SBPE :: Volume #16

#10525: Chapter 10525

Chapter 10525 第10525章 As all these founders personally, Lin Yi as if witnessed a life epic, bountiful by his present disposition, is choked up with emotions! 身为这一切的亲手缔造者,林逸仿佛见证了一场生命史诗,饶是以他如今的心性,都不禁心潮澎湃! This is his long-awaited one. 这可是他期待已久的一幕啊。 Before Jiang Xiaoshang the calculation, presents this at least to need the evolutions of several hundred Ten-thousand-year at present, even if the middle obtained several times the heaven defying chance, greatly reduced this time, that still at least also needed ten Ten-thousand-year above long years precipitations. 之前在姜小尚的推算中,出现眼下这一幕至少需要数百万年的演化,就算中间得到了数次逆天机缘,大大缩短了这个时间,那也至少还需要十万年以上的漫长岁月沉淀。 Who can think how long this passes, unexpectedly has arrived at this? 谁能想到,这才过去多久,居然就已经走到这一步了? If this little while Jiang Xiaoshang is also awaking, it is estimated that must give Lin Yi to kneel down at the scene. 要是这会儿姜小尚还醒着,估计得当场给林逸跪下。 He knows that the Lin Yi destiny is dreadful, otherwise his will plan all main body not to detain the treasure rashly on Lin Yi's, but destiny can heaven defying, still be fastidious about a fundamental law even again? 他知道林逸气运滔天,要不然他那算计一切的本尊也不会贸然把宝押在林逸的头上,可就算再怎么气运逆天,也总得讲究个基本法吧? This damn truth does not say simply. 尼玛简直一点道理都不讲了啊。 Is feeling the new World unprecedented full of vitality, Lin Yi, although the account boundary has not promoted again, but can feel, own strength is following new World when production costs rise, prices rise too! 感受着新世界前所未有的勃勃生机,林逸虽然账面境界没有再次提升,但还是能够感觉得到,自己的实力在伴随着新世界水涨船高! But this, gave his wanderer to bury a bone bigger energy. 而这,也就给了他闯荡埋骨地更大的底气。 However is high-spirited in Lin Yi, the preparation continues to brush the chart, at least first new World life Samsara system promotes to the full power full load the time, the information that distant place clone gives made him be startled suddenly. 然而就在林逸意气风发,准备继续刷图,至少先把新世界生命轮回系统提升到全功率满负荷的时候,远处分身传递回来的信息却令他陡然一惊。 The front inside and outside 50, has a city unexpectedly! 前方五十里外,居然有一座城池! If not for can real-time share the clone field of vision, Lin Yi cannot believe absolutely, in this type of the place of barbarian desolate is listed as the restricted area, unexpectedly has a large-scale city. 若不是可以实时共享分身的视野,林逸绝对不敢相信,在这种被列为禁地的蛮荒之地,居然存在着一座规模庞大的城池。 What is odder, this has a city of obvious civilized aura! 更离谱的是,这还是有着一座显而易见文明气息的城池! Although said no on the modernization, but from the construction scale, can be called the developed two characters absolutely. 虽然说不上现代化,但从建筑规模来看,绝对称得上发达二字。 Before Zhao Xian, in relevant information that provides, from the start has not mentioned this point. 赵贤之前提供的相关情报之中,压根就没有提到这一点。 Lin Yi heart one tight. 林逸心头一紧。 If dead spirit lifeform of similar food corpse ghost no IQ, even if that has the mourning corpse tyrannosaurus, even compared with a mourning corpse tyrannosaurus more powerful thing, the risk to his outcomer is still controllable. 如果只有类似食尸鬼这种没什么智商的亡灵生物,那么就算存在着丧尸暴龙,甚至是比丧尸暴龙更加强大的东西,对他这种外来者来说风险也还是可控的。 The truth is very simple, this type has own activity domain by the lifeform that the instinct acts. 道理很简单,这种靠本能行动的生物都有自己的活动地盘。 So long as the outcomers keep careful, easily does not step into the opposite party domain, will not basically provoke the opposite party, so long as the eye is bright enough, minimum life has safely after all guarantee. 外来者只要保持小心,不轻易踏入对方地盘之中,基本也就不会招惹到对方,只要眼睛够亮,起码的生命安全总归还是有所保证的。 But if has some highly developed civilization, that is completely a different matter. 可要是存在着某种高度发达的文明,那就完全是另一回事了。 Perhaps regarding this civilization, entire buries the bone is their sphere of influence, from Lin Yi coming since that moment, had been regarded as the intruder by them, will be doomed to be attacked by them. 对于这个文明来说,也许整个埋骨地都是他们的势力范围,从林逸进来的那一刻起,就已被他们视为入侵者,注定会被他们攻击。 Most critically, no one knows that this braves the come out civilization suddenly, is grasping the strength of what level! 更关键的是,谁也不知道这个突然冒出来的文明,到底掌握着什么层次的力量! The next second, Lin Yi is terrified. 下一秒,林逸悚然。 A cage comprised of the sacred ray covers suddenly in his top of the head, along with , even during transmits one to be strange has the sound that several points are despising and teasing. 一个由神圣光芒组成的牢笼蓦然罩在他的头顶,随即便传来一个古怪之中带着几分轻蔑和戏谑的声音。 Yo? It seems like this harvest is good, unexpectedly can get rid of first seven step dragon beast, for a long time has not seen such powerful intruder.” “哟?看来这次收获不错啊,居然能干掉一头七阶龙兽,好久没见到这么厉害的入侵者了。” With the sound, one team of forms have in front of presently Lin Yi. 伴随着啧啧声,一队身影出现在林逸面前。 After waiting to see clearly the appearance of opposite party, Lin Yi is the eyelid jumps. 等看清楚对方的模样之后,林逸不由又是眼皮一跳。 At present unexpectedly is one team of skeletons. 眼前居然是一队骷髅。 Unlike the former food corpse ghost, eating the corpse ghost was quite strange besides the body proportion, the whole is still maintaining human shaped, whole body besides skeleton, but also is moistening the decayed flesh, but had/left in front of presently this to the skeleton, actually is completely the build of normal person. 跟之前遇到的食尸鬼不一样,食尸鬼除了头身比例比较奇怪之外,整体依然保持着人形,周身除了骨骼之外,还沾着腐臭的血肉,而出现在面前的这对骷髅,却完全是正常人的体型。 Moreover their whole body, without the decayed flesh, only have an exceptionally bright and clean skeleton. 而且它们全身上下,没有腐臭血肉,就只有一副异常光洁的骨架。 The bright and clean degree, even endures compared with the artware! 其光洁程度,甚至堪比艺术品! Must say that they have what key difference from the deceased person skeleton, only then eye socket deep place partly visible unusual look pupil up. 要说它们与死人骨架有什么关键区别,也就只有眼眶深处若隐若现的异色眸光了。 Truly the one who made the Lin Yi heart startled was, from beginning to end, did not arrive at existence of opposite party by his divine sense sensation unexpectedly complete sensation, even if close at hand, may in the divine sense sensation as before be a blank piece. 真正令林逸心惊的是,从头到尾,以他的神识感知竟完全感知不到对方的存在,哪怕已经近在眼前,可在神识感知中依旧是空白一片。 Must say that goes into hiding the aura, Lin Yi oneself am an expert, is compared with the front sudden the team of skeletons, little witch sees Great Shaman simply. 要说隐匿自身气息,林逸本人就是行家里手,可是跟面前突然出现的这队骷髅相比,简直小巫见大巫 From opposite party's performance, they have not actually gone to desirably the concealment aura from the start, but is they did not have the human cultivator common aura! 从对方的表现来看,它们其实压根没有去刻意隐匿气息,而是它们本来就不存在人类修炼者常见的气息! Who are you?” “你们是谁?” Lin Yi attempts to initiate the dialogue, the direct attack has not surrounded own light to be firm. 林逸尝试着发起对话,并没有直接攻击困住自己的光牢。 Before finding out the minimum information, any acting rashly will only make itself fall into a worse position, this is the Lin Yi many years of experience attainments. 在没有摸清楚最起码的情报之前,任何的轻举妄动都只会令自己陷入更加不利的境地,这是林逸多年的经验心得。 Is the skeleton of head, the overall skeleton color is obviously shallower than other skeletons, obviously has the gloss. 为首的骷髅,整体骨架颜色明显比其他骷髅更浅一些,也明显更具光泽。 Even, is lending an inexplicable holy aura, with average man estimate in bloody fierce clearly opposite. 甚至于,散发着一种莫名圣洁的气息,跟常人预想中的血腥凶恶截然相反。 Obviously, this is among the skeletons the symbol of position height. 显然,这就是骷髅之间地位高低的标志。 Lowly human, you can call us for the Saint clan.” “卑贱的人类,你可以称呼我们为圣族。” Is the skeleton of head, although does not have the vocal cord, actually can still voice normally, transferred two after Lin Yi announced: Starting today, I announced that you were the slaves of our political opportunists.” 为首的骷髅虽然没有声带,却依然能够正常发声,绕着林逸转了两圈后宣布道:“从今天开始,我宣布你就是我们纵横家的奴隶了。” Political opportunists? 纵横家? Said the Saint clan in light of the opposite party, Lin Yi then thought of secular world all of various schools of thought subconsciously. 结合对方自称圣族,林逸下意识便想到了世俗界的诸子百家。 Difficult to be inadequate the origins of these skeletons to be related with all of various schools of thought? 难不成这些骷髅的来历与诸子百家有关? Although gets up on first hearing unthinkably, but is not totally without this possibility. 虽然乍一听起来匪夷所思,但并非完全没有这种可能性。 According to information that Zhao Xian provides, burying the bone initial itself/Ben is an extremely special ancient battlefield, many First time hear, in light of particularity that the land god country and god territory adjoin, is repeating ideas often thinks those who bury the bone to bury is various God the skeleton. 按照赵贤提供的情报,埋骨地最初本是一处极为特殊的上古战场,许多人第一次听说的时候,结合陆上神国与神域毗邻的特殊性,在人云亦云中往往都会以为埋骨地埋的是诸神的尸骨。 In fact, this is also the present most -quoted folk edition. 事实上,这也是如今最广为流传的民间版本。 But the fact is not such. 但事实并非如此。 Even if various God falls from the sky, their skeletons will not easily leave the god territory, let alone was the mass wanders about destitute outside. 诸神即便陨落,他们的尸骨也不会轻易离开神域,更别说是大批量流落在外了。 Although Zhao Xian information cannot guarantee completely accurately, the edition that but spreads in the work places, must have credibility some. 赵贤的情报虽然也不能完全确保准确,但相对于坊间流传的版本,显然还是要更有可信度一些。 Was being buried the bone place by burying these skeletons, their masters in ancient period illustrious top expert, as for their concrete status, Zhao Xian do not have the accurate information, Lin Yi is also unknown without doubt. 被埋葬在埋骨地的这些尸骨,他们的主人无疑都是在上古时期赫赫有名的顶级高手,至于他们的具体身份,赵贤没有确切情报,林逸也不得而知。 However in some traces according to the information conducted counter pushes, pours cannot say completely these people have not related with various God. 不过根据情报中一些蛛丝马迹进行逆推,倒也不能完全说这些人就跟诸神没有关系。 Lin Yi suspected, these people were very likely are once ancient god cultivator, was the loser of war of various god. 林逸怀疑,这些人极有可能就是曾经的古神修炼者,同时也是诸神之战的失败者。 Sage name, by even compared with various God must more ancient remote. 圣人这个称呼,论起来甚至比诸神还要更加古老久远。 In ancient book records, enlightens the Saint of Heaven and Earth saying. 古籍中记载,教化天地谓之圣。 But this characteristics, obviously with cultivating Body Tempering are homemade side World ancient god cultivator are tally, these volume of great accomplishment ancient god cultivator, perhaps are called the sage in the ancient period. 而这个特征,显然与修炼体系中自创一方世界的古神修炼者是吻合的,那些集大成的古神修炼者,也许在上古时期就被称为圣人。
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