SBPE :: Volume #16

#10052: Chapter 10052

Jiang Xiaoshang a face strange say/way: You did not fear that I, did bring in my main body?” 姜小尚一脸古怪道:“你就不怕动了我,引来我的本尊?” You thought that this can daunt me?” “你觉得这样就能吓住我?” Li Yuanji looks that Jiang Xiaoshang the vision took several points of disappointment: Nothing but works as several Ten-year life again, counted Hundred-year to hide, you think that I will also fear this?” 李元姬看着姜小尚的目光带上了几分失望:“无非再当几十年的孤魂野鬼而已,数百年都躲过来了,你以为我还会怕这个?” Smiling of Jiang Xiaoshang a face sobbed: Solemn Second water deity Li was Fairy, forced to work as the mouse of sewer, the taste did not feel better? How is inferior to us jointly?” 姜小尚一脸唏嘘的笑了笑:“堂堂的第二水神李仙子,被迫当起了下水道的老鼠,滋味不太好受吧?不如我们联手怎么样?” Collaborates? You and I?” “联手?你和我?” In Li Yuanji look flashes through a surprise, immediately sneers: You compel this position me, unexpectedly thinks that I will collaborate with you?” 李元姬眼神中闪过一丝诧异,随即冷笑:“你把我逼到这副境地,居然以为我会跟你联手?” Jiang Xiaoshang beckoned with the hand again and again: Li Fairy do not misunderstand, I represent me to send out the invitation to you, may not have the least bit to relate with my main body, I have been separated with him.” 姜小尚连连摆手:“李仙子别误会,我只是代表我自己对你发出邀请,跟我本尊可没有半点关系,我跟他早就已经脱离了。” „Do you want to revolt against your main body?” “你要反抗你那个本尊?” Li Yuanji looked that like looking at a lunatic to Jiang Xiaoshang the look immediately. 李元姬看向姜小尚的眼神顿时就像在看一个疯子。 She arrives at this step compelling to have no other choice, as long as the god territory the person of general knowledge, will not a little provoke that slightly on own initiative. 她走到这一步的逼不得已,神域但凡稍微有点常识的人,都绝不会主动去招惹那位。 Jiang Xiaoshang only clone, can not to mention somewhat strength, even if he uses all means cutting relations, in the end will be suppressed by the main body as before naturally. 姜小尚区区一介分身,且不说到底能有几分实力,哪怕他用一切手段切割关系,到头来依旧天然会被本尊压制。 This is compared with the bloodlines in-depth soul suppression. 这是比血脉更深层的灵魂压制。 Said the sentence, even if the mouse of this type of sewer, the counterattack successful possibility is higher than 10,000 times compared with his clone! 说句实在的,哪怕就是她这种下水道的老鼠,逆袭成功的可能性都比他这个分身高出一万倍! „Do you think me in dream of a fool?” “你以为我在痴人说梦?” Jiang Xiaoshang hehe said with a smile: Naturally does not have the opportunity that the least bit turns over/stands up by me, if detains the note on Lin Yi, who wins who loses that to be possible not to say.” 姜小尚嘿嘿笑道:“靠我自己当然是没有半点翻身的机会,可是如果把注押在林逸身上,谁赢谁输那可就不好说了。” Lin Yi?” 林逸?” Li Yuanji responded immediately, immediately shook the head again and again, the facial expression was assured: I had found the child of destiny, I carefully had also observed three Ten-year, if bets, he is the best choice, without the Second candidate.” 李元姬立马反应过来,随即连连摇头,神情笃定:“我已经找到了天命之子,我也已经仔细观察了三十年,如果下注,他才是最好的选择,没有第二人选。” This he, referred to is desolate is naturally invincible. 这个他,指的自然就是萧无敌。 Jiang Xiaoshang visits her: „Are you earnest? The god body suspends here, you also thought that your is the child of destiny?” 姜小尚看着她:“你认真的?神体就摆在这里,你还觉得你那位是天命之子?” In front of the god body, all so-called peerless chances are empty talk. 在神体面前,一切所谓的绝世机缘都是白扯 Let a revering boundary is not the person obtains the god body, said that is God illegitimate child is not overrated. 让一个连尊者境都不是的人得到神体,说是老天爷的私生子也不为过。 The people must die, the goods must throw compared with the goods, the child of what destiny in front of the god body that is the floating clouds. 人比人得死,货比货得扔,什么天命之子在神体面前那都是浮云。 Li Yuanji actually remains unmoved slightly: „ I originally also in strange, why this person of has god body, presently I will understand, all these are your writing skill. 李元姬却丝毫不为所动:“我本来还在奇怪,为什么这人会有神体,现在我明白了,这一切原来都是你的手笔。 After all your main body was known as existence that all knows, you know that the method of some casting god body is not strange. ” 毕竟你那位本尊可是号称全知的存在,你知道某种铸造神体的法门也不奇怪。” Jiang Xiaoshang was speechless: You think that this is I makes?” 姜小尚无语:“你以为这都是我弄的?” Li Yuanji looked that retard same visits him: Isn't you can also be he himself ponders over come out? Even if you want deceive I to join a gambling game, at least can still find the nice point excuse?” 李元姬看白痴一样看着他:“不是你难道还能是他自己琢磨出来的?你就算想要诓我入局,至少也要找个像样点的理由吧?” „......” “……” Jiang Xiaoshang does not know how actually should do right after something else. 姜小尚硬是不知道该怎么接茬了。 To be honest if not witness with own eyes, he does not believe a revering boundary absolutely is not the fellow, can put in order a god body of solid say/way unexpectedly! 说实话如果不是亲眼见证,他也绝对不信一个连尊者境都不是的家伙,居然能自己整出一具实实在在道的神体! Although the entire process has the ingredient of bumping into, may review in fact, steps onto the cultivate perfect five lines of domains to start from Lin Yi, has been doomed, so long as he walks, definitely will arrive this step! 整个过程虽说带有误打误撞的成分,可事实上回顾起来,从林逸走上修炼完美五行领域开始,就已注定了只要他走下去,就必然会走到这一步! All these, are not accidental, but inevitably. 这一切,都不是偶然,而是必然。 Li Yuanji sees him to fall into silent, thinks that was said by oneself, said lightly: „ You give him this god body are very exaggerating, truly is the space underground rare big chance. 李元姬见他陷入沉默,以为被自己说中了,淡淡道:“你给他这具神体是很夸张,也确实是天上地下难得一遇的大机缘。 On this point, he truly wants desolate to be invincible. 就这一点来说,他确实要比萧无敌幸运。 However, the chance can rob, since the god body can be his chance, naturally can also be desolate Wudi chance, powerhouse occupying the truth thinks that didn't need me to tell you? ” 不过,机缘是可以抢夺的,神体既然可以是他的机缘,自然也可以是萧无敌的机缘,强者居之的道理想必不用我跟你多说吧?” Jiang Xiaoshang the look was even more strange: You want to snatch the god body is not strange, I am only have not thought that you do not snatch to yourself unexpectedly, but really snatches to that fellow?” 姜小尚神色愈发古怪:“你想抢神体不奇怪,我只是没想到你居然不是给自己抢,而真的是给那家伙抢的?” Regarding broken origin spirit, a powerful mortal body absolutely is the fatal seduction, especially Lin Yi this god body! 对于一个残破元神来说,一具强大的肉身绝对是致命的诱惑,尤其还是林逸这具神体! Must know that even Li Yuanji most peak time, she has not obtained a genuine god body. 要知道就算是李元姬最巅峰时候,她也从来没有得到过一具真正的神体。 Otherwise initially she and name brand water deity that war, the result perhaps was not the tie, but was in a god territory in history First open and aboveboard following to subdue|grams! 否则当初她与正牌水神那一战,结局也许就不是平局,而是神域有史以来第一次堂堂正正的以下克上了! Li Yuanji tranquil visits him: I have detained invincibly in desolate all my, he is the successor who I approve truly, how will I betray him?” 李元姬平静的看着他:“我已经把我的一切都押在了萧无敌身上,他是我真正认可的传人,我又怎么会背叛他?” Jiang Xiaoshang smiled: These words from creating the god territory rebel mouth of the world god authentication said come out personally, does not seem like that credible.” 姜小尚笑了:“这句话从创世神亲自认证的神域叛徒嘴里说出来,好像不是那么可信呢。” Creates the world god?” “创世神?” On Li Yuanji face flashes through a dislike: Who is the true rebel, don't you know?” 李元姬脸上闪过一丝厌恶:“到底谁才是真正的叛徒,你不知道?” Jiang Xiaoshang showed neither approval nor disapproval: Always is the the winner is the king, the defeat dog has not defined the qualifications of rebel, I think that this truth Li Fairy should clearly be more right than me.” 姜小尚不置可否:“从来都是胜者为王,败犬是没有定义叛徒的资格的,我以为这个道理李仙子应该比我更清楚才对。” Li Yuanji complexion swiftly one cold: Since fails to agree, that does not need to say again.” 李元姬脸色倏然一冷:“既然话不投机,那就没必要再说下去了。” Nod that Jiang Xiaoshang pondered wear a look of: Truly does not need to say again, the method that after all you should use has also used up, yes?” 姜小尚面带玩味的点点头:“确实是没必要再说下去了,毕竟你该用的手段也都已经用完了,是吧?” Two people spoke, does not know when the water curtain has covered Lin Yi's to know the sea together, isolated the inside and outside all exchanges. 两人说话间,不知何时一道水幕已经罩住了林逸的识海,隔绝了内外一切交流。 Li Yuanji sinking sound said: Who knows that you can relate your main body? In order to Insurance, this also has nothing well strange, but I am very curious, why can you have self-confidently like this?” 李元姬沉声道:“谁知道你会不会联系你那位本尊?保险起见,这也没什么好奇怪的吧,不过我还是很好奇,你凭什么能有这样的自信?” If Jiang Xiaoshang had not detected completely her method, under the vacant not sleep/felt does not make the response, she can understand. 如果姜小尚完全没有察觉到她的手段,茫然无觉之下不做反应,她可以理解。 But since had detected that her movement, why can also be calm? 可既然已经察觉到了她的动作,为什么还能如此淡定? Only clone, really thinks that can suppress broken origin spirit of this top false god? 区区一介分身,真以为能压制得住她这个顶级伪神的残破元神 Only if, he also has other card in a hand methods. 除非,他还有其他底牌手段。 Jiang Xiaoshang touches the nose: Does not need to think so me, I am very weak, begins definitely not to do you , I do not to represent others not to do.” 姜小尚摸了摸鼻子:“不用这么看我,我很弱的,动起手来肯定搞不过你,不过么,我搞不过不代表别人也搞不过啊。” Others?” “别人?” Li Yuanji is startled. 李元姬一惊。 From invading First time, especially after discovering Jiang Xiaoshang, she is inspecting Lin Yi's to know the sea carefully, is not only the prevention also has other Third, for fear that is mainly hiding that other dark hands. 从入侵进来的第一时间,尤其在发现姜小尚之后,她就在小心检查林逸的识海,不仅是预防还有其他第三者,更主要是生怕藏着那位的其他暗手。 Regarding Jiang Xiaoshang that main body, she was a sincerity dynasty fears the snake to nip, Ten-year feared the well rope. 对于姜小尚的那位本尊,她可是真心一朝怕蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 However not. 然而并没有。 Even if her presently origin spirit condition not compared with peak, but must say that detects not come out in the so careful situation, that rather also looked down on her. 哪怕她现在元神状态不比巅峰,可要说在如此小心的情况下都察觉不出来,那未免也太小瞧她了。 Li Yuanji frowns slightly: „Are you blustering?” 李元姬微微蹙眉:“你在虚张声势?” At this time the Lin Yi's sound resounded suddenly: „It is not, what he said is I.” 这时林逸的声音忽然响起:“并不是,他说的是我。” You?” “你?” Looks that Lin Yi origin spirit concentrates the Jucheng outline, shaking the head of Li Yuanji thinks little of: Here, although is your knowledge sea, but do not blame me to speak coarse, you at best are only a checkerboard, your destiny can only be decided by us , there is nothing to do with yourself.” 看着林逸元神聚成型的轮廓,李元姬不以为意的摇了摇头:“这里虽然是你的识海,但别怪我说话难听,你充其量只是一个棋盘而已,你的命运只能由我们说了算,与你自己无关。”
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