SBPE :: Volume #16

#10216: Chapter 10216

The people look at each other in blank dismay. 众人不由面面相觑。 Ye Qiyuan selects the eyebrow say/way gently: Your this saying a little asked strangely, sword air/Qi channel that we entered together, naturally was not First time meets.” 叶启元轻轻挑眉道:“你这话问得有点奇怪了,我们一起进的剑气通道,自然不是第一次见面。” Lin Yi deeply looked at opposite party one eyes: „ Right? I memory is not quite but good, if only that immaterial casual acquaintance, perhaps Your Excellency is also not enough to make me make the impression. 林逸深深看了对方一眼:“是吗?可是我这人记性不太好,如果只是那种无关紧要的一面之缘的话,阁下恐怕还不足以令我留下印象。 My presently has an intense intuition, your I have had to do before that moreover makes my impression profound social dealings, does not know whether Your Excellency could remind to me? ” 现在有种强烈的直觉,你我在那之前就打过交道,而且是令我印象深刻的交道,不知道阁下能否给我提个醒吗?” Ye Qiyuan smiled: I may want to help but unable, although you are the hot great person, but I cannot the unchaste Shun pole crawl upward right?” 叶启元笑了:“那我可就爱莫能助了,你虽然是炙手可热的大人物,可我也不能这么毫无节操的顺杆往上爬对吧?” Also yes.” “也是。” Lin Yi nods, but under the heart was actually more definite several points, although is unable to judge the true status of opposite party as before, but intense intuitions are reminding him unceasingly, this person of extremely danger! 林逸点点头,不过心下却是更加确定了几分,虽然依旧无法判断出对方的真正的身份,但有一种强烈的直觉在不断提醒他,此人十分危险! Swept one, remaining four ten great swords in opposite three people of hands. 扫了一眼,剩下的四把十大名剑就在对面三人手中。 The moye, the scarlet clouds, receive the shadow. 莫邪,赤霄,承影。 The heads of recognized ten great sword, Xuan Yuan. 还有公认的十大名剑之首,轩辕 Not the outstanding person expects, these four swords are completely the complete bodies. 丝毫不出众人所料,这四把剑全部都已经是完全体。 Ten great sword collectives arrive, is sending out the terrifying pressure completely, the powerful air/Qi field that even if strength of people on the scene by the sword tomb seal, each other had been surged mutually presented an end world scene as before. 十大名剑集体到场,一个个全部散发着恐怖的威压,哪怕在场众人的实力都已被剑冢封印,彼此相互激荡的强悍气场依旧呈现出了一派末世景象。 Ye Qiyuan said lightly: Upholstery was so long, finally to draw in a net time, I think that you should also have the preparation early?” 叶启元淡淡道:“铺垫了这么久,终于到收网的时候了,我想伱也应该早有心理准备了吧?” Lin Yi one side the pure honored sword will take up slowly, enhances one another's beauty with Big Dipper dragon Yuan: „A weaponry truly is big, but even you were many waste strength, the head/number of people number still is still only four pairs four, where am I very curious you to come such strong self-confidence?” 林逸缓缓将一旁纯钧剑拿起,与七星龙渊交相辉映:“阵仗确实是不小,不过就算你们这边多了个废物战力,人头数也依然只是四对四,我很好奇你哪来这么强的自信?” Said one, although any attains ten great swords, particularly attains cultivator of complete body ten great swords, theoretically cannot be underestimated absolutely, but the disparities between different cultivator, as before are difference between heaven and earth. 有一句说一句,虽说任何一个拿到十大名剑,尤其是拿到完全体十大名剑的修炼者,理论上都绝对不容小觑,可不同修炼者之间的差距,依旧是天差地别 Although the opposite stirred up rebellion in Li Yang, but just performance showed, this unsold remnants are extremely really mediocre, even if attained the go-getter sword still that matter of complete body. 对面虽然策反了一个李阳中,但刚刚的表现证明,这货底子实在太过平庸,就算拿到了完全体的干将剑也就那么回事。 On the individual strength, is unable to place on a par with permits Tai one several people by far. 论个体战力,远远无法与许太一几人相提并论。 Four pairs four?” “四对四?” Ye Qiyuan smiled meaningfully: This surprised me a little actually, but also thinks that you can arrive should be today everywhere impregnable, originally you also had could not clearly recognize the situation the time.” 叶启元意味深长的笑了起来:“这倒是让我有点意外了,还以为你能走到今天应该是处处无懈可击,原来你也有认不清局势的时候。” Lin Yi looked at permits Tai one several people of one eyes: Your meaning, will they also stand this side you?” 林逸看了许太一几人一眼:“你的意思,他们也会站在你这一边?” „Since Li Yang can abandon throws clear(ly) secretly, their these Congming/smart people, make the sensible choice that understands what has to be done also to have nothing well strange?” “既然李阳中可以弃暗投明,他们这几位聪明人,做出识时务的明智选择也没什么好奇怪的吧?” Ye Qiyuan faint smile said. 叶启元似笑非笑道。 Lin Yi actually thinks otherwise: This did not say.” 林逸却是不以为然:“这可不好说哦。” He is actually self-confident with oneself relations to permits Tai 13 people, said strictly, even if each other as the teammate, the relations are not harmonious by far, instead also many guards. 倒不是他对许太一三人跟自己的关系有多么自信,严格说起来,即便彼此身为队友,关系也远远算不上融洽,反而还多有提防。 This is the most normal situation, regardless of where lands Lin Yi such domineering bystander suddenly, can the First time becomes by the spearhead that the collective aims at guards against. 这是最正常的情况,无论哪里突然空降过来林逸这么个强势的外人,都会第一时间成为被集体针对提防的矛头。 But must say that permits Tai 13 people will be therefore same as Li Yang, stands that side the opposite, that may be a different matter. 可要说许太一三人因此就会跟李阳中一样,站到对面那边,那可就是另一回事了。 The truth is very simple, they are not the fools. 道理很简单,他们都不是傻子。 Keeps Lin Yi, to them admittedly is also the great stress, so long as there is Lin Yi, they win to obtain the possibility of rule of sword is quite limited finally. 留在林逸这边,对他们来说固然也是压力巨大,只要有林逸在,他们最终胜出得到剑之规则的可能性相当有限。 However at least, this possibility exists. 但是至少,这种可能性还是存在。 Otherwise if went over to the enemy at this time, that was thorough does not have any possibly. 反之要是在这个时候叛变投敌,那就彻底没有任何可能了。 Really, permits Tai look faint shaking the head of: My my faulty vision, I had not really looked at this time wisely what come out surrendered to the enemy to have, was inferior that several Junior Brother do teach me?” 果然,许太一神色淡漠的摇了摇头:“恕我眼拙,我是真没看出来这个时候临阵投敌有什么明智的,不如几位师弟教一教我?” The nobilities follow to laugh: Is the murderer who a past years was chased down has no way out, Jiange gives shelter to you, your presently grave mound grass does not know that traded many stubbles, is bald your to be self-confident I really not to understand.” 王侯跟着嗤笑不已:“不过是个当年被追杀得走投无路的凶犯而已,要不是剑阁收留你,你现在坟头草都不知道换了多少茬了,光头你这份自信我可是真没看懂。” As for health/guard Yuer, actually deeply looked at Ye Qiyuan one eyes, resembles had detected, the meaning of but not having opened the mouth. 至于卫雨儿,却只是深深看了叶启元一眼,似是有所察觉,但并没有开口的意思。 Ye Qiyuan showed a pondering smile: Your moods I can understand actually, what a pity the life unpleasant matter most likely, is not can choose every so often, for example presently.” 叶启元露出了一个玩味的笑容:“你们的心情我倒是很能理解,可惜人生不如意事十之八九,很多时候不是自己能够选择的,比如现在。” His voice falls, permits Tai 13 people of simultaneous/uniform complexions change. 他话音落下,许太一三人齐齐脸色一变。 Complete body ten great swords of an intense will from their hand sends out, the direct impact they know sea most deep place, in an instant, become the look to be wooden, lost the original appearance collectively. 一道强烈的意志从他们手中的完全体十大名剑发出,直冲他们识海最深处,转眼之间,一个个就变得神色木然,集体失去了原来的神采。 Lin Yi stares. 林逸一愣。 Ye Qiyuan wisdom bead is grasping saying: „The ten great swords of complete body, they, since experienced one to pay a nice price, I think that this should not be strange?” 叶启元智珠在握道:“完全体的十大名剑,他们既然体验了一把总得付出点像样的代价,我想这应该不奇怪吧?” Lin Yi knits the brows: „Are these your layout?” 林逸皱眉:“这些都是你的布局?” During the ancient ten great swords all in it plans, big of writing skill, made one revolving fear really extremely. 上古十大名剑全在其算计之中,手笔之大,着实令人细思极恐。 „The insignificant small trick, making near sea king be laughed.” “一点微不足道的小伎俩而已,让近海王见笑了。” Ye Qiyuan beckons with the hand to say deprecatingly: presently seemed like seven pairs one, does not know that what feelings near sea king can have?” 叶启元不以为意的摆了摆手道:“现在好像是七对一了,不知近海王可有什么感想?” The Lin Yi eye narrows the eyes slightly. 林逸眼睛不由微微眯起。 If four pairs four, he naturally cannot have the least bit to be afraid, but presently turns into one pair suddenly seven, even if the has god body super card in a hand, the energy also were very like this difficult to look like again is so from the beginning full. 如果是四对四,他自然不会有半点心虚,可现在突然变成一对七,哪怕有神体这样的超级底牌,底气也很难再像一开始那么足了。 However, this does not represent really does not have on an opportunity. 不过,这也并不代表真就一点机会都没有。 First hit has said again.” “先打过再说吧。” Lin Yi left hand Big Dipper dragon Yuanjian, the right hand pure honored sword, takes the lead to rush over toward the position that the opposite party is at unexpectedly, its flash erupts the come out speed to make the rhythm of entire picture jump suddenly! 林逸左手七星龙渊剑,右手纯钧剑,竟是率先朝着对方所在的位置冲了过去,其一瞬间爆发出来的速度令整个画面的节奏都陡然一跳! Bald image Ye Qiyuan actually resembles not to respond, keeps same place such Jingjing(quietly) to visit him, slightly do not dodge the meaning of drawing back. 光头形象的叶启元却似没有反应过来,留在原地就这么静静的看着他,丝毫没有要闪退的意思。 Bang! 轰! At the last minute that the double sword drops, two complete body famous swords kill one on the left and other on the right, impartial happen to supports the Lin Yi's offensive completely. 就在双剑落下的最后一刻,一左一右两把完全体名剑杀出,不偏不倚正好将林逸的攻势完全架住。 Intends to break through the person, is unemotional permits Tai one and nobilities. 出手解围之人,正是面无表情的许太一和王侯。 strength that this two people erupt come out is far from Li Yang may compare, if trades to make the latter, even if has entered under the go-getter sword obligation completely overdraws the violent to walk the condition, cannot withstand Lin Yi this to act seriously absolutely strikes. 此二人爆发出来实力远非李阳中可比,若是换做后者,即便已经在干将剑驱使之下完全进入透支暴走状态,也绝对经不起林逸这动真格的一击。 Reviews permits Tai one and nobilities two people, actually not only attacked to eat the Lin Yi's terrifying solid completely, even the ample force formed instead hits! 反观许太一和王侯二人,却不仅将林逸的恐怖冲击结结实实完全吃了下来,甚至还有余力形成反打! This has not calculated. 这还不算。 In two people of the same time that puts up a moves of standard to keep off, grasps health/guard rain of fish intestines sword then quietly presently Lin Yi behind, handing over is an unadorned wiping neck. 就在二人架招格挡的同一时间,手持鱼肠剑的卫雨儿便已悄无声息的出现在林逸身后,转手就是一记朴实无华的抹脖子。 On the assassination, the fish intestines are ten great swords! 论刺杀,鱼肠是十大名剑之最! However what is strange, regardless of trades to make any other mortal body expert to be pared the assassination of severed head, actually only left behind one on the Lin Yi nape of the neck the scratch. 不过吊诡的是,无论换做其他任何一位肉身高手都该被削去首级的这一记刺杀,却只在林逸脖颈上留下了一道浅浅的划痕。 Obstinately including the skin not broken. 愣是连皮都没有破。 Then the bonus was all performs in Ye Qiyuan of grasping also reveals startled accommodated. 这下饶是一切尽在掌握的叶启元也都不禁露出了惊容。
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