SBPE :: Volume #16

#10215: Chapter 10215

According to since the ancient times custom, each sword Saint selection is among ten people the fair competition, who can lead the teammate to win, and takes the lead to display the prestige energies of ten great sword complete bodies, who is the next generation sword Saint. 按照自古以来的规矩,每一次的剑圣选拔都是十个人之间公平竞争,谁能带领队友获胜,并且率先发挥出十大名剑完全体的威能,谁就是下一代剑圣。 But this time, Ye Qiyuan this present age sword Saint joined not saying that moreover under its guidance, all pressures aimed at a Lin Yi person. 可是这次,叶启元这位当代剑圣加入进来不说,而且还在其引导之下,明里暗里所有的压力都指向了林逸一个人。 Without a doubt, this is serious contrary. 毫无疑问,这已经是严重违规。 If placed the past, had been stopped forcefully. 若是放在以往,早就已经被强行中止了。 Why however does not know, the child actually unexpected happening believed Ye Qiyuan's words, even if felt like that some are not quite right, finally obeyed the meaning of opposite party. 然而不知道为什么,孩童却鬼使神差听信了叶启元的话,即便隐隐觉得有些不太对劲,最终还是顺从了对方的意思。 Revolving fears extremely! 细思极恐! By his status, how possibly to obey only human cultivator will? 以他的身份,怎么可能顺从区区一个人类修炼者的意志? Even if Ye Qiyuan has the status of present age sword Saint, is equivalent to a short strength lessee him at best, only has him is the actual strength master, said accurately, he is the strength. 哪怕叶启元有着当代剑圣的身份,于他而言充其量也就相当于一个短暂的力量租客而已,唯有他才是真正的力量主人,准确的说,他才是力量本身。 Regarding the past all previous sword Saint, he let alone always followed, comes radically will not come, from beginning to end will not have any exchange action of user-friendly, nothing but was wait for you hangs looked for next again. 对于以往的历代剑圣,他别说言听计从,根本连现身都不会现身,从头到尾不会有任何人性化的交流举动,无非是等你挂了再找下一个罢了。 Facing Ye Qiyuan, he is not only only unprecedented with its exchange is many, gives back to the decision-making power that many all previous sword Saints want not to dare to imagine. 唯独面对叶启元,他不仅破天荒与其交流甚多,还给了许多历代剑圣连想都不敢想象的决策权。 Why is this? 这是为什么呢? The children looked at one to accompany respectfully in nearby Ye Qiyuan, in the First time that the suspicion emitted, by a more reliable trust suppressing cleanly. 孩童看了一眼恭恭敬敬陪在一旁的叶启元,在疑心冒出的第一时间,就被一种更加牢固的信任给镇压得干干净净。 Ye Qiyuan Xiaoxiao said: So long as you believe that he is appropriate, he can certainly through the test, you look after all the vision of person will not be wrong.” 叶启元笑笑道:“只要您相信他是合适的,他就一定能通过考验,毕竟您看人的眼光是不会错的。” No least bit suspected, the child nods immediately: You go.” 没有半点怀疑,孩童当即点了点头:“那你去吧。” Such as you hope.” “如您所愿。” Ye Qiyuan sets out to ask to be excused with a smile. 叶启元笑着起身告退。 Meanwhile, Lin Yi and in Li Yang fight had been in the superheating stage. 与此同时,林逸与李阳中的战斗已经进入了白热化阶段。 Compared to start the one-sided aspect, at this time at least from the scene, both sides frequents each other seems evenly matched. 相比起开始一边倒的局面,此时至少从场面上来看,双方你来我往显得势均力敌。 permits Tai these people who however watch critically are very clear, the true situation actually as before is one-sided, but with starting just right opposite, the situation had reversed to Lin Yi completely. 然而冷眼旁观的许太一这些人却很清楚,真正的局势其实依旧是一边倒,只不过跟开始的时候正好相反,局势已经完全倒向了林逸这边。 In the time of this short moment, Big Dipper dragon Yuanjian in Lin Yi hand still in the unceasing absorption sword air/Qi, only remains the one pace from the genuine complete body finally. 在这短短片刻的工夫,林逸手中的七星龙渊剑还在不断的吸收剑气,距离最后真正的完全体只剩一步之遥。 Although in Li Yang kills does not think, but he still has started to realize even, continues according to develop, oneself perhaps are that the big probability must die! 李阳中虽然打死都不会这么想,但即便是他也已经开始意识到,继续照这么发展下去,自己恐怕才是大概率要死的那一个! Cracks a joke! I the counterattack had stood up from failure obviously, how also possibly to lose to this nonsense near sea king!” “开什么玩笑!我明明都已经逆袭翻身了,怎么还可能输给这个狗屁近海王!” In Li Yang is breathless immediately. 李阳中顿时气急败坏。 But almost at the same time, indistinct tweedle transmits, surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) Death Qi floods into Li Yang within the body under its obligation rapidly, in Li Yang consciousness was submerged instantaneously, enters the violent to walk the condition thoroughly. 而几乎同一时间,一阵缥缈的琴声传来,方圆数十里的死气在其驱使之下迅速涌入李阳中的体内,李阳中的意识瞬间就被淹没,彻底进入暴走状态。 „Is this must press out the last value of dry/does board game piece?” “这是要榨干棋子的最后一点价值么?” Lin Yi was struck the twinkling of flying to understand by its sword, in Li Yang is like the beforehand what first month of summer, although still walks in the violent, but is a from head to tail deceased person. 林逸被其一剑击飞的瞬息就已明白,李阳中跟之前的何初夏一样,虽然还在暴走,但已经是一个彻头彻尾的死人了。 Like this overdraws crazily, let alone is in Li Yang, even if trades to do has him of god body to want the damaging severely vitality, regarding other cultivator directly in combustion life, moreover is one fever that type. 这样的疯狂透支,别说是李阳中,就算换做是坐拥神体的他都要大伤元气,对于其他修炼者来说直接就是在燃烧生命,而且是一烧到底的那一种。 What situation?” “什么情况?” permits Tai one several people are also surprised uncertain, they also listened to rich ominous meaning from the tweedle, was not only in Li Yang who at this moment the sudden out of control violent walked, even they also had a being ready to make trouble sign! 许太一几人也是惊疑不定,他们也从琴声中听出了一股浓郁的不祥意味,不仅是此刻突然失控暴走的李阳中,甚至就连他们也都有种蠢蠢欲动的迹象! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The continuous explosive transmits from under. 接连不断的爆响从底下传来。 Each explosive, means that Lin Yi suffered dead several storms to strike one time sufficiently, however was this fatal suddenly/violently to strike, cannot break guarding of god body as before. 每一声爆响,都意味着林逸又遭受了一次足以死上好几遍的暴击,然而就是这样的致命暴击,依旧没能破了神体的防。 With card in a hand that the god character touches on slightly, is such odd. 跟神字沾边的底牌,就是这么离谱。 In Li Yang this time had lost the consciousness fortunately, if otherwise also retains soberly, it is estimated that must suspect the life at the scene. 亏得李阳中此时已是失去了意识,否则要是还保留清醒的话,估计得当场怀疑人生。 However, Lin Yi does not have no more worries completely. 不过,林逸也并非就完全高枕无忧。 Only in admittedly by front Li Yang threatens limitedly, but he is very from the beginning clear, oneself true enemy not this worthless person in imposing attire, compared with the enemy who then must face, in Li Yang radically anything is not. 只靠面前的李阳中固然威胁有限,但他从一开始就很清楚,自己真正的敌人绝不是这种沐猴而冠的喽啰,跟接下来要面对的敌人相比,李阳中根本什么都不是。 What his true concern is, opposite party such existence, by what style appearance! 他真正关心的是,对方那样的存在,到底会以何种方式出现! God, in Li Yang roars slightly a suddenly lowly is sending out suddenly/violently to strike again, but these has not actually fallen on Lin Yi's time, but was straight falling in the bottom deep place. 稍一愣神,李阳中忽然低吼着再度发出一记暴击,但这一次却没有落在林逸的身上,而是直直的落在了地底深处。 Immediately, the entire sword tomb is similar to a broken open egg unexpectedly, the giant crack spreads instantaneously, just like experiences an earth-shaking greatness to shake, the bonus was Lin Yi stares dumbfounded. 随即,整个剑冢竟如同一个被砸开的鸡蛋,巨大的裂缝瞬间蔓延开来,犹如经历了一场翻天覆地的巨震,饶是林逸都不禁瞠目结舌。 What strange strength is this?” “这是什么样的怪力啊?” permits Tai several people have been shocked thoroughly, consider just this to strike, if falls on their heads, immediately the cold sweat is dripping. 许太一几人已经彻底惊呆,试想一下刚刚这一击若是落在他们的头上,顿时冷汗淋漓。 The Lin Yi's emphasis is not on this. 林逸的关注点却不在这上面。 After the sword tomb splits, buried found the breach in the sword air/Qi of its most deep place suddenly, the collective such as the magma spewed out from the crack generally, big of quantity its density, at least ten times in the people beforehand discovery! 剑冢裂开之后,埋藏在其最深处的剑气突然找到了突破口,集体如岩浆一般从裂缝之中喷涌而出,其密度之大数量之多,至少十倍于众人之前的发现! Suddenly, the sky of entire sword tomb blots out the sky is the sword air/Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the scene is splendid sight! 一时间,整个剑冢的上空铺天盖地全是剑气纵横,场面蔚为壮观! The people were silly. 众人傻了。 For a long time, permits Tai one emits one spookily: So many sword air/Qi, even if restored the complete body to have more than enough to spare ten great swords completely?” 许久,许太一幽幽冒出一句:“这么多的剑气,就算把十大名剑全部修复成完全体都绰绰有余了吧?” Should.” “应该吧。” Nearby nobilities deeply is so, health/guard Yuer also nods silently. 一旁王侯深以为然,就连卫雨儿也默默点了点头。 But what is stranger, does not need their any operations, head boundless much sword air/Qi in ten great swords toward respective hand has gathered spontaneously, rushes to be first to flood into. 而更加吊诡的是,根本不需要他们任何操作,头上这茫茫多的剑气就已经自发朝着各自手中的十大名剑汇聚过来,争先恐后涌入其中。 The rapidness of the speed, even also far exceeded beforehand Lin Yi's to swallow up the pattern. 其速度之快,甚至还远远超出了之前林逸的鲸吞模式。 Each sword the by visible speed is repairing rapidly, less than the times of ten breaths, have repaired to be completed. 每一把剑都在以肉眼可见的速度急速修复,前后才不到十息的工夫,就已纷纷修复完成。 Zhanlu sword, safe flatter sword, fish intestines sword. 湛卢剑,泰阿剑,鱼肠剑。 Big Dipper dragon Yuan including Lin Yi hand, inserts in nearby pure honored sword, was repaired the complete body completely spontaneously! 包括林逸手中的七星龙渊,还有插在一旁的纯钧剑,全部被自发修复成了完全体! The bonus is Lin Yi looks that this muttered the speechless: This may really be...... the great writer......” 饶是林逸看着这一幕都不禁喃喃失语:“这可真是……大手笔……” Is counted in Li Yang the go-getter sword in hand, six in this moment ten great sword have repaired to become the complete body, as for remaining that four including moye sword, does not need to think, is also naturally no exception. 算上李阳中手里的干将剑,此刻十大名剑中的六把都已经修复成为完全体,至于剩下包括莫邪剑在内的那四把,不用多想,自然也不会例外。 Sure enough, when Lin Yi mobilizes the complete body Big Dipper dragon Yuan strength slightly, after the relaxed sword in Li Yang rumbles again into underground, three people that the opposite never makes an appearance came finally. 果不其然,当林逸稍微调动完全体七星龙渊的力量,轻松一剑将李阳中再度轰入地下之后,对面从未露面的三人终于现身了。 The scene is instantaneous. 场面瞬间安静。 Lin Yi looks opposite is the head fierce bald, said looking pensive: Does not seem like First time to meet.” 林逸看着对面为首的凶恶光头,若有所思道:“好像不是第一次见面呢。”
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