SBPE :: Volume #16

#10217: Chapter 10217

As the present age sword Saint, his mortal body intensity is not naturally weak, is entire sea area being able to stand in line number mortal body expert, may even if mortal body most powerhouse as far as he knows, also cannot achieve the so exaggerating effect absolutely. 身为当代剑圣,他本人的肉身强度自然也不弱,是全海域排得上号的肉身高手,可哪怕是据他所知的肉身最强者,也绝对达不到如此夸张的效果。 If cultivate certain special mortal body Cultivation Manual, facing the assassination of common weapon, poured also really has the effect that certain possibility achieves so-called invulnerability. 如果修炼了某些特殊的肉身功法,面对一般兵器的刺杀,倒也确实有一定可能性达到所谓刀枪不入的效果。 But this is the fish intestines sword! 可这是鱼肠剑啊! Key this is the fish intestines sword of complete body, is reasonable, in the world where has even/including fish the intestines sword to puncture not the broken mortal body? 关键这还是完全体的鱼肠剑,讲讲道理,天底下哪有连鱼肠剑都刺不破的肉身? Is the god body in Legend?” “难道是传说中的神体?” This flashed reads just one to emit in Ye Qiyuan mind, was excluded immediately without hesitation. 这个闪念刚一在叶启元脑海中冒出,立马就被毫不犹豫排除在外。 Does not blame him being so resolute, the god body is one of core marks the god boundary has, even if under the god boundary is strong revering boundary expert, not possible cultivate to succeed certainly, this has been the entire sea area recognized iron rule. 不怪他如此果决,神体是神境存在的核心标志之一,神境之下哪怕是再强的尊者境高手,也绝无可能修炼成功,这早已是全海域公认的铁律。 Once many startled Yanyan's mortal body monster did not believe in evil doctrines, tried all possible ways, finally without exception, the disastrous defeat has ended completely. 曾经也有不少惊才艳艳的肉身怪物不信邪,尝试了所有可能的路径,结果无一例外,全部都已惨败收场。 Even if in people speculation, so long as six breakthrough growth shackles can achieve the god body embryonic form, on first hearing with five breakthrough growth shackles seemingly not too wide differences. 哪怕在众人推测中,只要六次突破生长枷锁就能达成神体雏形,乍听起来跟五次突破生长枷锁貌似也没有太大差别。 But in this with the sixth next bests, isolates the barrier of god is making everyone unable to overstep for the fifth time. 可就在这第五次与第六次之间,隔绝着一道令所有人都无法逾越的神之屏障。 Including Ye Qiyuan this present age sword Saint, no one knows how can break through this invisible barrier, the only speculation must visit the god boundary truly, may its breakthrough. 包括叶启元这位当代剑圣在内,没人知道到底怎样才能突破这道无形的屏障,唯一的推测就是必须真正踏足神境,才有可能将其突破。 But front Lin Yi, how regardless to see that hangs with the god boundary two characters absolutely does not swallow the bait! 可是面前的林逸,无论怎么看都绝对跟神境两个字挂不上钩啊! On the other hand, if Lin Yi is really the god boundary exists, he at this moment perhaps has been a deceased person, after all the temperament good god boundary, is even impossible to tolerate the ants under god boundary to plan own head. 话说回来,如果林逸真的是神境存在,他此刻恐怕早已经是个死人了,毕竟就算脾气再好的神境,也绝不可能容忍神境之下的蝼蚁算计到自己的头上来。 Lin Yi actually resembled to see through his surprised, resisted from permits Tai 13 people of offensive jointly calmly, while was full of meaning to say one. 林逸却似看穿了他的惊讶,一边从容抵挡来自许太一三人的联手攻势,一边饶有意味的说了一句。 Some people have spoken a few words, removes is not possible, remaining , regardless of being unbelievable, that is the truth.” “有人说过一句话,排除掉一切的不可能,剩下的无论多么难以置信,那都是真相。” Ye Qiyuan eyelid jumps, immediately returns to sneer: Blustered.” 叶启元眼皮一跳,随即回以冷笑:“虚张声势。” The Lin Yi undulating returns said: Do not misunderstand, I just guessed correctly your status, present age sword Saint Sir.” 林逸澹澹回道:“别误会了,我只是刚刚猜出了你的身份而已,当代剑圣大人。” „......” “……” Ye Qiyuan complexion sank immediately. 叶启元脸色顿时沉了下来。 Was guessed correctly the status as he expected, however is actually also exposed by Lin Yi under this situation suddenly, actually gives him a situation to border on the subtle feeling of out-of-control faintly. 被人猜出自己身份其实也在他的预料之中,但是在这种形势之下突然被林逸点破,却隐隐给他一种局势濒临失控的微妙感觉。 It seems like guessed by me.” “看来是被我猜中了呢。” Lin Yi sees that exhales foul air. 林逸见状不由呼出一口浊气。 Actually starting from that moment of Jiange, he had always guessed, because is near Ching Dynasty madame once to give him specially an advice. 其实从来剑阁的那一刻开始,他对此就已经有所猜测,因为在临来之前清夫人曾经特意给了他一句忠告。 The sword Saint may not believe. 剑圣不可信。 Although does not understand behind at that time these words concrete meaning, may unify to enter all sorts of differences after sword tomb, great writer who especially after experiencing the present ten great sword complete bodies got together, if he also guesses not come out, that really damn. 虽然当时并不明白这句话背后的具体意涵,可结合进入剑冢之后的种种异样,尤其在见识了眼下十大名剑完全体齐聚的大手笔之后,他要是还猜不出来,那才真的见鬼了。 „, You also know in any case sooner or later.” “也罢,反正你迟早也会知道。” Ye Qiyuan sprinkles however smiles, cared beckoning with the hand of: Did not matter, being doomed even if the person of dying knows again many, that does not have the significance eventually, do you say?” 叶启元洒然一笑,不在意的摆了摆手:“无所谓了,一个注定的将死之人即便知道再多,那也终究是毫无意义,你说呢?” The Lin Yi undulating shakes the head: This I may beg to differ, my life is very hard, even if by the big reputation of your sword Saint, wants to take away perhaps is not that easy.” 林逸澹澹摇头:“这我可就不敢苟同了,我的命还是挺硬的,哪怕以你剑圣的偌大名头,想要拿走恐怕也不是那么容易。” Speech at the same time, two Big Dipper dragon Yuanjian and pure honored swords erupt simultaneously full power, loud sound, was one and nobilities hammers a loudly unexpectedly simultaneously permits Tai underground, pounded to turn in Li Yang while convenient. 说话的同时,两手七星龙渊剑和纯钧剑同时全力爆发,一声轰然巨响,竟是生生将许太一和王侯同时锤进了地下,顺带还砸翻一个李阳中。 After , kicks spatially, avoids health/guard Yuer attacks assassinates at the same time, a foot trampled it flew beyond the kilometer, hit the ancient sword to be innumerable! 紧接着一记后空踢,避开卫雨儿突袭刺杀的同时,一脚将其踹飞到了千米之外,一路撞断古剑无数! !!! 啪!啪!啪! Ye Qiyuan roused applause gently: „The character who can mix the entire sea area wind and cloud worthily, strength also had the so shocking performance by the situation of seal , if not the plan was unable to change, I could not bear want to receive you for the disciple.” 叶启元轻轻鼓了鼓掌:“不愧是能够搅动整个海域风云的人物,一身实力被封印的情况下还有如此惊艳的表现,如果不是计划已经无法更改,我都忍不住想要收你为徒了。” Left, making your apprentice risk is too big, I estimated that cannot endure.” “别了,做你徒弟风险太大,我估计吃不消。” During the Lin Yi speeches shot a look at unemotional permits Tai one several people of one eyes. 林逸说话间瞥了面无表情的许太一几人一眼。 These are the outstanding people in Jiange disciple, said that is the opposite party proudest outstanding disciples, what a pity after this time uses, wants not to need to want is not left behind the living witness absolutely. 这几位都是剑阁弟子中的佼佼者,说出去都是对方最引以为豪的杰出弟子,可惜这次利用完之后,想都不用想绝对不会被留下活口。 They are like the beforehand what first month of summer and ancient immortal, from entering that moment of ten people of lists, is the sacrificial victim that is doomed to be buried. 他们跟之前的何初夏和古仙一样,从进入十人名单的那一刻起,就是注定要被埋葬的牺牲品。 Ye Qiyuan naturally can hear taunting in words, actually thinks little as before: Dies for me is their being honored, even if makes them choose, they will still be willing dead for me.” 叶启元自然听得出话中的挖苦,却依旧不以为意:“为我而死是他们的荣幸,就算让他们自己选择,他们也会心甘情愿为了我而死。” I do not believe that or do you let loose them to try?” “我不信,要不你放开他们试试?” Lin Yi a few words choke the opposite party to be dumbfounded. 林逸一句话噎得对方哑口无言。 Ye Qiyuan naturally must have the brain, once lets loose a control to permits Tai people, even if really as he said that these disciples want, for his sword Saint teacher dies, but eventually were many unnecessary variable. 叶启元自然不会这么无脑,一旦放开对许太一众人的控制,哪怕真的如他所说,这些弟子愿意为了他这位剑圣师尊去死,但终究是多了不必要的变数。 Let alone the will of the people are difficult to predict, even if these all are his own son, wish makes them be willing dead is not an easy matter. 何况人心难测,这些就算全是他亲儿子,想要让他们甘愿去死也绝不是易事。 Looked that you accomplish a task with ease, I was not good to idle again.” “看你这么游刃有余,那我也不好再闲着了。” Ye Qiyuan cold snort/hum, has followed to act in his behind two people immediately outrageously. 叶启元冷哼一声,一直跟在他身后的二人当即悍然出手。 This two people of grasps to receive the shadow sword, grasps the scarlet clouds sword, this flash erupts come out strength is not under permits Tai this Jiange Big Senior Brother unexpectedly, even instead must more ominous offense many! 此二人一个手持承影剑,一个手持赤霄剑,这一瞬间爆发出来实力竟丝毫不在许太一这位剑阁大师兄之下,甚至反而还要更加凶戾许多! Four pairs turned into six pairs one, Lin Yi the pressure increases immediately. 四对一变成了六对一,林逸顿时压力大增。 Just can also maintain the power balance on scene reluctantly, then balanced is broken directly, the Lin Yi situation became surrounded by perils all of a sudden. 刚刚还能勉强维持住场面上的均势,这下平衡直接被打破,林逸处境一下子就变得险象环生了起来。 Even if the has god body revealed that this way was actually not the long-term plan. 哪怕有神体兜底,这样下去却也不是长久之计。 Because, the god body must consume massive physical strengths! 因为,神体是要消耗大量体力的! The ordinary condition looks at not come out, is mainly because its consumption physical strength at the same time, the speed of recover physical strength also quite lives courageous, normal basically can be similar to the perpetual motion machine to be self-sufficient. 平常状态看不出来,主要是因为其消耗体力的同时,恢复体力的速度也是相当生勐,正常来说基本可以如同永动机般自给自足。 But once the intensity raises, will become will be unable to make ends meet immediately. 可是一旦强度提上来,立马就会变得入不敷出。 The short time is good, if forced to fall into very intensive protracted war, the physical strength trough bottoms is almost the matter of being settled. 短时间还好,若是被迫陷入高强度的持久战,体力槽见底几乎是板上钉钉的事情。 If falls into to that position, even if will be better than Lin Yi also to will certainly fall into the true hopeless situation, only if he will give up all running into new World, when the time comes not to mention will stage a comeback to need to go through the complications greatly, new World will even have the exposed risk! 而要是陷入到那种境地,哪怕强如林逸也必将陷入真正的绝境,除非他放弃一切逃入新世界,到时候且不说卷土重来需要大费周折,新世界本身甚至都有被曝光的风险! Therefore, Lin Yi will not unless it is absolutely essential go out that step. 故而不到万不得已,林逸绝不会走出那一步。 Was a little difficult.” “有点难了啊。” Lin Yi looked at a standing by Ye Qiyuan, this true heavyweight may not act, at present at best is also at the stage of clear mixed soldier, if this were compelled the complete card in a hand, that then may really be passive. 林逸看了一眼袖手旁观的叶启元,这位真正的重量级可都还没有出手呢,眼下充其量还只是处于清杂兵的阶段,若是这样就被逼出了全部底牌,那接下来可就真的被动了。
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