SBPE :: Volume #16

#10243: Chapter 10243

Ao Taiwei is very clear, if fictionalizes from beginning to end, will then be seen through an affair very much easily, after all in the world Congming/smart person were too many, even if not possible to deceive the world everyone by his experienced and careful. 敖太微很清楚,如果从头到尾都是虚构,那么很容易就会被拆穿,毕竟天底下聪明人太多了,哪怕以他的老谋深算也不可能骗得过天下所有人。 By human cultivator that the dragon female stares, will really have the enormous probability by the suck dry life vitality, will then degenerate into the dry corpses. 被龙女盯上的人类修炼者,确实有极大概率会被吸干生命元气,进而沦为一具又一具的干尸。 And many instances, really have the evidence to test, how even if the world checks again cannot find out the least bit flaw, because it real. 其中许多事例,确实有据可考,哪怕世人再怎么查也查不出半点破绽,因为它就是真的。 But, this does not represent certainly to be attracted the dry corpse! 可是,这不代表就一定会被吸成干尸! If he does not say dragon Nvzhui rumor, even if the risk is big, coming in attempt that some people will advance uninterruptedly inevitably, if putting no matter, will have the lucky fellow to try dragon woman the correct using method sooner or later. 如果他不放出龙女追夫的传言,哪怕危险性再大,必然还是会有人前赴后继的进来尝试,如果放着不管,迟早会有幸运儿试出龙女的正确使用方法。 Right, dragon woman the correct using method, marries into the wife's household! 没错,龙女的正确使用方法,就是入赘! So long as there is a marrying into the wife's household ceremony of this Heaven and Earth authentication, the dragon clan rule will regard as the person on one's own side it truly, dragon woman not only will not absorb the life vitality of this person again, instead will also return nurturing to parents this person. 只要有了这一层天地认证的入赘仪式,龙族规则就会真正将其视为自己人,龙女非但不会再吸收此人的生命元气,反而还会反哺此人。 But the price that this person needs to pay is only, since then becomes the spokesman of dragon clan rule thoroughly, cannot contact any other regular strengths. 而此人唯一需要付出的代价则是,从此彻底成为龙族规则的代言人,再不能接触其他任何规则力量。 This is Ao Taiwei with on him the Ten-thousand-year life vitality tries come out answers the tuart correctly, but this, is he leaves the grandson most valuable wealth. 这是敖太微用他上万年生命元气试出来的正确答桉,而这,才是他留给自己孙子最宝贵的财富。 Man, this/should striving to improve independence, what a pity life unpleasant matter most likely, since the God does not give me other choices, I also can only actually be disrespectful.” “男人嘛,就该自强自立,可惜人生不如意事十之八九,既然老天爷不给我其他选择,那我也只能却之不恭了。” Ao Tai is appreciating the people shocking expression, happily laughs. 敖太一欣赏着众人震惊的表情,得意大笑。 Mother really thinks that had a soft food to overturn?” “妈的真以为吃点软饭就能翻盘了?” The nobilities do not believe in evil doctrines flushed again, however has not waited for his fist sword sword air/Qi to fall on Ao Tai on one, had not even been blocked by the dragon female outline clear sending silk. 王侯不信邪的再次冲了上来,然而还没等他的拳剑剑气落在敖太一身上,就被龙女连轮廓都尚未清晰的发丝拦下。 The next second, the whole person was sent the silk to pierce innumerably, tattered and torn! 下一秒,整个人就被无数发丝洞穿,千疮百孔! A fear of difficult word occupied instantaneously presented everyone's mind. 一股难言的恐惧瞬间占据了在场所有人的脑海。 However, defends the accomplishment of sword person also to be insufficient by the numerous but actually, therefore retreated in fear, after looking at each other, immediately acts together. 不过,以众守剑人的素养倒还不至于因此就被吓退,相视一眼后当即一起出手。 However is out to be actually exactly the same as the nobilities, all sent tattered and torn, at all not the enemy of gathering in the face of the dragon clan regular embodiment incarnation in this Legend. 然而下场却与王侯如出一辙,一个个全被发丝扎得千疮百孔,在这个传说中的龙族规则具象化身面前根本不是一合之敌。 The only good news is, because sends the wound that the silk creates is too small, although is at first sight dense and numerous, for a while could not actually have died. 唯一的好消息是,因为发丝造成的伤口太小,虽然乍看起来密密麻麻,一时却还死不了。 Reason that however because is continue bleed, if cannot obtain the timely treatment, the following collective gets the lunch is also the logical matter. 不过因为在持续流血的缘故,如果得不到及时治疗,后续集体领便当也是顺理成章的事情。 Ao Tai occupies a commanding position to overlook the people, taunted wear a look of: Good and evil is also apprentice brothers, when my Big Senior Brother is not good to visit you to bleed to death helplessly, after all I am a tenderhearted person, delivers you personally a regulation.” 敖太一居高临下俯视着众人,面带嘲讽道:“好歹也算是师兄弟一场,我这个当大师兄的也不好眼睁睁看着你们流血而死,毕竟我是个心软的人,还是亲手送你们一程吧。” Said that must make up the blade to the people. 说完就要给众人补刀。 The nobilities people collective despairs. 王侯众人不由集体绝望。 By their conditions at this moment irresistibly, an numerous have defended the sword person to regret radically constantly, this thinks that is a cushy job that picks the merit, the result has not thought that unexpectedly must lose the life here, is really people are just the victims of fate. 以他们此刻的状态已经根本无法抵抗,一众守剑人后悔不迭,本以为是个捡功劳的美差,结果没想到居然要把命丢在这里,实在是造化弄人。 The final moment that Ao Tai sword air/Qi drops, the crescent moon shape blade air/Qi with overpowering momentum came from the distant place together suddenly, not only strikes its sword air/Qi crushes, was suffering including Ao Tai oneself while convenient solid. 敖太一剑气落下的最后关头,一道气势磅礴的月牙状刀气忽然从远处呼啸而至,不仅将其剑气击得粉碎,顺带连着敖太一本人都结结实实挨了一记。 Although kept off finally outside substantive noble air by its cover, but has a scare. 虽然最终被其罩在外面的实质贵气挡掉,但还是吓了一跳。 Who?!” “谁?!” The people look at the past following the direction that the blade air/Qi transmitted, a figure big man also introduced the view, but compared with its figure, more prominent was actually in his hand a person of high giant Mo blade. 众人循着刀气传来的方向看过去,一个身形高大的男子随之引入眼帘,不过与其身形相比,更突出的却是他手中一人多高的巨型陌刀。 After seeing clearly the facial features of person, nobilities immediately great happiness: Zhou hero!” 等看清来人的面容后,王侯顿时大喜:“纣侠!” Others stare, but also responded immediately quickly, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looked the startled color: Looks at the blade Zhou hero?!” 其余众人一愣,但随即也很快反应过来,齐齐面露惊色:“看刀纣侠?!” In rumor, this person, regardless of facing what kind of opponent, is always one looks at the blade to settle, gradually also pasted on by the work places in given name that looks at the blade. 传言中,此人无论面对何等对手,从来都是一记看刀了事,久而久之也就被坊间贴上了看刀的名号。 It is reported that its strength is immeasurably deep, even once some people once took him to place on a par with sword Saint Ye Qiyuan, but according to the view of sea area numerous intelligence agency, this person of strength turns over to strongly, but actually missed much from sword Saint such sea area ceiling. 据传其实力深不可测,甚至一度有人曾拿他与剑圣叶启元相提并论,不过根据海域众多情报机构的看法,此人实力强归强,但距离剑圣这样的海域天花板却还是差了不少。 At best, is the level of top layer strength goalkeeper. 充其量,也就是顶层战力守门员的层次。 Otherwise he will not continue to come and go freely, but should like the sword Saint, settle down to reconstruct the blade gate in Legend. 否则他就不会继续独来独往,而应该像剑圣一样,定居下来重建传说中的刀门了。 The blade gate and Jiange, before are, and is called existence of sea area double Saint, its history glorious even also in sea temple and above Sihai royal family. 刀门和剑阁,乃是以前并称为海域双圣的存在,其历史之悠久甚至还在海神殿和四海王族之上。 Jiange has all previous sword Saint inheritance, even if has declined the big influence that still the sea area is the top position eventually, however the blade gate does not have similar inheritance, after being magnificent, then vanished in the river of history, still almost no one has known. 剑阁有历代剑圣传承,即便有所式微也终究还是海域排名前列的大势力,然而刀门没有类似传承,辉煌之后便消失在了历史长河之中,至今已几乎没什么人知道。 The reconstruction blade gate, is the lifetime great aspirations of each blade guest. 重建刀门,是每一个刀客的毕生宏愿。 What a pity until today, no one can reach such altitude, at present it seems like looks at the blade Zhou hero is the most hopeful person, but also is restricted in hopefully. 可惜直到今日,也没人能达到这样的高度,目前看来看刀纣侠是最有希望之人,可也就限于有希望而已。 After all reconstructs the blade gate, regarding the influence pattern of entire sea area will be a huge impact, this will not be a top layer strength goalkeeper can blow the field. 毕竟重建刀门,对于整个海域的势力格局都将是一次巨大的冲击,这可不是一个顶层战力守门员就能镇得住场的。 Ao Tai a complexion big change. 敖太一脸色大变。 He naturally knows Zhou hero, this person once challenged his family/home Old Ancestor sect Aotai face to face, after result hundred moves is defeated, its strength made the deep impression on him. 他自然知道纣侠,此人曾经当面挑战他家老祖宗敖太微,结果百招之后落败,其实力可是给他留下了深刻印象的。 By his strength, cannot block an opposite party blade absolutely. 以他本人的实力,绝对拦不住对方一刀。 Zhou hero looked at the one-eyed person marquis, frowns: How Hou Zi did you become this? Also can support?” 纣侠看了一眼王侯,不由皱起眉头:“侯子你怎么成这样了?还能撑住吗?” During the expressions, has not looked on as an outsider unexpectedly, just like the person on one's own side who winds ripe. 言辞之间,竟是没有丝毫见外,俨然是熟络的自己人。 The people looked that were many several points of astonishment to royal family's vision, the influence of Zhou hero, although is well below the sword Saint, great person but who that also advances into the top strength sufficiently, is broadsword guest who the sea area is among the best. 众人看向王族的目光不由多了几分惊异,纣侠的影响力虽然远远不如剑圣,可那也是足以跻身顶层战力的大人物,乃是海域名列前茅的大刀客。 Such character, almost never raised from his mouth, surprised people somewhat. 这样的人物,几乎从未从他嘴里提起,着实令人有些意外。 The nobilities do not like the low-key temper. 要知道,王侯可不是喜欢低调的性子。 Also ok, no obstructs greatly.” “还行,没什么大碍。” The nobilities smile bitterly. 王侯苦笑一声。 Wants he sent little brother with the opposite party initially, a person of study blade person practices the sword, reached agreement together an achievement given name, now the opposite party is the great person of prominence, but his actually nameless, including was not in Jiange stands firm, was really ashamed or embarrassed to show oneself to people. 想当初他跟对方乃是发小兄弟,一人学刀一人习剑,相约一起成就一番名号,如今对方已是声名鹊起的大人物,而他却还是籍籍无名,连在剑阁内部都算不上站稳脚跟,实在是无脸见人。 „A wait for me move.” 等我一招。” Zhou hero was saying then walked toward Ao Tai directly, simply put, a move can solve front Ao Tai one. 纣侠说着便直接朝着敖太一走了过去,言下之意,一招就能解决面前的敖太一。 The people look askance. 众人纷纷侧目。 Although Zhou hero strength is strong, but Ao Tai one is not a role that is good to deal with, especially at present also makes dragon female come out, can a move be solved a little blows excessively? 纣侠实力虽强,可敖太一也不是什么好相与的角色,尤其眼下还弄了一个龙女出来,一招就能解决还是有点吹过头了吧? Ao Tai narrowed the eye, looked to sneer: I may wait, looked that your why move solves me!” 敖太一眯起了眼睛,面露冷笑:“那我可就拭目以待了,看你凭什么一招解决我!” Him finishes barely the words, opposite Zhou hero then already not gaudy separates the spatial blade to cut, the tyrant fierce blade air/Qi of substantializing arrives together instantaneously in his front. 他这边话音未落,对面纣侠便已毫无花哨的隔空一刀砍出,一道实质化的霸烈刀气瞬间降临在他的面前。
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