SBPE :: Volume #16

#10050: Chapter 10050

You wait for death slowly.” “你就慢慢等死吧。” desolate Wudi disdained to cast aside one, immediately started periphery the absorption this dense and numerous various was the strength supplies. 萧无敌不屑撇了一句,随即开始吸收周围这密密麻麻的各系力量补给。 Swamps into his body along with the strength supplies crazily, the incantation resentful rule fluctuates from its within the body one after another shows, the concealed power and influence, even Lin Yi looks askance. 伴随着力量补给疯狂涌入他的身体,一道又一道咒怨规则波动从其体内透出,其中隐含的威势,连林逸都不禁为之侧目。 This goods unexpectedly with cursing own style, depressed forcefully various is the conflict between regular strengths, to a certain extent, this moment all was swallowed into the strength in within the body to put on a cover of incantation resentful strength by him. 这货竟是用诅咒自己的方式,强行压下了各系规则力量之间的冲突,某种程度上,此刻所有被他吞入体内的力量都被披上了一层咒怨力量的外皮。 Jiang Xiaoshang saw that the name to sigh: This goods but actually are also the rare fierce and ambitious character!” 姜小尚见状不由啧啧称叹:“这货倒也是难得一见的枭雄人物!” Although various regular strengths the surface was assimilated the incantation resentful strength forcefully, temporarily will not conflict mutually, but its essence has not actually changed, in -depth conflict always exists. 各种规则力量虽然表面被强行同化成了咒怨力量,暂时不会相互冲突,可其本质却没有改变,彼此之间的深层冲突始终存在。 But was pressed by the incantation resentful strength forcefully, temporarily has not erupted come out. 只不过是被咒怨力量强行压了下去,暂时没有爆发出来罢了。 Only if desolate Wudi in the self- curse, the thorough road arrives forever henceforth black, otherwise has that moment that the conflict breaks out finally. 除非萧无敌永远都在自我诅咒,从此彻底一条路走到黑,否则终有冲突爆发的那一刻。 Key this has not released altogether them on the line, was inhaled starting from that moment in within the body from these regular strengths, the damage that each other conflict causes has started, will expand over time unceasingly. 关键这还不是将它们一股脑释放出去就行,从这些规则力量被吸入体内的那一刻开始,彼此冲突所造成的伤害就已开始,而且会随着时间推移不断扩大。 desolate Wudi depends on the incantation resentful strength, covers it with self-deceiving style temporarily. 萧无敌只是靠着咒怨力量,用自欺欺人的方式将其临时盖住罢了。 Once lifts the cover, that injury cannot imagine, the big probability will make him die a violent death instantaneously! 一旦将盖子掀开,那种伤害根本不可想象,大概率会令他瞬间暴毙! In other words, his has been betting the life. 换句话说,他这已经是在赌命了。 If cannot replace the sea god finally, is only backlash of incantation resentful strength can make he himself beyond redemption, his is crosses the rubicon.” “如果最后不能取代海神,光是咒怨力量的反噬就能令他自己万劫不复,他这是破釜沉舟啊。” Careerist where does not lack, fierce and ambitious that but can so stake everything on a single throw of the dice, is actually really rarely seen. 野心家哪里都不缺,可是能够如此孤注一掷的枭雄,却是真不多见。 Since paid this and other heavy prices, the advantage that desolate trades invincibly at this moment naturally is also incomparably huge, swallows several hundred strength supplies all of a sudden, each is the revering boundary expert 10% strengths. 而既然付出了这等沉重的代价,萧无敌此刻换来的好处自然也是无比巨大,一下子吞下数百份力量补给,每一份都是尊者境高手的10%力量。 Complete fusion in one, that not under the enough 50 revering boundary expert complete strengths! 全部融合在一处,那就是不下于足足五十位尊者境高手的全部力量! Even if is only entry-level Yellow Step Initial Phase, this grade of strength has also made everyone panic-stricken desire sufficiently certainly, even if these defends outside recommendation, absolutely fearful and apprehensive! 哪怕都只算是入门级的黄阶初期尊者,这等力量也已经足以令所有人惊骇欲绝了,哪怕是那些守在外面的举荐者们,都绝对心惊肉跳! Even, this is only the one-off temporary strength. 即便,这只是一次性的临时力量。 Feels substantializing aura that desolate invincible is increasing rapidly, the bonus was Lin Yi also feels the unprecedented pressure, but that store front to the powerful constriction, before was not, any opponent can compare. 感受着萧无敌身上飞速攀升的实质化气息,饶是林逸也都感受到了史无前例的压力,那种铺面而至的强大压迫感,绝不是之前任何一个对手能够比拟的。 Even if leaf Tianbei such name brand revering, is unable by far with it placing on a par! 就算是叶天北那样的正牌尊者,也都远远无法与之相提并论! Quite fearful.” “好可怕啊。” On the Lin Yi mouth said that the meaning that under the hand | subordinate has not actually stopped slightly, then incarnation demon god Chi You, including is being one skewer of suffocating vibration bang kills. 林逸嘴上这么说,手下却是丝毫没有停下的意思,转而化身魔神蚩尤,连着就是一串令人窒息的震动轰杀。 Was reasonable, the so intense and domineering vibration attack, even if revering boundary expert not necessarily could support generally. 讲道理,如此密集且强势的震动攻击,就算是一般的尊者境高手都未必撑得下来。 After all has the new World addition, 20% rule control in Lin Yi, has endured compared with other rule expert over 30% might sufficiently. 毕竟有着新世界的加成,在林逸手里百分之二十的规则掌控度,已经足以堪比其他规则高手百分之三十以上的威力了。 However front seemingly not wonderful water element barrier, every looks that averagely one time as if must disintegrate, but every actually reduces and solves all impulse one time cleanly. 然而面前这道看似平平无奇的水系屏障,每一次看着似乎都要分崩离析,可每一次却又将所有的冲击力化解得干干净净。 Let alone from beginning to end, destroys desolate Wudi to absorb the strength the advancement, the slight complementary waves cannot affect his side. 从头到尾,别说破坏萧无敌吸收力量的进程,根本都没有丝毫的余波能波及到他的身边。 Lin Yi is helpless: This is the method of top false god.” 林逸不由无奈:“这就是顶级伪神的手段么。” Also looks at come out with the toe, at present this water element barrier is not desolate releases from the start invincibly, but is that Second water deity Li Yuanji writing skill! 用脚趾头也看得出来,眼前这道水系屏障压根不是萧无敌所释放,而是那位第二水神李元姬的手笔! Is obviously simplest a barrier, actually plays nearly invincible knot obstinately the effect. 明明只是最简单不过的一道屏障,却愣是起到了近乎无敌结界的效果。 What is odder, this barrier even also has the blockade space effect, at the Lin Yi's space regular strength, could not find the participation foothold unexpectedly. 更离谱的是,这道屏障甚至还有着封锁空间的效果,以林逸的空间规则力量,竟是找不到插足其中的落脚点。 This is only a broken origin spirit method, its strength also 1% of peak period! 这还只是一个残破元神的手段,其实力还不到巅峰期的百分之一! Because has contacted the reason of predecessor beast god, Lin Yi actually has the preparation. 因为接触过前任兽神的缘故,林逸对此其实还是有心理准备的。 But opposite party's performance actually far exceeded his expectation. 可对方的表现却远远超出了他的预期。 According to the normal logic, the strength this/should ratio false god remnant soul of predecessor beast god is much stronger, how to feel that completely isn't what is all about? 按照正常逻辑,前任兽神的实力怎么也该比一个伪神残魂强得多吧,怎么感觉全然不是这么一回事? Can feel the terrifying of god boundary ahead of time is not the misdemeanor.” “能够提前感受一下神境的恐怖也不是坏事。” Jiang Xiaoshang was calm and composed even in press of work actually to him dispels doubt saying: „ Godship loses various empathizes that falls to lose all strength rapidly, actually without is so fearful, is by Li Yuanji presently condition, actually can also transfer some strength reluctantly! 姜小尚倒是好整以暇给他解惑道:“神格失坠的诸神会迅速丧失掉所有实力,其实没那么可怕,可是以李元姬现在的状态,却勉强还能调动部分实力 Even if only an insignificant small part, to presently you was also great mountain(s), after all that was the god boundary! ” 哪怕只是微不足道的一小部分,对现在的你来说也是一座大山了,毕竟那可是神境!” Lin Yi headache: Said the non-solution?” 林逸头痛:“这么说岂不是无解?” Speech at the same time, he is still attempting to break through the impediment of water element barrier, what a pity has no substantive effect as before. 说话的同时,他还在尝试突破水系屏障的阻隔,可惜依旧没有任何实质性的效果。 Jiang Xiaoshang was full of meaning saying: Meets the tough head-on with toughness directly does not certainly say, only then waits till a right opportunity, even the false god is not cannot kill.” 姜小尚饶有意味道:“正面硬碰硬当然不好说,不过只有等到一个合适的机会,就算伪神也不是不能杀啊。” However Lin Yi has not waited for the right opportunity, opposite desolate has actually swallowed all regular strengths invincibly completely, a air/Qi field has increased unprecedented most peak. 不过林逸还没等来合适的机会,对面的萧无敌却已将所有规则力量全部吞下,一身气场已经攀升到了前所未有的最巅峰 The conservative estimate, this at least is a Yellow Step Initial Phase peak aura! 保守估计,这至少已是黄阶初期巅峰尊者的气息! First play prepared to end, presently you can die, insect.” “前戏准备完了,现在你可以去死了,虫子。” desolate Wudi is grinning fiendishly with the stance of occupying a commanding position, breaks open the water element barrier on own initiative, took the lead to launch the attack to Lin Yi. 萧无敌狞笑着以居高临下的姿态,主动破开水系屏障,率先对林逸发起了攻击。 A dazzling thunder light flash, Lin Yi is struck to fly unexpectedly directly at the scene! 一道刺眼雷光闪过,林逸竟是直接被当场击飞! In front of the body, all regular strengths are invalid, at least regarding the regular strength of entry-level revering boundary level, theoretically has the complete immune effect. 在身体面前,一切规则力量都是无效,至少对于入门级尊者境层次的规则力量,理论上是有着完全的免疫效果。 Lin Yi was flown by the bang at the scene, is not the god body expires, but really came under the Physics attack from desolate Wudi. 林逸之所以被当场轰飞,并不是神体失效,而是实实在在的受到了来自萧无敌的物理攻击。 The thunder light catches up again, desolate Wudi human shaped outline in appears indistinctly, is a foot flies the Lin Yi bang! 雷光再度追上,萧无敌的人形轮廓在其中隐约浮现,紧接着又是一脚将林逸轰飞! Originally was not he flings thunder light, but at this moment, he was thunder light! 原来并不是他甩出了雷光,而是此刻,他本人就是雷光! Continuous shoots down again on Lin Yi, suddenly Lin Yi degenerated into human shaped sandbag unexpectedly, at first sight, does not have the slight strength to hit back unexpectedly. 接连不断的重击落在林逸身上,一时间林逸竟是沦为了一个人形沙包,乍看之下,竟是没有丝毫的还手之力。 At least in the mortal body level, at least at the scene, has his unexpectedly bed sheet steamroll of god body! 至少在肉身层面,至少在场面上,有着神体的他居然被单方面碾压了! Unthinkable. 匪夷所思。 Lin Yi responded quickly: You transformed the mortal body strength the regular strength unexpectedly completely, the incantation resentful rule can also play the effect of Omnipotent converter unexpectedly, being true was makes you play to understand!” 林逸很快就反应过来:“你居然把全部规则力量都转化成了肉身力量,咒怨规则居然还能起到万能转化器的效果,属实是让你玩明白了!” This praise is actually wholehearted. 这一句夸赞倒是真心实意。 The regular strength intensity is a matter, can play what flower to come the rule is a different matter. 规则力量强度是一回事,能将规则玩出什么花来是另一回事。 In the eye of large number cultivator will only see the former certainly, but looks like in Lin Yi this true expert, what the former can decide is only the lower limit, the latter can decide the upper limit truly the key. 绝大数修炼者的眼里只会看到前者,但在林逸这种真正的高手看来,前者能够决定的只是下限,后者才是真正能够决定上限的关键。 Shows the come out method by desolate invincibly, once this person obtains the sea god godship, the consequence is dreadful! 以萧无敌展现出来的手段,此人一旦获得海神神格,后果不堪设想!
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