SBPE :: Volume #16

#10054: Chapter 10054

Jiang Xiaoshang explained: ancient God a clan art reaches is a master, so long as your boundary is high enough, even if you were the newly-born baby, that rank can also go to the space high.” 姜小尚代为解释道:“古神一族讲究达者为师,只要你境界够高,哪怕你是刚出生的幼儿,那辈分也能高到天上去。” Lin Yi looked at face excited Li Yuanji: Her boundary may be higher than me......” 林逸看了看一脸激动的李元姬:“她境界比我可高多了吧……” This chapter is Li Yuanji opens the mouth personally: „ Senior misunderstood, the boundary that our ancient God clan regards as important is not the account boundary, but looks at the respective World evolved degree! 这回是李元姬亲自开口:“前辈误会了,我们古神一族所看重的境界并非账面境界,而是看各自世界的演化程度! Your new World has entered chaos Late Phase, evolves the full of vitality, this is extremely rare expert. ” 您的新世界已经进入混沌后期,演化出勃勃生机,这已是极其罕见的高人了。” Lin Yi touches the nose: This I pour also really have no concept, takes the liberty to ask one, what degree your did World evolve to?” 林逸摸了摸鼻子:“这个我倒还真没什么概念,冒昧问一句,你的世界演化到什么程度了?” Li Yuanji unprecedented elegant face one red: Returns to the words of senior, younger generation not own World......” 李元姬破天荒俏脸一红:“回前辈的话,晚辈并没有自己的世界……” Lin Yi blinks: „Aren't you ancient God a clan?” 林逸眨眨眼睛:“你不是古神一族么?” ancient God a clan is not everyone can create own World, moreover interrupted such long inheritance, the orphans like younger generation was tightly controlled, wants cultivate, can only take various God the path.” “古神一族也不是人人都能创造出自己的世界,而且中间断了这么久的传承,像晚辈这样的遗孤又都被严格管控,想要修炼,就只能走诸神的路子。” Li Yuanji is very ashamed. 李元姬对此很是羞惭。 Spoke the truth by her situation, can the counterattack do the peak false god, this is the Ten-thousand-year rare miracle, where regardless of arrived at enough to blow for a lifetime. 讲道理以她的处境,能够一路逆袭干到巅峰伪神,这就已是万年难得一见的奇迹了,无论走到哪里都够吹一辈子的了。 What a pity, regarding a ancient god clan these eventually is only the heresies, trades makes the beforehand ancient god prosperous time, like this estimate is the good-for-nothing typical negative case. 可惜,对于古神一族来说这些终究都只是旁门左道,换做以前古神鼎盛的时候,像她这种估计就是不成器的反面典型了。 Younger generation gave ancient God a clan to lose face.” “晚辈给古神一族丢人了。” Li Yuanji blushes smartly wants the drop blood, gentle elegant the makings under her serves as contrast, suddenly is actually the beautiful not local products. 李元姬一张俏脸红得想要滴血,不过在她之前温婉典雅的气质衬托下,一时间却是美艳不可方物。 The transformation is too big, Lin Yi somewhat cannot adapt on the contrary, looked at Jiang Xiaoshang one eyes saying: „Was our becomes reconciled?” 前后转变太大,林逸反倒有些适应不了,看了姜小尚一眼道:“那我们这算是握手言和了吧?” Li Yuanji said hastily: If knows the senior early is my ancient God clan successor, the younger generation does not dare hurriedly, to offend the senior a moment ago, asking the senior to punish.” 李元姬连忙道:“若是早知前辈乃是我古神一族传人,晚辈万万不敢造次,刚才冒犯了前辈,请前辈责罚。” Ok, no penalty to the innocent, let alone our was also from an exchange of blows friendship grows.” “算了吧,不知者不罪,何况我们这也算是不打不相识了。” Lin Yi magnanimous beckoning with the hand of: You also leave a senior called me, I listened to be a little irritable, called me the name directly.” 林逸大度的摆了摆手:“你也别一口一个前辈的叫我了,我听着有点别扭,直接叫我名字吧。” That how?” “那怎么可以?” Li Yuanji shakes the head again and again, under Lin Yi repeatedly insists, changing a statement of finally pushes someone take on a difficult job. 李元姬连连摇头,不过在林逸一再坚持之下,最后还是勉为其难的改了口。 After she was shouted by Lin Yi in turn a Yuan Ji, this once peak false god actually blushed once again the face, just like having little experience of the world little girl. 而当她被林逸反过来喊了一声元姬后,这位曾经的巅峰伪神却是又一次羞红了脸,活脱脱就是一个涉世未深的小姑娘 Lin Yi is very accidental/surprised, after speaking of the god boundary, the boundary is higher, will be fainter as the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures of human. 林逸很是意外,都说到了神境之后,境界越高,作为人类的七情六欲就会越淡漠。 Especially after various God the level, all these will vanish thoroughly, will only leave behind the icy rationality, only meets the remaining untender benefit calculations. 尤其到了诸神的层次之后,这一切都会彻底消失,只会留下冷冰冰的理性,只会剩下毫无感情的利益精算。 But from Li Yuanji response, has the huge deviation obviously. 可是从李元姬的反应来看,显然有着巨大的偏差。 Jiang Xiaoshang explained: „ Its one, she is also only the false god, has the final one pace from the true god boundary. 姜小尚解释道:“其一,她还只是伪神,距离真正的神境还有最后的一步之遥。 Second, various God the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures have not completely vanished, but was regarded as the harmful part giving by them, once lets loose will germinate. 其二,诸神的七情六欲并没有完全消失,只是被他们视为有害部分给割舍掉了,一旦放开就会重新萌芽。 The most important point is, she is ancient God a clan, although was forced various God the cultivate path, but was not completely same. 重要的一点是,她是古神一族,虽然被迫走了诸神的修炼路子,但并不完全一样。 I have not told you, before recorded these ancient God, was the individuality extremely bright fellows, with creating world god under the hand | subordinate the group of various God is completely two extremes. ” 我没跟你说过吗,以前记载中的那些古神,一个个都是个性极度鲜明的家伙,跟创世神手下的这帮诸神完全是两个极端。” Is speaking, Lin Yi knits the brows suddenly: Our gossip, outside that but.” 正说话间,林逸突然皱了皱眉:“我们这里家长里短,外面那位可是等不住了。” What his coming is only origin spirit, the mortal body also stays outside. 他这次进来的只是元神,肉身却还留在外面。 For a long time does not have the sound, desolate Wudi also thinks that Li Yuanji let slip, at this time has been able help making a move to the Lin Yi mortal body again. 这么长时间没有动静,萧无敌还以为李元姬失手了,此时已经忍不住要对林逸肉身再度出手了。 Li Yuanji then recovers from the pleasant surprise, said hastily: My this lets stop invincibly, he is a good child, so long as will talk clearly with him will certainly understand.” 李元姬这才从惊喜中回过神来,连忙道:“我这就去让无敌住手,他是个好孩子,只要跟他说清楚就一定会理解的。” Lin Yi looked at each other with Jiang Xiaoshang, regarding this actually showed neither approval nor disapproval. 林逸同姜小尚相视一眼,对此却是不置可否。 However since Li Yuanji insisted, he will not make this fiend on own initiative, if really such as the opposite party said, can win over desolate Wudi, that truly is also a rare big boost. 不过既然李元姬坚持,他也不会主动做这个恶人,万一真如对方所说,能够把萧无敌拉拢过来,那确实也是难得一见的一大助力。 But by his beforehand observation, this possibility is not really big. 只不过以他之前的观察下来,这种可能性实在不大。 Lin Yi opens new World to place Li Yuanji immediately. 林逸当即开放新世界放在李元姬。 Jiang Xiaoshang saw that to play the flavor: „Do you trust her? The good and evil is also origin spirit of peak false god, so long as swallowed her, the new World intelligence can shed the mortal body and exchange the bones, you not think that ready ready was a pity?” 姜小尚见状玩味道:“你就这么信任她?好歹也是巅峰伪神的元神,只要吞了她,新世界的灵性妥妥能够脱胎换骨,你就一点都不觉得可惜?” If since the list from the benefit calculation, compares trusts Li Yuanji, obviously swallows its one most serves the Lin Yi's benefit. 如果单从利益计算,相比起信任李元姬,明显将其一口吞下才最符合林逸的利益。 After all chooses the latter, not the controllable factor are too really many, how to see is not the wise action. 毕竟选择后者,不可控的因素实在太多,怎么看都不是明智之举。 Lin Yi is actually speechless turned a supercilious look: You really think that I do swallow the person to become addicted? Do not want to be many, I have not been in the degree of cultivation deviation.” 林逸却是无语的翻了一记白眼:“你真以为我吞人上瘾啊?别想多了,我还没到走火入魔的程度。” Swallowing the person advantage are many, but he is always very sober, this can only as a making use of waste recycling method. 吞人好处再多,但他始终都很清醒,这只能作为一种废物利用的回收手段。 Once takes it as the pursue goal, he may really leave the deterioration is not far. 一旦将其作为追求目标,那他可就真的离变质不远了。 Jiang Xiaoshang commended looked at his one eyes, then also said: If she did run?” 姜小尚赞许的看了他一眼,转而又道:“如果她就这么跑了呢?” Indifferent of Lin Yi face: „A remnant party of many ancient God clan attracts the firepower, how regardless to calculate, to me does not owe, let alone this time I have harvested big.” 林逸一脸的无所谓:“多一个古神一族的残党吸引火力,无论怎么算,对我来说都是不亏,何况这次我已经收获不小了。” He refers, naturally is the sea royal crown and by the seal in the sea god godship. 他所指的,自然是海王冠和被封印在其中的海神神格。 So long as used this difference/two kinds, his has overfulfilled task ready ready, the remaining only suspenses nothing but were earn much, earned. 只要把这两样利用好了,他这趟就已是妥妥超额完成任务,剩下唯一的悬念无非是赚得多一点,还是赚得更多一点罢了。 Jiang Xiaoshang was then convinced thoroughly: Your heart really extends.” 姜小尚这下彻底服气了:“你心是真的宽。” At this time, Li Yuanji has returned to desolate Wudi knowledge sea, and matter brief will tell him. 此时,李元姬已经回到萧无敌的识海,并将刚才的事情简略跟他说了一遍。 However was actually hidden went to the ancient god related matter, also has not disclosed the Lin Yi ancient god cultivator status. 不过却是隐去了古神相关的事情,也没有透露林逸古神修炼者的身份。 After all this secret is extremely significant, to an orphan of this ancient God clan, even if she has an accident, cannot involve on Lin Yi absolutely. 毕竟这个秘密太过重大,对她这位古神一族的遗孤来说,哪怕她自己出事,也绝对不能牵扯到林逸身上。 Just like because Jiang Xiaoshang said, Lin Yi is ancient God a clan hopes finally. 因为正如姜小尚所说,林逸已是古神一族最后的希望了。 Listens to all these, desolate fell into invincibly beyond expectation silent, even if under casting a spell condition of excess load, seems especially tranquil. 听完这一切,萧无敌出乎意料的陷入了沉默,哪怕是在超负荷的禁咒状态之下,也显得格外平静。 Li Yuanji saw that to feel at ease, said in a soft voice: This time was flood flushed Dragon King Temple, invincible, our plans need to make to revise.” 李元姬见状心安了许多,轻声道:“这次是大水冲了龙王庙,无敌,咱们的计划需要做一下修改了。” How to revise?” “怎么修改?” desolate Wudi asked one suddenly: Ponders three Ten-year achievements our product painstakingly, gives a bewildered fellow submissively, insect that cannot support my finger?” 萧无敌忽然反问了一句:“把我们苦心积虑三十年的成果,就这么拱手让给一个莫名其妙的家伙,一只撑不住我一个手指头的虫子?” Li Yuanji is shocked, explained hastily: Was invincible you to misunderstand, Lin Yi's strength was not you imagines absolutely is so weak, just the opposite, he was much stronger than presently you!” 李元姬愣住,连忙解释道:“无敌你误会了,林逸的实力绝对不是你想象中那么弱,恰恰相反,他比现在的你还要强得多!”
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