SBPE :: Volume #16

#10241: Chapter 10241

Has not presented the true large-scale personnel losses obviously, but who this group is insufferably arrogant intrepidly protected expert to mutiny unexpectedly directly, subverted the three views of people simply. 明明还没有出现真正的大规模减员,可这帮强悍不可一世的摩罗卫高手居然就这么直接哗变了,简直颠覆众人的三观。 Lin Yi does not have the slight accident/surprise. 林逸对此却是没有丝毫的意外。 Ao Taiwei these years, the most important matter was controlled to protect in the past, but protected is also truly controlled by him firmly in the hand. 敖太微以往这些年,最重要的一件事情就是掌控摩罗卫,而摩罗卫也确实被他牢牢掌控在了手里。 But this also brought a huge drawback. 可这也带来了一个巨大的弊端。 Protects loyal aims at him, actually not in view of the South Sea royal family, once he died, entire protected loses directly gave loyalty to the object. 摩罗卫的忠心只是针对他个人,却不是针对南海王族,一旦他死了,整个摩罗卫直接就失去了效忠对象。 To put it bluntly, at this moment protected numerous expert not to know this/should for whom are we fighting. 说白了,此刻的摩罗卫众高手已经不知道该为谁而战了。 Even this point does not make clear, the powerful trump card corps are also only one group of disbanded soldiers, crashing is the natural matter. 连这一点都搞不清楚,再强大的王牌战队也只是一群散兵游勇而已,崩盘是理所当然的事情。 Lin Yi looks to an numerous Jiange disciple of being eager to try, held up a finger: presently issued that First sect gate task, catches the captive, every time catches a captive to reward one set of swordsmanship, catches captive many, may enter the sword tomb to practice for a month.” 林逸看向跃跃欲试的一众剑阁弟子,举起了一根手指:“现在发布第一个宗门任务,抓俘虏,每抓一个俘虏奖励一套剑法,抓俘虏最多者,可入剑冢修行一个月。” The audience are shocked immediately. 全场顿时轰动。 By the position of Lin Yi new sword Saint, the swordsmanship that he granted personally naturally cannot miss, but regarding any swordsman, swordsmanship type of thing has the fatal attraction. 林逸新任剑圣的咖位,他亲口允诺的剑法自然不会差,而对于任何一个剑客来说,剑法这种东西都是有着致命吸引力的。 Let alone, the opportunity enters the sword tomb to practice! 更何况,还有机会入剑冢修行! The sword tomb is the place of sword Saint birth, regarding the people are sacred place general existence. 剑冢乃是剑圣诞生之地,对于众人来说自是圣地一般的存在。 In the past only when the sword Saint changed session will open one time, generally the Jiange disciple did not have the qualifications to go in did not say, even if the luck good to go by luck, still the big probability was a narrow escape, at all not possible steadfast to practice in inside. 以往只在剑圣换届的时候才会开放一次,一般剑阁弟子没资格进去不说,即便运气好侥幸进去了,也大概率是九死一生,根本不可能踏踏实实在里面修行。 Has not thought, Lin Yi will give such promise unexpectedly! 万万没想到,林逸居然会给出这样的许诺! Somewhat fully realized that the Jiange disciple of inside story, many somewhat suspected, after all as far as they know, all previous sword Saint does not have such jurisdiction even, is they go at most, does not have the means to make other Jiange disciples also follow to go to profit at someone's expense together. 有些深知内情的剑阁弟子,多少有些怀疑,毕竟据他们所知,就算是历代剑圣也没有这样的权限,顶多也就是他们自己进去,却没办法让剑阁其他弟子也跟着一起进去沾光。 However, they were eventually excited. 不过,他们终究还是心动了。 Even if in them the aptitude is worst, sword tomb one month practices come out also sufficiently shed the mortal body and exchange the bones! 哪怕他们之中资质最差的,剑冢一个月修行出来也足以脱胎换骨 Once such opportunity misses, harbors regret absolutely lifelong. 这样的机会一旦错过,绝对抱憾终身。 Looks that an numerous Jiange disciple called to clash, the Lin Yi chuckle nod , his promise naturally is not being fake, the matter that all previous sword Saint could not achieve, actually not necessarily could not achieve to his here. 看着一众剑阁弟子嗷嗷叫着冲了出去,林逸轻笑着点了点头,他这个许诺自然不是假的,历代剑圣做不到的事情,到他这里却未必做不到。 After all, all previous sword Saint may not have the sword son help. 毕竟,历代剑圣可没有剑儿子帮忙。 As an numerous cruel Jiange disciple of joins, disintegrated protected lost the heart of resistance thoroughly, does not immediately have the least bit to fight intent again, all disperses instantly, scatters in all directions to escape. 随着一众如狼似虎的剑阁弟子加入,本就已经分崩离析的摩罗卫彻底失去了抵抗之心,顿时再无半点战意,全部一哄而散,四散而逃。 The general situation has decided. 大局已定。 Congratulates the Sir, Jiange has decided that protects defeats again, the entire South Sea can also fight to put down!” “恭喜大人,剑阁已定,摩罗卫再败,整个南海也能一战而平!” Hou Mohe has presently Lin Yi behind, congratulates submissively. 侯摩诃出现在林逸身后,拱手道喜。 Initially Lin Yi all alone entered the sea temple, facing the suppression of priest department, except for that several stood first five walks opposite of the big priest, other no one favored him radically. 当初林逸孤身一人进海神殿,面对祭司系的打压,除了那几位本就站在大祭司对面的前五行走,其他根本没人看好他。 He stood on the side of Lin Yi only decisively, must know that he was ordered to supervise the Lin Yi's guidance priest, made this decision to take the big risk, might be read by the big priest anytime writes off. 唯独他果断站在了林逸一边,要知道他可是奉命监督林逸的引导祭司,做出这个决定可谓冒着巨大的风险,随时都有可能被大祭司一念抹杀。 However presently looks like, this gambled he to smile finally. 不过现在看来,这场豪赌他笑到了最后。 By the present Lin Yi's influence, the big priest is unable easily about, even in the entire general situation, instead to be pressed a head by Lin Yi even again! 以如今林逸的势力,就算是大祭司也无法再轻易左右,甚至在整个大局上,反而要被林逸压上一头! After all once takes South Sea, then Sihai only had a North Sea. 毕竟一旦拿下南海,那么四海就只剩下一个北海了。 In other words, Sihai in Lin Yi from reaching Legend lord, only missed a North Sea! 换句话说,林逸距离登顶传说中的四海共主,也只差了一个北海! Lin Yi oneself did not have many mood to fluctuate, speak thoughtlessly to smile saying with a smile: Then you some were busy, Jiange this group of people look purely, careerist actually also many, combs come out them, needs your well next time.” 林逸本人对此却没有多少情绪波动,随口笑了笑道:“接下来你又有的忙了,剑阁这帮人看着纯粹,野心家却也不少,把他们梳理出来,需要你好好下一番工夫。” Understood.” “明白。” Hou Mohe nods obeys an order, his present localization is assistant Lin Yi, its most important responsibility solves these trivial actually important business for Lin Yi. 侯摩诃颔首应命,他如今的定位就是林逸助理,其最重要的职责就是替林逸解决这些琐碎却重要的事务。 Trades to be others, first Lin Yi not necessarily trusts, secondly also not necessarily has that ability, only then he most appropriate. 换做其他人,一来林逸未必信任,二来也不见得有那份能力,只有他最合适。 Hou Mohe thinks to remind: Ao Tai can a that side send one team of brother to support again?” 侯摩诃想了想提醒道:“敖太一那边要不要再派一队兄弟去支援一下?” brother that he said that naturally is own health/guard camp expert. 他说的兄弟,自然是亲卫营高手 Ao Tai a status is important, once this time ran away by it, in the future many will be a hidden danger. 敖太一的身份事关重大,这次一旦被其跑掉,日后多少是个隐患。 Although the nobilities are not big to its possibility of turning on the water, but by strength of nobilities, even if had one team to defend the sword person, can succeed its interception does not say. 虽说王侯给其放水的可能性不大,但以王侯的实力,哪怕带了一队守剑人,能不能成功将其截杀也都不好说。 As for other Jiange disciples, how no one knows them and Ao Tai between one relations, if the jackals from the same lair, in turn collaborates from outside with the inside to help the opposite party helping hand, that troubled. 至于剑阁其他弟子,谁也不知道他们与敖太一之间的关系如何,万一是一丘之貉,反过来里应外合助对方一臂之力,那就麻烦了。 Lin Yi actually indifferent beckoning with the hand of: This matter, since gave the nobilities to manage, that does not need to worry again.” 林逸却无所谓的摆了摆手:“这事既然交给王侯去办了,那就不需要再操心了。” Hou Mohe stares, but understood the Lin Yi's intention in a flash. 侯摩诃一愣,不过转瞬就明白了林逸的用意。 It is not Lin Yi really trusts the nobilities, but even if the nobilities cannot catch up with Ao Tai finally one, will not affect the South Sea general situation truly. 并不是林逸真的就这么信任王侯,而是即便王侯最终没能追上敖太一,也不会真正影响到南海大局。 After all Ao Taiwei has died, protects as of South Sea another acting as ballast stone has also disintegrated, the remaining South Sea royal families look even the influence is still huge, was unable to cause the essence to threaten to Lin Yi actually. 毕竟敖太微已死,作为南海另一块压舱石的摩罗卫也已分崩离析,剩下的南海王族即便看着依旧势力庞大,实则已经无法对林逸造成实质威胁了。 Let alone Ao Tai one, even if picks a dog's life by luck, after going back , is still not necessarily able to pull together to do something the South Sea royal families. 何况敖太一就算侥幸捡回一条狗命,回去之后也未必就能将南海王族拧成一股绳。 Ao Taiwei this Old Ancestor sect, he is the ordered by the emperor personally South Sea successor, no one dares to have the least bit opposing opinion. 敖太微这个老祖宗在的时候,他是钦定的南海接班人,没人敢有半点反对意见。 But presently Ao Taiwei did not have, can the position of his successor also sit firmly, that was a different matter. 现在敖太微没了,他这个接班人的位置还能不能坐稳,那就是另一回事了。 The world's most does not lack is the careerist, even in thick patch of grass many fierce and ambitious characters, let alone is that help/gang always exceptional South Sea royal family younger generation? 天底下最不缺的就是野心家,即便草莽之中都不乏枭雄人物,何况是那帮一向自命不凡的南海王族子弟 Usually in erratically saved many to aim at Ao Tai a resentment. 平日里不定积攒了多少针对敖太一的怨气呢。 Perhaps, outside Ao Tai escapes the inverse proportion to remain must the bad risk! 说不定,敖太一逃回去反比留在外面还要更加凶险! Facts showed, Lin Yi underestimated ability of nobilities. 事实证明,林逸还是低估了王侯的能力 In this goods surface seems like a straightforward boorish fellow, has side that careful such as sends actually, making other numerous defend the aspect that the sword people are at a loss, unexpectedly was found the clue by him in the traces obstinately. 这货面上看起来是个直来直去的莽夫,实则有着心细如发的一面,让其他一众守剑人都束手无策的局面,居然愣是被他在蛛丝马迹中找到线索。 Then, after a double-hour, was really pursued distressed Ao Tai by him unexpectedly one! 而后,竟是在一个时辰之后,真的被他追到了一身狼狈的敖太一! Looks nobilities people who surround, shaking the head of Ao Tai forced smile, self-ridicules saying: In the end unexpectedly will fall in the hand of your type of straw bag, it seems like that the God also really has does not enlarge ones vision, pitiful.” 看着包围过来的王侯众人,敖太一不由苦笑的摇了摇头,自嘲道:“到头来居然会落在你这种草包的手里,看来老天爷也真有不开眼的时候,可悲啊。” Nobilities grinning: „ Looks down upon the straw bag? However is also, endured like your this birth compared with the emperor is expensive the fellow of stomach, looking down upon us was also normal. 王侯咧了咧嘴:“这么看不起草包?不过也是,像你这种一出生就堪比帝王贵胃的家伙,看不起我们也是正常的。 What a pity, you are also a maidservant assign/life the Young Lady heart, South Sea successor who so-called is destined, is actually a daydream. 可惜啊,你也就是个丫鬟命小姐心,所谓命中注定的南海接班人,其实就是一场白日梦。 Ordered by the emperor personally of what Old Ancestor sect, in front of true strength, is one. ” 什么老祖宗的钦定,在真正的实力面前,就是一个屁。”
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