SBPE :: Volume #16

#10051: Chapter 10051

„Does god body anti- punch very much? I thought that you can insist what situation!” “神体很耐揍是吧?我看你能坚持到什么地步!” Sign that the desolate invincible offensive has not slowed down, instead is getting quicker and quicker, the offensive is getting more and more fierce, if on the scene has other observers, only looked that perhaps this scene must sentence the death penalty to Lin Yi. 萧无敌攻势没有丝毫放缓的迹象,反而越来越快,攻势越来越猛烈,如果在场有其他旁观者,只看这个场面恐怕就要给林逸判死刑了。 The effect of god body mainly in view of regular strength, regarding mortal body, although also has the strengthening effect of shocking everybody, but has not used force or high-handed methods to the thorough non-solution situation. 神体的效果主要是针对规则力量,对于肉身虽然也有着惊世骇俗的强化效果,但并没有硬霸到彻底无解的地步。 Quick, on Lin Yi then presented a faint trace fissure. 很快,林逸身上便出现了一丝丝裂痕。 Over time, these fissures are still expanding unceasingly spread, must proliferate the whole body shortly. 随着时间推移,这些裂痕还在不断扩大蔓延,眼看就要遍布全身。 Once by that time, but to disintegrates thoroughly is not far. 一旦等到那个时候,可就离彻底分崩离析不远了。 desolate Wudi look is even more crazy, is away from the ultimate objective only to be left over the final one pace shortly, at this time Lin Yi spoke a few words suddenly strangely. 萧无敌的神色越发疯狂,眼看距离最终目标就只剩下最后的一步之遥,这时林逸忽然奇怪的说了一句话。 I also think that you want to capture my god body, did not fear that what destroyed not to have me?” “我还以为你想夺取我的神体呢,就不怕把我打碎了就什么都没了?” The desolate invincible heart is startled immediately. 萧无敌心头顿时一惊。 He naturally must capture the god body, he did not fear that destroys the god body, because the god body has the powerful self-recovery effect, so long as a slim chance of survival, broke to pieces even can still in same place rebirth. 他当然是要夺取神体,他也不怕将神体打碎,因为神体有着强大的自愈效果,只要还有一线生机,就算碎了也能原地重生。 The key is to destroy completely Lin Yi's origin spirit! 关键在于灭掉林逸的元神 Only then destroys completely Lin Yi origin spirit, his long-awaited god body can become the thing of without owner, he can the dove occupy the magpie nest, displaces! 只有灭掉林逸元神,这具他梦寐以求的神体才能成为无主之物,他才能鸠占鹊巢,取而代之! Do not look all that his presently makes attack the mortal body, that to break open the god body to the disposition of Lin Yi origin spirit, to mislead Lin Yi, shifts the Lin Yi's attention, for finally true fatal strikes to be ready. 别看他现在所做的一切都只是攻击肉身,那只是为了破开神体对林逸元神的全方位防护,同时也是为了误导林逸,转移掉林逸的注意力,为最后真正的致命一击做好准备。 The result has not thought, Lin Yi has seen clearly all these unexpectedly ahead of time. 结果没想到,林逸居然已经提前洞察到了这一切。 desolate invincible double pupil one cold: Originally do you know?” 萧无敌双眸一冷:“原来你知道?” sandbag that although Lin Yi at this moment bed sheet devastates, but the look does not have the slight flurry, instead is calm and composed even in press of work saying: This is not the bald person head louse is obvious, do I look look like the fool?” 林逸此刻虽然还是被单方面蹂躏的沙包,可神色却没有丝毫的慌乱,反而好整以暇道:“这不是秃子头上的虱子明摆着么,我看起来那么像傻子吗?” „Are you fools do not matter, matter that I want to do, no one can block!” “你是不是傻子都无所谓,我想做的事,谁也拦不住!” desolate reveals the fierce and ambitious true colors invincibly again, even if the intention had been pierced, under the hand | subordinate has not stagnated as before, has not therefore been wary of slows down the offensive, instead further erupts. 萧无敌再度显露出枭雄本色,即便意图已被戳穿,手下也依旧没有丝毫停滞,更没有因此心生疑虑放缓攻势,反而进一步爆发。 The strange and powerful incantations appear, proliferates the whole body instantaneously. 一道道诡异而强大的咒语浮现,瞬间遍布全身。 The whole person presents a morbid state black red skin color, the aura rose suddenly directly ten times. 整个人呈现出一种病态的黑红肤色,气息直接暴涨了十倍有余。 Casting a spell, starts! 禁咒,发动! I said that you are the insect, you are the insect, the casual finger can be run over and die!” “我说你是虫子,你就是虫子,随便一根指头就能碾死!” desolate Wudi is bearing the unequalled terrifying load at this moment, the terrifying, once relieves this depth curse condition, situation that his twinkling will collapse. 萧无敌此刻承受着无与伦比的恐怖负荷,恐怖到一旦解除掉这种深度诅咒状态,他本人就会瞬息崩溃的地步。 Was swallowed all regular strengths in within the body by him, under the incantation resentful rule obligation, squeezed ten times in the original explosive force. 被他吞到体内的所有规则力量,都在咒怨规则驱使之下,生生压榨出了十倍于本来的爆发力。 This explosive force naturally not possible lasting. 这种爆发力自然不可能持久。 However, does not need to be lasting. 不过,也并不需要持久。 Bang! 砰! Is the simple finger, the Lin Yi's god body same is really broken with a paper unexpectedly with ease, the chest left behind a pitch-dark pinhole. 真的就是简简单单一根指头,林逸的神体竟是跟一张纸一样被轻松破开,胸口留下了一个黑漆漆的小洞。 Although only then finger size, but takes it as the zero point, the dense and numerous being chapped cracks stopped the twinkling to proliferate the Lin Yi whole body. 虽然只有手指头大小,但以其为原点,密密麻麻的皲裂纹止瞬息就遍布了林逸全身。 Even if this chapter is the blind people looks at come out, Lin Yi already in disintegrating edge. 这回哪怕是瞎子都看得出来,林逸已在分崩离析的边缘了。 Paternal aunt, begins!” “姑姑,动手!” desolate Wudi has not continued to expand the offensive, although he knows god body abnormal, but before all understanding after all were only the hearsay, was not clear about the god body to be able abnormal to what degree. 萧无敌没有继续扩大攻势,他虽然知道神体变态,但之前所有的了解毕竟只是道听途说,并不清楚神体到底能变态到什么程度。 If by some chance self-recovery strength he had not estimated that is so exaggerating, really must come a finger to abandon to the thorough lane the Lin Yi god body again, his wave may really be the blood owes. 万一自愈力没有他预想中那么夸张,真要再来一指头把林逸神体给彻底弄废了,那他这波可就真的是血亏了。 After all, he bet oneself life. 毕竟,他可是把自己的命都赌上了。 In his eyes, Lin Yi simply has not traded the life with him the qualifications, only the has god body and sea god godship, can do right by his payout. 在他眼里,林逸根本没有同他换命的资格,唯有神体和海神神格,才能对得起他的付出。 Who will trade the life with an insignificant insect? 谁会跟一只微不足道的虫子换命啊? At this time, god body, although did not have the thorough disintegration, but cave entrance opens, it to the protection of Lin Yi origin spirit no longer perfect, gives the opportunity that some powerful origin spirit went to enter! 此时,神体虽然还没有彻底崩碎,但洞口一开,其对林逸元神的防护就已不再完美,就给了某个强大元神趁虚而入的机会! Second water deity Li Yuanji acts immediately, theoretically can only barely manage to maintain a feeble existence, is at collapses momentarily extinguishes broken origin spirit of edge, at this moment the present world brings to destroy day of terrifying oppression that extinguishes the place. 第二水神李元姬当即出手,理论上只能是苟延残喘,随时都处在崩灭边缘的残破元神,这一刻现世却是带着毁天灭地的恐怖压迫。 The entire empire ruins shock, all organism are afraid including these immeasurably deep ultra sea beasts collectively, retracted together the seabed deep place, does not dare to poke head at will. 整个帝国废墟都为之震慑,所有生物体包括那些深不可测的超海兽都集体不寒而栗,齐齐缩回到了海底深处,再不敢随意探头。 This came from the constriction of top false god. 这就是来自顶级伪神的压迫感。 Responsible Lin Yi stops the movement immediately, being startled on the spot. 首当其冲的林逸当即停下动作,怔在原地。 Together the graceful and powerful form intrudes Lin Yi to know the sea, however when she prepares the dove to occupy the magpie nest, a familiar sound suddenly before her resounds. 一道优雅而强大的身影闯入林逸识海,然而就在她准备鸠占鹊巢的时候,一个熟悉的声音忽然在她面前响起。 Long time no see, Second water deity Li Yuanji.” “好久不见了,第二水神李元姬。” Li Yuanji knits the brows slightly, looks at the human shaped outline that the front condenses, suddenly complexion big change: Is you!” 李元姬微微皱眉,看着前方凝聚起来的人形轮廓,忽然脸色大变:“是你!” Jiang Xiaoshang did intentionally profound Jingjing (quietly) to carefully examine her: Snaps fingers Hundred-year, Li Fairy has been well since last meeting.” 姜小尚故作高深的静静审视着她:“弹指百年,李仙子别来无恙啊。” This is the trap that you set!” “这是你设下的圈套!” Li Yuanji thought through an entire plot story instantaneously. 李元姬瞬间想通了一整个阴谋故事。 Regarding this gods of her knocking down dust, she naturally remembers with eternal gratitude personally, although by her past peak strength, spoke the last words with the name brand water deity sufficiently directly, was in the face of this, she actually only felt the huge despair from beginning to end. 对于这位亲手将她打落尘埃的神明,她自然刻骨铭心,虽然以她当年的巅峰实力,足以与正牌水神正面叫板,可是在这位面前,她从头到尾却只感受到了巨大的绝望。 Disparity that type just likes the natural moat, even if at her then altitude, is unable to imagine. 那种恍若天堑的差距,哪怕以她当时的高度,也根本无法想象。 Only one puts in an appearance, compels her to be forced to give up all, has to cut tail to seek livehood with style that broken origin spirit plays dead, that and other oppression strength can be imagined. 只一个照面,就逼得她被迫放弃一切,不得不用残破元神假死的方式来断尾求生,那等压迫力可想而知。 Now see again | goodbye this has presently suddenly unceasingly the natural enemy in her nightmare, especially at present were only broken origin spirit, Li Yuanji escapes as before suddenly unexpectedly continually forgets. 如今骤然再见这位不断出现在她噩梦中的天敌,尤其眼下自己依旧只是一个残破元神,李元姬一时间竟是连逃跑都忘记了。 The high-rank suppression of that brand mark in innermost soul, caused her instinct gave up the seeking livehood thought. 那种烙印在灵魂深处的上位压制,使得她本能的放弃了求生意念。 She is very clear, in the face of this, present she, regardless of makes anything is the futile effort. 她很清楚,在这位面前,眼下的她无论做什么都是徒劳。 However waited for the moment, actually discovered that the opposite party has no movement, but faint smile visits her. 不过等了片刻,却发现对方并没有任何动作,只是似笑非笑的看着她。 Li Yuanji responded finally: You are not he! You are only his clone!” 李元姬终于反应过来:“你不是他!你只是他的分身!” Jiang Xiaoshang smiled: I had not said that I am he, but from the angle of my main body, how your Li Fairy saying that was also an old acquaintance, all in all this/should come out notified you, yes?” 姜小尚笑了:“我也没说我就是他啊,只不过从我那位本尊的角度,你李仙子怎么说也算是一个老熟人了,于情于理都该出来跟你打个招呼,是吧?” I do not have the friendship with you, there is no greeting to hit.” “我跟你没有交情,更没有什么招呼可打。” Li Yuanji immediately recover energy: If you are your main body, my presently will only wait for death hands tied, since is not, that should be one's turn me to collect an interest.” 李元姬立马恢复了底气:“如果你是你本尊,我现在只会束手等死,既然不是,那就该轮到我来收点利息了。” Truly does not have the slight energy facing that her, but is only trivial clone, that was a different matter. 面对那位她确实没有丝毫的底气,可只是一个区区分身,那就是另一回事了。 Even if her Li Yuanji goes down in the world again distressedly, has not arrived by the situation that clone retreats in fear. 她李元姬就算再落魄再狼狈,也还没到被一个分身吓退的地步。
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