify person, was to him, really said no that on had what substantive threat. 眼前这头食尸鬼看着虽然瘆人,可是对他而言,实在说不上有什么实质性的威胁。 Bare-handed tears down it, is only but at fingertips for conventional operation. 徒手将其拆掉,只是信手而为的常规操作。 However slightly what surprised him somewhat was, after eating the head and body of corpse ghost branch family, unexpectedly immediately looked, moreover in being unforgiving pursued him to nip! 不过稍微令他有些意外的是,食尸鬼的头颅与身体分家之后,居然立马又重新找了回来,而且还在不依不饶的追着他咬! Lin Yi a foot steps on it immediately in the sole. 林逸当即一脚将其踩在脚底。 As for without body of head, although same can act with the head as before, at first sight also still has to make the aggressivity of person scalp tingles, but if carefully observes, will discover that its movement becomes the extremely machinery to be stiff, had lost a moment ago that ominous. 至于没了脑袋的身体,虽然跟头颅一样依旧能够行动,乍看起来也依然有着令人头皮发麻的攻击性,可要是仔细观察,就会发现其动作变得十分机械僵硬,已然失去了刚才那种凶性。 A little meaning.” “有点意思。” Lin Yi causes clone to pester with his body, oneself are calm and composed even in press of work squatted, the short distance is sizing up the head of under foot carefully. 林逸弄出一个分身与其身体纠缠,自己则好整以暇的蹲了下来,近距离仔细打量着脚下的这颗头颅。 Without a doubt, this is the dead spirit lifeform in Legend. 毫无疑问,这就是传说中的亡灵生物。 At the same time, on it cannot be used to maintain the life holonomic system and organ(s), is on the other hand, it actually maintains action ability that the ordinary life body is well below, to a certain extent even also maintains the life body to have some special habits that. 一方面,它身上并没有能够用来维持生命的完整系统和器官,可是另一方面,它却保持着普通生命体都远远不如的行动能力,某种程度上甚至还保持着生命体才有的一些特殊习性。 Places secular world, this is one subverts existence of everyone cognition absolutely sufficiently. 放在世俗界,这绝对是一个足以颠覆所有人认知的存在。 Lin Yi is full of enthusiasm. 林逸兴致勃勃。 His itself/Ben is a person who has the intense ascertainment desire and curiosity, will not be the present level otherwise, especially even formation and so on can reach such high altitude, this does not depend on the so-called chance and talent can touch to obtain. 他本就是一个有着强烈探知欲和好奇心的人,若不然也不会达到如今的层次,尤其连阵法之类都能达到如此之高的高度,这可不是靠着所谓机缘和天赋就能触摸得到的。 Let alone, now new World is in the brand-new stage of life fast evolution, if can study to be clear that this dead spirit lifeform the intrinsic essence, If nothing else, which direction then promoted new World to evolve regarding him, has the huge reference value absolutely! 何况,如今新世界正好进入到了生命快速演化的全新阶段,要是能够研究清楚这种亡灵生物的内在本质,别的不说,对于他接下来推动新世界往哪个方向演化,绝对有着巨大的参考价值! Single this point, arrives sufficiently all chances that buries the bone place. 单这一点,就足以抵得过埋骨地的一切机缘。 After all, new World is the Lin Yi invariable basis. 毕竟,新世界才是林逸不变的根本。 Carefully observed the moment, Lin Yi had not seen the clue as before, but intense intuitions told him, under foot dead spirit lifeform can maintained the life characteristics without life body foundation constitution, has some special connection with the soul granule inevitably. 仔细观察了片刻,林逸依旧没有看出头绪,但有一种强烈的直觉告诉他,脚下这头亡灵生物之所以能够在没有生命体基础构成的情况下保持生命特性,必然与灵魂粒子存在着某种特殊关联。 However, wants to see the soul granule, must draw support from the god pupil. 不过,想要看到灵魂粒子,就必须借助神瞳。 The Lin Yi intention moves, will immediately then eat in head income new World of corpse ghost, conducts the depth scanning with the aid of the child pupil. 林逸心念一动,当即便将食尸鬼的头颅收入新世界之中,借助子瞳对其进行深度扫描。 Really is this!” “果然是这样!” The result of discovery made the Lin Yi big feeling rouse, he really gathered massive soul granules in the food corpse ghost head! 发现的结果令林逸大感振奋,他果然在食尸鬼头颅之内聚集了大量的灵魂粒子! Moreover these soul granules are different from the soul of ordinary life body, they do not unify a body, even is not the small-scale soul granule collection, the loose condition of but purely naturally drifting away. 而且这些灵魂粒子不同于普通生命体的灵魂,它们本身并非结合一体,甚至都不是小型的灵魂粒子集,而是纯粹自然游离的松散状态。 They gather in the head of food corpse ghost , because his special bone is sending out some marvelous invisible force field, making his head some type to put the soul granule specially the vessel. 它们之所以聚集在食尸鬼的头颅之中,是因为其特殊的骨质散发着某种奇妙的无形力场,令其头颅成为了某种专门盛放灵魂粒子的容器。 But eats the corpse ghost to maintain like normal life body general action ability, put the effect of massive soul granule. 而食尸鬼能够保持如同正常生命体一般的行动能力,就是盛放了大量灵魂粒子的效果。 Said accurately, this is only a additional effect. 准确的说,这只是一个附带的效果。 Lin Yi beforehand research soul granule time had discovered, as long as soul granule accumulation place, even if the death thing of completely does not have any life bulk structure, from starting, places in the secular world reality, this is the strange phenomenon of being familiar. 林逸之前研究灵魂粒子的时候就已经发现,但凡灵魂粒子聚集的地方,哪怕只是完全没有任何生命体结构的死物,也会自发动起来,放在世俗界现实中,这就是耳熟能详的灵异现象。
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