SBPE :: Volume #16

#10242: Chapter 10242

„Do you dare the shame I?” “你敢辱我?” The haughty flash complexion is too pale, the past was Jiange Big Senior Brother time, he can also force itself to ship out a popular conduct, but presently does not need to continue to camouflage, that type regarding despising and dislike of floor grassroots, is not then able to suppress again. 敖太一瞬间脸色铁青,以往是剑阁大师兄的时候,他还可以强迫自己装出一副亲民的做派,但是现在无须继续伪装了,那种对于底层草根的蔑视与厌恶,便再也无法压制。 Nobilities strength is even good, but in his eyes, as before is an not being able to amount to something unimportant person. 王侯即便实力不错,可在他眼里,依旧不过是个上不了台面的小人物而已。 Now is ridiculed by such unimportant person face to face, may endure what else cannot be tolerated! 如今被这样的小人物当面奚落,是可忍孰不可忍! The nobilities defend the sword person to look at each other with other numerous, looked that retard same visits him: „ You have fallen to this paddies, the stance of what nonsense South Sea successor but also puts on with me, doesn't the brain have the issue? 王侯同其他一众守剑人相视一眼,看白痴一样看着他:“你都已经落到这步田地了,还跟我摆什么狗屁南海接班人的架势,脑子没问题吧? Said honestly, your presently kneels to ask me to put your horse, that also possibly slightly is but actually realistic. 坦白说,你现在跪下来求我放你一马,那倒还可能稍微现实一点。 Naturally, you asked are also white request, was walks at most serenely. ” 当然,你求了也是白求,顶多也就是走得安详一点。” Other defend the sword person to laugh collectively. 其余守剑人集体哄笑。 No matter how said, today can catch Ao Tai smoothly one, ready ready is great merit one, going back to register in front of Lin Yi did not say, can also obtain a good reward inevitably. 不管怎么说,今天能够顺利抓到敖太一,妥妥是大功一件,回去能在林逸面前挂上号不说,必然还能得到一番不俗的奖励。 Such it seems like, Ao Tai one, but their lucky stars. 这么看来,敖太一可是他们的福星啊。 Ao Tai Leng Leng (coldly) looks at the people, the corners of the mouth brings back together the fierce curve suddenly: You really think that this can eat to decide me? My solemn South Sea successor, you also really thinks that a point does press the bottom the method?” 敖太一冷冷看着众人,嘴角忽然勾起一道狰狞的弧度:“你们真以为这样就能吃定我了?我堂堂的南海接班人,你们还真以为一点压箱底的手段都没有?” The people stare. 众人一愣。 An only nobilities face does not care: Arrived this time, doesn't need to bluster again? If you really have such method, but also when presently?” 唯独王侯一脸不在意:“都到这个时候了,就没必要再虚张声势了吧?你要是真有那样的手段,还会等到现在?” Good that said.” “说的好。” Ao Tai one sets out slowly, is reorganizing clothes methodically, inherent noble air arises spontaneously: „ If were not you compels this step, I actually do not want to use, after all that did not conform to my character. 敖太一缓缓起身,有条不紊的整理着身上的衣裳,一股与生俱来的贵气油然而生:“如果不是你们逼到了这一步,我其实是不想用的,毕竟那不符合我的性格。 What a pity, involuntary. ” 可惜,身不由己啊。” Then, the noble air of his within the body is getting more and more abundant, unexpectedly was in an instant rich to nearly substantialize situation, the nobilities people looks that in this mind appeared four characters. 说完,他体内的贵气愈来愈盛,转眼之间竟浓郁到了近乎实质化的地步,王侯众人看着这一幕脑海中不由浮现出四个字。 The noble air is threatening. 贵气逼人。 Begins!” “动手!” The royal family detected immediately was not wonderful, immediately acts without hesitation full power, other numerous defend the sword person also to respond immediately, is too busy to follow to act together. 王族顿时察觉到了不妙,当即毫不犹豫全力出手,其余一众守剑人也立马反应过来,忙不迭跟着一起出手。 Obviously succeeded in obtaining Boytoy, if this also by the opposite party running, that may really owe in a big way. 明明已经到手的鸭子,这要是还被对方给跑了,那可就真的亏大了。 Ao Tai looks at this contemptuous shaking the head of: Laughable.” 敖太一看着这一幕轻蔑的摇了摇头:“可笑。” Before he makes came to understand, by his presently severe wound condition truly can be victorious nobilities people, but since now made the consciousness, that no longer was the issue that he can move out, issue that but nobilities group of idiots can live in turn. 在他做出觉悟之前,以他现在重伤的状态确实打不过王侯众人,可如今既然做出了觉悟,那就不再是他能不能全身而退的问题了,而是反过来王侯这帮蠢货能不能活下来的问题了。 People's wild attack fell on Ao Tai on one, however was blocked by the noble air of that substantializing without exception completely, from the start cannot affect his slightest. 众人狂暴的攻击先后落在敖太一身上,然而无一例外全部被那实质化的贵气挡住,压根没能影响到他分毫。 Nobilities in great surprise. 王侯大惊。 At this time noble air of Ao Tai week surged to condense suddenly, turns into all various professions gold/metal Ziyin to carve in its four directions. 这时敖太一身周的贵气忽然涌动凝聚,化成一行行金字印刻在其四方。 Cause meets, sincerely.” “因缘而遇,诚心实意。” Knows because of the honesty, Heaven and Earth is the intermediary.” “因诚而知,天地为媒。” Predestined match concludes, gets married.” “良缘缔结,喜结连理。” Happy couple initially becomes, respects one another as one would a guest.” “佳偶初成,相敬如宾。” Holds child's hand, with child grows old together.” “执子之手,与子偕老。” Happy married life, always wholeheartedly.” “花好月圆,永世一心。” And, is also mixing with Ao Tai a name and record of one's horoscope impressively. 其中,赫然还夹杂着敖太一的名字和生辰八字。 The nobilities people are dumbfounded, this thing unexpectedly is an engagement book! 王侯众人目瞪口呆,这玩意居然是一封订婚书! But what is odder, Ao Tai a name is presently should be the position of bride's side unexpectedly. 而更离谱的是,敖太一的名字竟是出现在本该是女方的位置。 The nobilities gawked to respond, laughed loudly: „Does your South Sea successor give the person to marry into the wife's household unexpectedly?” 王侯愣了一下才反应过来,捧腹大笑:“你一个南海接班人居然给人入赘?” Other numerous defend the sword person is each one facial colors is also strange. 其余一众守剑人也是个个面色古怪。 Although the sea area such does not regard as important the rituals of state like the land, but the place large clan quite evades regarding the matter of groom's family marrying into the wife's household, let alone Ao Tai one South Sea royal family successor. 虽说海域不像陆地那样看重礼制,可地方大族对于男方入赘之事还是颇为避讳的,更别说敖太一这样的南海王族接班人了。 Passing on ready ready is the unheard-of absurdity! 传出去妥妥是天下奇闻! Ao Tai a pupil deep place flashes through haze, with his pride, as long as there is other choice to walk this step? 敖太一眼眸深处闪过一丝阴霾,以他的骄傲,但凡有别的选择又怎么会走这一步? But, no electing. 可是,没的选啊。 With the engagement book formation, a slender beautiful human shaped outline has a presently Ao Tai body side, pair of fair moving white delicate arms held in the arms his arm slowly. 伴随着订婚书成型,一个窈窕美艳的人形轮廓出现在敖太一的身侧,一双白皙动人的玉臂缓缓搂住了他的臂膀。 Although cannot see clearly the appearance of female, but this fluttering flags scene looks at everyone to have a parched mouth as before, a common and intense thought emits in the people heart, under the peony dies, makes trouble also loosely. 虽然看不清女子的容貌,但这副旖旎场面依旧看得所有人口干舌燥,一个共同而强烈的念头在众人心底冒出,牡丹花下死,做鬼也风流。 If can obtain this and other looking upon with favor of outstandingly beautiful female, let alone marries into the wife's household, even if died is still worth. 要是能得到这等绝色女子的垂青,别说只是给人入赘,就算是死也都值得了。 However, when the nobilities drool, saw several points of difference actually. 不过,王侯垂涎之余,倒是看出了几分异样。 He saw two dragon corner/horn outline in the women's forehead faintly. 他在女子额头隐隐看到了两根龙角的轮廓。 Dragon female!” “龙女!” The nobilities the cold sweat is dripping in a twinkling, loudly shouts to make other defend the sword person hastily to sober: Which mother's boy is marries into the wife's household to enjoy lucky in love, is courts death radically!” 王侯霎时间冷汗淋漓,连忙大喝一声令其他守剑人清醒过来:“妈的这小子哪是入赘享艳福,根本就是找死啊!” The sea area is spreading popular Legend, dragon Nvzhui. 海域流传着一个脍炙人口的传说,龙女追夫。 It is reported that dragon woman is the female of real dragon, has world First the outstandingly beautiful beautiful appearance, the countless youth talents have a dream think own perfumed hair-oil, whoever however finally is actually close to her, the Second day will become a dry corpse, was drained all life vitalities, from without exception. 据传龙女乃是真龙之女,有着世间第一等的绝色美貌,无数青年才俊做梦都想一亲芳泽,然而结果却是无论谁靠近她,第二天都会成为一具干尸,被抽干一切生命元气,从无例外。 As the man of dying were getting more and more, dragon Nvzhui also becomes terrifying Legend gradually. 随着死去的男人越来越多,龙女追夫也就渐渐成为了一个恐怖传说 The man who only then stared by her, must die without doubt. 只有是被她盯上的男人,必死无疑。 This Legend authenticity is unable to research, but after the joint investigation of all intelligence agency, obtained one most to be close to the speculation of truth. 这个传说的真实性无从考证,不过经过各方情报机构的合力调查,得出了一个最接近真相的推测。 dragon woman, may be the embodiment incarnation of dragon clan rule. 龙女,极有可能是龙族规则的具象化身。 The dragon clan rule is different from other rules, it is ancient and great life, although it will give the human cultivator regular strength, but will also derive the vitality from human cultivator in turn. 龙族规则与其他一切规则都不同,它本身就是一种古老而伟大的生命,它虽然会赋予人类修炼者规则力量,可反过来也会从人类修炼者身上汲取元气。 Once the life vitality by its suck dry, naturally also became the dry corpse, but dragon woman is this kind of incident typical representative. 一旦生命元气被其吸干,自然也就成了干尸,而龙女就是此类事件的典型代表。 Ao Tai cannot choose the exact way because of flurry, unexpectedly works out the engagement with the dragon female on own initiative, moreover this marrying into the wife's household engagement, is really the dead characters does not know how to write! 敖太一慌不择路,居然主动跟龙女订立婚约,而且还是这种入赘婚约,真是死字都不知道怎么写的! Courts death?” “找死?” Ao Tai looked at a body side gradually formation dragon female outline, showed a smile of taunt: „ My family Old Ancestor sect studied on the entire Ten-thousand-year dragon clan rule, by regarding the understanding of dragon clan rule, who can be deeper than him? 敖太一看了一眼身侧渐渐成型的龙女轮廓,露出了一个嘲讽的笑容:“我家老祖宗研究了整整上万年的龙族规则,论对于龙族规则的了解,谁能比他更深? One group of stupid and ignorant idiots, but also really believes dragon Nvzhui curse? 一群愚昧无知的蠢货,还真相信龙女追夫的诅咒? Ha, knows that who this cursed Legend is arranges come out? Is my family Old Ancestor sect! ” 哈哈哈,知道这个诅咒传说是谁编出来的吗?就是我家老祖宗!” Looks to laugh Ao Tai one, the nobilities people are startled collectively. 看着大笑不已的敖太一,王侯众人不由集体怔住。 dragon Nvzhui is, Ao Taiwei that old thing arranges come out unexpectedly? Are that all fake? 龙女追夫,居然是敖太微那个老东西编出来的?难道那一切都是假的 As everyone knows, all are Ao Taiwei before Ten-thousand-year careful layout that starts to get ready, all these that he makes, to let the dragon female becomes grandson's bridal clothes! 殊不知,一切都是敖太微从万年之前就开始准备的精心布局,他做的这一切,就是为了让龙女成为自家孙儿的嫁衣! Said strictly, dragon Nvzhui but is actually not a from head to tail rumor. 严格说起来,龙女追夫倒也并不是一个彻头彻尾的谣言。
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