SBPE :: Volume #16

#10244: Chapter 10244

Looks at the blade!” “看刀!” Ao Tai frightens the eyelid crazily to jump, this flash he really realized the taste that the death approached, dragon woman has not drawn the hip fortunately, a pair of graceful white hands card at the final moment blade gas welding. 敖太一吓得眼皮狂跳,这一瞬间他可是实实在在体会到了死亡靠近的滋味,亏得龙女没有拉胯,一双盈盈玉手卡在最后时刻将刀气接了下来。 Kept off? 被挡下了? Nobilities people secretly thought regretted. 王侯众人不由暗道惋惜。 As for Ao Tai of being survivor of disaster one is wild with joy, immediately laughs to say unconventionally: What nonsense looks at the blade! However is ignorant generation of the unwarranted reputation of blowing come out, but also was really serious oneself, hehe.” 至于劫后余生的敖太一更是狂喜,当即忘形大笑道:“什么狗屁看刀!不过是无知之辈吹出来的虚名而已,还真把自己当回事了,呵呵。” Reviews Zhou hero, is actually confident received Mo blade, undulating say/way: I have the blade for the righteousness of brother, if you can support this blade, that puts you to leave.” 反观纣侠本人,却是不疾不徐的将陌刀收了起来,澹澹道:“我出刀是为兄弟之义,你若是能撑下这一刀,那就放你离开。” „......” “……” The people are perplexed, this blade is received obviously, said that this is to give oneself solves awkwardly? 众人不明所以,这一刀明明都已经被人接下了,说这个是给自己解尴尬吗? The result next second, the innumerable blade air/Qi in Ao Tai in within the body eruption, this think the South Sea successors who suddenly have no more worries the throat throat, were strangled to death obstinately at the scene do not remain the dregs, henceforth in into thin air. 结果下一秒,无数刀气忽然在敖太一体内爆发,这位自以为高枕无忧的南海接班人愣是连吭都吭不出一声,当场被绞杀得连渣都不剩,从此于人间蒸发。 Audience with amazement. 全场骇然。 This sudden transition flashed really presented everyone's waist, that blade air/Qi that indeed just received was only the representation, following was true killing move! 这个突如其来的转折着实闪了在场所有人的腰,敢情刚刚接下的那道刀气只是表象,后续才是真正的杀招 Is homicide does not use the Second blade looks at the blade Zhou hero worthily, your strength was getting more and more immeasurably deep.” “不愧是杀人不用第二刀的看刀纣侠,你的实力越来越深不可测了。” The nobilities smile bitterly to go forward to cup one hand in the other across the chest, under the heart makes up one silently, each other disparity was also getting bigger and bigger. 王侯苦笑一声上前拱手,心下默默补上一句,彼此的差距也越来越大了。 Other numerous defend the sword person also to hold the fist in the other hand to salute upon meeting. 其余一众守剑人也纷纷抱拳见礼。 Regardless of where the powerhouses arrive at to be hounded, let alone the opposite party also rescued a oneself people life, this is the obligation! 强者无论走到哪里都会受人追捧,何况对方还救了自己众人一命,这可是大恩! Zhou hero actually put out a hand to break exchanging greetings of people vigilantly, the vision looked to Ao Tai a strangled to death position, Ao Tai one, although did not have, but dragon Nvke also. 纣侠却伸手打断了众人的寒暄,目光警惕的看向敖太一被绞杀的位置,敖太一虽然没了,但龙女可还在呢。 But this embodiment incarnation of dragon clan regular strength, no one knows that she can mobilize many dragon clan regular strengths, theoretically its strength upper limit dominates above all top layer strengths sufficiently, even sets no ceiling limit. 这位可是龙族规则力量的具象化身,谁也不知道她能调动多少龙族规则力量,理论上其实力上限足以凌驾于所有顶层战力之上,甚至上不封顶。 Facing such enemy, even if looks at the blade Zhou hero not to dare also slight treating it lightly. 面对这样的敌人,即便看刀纣侠也不敢也丝毫的掉以轻心。 Oh......” “唉……” In the air leaves behind helpless light to sigh, the figure of dragon Nvmo lake dissipates immediately slowly, until vanishes thoroughly does not see. 空气中留下一声无奈的轻叹,龙女模湖的身形随即缓缓消散,直至彻底消失不见。 People then simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform relaxes. 众人这才齐齐松了一口气。 Zhou hero strange looks to the nobilities: Hou will Zi you annoy this fellow? Although you in consistent rank grass Mang Qi, person but who does not stir up trouble casually?” 纣侠奇怪的看向王侯:“侯子你怎么会惹到这种家伙?你虽然一贯莽里莽气的,但也不是随便惹事的人啊?” Although he does not recognize Ao Tai an identity, but a dragon female made him understand clearly sufficiently probably, inevitably was in the Sihai royal family the position extremely high core figure, once provoked, will bring in the crazy retaliation inevitably, the consequence was dreadful. 他虽然认不出敖太一的身份,但一个龙女就足以让他洞悉个大概了,必然是四海王族之中地位极高的核心人物,一旦招惹,势必会引来疯狂报复,后果不堪设想。 Actually is not my matter.” “其实也不是我一个人的事。” The nobilities explained the cause and effect immediately, although this is the Jiange internal affairs, should not disclose to the bystander at will, but by him and opposite party's relations, in addition the opposite party just solved encirclement of life for own people, has nothing to conceal. 王侯当即将前因后果解释了一遍,虽说这是剑阁内部事务,本不该随意向外人透露,但以他和对方的关系,再加上对方才刚刚替自己众人解了性命之围,却也没什么好隐瞒的。 Lin Yi? Is that near sea king Lin Yi?” 林逸?就是那个近海王林逸?” Zhou hero selected the eyebrow slightly. 纣侠微微挑了挑眉。 „Do you also know him?” “你也知道他?” In the nobilities heart moves, takes advantage of opportunity to propose: Your presently or do all alone walk Jianghu? Now my Jiange reorganization, is short of manpower, was inferior that you come to Jiange, by my understanding of this new sword Saint Sir, is not the mean-spirited person, you come to be made good use inevitably.” 王侯心中一动,顺势提议道:“你现在还是孤身一人走江湖吧?如今我剑阁重组,正是缺人的时候,不如你来剑阁吧,以我对这位新任剑圣大人的了解,绝不是小气之人,你来必然能够受到重用。” Seeing the opposite party is silent, the nobilities added: „Doesn't your blade guest biggest desire reconstruct the blade gate? So long as can have his support, this matter did not say that the percentage hundred can become, at least is also greatly hopeful!” 见对方默然不语,王侯补充道:“你们刀客最大的愿望不是重建刀门吗?只要能得到他的支持,这事儿不说百分百能成,至少也是大有希望啊!” No matter what who looks at come out, is impossible to cling to tenaciously a Jiange by the Lin Yi's status, Jiange one of influences was doomed only to be he governs. 任谁都看得出来,以林逸的身份不可能死守着一个剑阁,剑阁注定了只能是他辖下的势力之一。 Now Donghai and West Sea, will soon belong to under his account including the following South Sea, lord from Sihai only remains the final one pace! 如今东海、西海,包括接下来的南海都即将归入他的账下,距离四海共主只剩最后的一步之遥! Has such momentum, Lin Yi, if has a mind to support somebody high-rank reconstruction blade gate, matter that does not indulge in fantasy. 有着这样的声势,林逸若是有心想要扶持某个人上位重建刀门,绝非什么异想天开的事情。 This matter, has bright prospects. 此事,大有可为。 However Zhou hero does not have slightly the excited meaning, instead deeply looked at nobilities one eyes: Hou Zi, the wind of your new sword Saint comments is not quite good.” 然而纣侠却没有丝毫心动的意思,反而深深看了王侯一眼:“侯子,你们这位新任剑圣的风评可不太好啊。” The nobilities stare: You said that previous time marches silent that matter? Isn't that some obvious people plays a dirty trick in the back? Including these so-called Lin Yi meetings, calculates that I estimated they have not seen his surface, does your also believe?” 王侯一愣:“你说上次沉默行军那事儿?那不是明摆着有人在背后使坏吗?包括那些所谓的林逸会,有一个算一个我估计他们连他的面都没见过,你这也信?” I said is not this.” “我说的不是这个。” Zhou hero shakes the head: „The truth that wooden show in Linfeng must destroy I naturally understand, but many things are not the rumors, the person must seek its politics in its position, since he sat in that position, some causes and effects can only he undertake.” 纣侠摇了摇头:“木秀于林风必摧之的道理我自然明白,可许多事情也不是空穴来风,人在其位就要谋其政,他既然坐在了那个位置,有些因果就只能他来承担。” The nobilities defend the sword person to look at each other in blank dismay with other numerous: What are you saying?” 王侯同其他一众守剑人面面相觑:“你到底在说什么?” presently I have not investigated thoroughly thoroughly, but, my temper you are know that walks the Jianghu righteousness character overhead, if he really did entrapped the matter of the world person......” 现在我还没彻底查清楚,不过,我的性子你是知道的,行走江湖义字当头,若是他真的做了坑害天下人之事……” Zhou hero stop moment, said slowly: You have a few words for me, looks at the blade.” 纣侠停顿片刻,缓缓道:“你替我带一句话,看刀。” Then, patted the shoulder of nobilities to turn the head to depart. 说完,拍了拍王侯的肩膀转头离去。 Several defend the sword person to look at each other, curls the lip: „Was this fellow tone too far greatly? The world principle of righteousness, does he decide?” 几个守剑人相视一眼,不由撇嘴:“这家伙口气有点大过头了吧?天下大义,他说了算?” The only nobilities, are stern-faced. 唯独王侯,一脸凝重。 The principle of righteousness of others are the decorations of saying, oneself this sends to be small only, actually really regarded the life creed it. 其他人的大义都是挂在嘴边的装饰,唯独自己这个发小,却是真的将其当成了人生信条。 The world affair, the righteousness character first is! 天下大事,义字为先! The opposite party can extinguish for the righteousness of friend today kills Ao Tai one, another day, will naturally also act to Lin Yi for the world principle of righteousness! 对方今天可以为了朋友之义灭杀敖太一,他日,自然也会为了天下大义对林逸出手! This, is not the joke that pays lip service. 这,绝不是嘴上说说的玩笑话。 The numerous defend the sword person to look at his face anxious look, spoke said comfortably: You do not need such heavyheartedly, even if he really walks the insignificant problem to our sword Saint make a move, must have that strength to be good, said.” 众守剑人看他一脸愁容,纷纷出言宽慰道:“你也没必要这么忧心忡忡,就算他真的走牛角尖要对咱们剑圣出手,也得有那个实力才行啊,说说而已。” Looked that strength admittedly of blade Zhou hero is good, from this blade, truly also had just traced the threshold of top strength. 看刀纣侠的实力固然不俗,从刚刚这一刀来看,确实也已经摸到了顶层战力的门槛。 Compared with Lin Yi, in people's eyes actually obviously missed one section. 可是跟林逸一比,在众人眼中却还是明显差了一截。 After all Lin Yi cut to kill old monster Ao Taiwei in the presence of everyone, that was the recognized top strength benchmark, can achieve this person is the sea area ceiling. 毕竟林逸可是当众斩杀了老怪物敖太微,那可是公认的顶层战力标杆,能做到这一步之人无一不是海域天花板。 In other words, Lin Yi now position in their mind, even if not the genuine sea area ceiling, that is the difference is not far. 换句话说,林逸如今在他们心目中的地位,即便还不是真正的海域天花板,那也已经是差之不远。 The general top strength, has been not enough to become the threat to other party. 一般的顶层战力,已经不足以对他造成威胁了。 Let alone, the background of rule of inheritance sword was doomed Lin Yi following strength also to rise suddenly, on a matter that became the genuine sea area ceiling is being settled. 何况,剑之规则传承的底蕴注定了林逸接下来实力还会暴涨,更上一层成为真正的海域天花板是板上钉钉的事情。 This and other being doomed stood in peak man of the hour, can only thick patch of grass blade guest touch the porcelain can it be that?! 这等注定站在巅峰的风云人物,岂是区区一个草莽刀客可以碰瓷的?! Hopes.” “但愿吧。” Helpless the nobilities shake the head, side is new Boss, moreover very to his temperament, another side sends little brother, if really arrives at that day of resorting to arms, he may be really unpopular everywhere and with everybody. 王侯无奈摇了摇头,一边是自家新老大,而且还挺对他脾气,另一边是发小兄弟,真要是走到兵戎相见的那一天,他可就真的里外不是人了。
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