SBPE :: Volume #16

#10055: Chapter 10055

This is the truth. 这是实话。 From seeing Lin Yi new World that moment, she has understood, desolate invincibly absolutely possibly is not the Lin Yi's opponent, each other even is completely not existence of level. 从看到林逸世界的那一刻,她就已经明白,萧无敌绝对不可能是林逸的对手,彼此甚至完全不是一个层面的存在。 She truly appraises desolate Wudi is the child of destiny, in the future the potential will be infinite, but the upper limit ceiling will also be the road that duplicated her to pass through in the past, the false god is the limit. 她确实评价萧无敌是天命之子,未来潜力无限,可上限天花板也不过是复制她当年走过的路,伪神就已是极限了。 Even if this time achieved wishes to seek the sea god godship, still can only be a false god, rather than solid True God. 哪怕这次如愿能够谋得海神神格,也依然只能是一个伪神,而不是实实在在的真神。 Reviews Lin Yi, although the distance grows also to miss the long distance at present truly, but others to the target even are not various God, but dominates in various god apex creation world god! 反观林逸,虽然眼下距离真正成长起来还差了十万八千里,可人家对标的甚至都不是诸神,而是凌驾于诸神顶点的创世神! Each other simply has not put together necessity that discussed. 彼此根本没有放在一起讨论的必要。 „Is he much stronger than me?” “他比我强得多?” desolate air/Qi smiles invincibly: „Is paternal aunt you speaking the joke to me? Is such a insect one thing, much stronger than me?” 萧无敌不由气笑:“姑姑你是在跟我讲笑话吗?就这么一只虫子一样的东西,比我强得多?” Li Yuanji does best to convince to urge: Had just told you, if not he puts my come out on own initiative, even if I do not have the means to withdraw from his hand, invincible, you are really not his opponent.” 李元姬苦口婆心劝道:“刚刚已经跟你说了,如果不是他主动放我出来,就算是我都没办法从他手底下脱身,无敌,你真的不是他的对手。” „......” “……” desolate Wudi silent moment, emits one spookily: Paternal aunt, was just you really cannot come out, didn't yourself think come out?” 萧无敌沉默了片刻,幽幽冒出一句:“姑姑,刚刚是你真的出不来,还是你自己不想出来?” Li Yuanji gawked: What do you mean?” 李元姬愣了一下:“什么意思?” desolate said invincibly spookily: Meets a god body as broken origin spirit, I know that this is how fearful seduction, but I always believe that the paternal aunt you will place the First position me, is this time, I was a little really disappointed.” 萧无敌幽幽道:“作为一个残破元神遇上一具神体,我知道这是多么可怕的诱惑,但我始终都相信姑姑你会把我放在第一位,可是这次,我真的有点失望了。” Li Yuanji then responded, with astonishment said: You think that all these are I make up the come out story? Is the goal to rob the Lin Yi's god body with you?” 李元姬这才反应过来,惊愕道:“你难道以为这一切都是我编出来的故事?目的就是为了跟你抢夺林逸的神体?” Not......” “难道不是么……” desolate Wudi self-ridiculed that smiles: „ Said the will of the people difficult to predict, I have not believed before, at least thinks the paternal aunt you are like me, at least between you and me is an absolute sincerity, it seems like I want. 萧无敌自嘲一笑:“都说人心难测,我之前还不相信,至少以为姑姑你跟我一样,至少你我之间是一片赤诚的,看来我还是想多了。 Before then I really cannot believe, originally you have to betray my a day! ” 在此之前我真的不敢相信,原来你也有背叛我的一天!” I...... betray you......” “我……背叛你……” Li Yuanji had been shocked thoroughly. 李元姬已被彻底惊呆。 She cannot think the situation will develop this appearance, can be happy obviously, how suddenly this? 她怎么也想不到局势会发展成这个样子,明明可以皆大欢喜,怎么突然就这样了? wait for me attained was my thing, all these we chatted again slowly.” 等我拿到了属于我的东西,这一切我们再慢慢聊。” desolate invincible cold snort/hum is withdrawing knew the sea, launches the attack toward Lin Yi without delay again. 萧无敌冷哼着退出了识海,二话不说朝着林逸再度发起攻击。 These contains ones anger to act time, the offensive compared at least promoted entire one time a moment ago! 这一次含怒出手,攻势比起刚才至少提升了整整一倍! He gets angry is not only Li Yuanji story , is not only Li Yuanji has to betray his suspicion, those who most made him unacceptable was, was constantly together three Ten-year Li Yuanji unexpectedly for the Lin Yi speech! 他怒的不仅仅是李元姬的故事,也不仅仅是李元姬有背叛他的嫌疑,最令他不能接受的是,朝夕相处了三十年的李元姬居然在替林逸说话! What Li Yuanji does not know, she regards desolate invincibly is the disciple successor, may in the desolate invincible mind, she actually be his something for one's own exclusive use! 李元姬不知道的是,她视萧无敌为弟子传人,可在萧无敌心目中,她却是他的禁脔! Own something for one's own exclusive use for other man, proposed was retroceded one step unexpectedly by oneself , desolate Wudi as if saw the head green and glossy hat. 自己的禁脔居然为了别的男人,提出让自己后退一步,恍惚间,萧无敌仿佛看到了自己头上绿油油的帽子。 May endure, what else cannot be tolerated! 是可忍,孰不可忍! Some Lin Yi regarding this actually early expectations, in the final time that its offensive drops, the twinkling changes into the demon god Chi You shape, is facing the bang with it. 林逸对此倒是早有预料,在其攻势落下的最后时刻,瞬息化为魔神蚩尤形态,与其正面对轰。 Suddenly, each other fist comes the foot toward, fell into evenly matched deadlock unexpectedly. 一时间,彼此拳来脚往,竟是陷入了势均力敌的僵持。 Is impossible! How possibly to block me depending on you!” “不可能!凭你怎么可能挡得住我!” desolate invincible 10,000 do not believe in evil doctrines, the casting a spell condition is he presses the bottom finally the card in a hand, the strength that at this moment he strikes conveniently, at least endures to compare Yellow Step Mid Phase! 萧无敌一万个不信邪,禁咒状态已是他最后压箱底的底牌,此刻他随手一击的力量,至少堪比黄阶中期尊者! But Lin Yi is only giant ultimate grand perfection, regardless of which perspective, only then by a share of his finger steamroll, simply did not have the least bit with the possibility that he contends with directly. 林逸才只是巨头终极大圆满而已,无论从哪个角度来看,都只有被他一根手指头碾压的份,根本没有半点与他正面抗衡的可能性。 „Is this effect that god body in addition holds?” “难道这就是神体加持的效果?” desolate thinks invincibly thought through the reason, looked that is more earnest to the Lin Yi's vision, then not only did not have the hate, instead was anticipating the god body the stronger the better. 萧无敌自以为想通了原因,看向林逸的目光不由更加热切,这下非但没有了怨恨,反而期待着神体越强越好。 Because, the god body sooner or later is his it's in the bag. 因为,神体迟早都是他的囊中之物。 In the Lin Yi process said one suddenly: Hey, how long you could not insist probably.” 林逸过程中忽然说了一句:“喂,你好像坚持不了多久了。” Although the path of this goods more walks is narrower, but if such buckle, many were a little a pity. 虽然这货的路子越走越窄,但如果就这么折损了,多少还是有点可惜的。 After all by the present general situation, wants the true and beast temple resists, any high-end strength is the scarce resource, especially as strong as desolate invincible this share, even if assumed sole responsibility for an important task facing beast temple expert sufficiently. 毕竟以如今的大局,想要真正与兽神殿对抗,任何一个高端战力都是稀缺资源,尤其强到萧无敌这个份上,哪怕面对兽神殿高手都足以独当一面了。 The desolate invincible complexion changes, returns to disdain cold snort/hum: „The worry yourself, hehe, you also really think your trivial glow can vie with the livelihood?” 萧无敌脸色一变,回以不屑冷哼:“还是担心担心你自己吧,呵呵,你还真以为你区区萤火能与日月争辉?” The voice falls, it proliferates the incantation mark of whole body to change suddenly collectively. 话音落下,其遍布周身的咒痕突然集体发生变化。 Before is dense and numerous, making one look shocking, then becomes jet black one piece, the whole person was covered by the incantation thoroughly. 之前就已是密密麻麻,令人看了触目惊心,这下更是变得漆黑一片,整个人都被咒语给彻底笼罩。 Key these incantations are also not die, but is such as living creatures patrols in his whole body back and forth, as long as the courage Little Yi point, saw slightly this grade of scene estimated can frighten the urine at the scene. 关键这些咒语还不是死的,而是如一条条活物在其全身来回游弋,但凡胆子稍微小一点的,看到这等场面估计能当场吓尿。 Even if Lin Yi saw, still frowns. 就算是林逸见了,也都不禁皱起眉头。 Casts a spell two!” “禁咒二!” Just likes the sound of wild animal low roar to resound from desolate Wudi throat deep place, its, even if only the reveal come out aura, compared with condition fearful ten times. 犹如野兽低吼的声音从萧无敌嗓子深处响起,其身上哪怕只是无意间流露出来的气息,都远比刚才的状态可怕十倍。 Under the extremely painful obligation, the desolate invincible entire body bent a live shrimp, but raised the head is revealing to grin fiendishly to Lin Yi forcefully. 极度痛苦驱使之下,萧无敌整个身子生生弓成了一只活虾,但还是强行抬头对着林逸露出狞笑。 I do not like this condition very much, since you have enraged me successfully, I also can only such as you hope.” “我很不喜欢这种状态,不过既然你已经成功激怒我了,那我也只能如你所愿。” desolate just like the devil to talk during sleep invincibly at this moment: „Do you want to be broken to pieces to become several petals?” 萧无敌此刻犹如恶魔在呓语:“你想被碎成几瓣?” Does not wait for Lin Yi to reply, its figure has changed into a shadow to pass over gently and swiftly from Lin Yi, since the Lin Yi's head also flies, body first separation. 不等林逸回答,其身形就已化为一道黑影从林逸身旁掠过,林逸的头颅随之飞起,身首分离。 The second kills. 秒杀。 However then sees Lin Yi one to stretch out, the head that will fly grasped, presses to return to the nape of the neck, scary wound in the wink of an eye then already recover such as beginning. 不过紧接着便见林逸一手伸出,生生将飞出去的脑袋抓了回来,重新摁回到脖颈上,骇人的伤口瞬息之间便已恢复如初。 Entire picture prominent strangeness. 整个画面突出一个诡异。 desolate Wudi eyes are greatly bright: Unexpectedly such matter? The god body is really the second kills all good things, what a pity will fall on your here will only make its pearl flee the capital, your such unimportant person, was doomed only to deliver the tool person of chance to me!” 萧无敌眼睛大亮:“居然还有这样的事?神体果然是秒杀一切的好东西,可惜落在你这里只会让它明珠蒙尘,你这样的小人物,注定了只能是给我送机缘的工具人!” Lin Yi speechless visits him: You may want.” 林逸无语的看着他:“你可能想多了。” Said , is not only the two sickness of this goods, was just this. 说的不仅是这货的中二病,同时也是刚刚这一幕。 The beheading rebirth, can drop the blood rebirth these god levels to be able naturally compared to Legend not to be anything greatly, but at least in present this stage, even for all boundary expert, this is the action of quite exaggerating heaven defying. 断头重生,相对于传说中能够滴血重生的那些神级大能自然不算什么,可至少在眼下这个阶段,甚至对于所有尊者境高手来说,这还是相当夸张的逆天之举。 By their cognition, will sum up in Shenti all these naturally completely. 以他们的认知,自然而然会把这一切全部归结于神体。 But in fact, if only depends on the god body really unable to achieve this step, at least by Lin Yi the god body of initial stage, cannot achieve at present absolutely. 可事实上,如果只靠神体还真做不到这一步,至少以林逸目前初级阶段的神体,是绝对做不到的。 Can achieve the action of heaven defying, besides the powerful self-recovery characteristics of god body, the key the source strength of lying in new World provides, that is the true actuation essence. 能够做到刚才的逆天之举,除了神体的强大自愈特性外,关键在于新世界提供的本源力量,那才是真正的驱动内核。 Naturally, Lin Yi is also insufficient to explain these to the opposite party bored. 当然,林逸还不至于无聊到跟对方解释这些。
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