SBPE :: Volume #16

#10053: Chapter 10053

Jiang Xiaoshang can also force to socialize 12 with her, as for Lin Yi, from beginning to end not in her attention category. 姜小尚还能勉强与她周旋一二,至于林逸,从头到尾都不在她的关注范畴。 If before were invaded by her knows the sea, she perhaps takes the Lin Yi means is not many, is presently, all have been doomed. 如果在没被她侵入识海之前,她也许拿林逸办法不多,可是现在,一切都早已注定了。 Destroys me to have nothing to do with me, hehe.” “毁灭我与我无关,呵呵。” Curling the lip of Lin Yi shows neither approval nor disapproval, puts out four characters immediately gently: Catches successfully.” 林逸不置可否的撇了撇嘴,随即轻轻吐出四个字:“捕获成功。” Li Yuanji stares, immediately extremely dangerous warning sign braves, what a pity without she made any response, her entire origin spirit had been covered by some mysterious strength. 李元姬一愣,随即一股极度危险的警兆冒起,可惜没等她做出任何反应,她整个元神就已被某种玄妙力量笼罩。 Escape! 逃! Li Yuanji reacts instantaneously, runs out of beside the water curtain directly. 李元姬瞬间做出反应,直接冲出水幕之外。 This is the absolute hindrance that she is proud ends a matter by making a decision. 这是她引以为傲的绝对阻断结界。 To a certain extent might also be considered as an invincible protection, regardless of origin spirit strength regular strength, without exceeding her peak limit, will certainly be blocked thoroughly, even if the space rule is invalid. 某种程度上也堪称是一层无敌防护,无论元神力量还是规则力量,只要没有超出她的巅峰极限,就一定会被彻底阻断,哪怕是空间规则都无效。 However what is strange, that locks her mysterious strength not to vanish, instead is even more powerful! 然而吊诡的是,那股锁定她的玄妙力量并没有消失,反而愈发强大! Li Yuanji startles greatly! 李元姬大骇! This had surpassed her cognition completely, what if acts was Jiang Xiaoshang that main body, she can also understand, after all each other strength disparity was truly disparate. 这已经完全超出了她的认知,如果出手的是姜小尚那位本尊,她还可以理解,毕竟彼此实力差距确实悬殊。 But she clearly can feel, all these setters, clearly are front this Lin Yi of undistinguished appearance! 可她分明能够感觉得到,这一切的始作俑者,分明就是面前这个其貌不扬的林逸 Obviously is only giant ultimate grand perfection expert, half revering is not fellow, with desolate Wudi appraisal, but is a special point insect. 明明只是一个巨头终极大圆满高手,连半步尊者都不是的家伙,用萧无敌的评价,不过就是一条特别一点的虫子罢了。 Does he possibly have such strength? 他怎么可能有这样的实力 The cognitive subverted instance, Li Yuanji is caught to enter to chaos. 认知被颠覆的瞬间,李元姬就已被捕获进入到一片混沌之中。 The Lin Yi's sound resounds: Welcome arrives at new World.” 林逸的声音响起:“欢迎来到新世界。” Sees the Lin Yi's figure, Li Yuanji eyelid jumps crazily, in the eye pupil cannot cover up again shocking. 重新看到林逸的身形,李元姬眼皮狂跳,眼眸中再也遮掩不住震惊。 Just was only the insect is the same, in thing that in her sense can press conveniently, at this moment gave her feeling suddenly becomes extremely strange. 刚刚还只是虫子一样,在她感官中随手可以摁死的东西,这一刻给她的感觉忽然变得极其陌生。 That is derivative that because extremely brings powerful! 那是因为太过强大带来的衍生品! How will you...... on you have various God the aura?” “你……你身上怎么会有诸神的气息?” Li Yuanji immediately self- denial: „It is not right, your is not various God the aura, unexpectedly faintly with creating the world god is somewhat similar, how is this possible?” 李元姬随即自我否定:“不对,你这不是诸神的气息,居然隐隐跟创世神有些类似,这怎么可能?” Creates the world god, that is the entire god territory to exists high, is god territory unique existence. 创世神,那可是整个神域的至高存在,更是神域独一无二的存在。 So long as under order that in this side rule covers, is impossible to present Second to create the world god, even if only 1/100010000 similar, is the absolutely not allowed taboos! 只要是在这方规则笼罩的秩序之下,就绝不可能出现第二个创世神,哪怕只是亿万分之一的相似,都是绝对不被容许的禁忌! Jiang Xiaoshang hehe said with a smile: presently knows why will put you to come in?” 姜小尚嘿嘿笑道:“现在知道为什么会放你进来了?” You are intentionally!” “你是故意的!” Li Yuanji understood clearly the beforehand all immediately. 李元姬当即洞悉了之前的一切。 Solemn god body how possibly such easily by crack, even if desolate starts casting a spell condition later mortal body strength invincibly, has truly arrived in the extreme, may recall at this moment, was extremely smooth. 堂堂神体怎么可能这么轻易就被破洞,哪怕萧无敌发动禁咒状态之后的肉身实力,确实已经强到无以复加,可此刻回想起来,还是太过顺利了。 presently looks like, this radically is Lin Yi intentionally. 现在看来,这根本就是林逸故意的。 Exposes weaknesses on own initiative, for lures the snake from its hole, fishes this big fish! 主动露出破绽,为的就是引蛇出洞,钓到她这条大鱼! Lin Yi Xiaoxiao: Yourself must come in any case, happen to I also prepare to ask you to come, everyone fits in easily, isn't good?” 林逸笑笑:“反正你自己也要来,正好我也准备请你来,大家一拍即合,不是挺好?” Li Yuanji look one cold: You think that this can trig me?” 李元姬眼神一冷:“你以为这样就能制住我了?” Was saying then unites completely the origin spirit strength, is must come a fight in which both sides perish unexpectedly directly. 说着便凝聚全部元神力量,竟是直接就要来一出鱼死网破。 Helpless Lin Yi looked at each other with Jiang Xiaoshang, seemed like very gentle elegant Fairy obviously, how to fight such violent, can perish together directly? 林逸无奈同姜小尚相视一眼,明明看起来挺温婉典雅的一个仙子,怎么打起架来这么暴力,直接就要同归于尽? This temper, may compare to he has seen the large number male certainly to cultivate/repair just many! 这性子,可比起他所见过的绝大数男修都刚得多! origin spirit of top false god, even if only broken origin spirit, once starts to go all out that also absolutely is the earth-shaking magnificent scene, if outside place, at the Lin Yi present level except for escaping, but also really does not have the least bit means. 一个顶级伪神的元神,哪怕只是残破元神,一旦开始拼命那也绝对是惊天动地的大场面,如果放在外面,以林逸如今的层次除了逃跑,还真是没有半点办法。 However, presently is his absolute home game! 不过,现在可是他的绝对主场! Without Li Yuanji origin spirit strengths erupts come out, she then discovered panic-strickenly, a more boundless vast mysterious strength suppresses, gave the suppression all her unexpectedly. 没等李元姬的元神力量爆发出来,她便惊骇的发现,一股更加磅礴浩瀚的玄妙力量镇压下来,竟是将她的一切生生给镇压了。 World will?” 世界意志?” Li Yuanji felt oneself quickly were insane. 李元姬觉得自己都快疯了。 In the past revolting lost territory time, she was created the world god to authenticate personally, has experienced fortunately by the feeling of World will locking, although extremely subtle flickered, that feeling actually deep brand mark in her innermost soul. 当年叛出神域的时候,她被创世神亲自认证,有幸体验过被世界意志锁定的感觉,虽然只是极其微妙的一瞬,那种感觉却已深深烙印在了她的灵魂深处。 Now unexpectedly makes her review this feeling! 如今居然让她重温到了这种感觉! „It is not right, this World intent lacking determination, weak innumerable times, with the true World will completely not in a magnitude.” “不对,这道世界意志弱了很多,弱了无数倍,跟真正的世界意志完全不在一个量级。” Li Yuanji awakens quickly. 李元姬很快惊醒过来。 Explanation that Jiang Xiaoshang was calm and composed even in press of work: „ Do not think mistakenly, this is the real World will, but was not created that the world god controls to say the World will, but is his new World World will. 姜小尚好整以暇的解释道:“你可别想错了,这是货真价实的世界意志,只不过不是被创世神掌控的那道世界意志,而是他新世界世界意志。 Li Fairy, I thought you should very clear this on behalf of anything. ” 仙子,我想你应该很清楚这代表了什么。” New World World will?” “新世界世界意志?” Li Yuanji dumbfounded looks to Lin Yi: „Are you ancient god cultivator in Legend? This new is World you creates single-handedly?” 李元姬目瞪口呆的看向林逸:“你是传说中的古神修炼者?这个新世界是你一手创造的?” Lin Yi light nod. 林逸淡淡点头。 The Li Yuanji thorough delay, muttered the speechless: Unexpectedly real, our ancient God clan really also has the successor unexpectedly, moreover successor who cultivate has......” 李元姬彻底呆滞,喃喃失语:“居然是真的,我们古神一族居然真的还有传人,而且还是修炼有成的传人……” Looks that she appearance that cried and smiles, Lin Yi looks to Jiang Xiaoshang. 看着她又哭又笑的模样,林逸不由看向姜小尚。 This was insane......” “这是疯了吧……” Jiang Xiaoshang had the expectation early: Why can you know her initially the revolting lost territory?” 姜小尚对此却是早有预料:“你可知道她当初为何叛出神域?” The Lin Yi eyelid jumps: „Really is she ancient God a clan? Did not say that has died certainly?” 林逸眼皮一跳:“难道她真是古神一族?不是说早已经死绝了吗?” Jiang Xiaoshang chuckle: „ Legitimate ancient god all had truly extinguished, this creates the world god personally qualitative matter, this point is without a doubt. 姜小尚轻笑一声:“正统古神确实已经全灭了,这是创世神亲自定性的事情,这一点毋庸置疑。 However everything always has the eventuality, although legitimate ancient God already destruction, but has not implicated the nine generations thoroughly, the orphans of some ancient god members of the same family were remained. 不过凡事总有万一,正统古神虽然已经覆灭,不过并没有彻底株连九族,有一些古神亲族的遗孤被留了下来。 Her Li Yuanji, is one of them. ” 她李元姬,就是其中之一。” Lin Yi hears the word surprise: Creates the world god also to leave such hidden danger to oneself unexpectedly?” 林逸闻言不由诧异:“创世神居然还会给自己留下这样的隐患?” Truth of stamping out the source of trouble, even if a slightly knowledgeable child knows, creates the world god such to has possibly the suspect such low level mistake high? 斩草除根的道理,哪怕一个稍有见识的小孩子都知道,创世神那样的至高存在怎么可能犯这么低级的错误? Can't have to pity? 总不能是心生怜悯吧? That rather also pulled. 那未免也太扯了。 Jiang Xiaoshang shook the head: Concrete inside story I do not know that a point that but is certain is, he is not does not think, but cannot.” 姜小尚摇头:“具体内情我就不知道了,不过可以肯定的一点是,他不是不想,而是不能。” Lin Yi looking pensive. 林逸若有所思。 The information that cannot, this inside contain was a little deep. 一句不能,这里面蕴含的信息可是有点深了。 For a long time, Li Yuanji again recover is calm, vision brilliant looks at Lin Yi, suddenly full kneels down and bow respect with both hands clasped. 许久,李元姬才重新恢复镇定,目光灼灼的看着林逸,忽然盈盈下拜。 Younger generation Li Yuanji, has seen the senior!” “晚辈李元姬,见过前辈!” „......” “……” This sudden god transition, gave Lin Yi one to be caught off guard. 这一个突如其来的神转折,着实给了林逸一记措手不及。 Although was knowing that opposite party status that moment, he has known that this will not hit again, but Li Yuanji this attitude, came as a surprise to his greatly. 虽然在得知对方身份的那一刻,他就已经知道这场架不会再打下去了,但是李元姬这个态度,还是大大出乎了他的意料。 This is the solemn top false god, can face just existence with the name brand water deity, suddenly puts such low attitude to be appropriate? 这可是堂堂的顶级伪神,能与正牌水神正面对刚的存在啊,突然放这么低姿态合适吗?
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