SBPE :: Volume #16

#10219: Chapter 10219

After all his goal is not Lin Yi, Lin Yi is only a pretence, the back big fish is his true objective point! 毕竟他的目标可不是林逸,林逸只是一个幌子而已,背后的大鱼才是他的真正着眼点! Ye Qiyuan did not worry that Lin Yi really can turn out own palm, but eventually is a long delay usually means many problems, even he prepared many pre- tuarts, may aim at his goal big fish, was difficult to say ten tenths assurances. 叶启元不担心林逸真能翻出自己的手掌心,但终究是夜长梦多,即便他准备了再多的预桉,可针对他的目标大鱼来说,还是难说有十成的把握。 Game played similarly, this drew in a net.” “游戏玩得差不多了,这就收网吧。” The Xuan Yuan sword has in the presently Ye Qiyuan's hand suddenly, but almost at the same time, other ten great swords simultaneously one austere! 轩辕剑蓦然出现在叶启元的手中,而几乎同一时间,其他所有的十大名剑同时一肃! Heads as ten great sword, Xuan Yuan sword supreme to expensive/noble, its most important ability is the command group sword. 身为十大名剑之首,轩辕剑至尊至贵,其最重要能力便是号令群剑。 Lin Yi sees that the heart to jump: So that's how it is.” 林逸见状不由心头一跳:“原来如此。” Others can understand by the opposite party control, but permits Tai one does not have struggling unexpectedly was the opposite party puppet, this is a point that just most made him unable to understand. 其他人受对方支配可以理解,但是许太一居然也毫无挣扎的做了对方傀儡,这是刚刚最令他无法理解的一点。 permits Tai one is Jiange Big Senior Brother, theoretically was affected deeply by the sword Saint, only from the angle of observer, he truly is easily by of sword Saint control. 许太一是剑阁大师兄,理论上受剑圣影响最深,单从旁观者的角度,他确实是最容易被剑圣操控的那一个。 But Lin Yi observes, in this person of surface is not good to deal with. 林逸观察下来,此人绝不似表面上那么好相与。 Many years of fostering intuition told him, actually permits Tai one was in the people on the scene most had the villain that the result has not thought of unexpectedly easily the say/way of sword Saint. 多年养成的直觉告诉他,其实许太一才是在场众人之中最有反派相的那一个,结果没想到居然轻而易举就着了剑圣的道。 presently looks like, the key lies in the Xuan Yuan sword. 现在看来,关键就在于轩辕剑。 Complete body ten great swords are you put the come out bait, who used their strength, who will be organized by you, haven't I guessed wrong?” “完全体十大名剑就是你放出来的诱饵,谁动用了它们的力量,谁就会受你摆布,我没猜错吧?” Lin Yi exploratory asked one. 林逸试探性的问了一句。 Ye Qiyuan very honest nod: Good, in the world where has white collect the thing, when it gives you, has labelled the price in in the dark, not?” 叶启元很是坦诚的点点头:“不错,天底下哪有白捡的东西,在它给你的时候,早就已经在暗中标注好了价格,不是吗?” Lin Yi selected the eyebrow: Then the issue came, I also move use up the strength of all ten great sword, why am I not affected?” 林逸挑了挑眉:“那么问题来了,我也动用了完全体十大名剑的力量,为什么我不受影响?” Ye Qiyuan smiles: Such grand scene must some people work as the villain to be good, otherwise too to be senseless?” 叶启元笑了笑:“这么隆重的场面总得有人来当反派才行,要不然岂不是太无趣了?” What you said is yourself?” “你说的是你自己吗?” Lin Yi cast aside one, has not actually been able to continue to divert attention to test the opposite party. 林逸撇了一句,却已无法继续分心试探对方。 From started a moment ago, facing having permits Tai 16 people of him of zither | Jean song increase slightly is strenuous, now under the guidance of Xuan Yuan sword, six people of each movement coordinates to just like a whole. 从刚才开始,面对有着琴歌增幅的许太一六人他就已经略显吃力,如今在轩辕剑的引导之下,六人每一个动作都协同犹如一个整体。 Even if he stands in the hostile position, facing such coordination, has to acclaim perfect heartfeltly! 哪怕是他站在敌对立场,面对这样的配合,也不得不由衷赞叹一句完美! This naturally is not completely the merit of Xuan Yuan sword. 这自然不完全是轩辕剑的功劳。 The Xuan Yuan sword can the command ten great swords, but is controlling all these truly secretly, so operates the passing clouds and flowing water and even impregnable fencing person of six people, is Ye Qiyuan. 轩辕剑能够号令十大名剑,但真正在幕后操控着这一切,将六人操纵得如此行云流水乃至无懈可击的操刀之人,乃是叶启元。 Six people in his hands, have just like degenerated into sword that such as the arm incites, among the graces can play the greatest might! 六人在他手中,俨然已经沦为一个如臂指使的剑阵,举手投足之间均能发挥出莫大威力! Lin Yi confessed that is quite browses regarding the swordsmanship, especially with when production costs rise, prices rise too of vision level, its swordsmanship crucial moment, even if not true swordsmanship Grandmaster, that proper still has reached highest knowledge. 林逸自认对于剑道已经算是颇有涉猎,尤其随着眼界层次的水涨船高,其剑道火候即便算不上真正的剑道宗师,那也妥妥已经登堂入室了。 At this moment but faces Ye Qiyuan this present age sword Saint alternative sword, actually suddenly discovered, oneself will not play. 可是此刻面对叶启元这位当代剑圣的另类剑阵,却突然发现,自己不会玩了。 Obviously is only sword that six people compose, however assumes the scene in presently Lin Yi eye, actually blots out the sky, ever changing. 明明只是六个人组成的剑阵,然而呈现在林逸眼中的景象,却是铺天盖地,千变万化。 Regardless how he has the move, the opposite 10,000 subsequent hands are always waiting for him. 无论他怎么出招,对面总有一万种后手在等着他。 From the beginning can also depend the know-nothing party to be dauntless, forces with its confrontation, but the time is long, the bonus is the Lin Yi cold sweat is dripping. 一开始还能仗着无知者无畏,勉强与其对阵,可是时间一长,饶是林逸都不禁冷汗淋漓。 Gradually has a move of frequency to be getting more and more low, after partly burns a joss stick, Lin Yi unexpectedly was directly there, could not have kept up with the rhythm of opposite party thoroughly, does not know how completely should have the move. 渐渐的出招频率越来越低,以致于半炷香之后,林逸竟是直接愣在了那里,已经彻底跟不上对方的节奏,完全不知道该怎么出招了。 Desperate. 绝望。 In the past regardless of facing how powerful invincible opponent, regardless of were victorious, Lin Yi has never lost confidence. 以往无论面对多么强大无敌的对手,无论打得过打不过,林逸从未丧失过信心。 However this time, he actually for the first time felt unprecedented being incapable with desperate, regardless of you made anything, the opposite party 10,000 subsequent hands is always waiting for you, all were only unproductive struggling. 但是这一次,他却破天荒感受到了一种前所未有的无力和绝望,无论你做什么,对方总有一万种后手等着你,一切都只是徒劳的挣扎。 It seems like I overestimated you, your aptitude, pulled on shoes to me does not match, under what also expected the generation of sword Saints?” “看来我还是高估你了,就你这点资质,给我提鞋都不配,还奢望什么下代剑圣?” Ye Qiyuan full is disappointed shaking the head. 叶启元满是失望的摇了摇头。 Lin Yi is in an extremely difficult situation, he naturally is happy, but this disappointed actually does not install come out. 林逸越是狼狈不堪,他自然越是高兴,不过这失望却也不是装出来的。 The ambition is a matter, expert lonely is a different matter. 野心是一回事,高手寂寞是另一回事。 Although takes a broad view at the sea area, the big priest and wolf extinguish like this with his ceiling strength of the same class, but several other are not swordsmanship expert, at least in a swordsmanship way, he is true alone sought the defeat this solitary one. 虽然放眼海域,还有大祭司和狼灭这样跟他同级别的天花板战力,可其他几位都不是剑道高手,至少在剑道一途,他是真正的独孤求败。 This thinks that Lin Yi this with freshman of sword for the King, can many create some challenges to oneself similarly, but presently looks like, he wants. 本以为林逸这位同样用剑的新生代王者,能够多少对自己造成一些挑战,但是现在看来,他还是想多了。 With his vision, the Lin Yi's swordsmanship level could not have called now by far outstanding. 以他的眼光来看,如今林逸的剑道水平还远远称不上出众。 And although mixes with several moves of antelopes to hang the horn-balanced brush, but gets down generally speaking, basically rigidly adheres to the custom moves of various repertoires, perhaps cannot enter the Jiange disciple of his discernment to be much better compared with these, but also is limitedly good. 其中虽然夹杂着几招羚羊挂角式的神来之笔,但总体看下来,基本都是拘泥于各家套路的俗招,比起那些入不了他法眼的剑阁弟子也许要好一些,但也好出有限。 Mediocre person. 庸才一个。 This is Ye Qiyuan gives the final definition under Lin Yi. 这是叶启元给林逸下的最后定义。 Immediately the intention moves, did not have the beforehand all sorts of probes again, six people of sword become the murderous intention instantaneously bone-chilling cold, incurs the move to take the Lin Yi strategic point, in a breath at least over a hundred fatal attacks, every against does not have to guard one time! 随即心念一动,再没有了之前的种种试探,六人剑阵瞬间变得杀机凛冽,招招直取林逸要害,一息之内至少上百次致命攻击,每一次都防无可防! Even if there is god body defense, Lin Yi is still surrounded by perils suddenly. 即便有着神体防御,林逸一时间也都险象环生。 After all this came from killing of complete body ten great swords, every time keeps off next time regarding the god body is the huge consumptions, the time is long, is not the god body cannot support, but was the Lin Yi's physical strength flies unable to support! 毕竟这可是来自完全体十大名剑的袭杀,每挡下一次对于神体都是巨大的消耗,时间一长,不是神体撑不住,而是林逸的体力快撑不住了! Lin Yi only thinks that own physical strength trough is bottoming rapidly, must touch to maintain the final bottom line of god body shortly. 林逸只觉自己的体力槽在迅速见底,眼看就要触及维系神体的最后底线。 Once penetrates the bottom line, the god body is difficult to sustain, that anything ended. 一旦击穿底线,神体难以为继,那就什么都完了。 „Did this accept fate to wait for death?” “这就认命等死了?” Ye Qiyuan look deep place flashes through contemptuous, previously for his ambition, he once highly praised to Lin Yi before the child, however in his heart most deep place, has not actually regarded the true opponent Lin Yi. 叶启元眼神深处闪过一丝轻蔑,此前为了他的野心,他曾在孩童面前对林逸大加赞赏,然而在他的心底最深处,却始终没有将林逸当成真正的对手。 Board game piece. 棋子而已。 However saw with own eyes Lin Yi to fall into the final hopeless situation, on Ye Qiyuan face actually showed the look of anticipation, all careful upholstery until now, was he waits for a long time play! 不过眼见林逸陷入最后的绝境,叶启元脸上却是不由露出了期待的神色,到此为止的一切都只是精心铺垫,接下来才是他等待已久的正戏! Really, in he plans six people of sword an important pass that gives Lin Yi to strike finally, together to Sky Sword air/Qi no indication erupts from Lin Yi! 果然,就在他算计中六人剑阵给予林逸最后一击的关口,一道冲天剑气毫无征兆的从林逸身上爆发而出! This sword air/Qi one, the natural gas field in entire sword tomb restrains instantaneously, by this expressed that respectful and submits. 此剑气一出,整个剑冢的天然气场都瞬间收敛,以此来表示恭敬和臣服。 permits Tai 16 people were shaken beyond hundred li (0.5 km) at the scene! 许太一六人更是当场被震出百里之外! Ye Qiyuan corners of the mouth bring back together the self-satisfied curve: Sir you came finally.” 叶启元嘴角不禁勾起一道得意的弧度:“大人您终于来了。” Lin Yi at this moment is like permits Tai 16 people, the look is wooden, has just like lost own will, the whole body has sent out the come out air/Qi field to appear the incomparable nature, and purely. 此刻的林逸和许太一六人一样,神色木然,俨然已经失去了自己的意志,周身散发出来的气场显得无比自然且纯粹。 Air/Qi field that this not any human cultivator can have, but is some closer natural existence. 这绝不是任何一个人类修炼者能够拥有的气场,而是某种更加贴近自然的存在。
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