SBPE :: Volume #16

#10049: Chapter 10049

desolate Wudi is ecstatic, nods again and again: „ Good, past chance each time was so, this necessity was no exception! 萧无敌心花怒放,连连点头:“不错,以往的每次机缘都是如此,这次必然也不例外! Indeed, how to emit such a bewildered fellow suddenly, existence of god body level, how can have presently here? 我说呢,怎么突然会冒出这么一个莫名其妙的家伙,神体这种层次的存在,怎么会出现在这里? Originally is the God prepares for me specially! 原来都是老天爷特意为我准备的! The day gives does not take, instead by its evil, I impolite accepting! ” 天予不取,反受其害,那我就不客气的收下了!” Once the thought understands, desolate invincibly immediately recover absolutely self-confident, looked does not have the least bit to be panic-stricken again to the Lin Yi's look again, instead like staring at a lush prey, not minced matter own corruption to read. 念头一旦通达,萧无敌立马恢复了绝对自信,再次看向林逸的眼神再没有半点惊骇,反而如同盯上了一头肥美的猎物,丝毫不掩饰自己的贪念。 The females prompt saying: „ Regarding your levels, god body admittedly is existence of non-solution, even if the most primary body , has almost no method to break through. 女子提示道:“对于你们这个层次来说,神体固然是无解的存在,哪怕是最初级的身体,也几乎没有任何手段能够攻破。 However, you have me. ” 不过,你还有我。” But her peak period false god, moreover is one of the strongest that several false gods, even there is one to select some various god undefeated only the score. 巅峰时期可是伪神,而且是最强的那几位伪神之一,甚至有过一段单挑某位诸神不败的战绩。 Now although goes down in the world, various aspect strength are no comparison between them with the peak period completely, but if copes with a primary god body, is actually insufficient to be at a loss. 如今虽然落魄,各方面实力巅峰时期完全不可同日而语,可如果只是对付一具初级神体,却还不至于束手无策。 Here two people how conspires to capture the god body at the same time, another side Lin Yi is also exchanging with Jiang Xiaoshang. 这边两人密谋如何夺取神体的同时,另一边林逸也在和姜小尚交流。 It seems like this boy also really somewhat fate, you guess that whose flavor I did smell on him?” “看来这小子还真有几分运道,你猜我在他身上闻到了谁的味道?” Jiang Xiaoshang keeps guessing intentionally. 姜小尚故意卖了个关子。 Lin Yi spoke thoughtlessly to meet one: Should not smell the flavor of acquaintance?” 林逸随口接了一句:“该不会是闻到了熟人的味道吧?” „......” “……” Jiang Xiaoshang choked: You guess return really! I smelled a flavor of false god unexpectedly, moreover this false god with my main body or old acquaintance.” 姜小尚不由噎了一下:“你猜得还真特么准!我居然闻到了一个伪神的味道,而且这个伪神跟我那本尊还是老熟人。” Lin Yi surprise: What did she call?” 林逸诧异:“她叫什么?” Second water deity Li Yuanji.” 第二水神李元姬。” Jiang Xiaoshang explained: „ False god is not the True God, naturally cannot in the name of water deity, but can the title of Second water deity, indicate this female's strength in an numerous false god outstanding. 姜小尚解释道:“伪神不是真神,自然不能以水神为名,可能够得到第二水神的称号,足见此女在一众伪神之中实力有多出众。 My main body witnessed her with own eyes with name brand water deity duel over, the final outcome you guess that is what? ” 我那位本尊曾经亲眼见证她与正牌水神决斗过一场,最终结果你猜是什么?” Lin Yi blinks: „Did she win? Is insufficient?” 林逸眨眨眼睛:“她赢了?不至于吧?” That is insufficient but actually, which the True God is so easy to overstep regarding the suppression of false god, within the time limit, she has not revealed the slight defeat shape.” “那倒不至于,真神对于伪神的压制哪是那么容易逾越的,不过在限时之内,她并没有露出丝毫的败象。” Jiang Xiaoshang, sincere said: You can understand that fights to a draw with the name brand water deity for her!” 姜小尚顿了顿,正色说道:“你可以理解为她跟正牌水神打成了平手!” Lin Yi came the interest: „It is evenly rare?” 林逸来了兴致:“平手很罕见吗?” Since various god homing, the one-to-one showdown of various God and false god has been even, altogether only has appeared three times, did you say?” “自诸神归位以来,诸神与伪神的一对一对决平手,一共只出现过三次,你说呢?” Jiang Xiaoshang regretted saying: „ After that fights, Li Yuanji given name had even once pressed many edge various God, posts with another person in the ranking for the false god's head. 姜小尚不无惋惜道:“那一战之后,李元姬的名号甚至一度压过了许多边缘诸神,在排行榜上与另外一人并列为伪神之首。 However half a month later, she participated in rebellion incident being exposed merely, by my main body personally knocking down dust. 不过仅仅半个月后,她参与叛乱事件东窗事发,被我那位本尊亲手打落尘埃。 Everyone thinks that she had fallen from the sky thoroughly, has not thought that unexpectedly resides temporarily in this desolate Wudi knowledge sea, once the scenery infinite Second water deity barely managed to maintain a feeble existence with a remnant soul stance unexpectedly, is really makes one sob. ” 所有人都以为她已经彻底陨落了,没想到居然寄身在这个萧无敌的识海中,曾经风光无限的第二水神竟以一副残魂姿态苟延残喘,实在是令人唏嘘。” Regarding this matter, Lin Yi does not feel actually towering, instead is quite familiar. 对于这种事情,林逸倒是丝毫不觉得突兀,反而颇为熟悉。 Why he remembered did not know ghost bastard of deep dormancy at this moment. 他想起了此刻不知为何正在深度休眠的鬼东西 Lin Yi tastes immediately: That present all these, is she is leading secretly?” 林逸随即回过味来:“那眼下的这一切,也就是她在幕后主导喽?” Jiang Xiaoshang nod approval: „ Such big writing skill is not -and-a-half revering can do come out, false god Li Yuanji is the true behind-the-scenes force, desolate should be advanced the puppet in onstage inevitably invincibly. 姜小尚点头赞同:“这么大的手笔绝不是一介半步尊者能搞出来的,伪神李元姬必然才是真正的幕后推手,萧无敌应该只是被推到前台的一个傀儡罢了。 If I have not guessed wrong, she wants to lose the opportunity of falling using the sea god godship, loans the god to come back to life, at one fell swoop recover prosperous strength, even also wants to go a step further! ” 如果我没猜错,她是想利用海神神格失坠的机会,来一出借神还魂,一举恢复鼎盛实力,甚至还想更进一步!” Lin Yi actually shows neither approval nor disapproval. 林逸对此却是不置可否。 After all all these guessed, as for the truth is anything, that when settled down can be clear. 毕竟这一切都只是猜测,至于真相到底是什么,那得等到尘埃落定了才能见分晓。 At this time, opposite desolate has exchanged invincibly obviously with Li Yuanji, looks again to the Lin Yi's vision, has been passing indescribable crazy. 此时,对面萧无敌显然已经与李元姬交流完毕,再度看向林逸的目光,已是透着难以言喻的疯狂。 You should be honored, can witness great one.” “你应该感到荣幸,可以见证伟大的一幕。” desolate said one invincibly quite baffling. 萧无敌没头没尾的说了一句。 Does not wait for Lin Yi to respond, its week emits several hundred strength supplies suddenly, proliferates densely and numerously in his side, various regular strength fluctuations, the scene is continuously splendid sight suddenly. 不等林逸反应,其身周骤然冒出数百份力量补给,密密麻麻遍布在他的身旁,各种规则力量波动此起彼伏,一时间场面蔚为壮观。 Hou, collected much.” “嚯,收集了不少啊。” Lin Yi knits the brows slightly, guessed correctly indistinctly the opposite party wanted to make anything, but felt somewhat unbelievable. 林逸微微皱眉,隐约猜到对方想要做什么了,但又觉得有些难以置信。 The absorption strength supplies, actually and has no difficulty. 吸收力量补给本身,其实并没有什么难度。 After all this is not the permanent improvement strength, but borrows temporarily, at most by own body makes the vessel the time, the body load will be quite big, may leave behind some damages, that is all. 毕竟这不是永久性的提升力量,只是临时借用罢了,顶多就是以自己身体做容器的时候,身体负荷会比较大,可能会留下一些损伤,仅此而已。 May absorb one with absorbing several hundred, that is completely two concepts. 可吸收一份跟吸收数百份,那完全是两个概念。 This is not only the issue of body load , is not only the body vessel can below the issue with the fashion, what is fatal lies in these strength supplies is not the regular strength of same department! 这不仅仅是身体负荷的问题,也不仅仅是身体容器能不能同时装得下的问题,更致命的在于这些力量补给可不是同一系的规则力量! The fellow-student of the same department regular strength are many, that also considered issue that at most can eat up, although is also very exaggerating, but is also insufficient to make the degree that one shrinks back at the sight completely. 同系规则力量再多,那顶多也就考虑一下能不能吃得下的问题,虽然也很夸张,但还不至于到完全令人望而却步的程度。 But present these several hundred strength supplies, actually mixed dozens rules. 可眼前的这数百份力量补给,却是混合了数十种规则。 And among many rules is unable to coexist, even is as incompatible as fire and water. 其中许多规则之间根本无法共存,甚至是水火不容。 Even if places outside, among them has appeared has repelled one another response, that being ready to be set off feeling, indistinct is the giant powder kegs, moreover is the lead wire lit the super powder keg! 哪怕只是这么放在外面,它们之间就已出现了相克反应,那种一触即发的感觉,隐隐约约就是一个个巨大的火药桶,而且全是引线点燃了的超级火药桶! Trades to make any -and-a-half revering, sees this scene absolutely is trembling, turns head to run. 换做任何一个半步尊者,看到这种场面绝对都是战战兢兢,扭头就跑。 But looks at the desolate invincible this stance, he not only does not run, instead disposable swallows these super powder kegs completely! 可是看萧无敌这副架势,他非但不跑,反而还有一次性将这些超级火药桶全部吞下! This special is the true lunatic......” “这特么才是真正的疯子……” Lin Yi has profound respect, will not actually wait for the opposite party to finish up helplessly, immediately the space flashes launches the surprise attack. 林逸肃然起敬,却不会眼睁睁等着对方完事,当即空间一闪发动突袭。 No matter the opposite party is doing, but since is the matter that the opposite party wants to handle, that must instead. 不管对方是不是在作死,但既然是对方想做的事情,那就必须反着来。 Once used the space regular strength, only if similarly is the space is ability, otherwise basic no one can be a worthy opponent with him at the Lin Yi's speed, the speed is always his overwhelming superiority! 一旦动用了空间规则力量,除非同样是空间系能力者,否则以林逸的速度基本没人能与他匹敌,速度从来都是他的绝对优势! However, desolate does not have to with him contend for the speed invincibly slightly the meaning, but looked at his one eyes ridiculing. 然而,萧无敌却没有丝毫要跟他抢速度的意思,只是戏谑的看了他一眼。 Bang! 砰! The Lin Yi figure stops suddenly, an invisible barrier does not know when kept off in front. 林逸身形陡然停下,一堵无形的屏障不知何时挡在了面前。 „Is this...... the water?” “这是……水?” The Lin Yi eyelid jumps, in this sea, the water is equally ubiquitous on and air, it can display come out might far ultra land hundred times. 林逸眼皮一跳,在这大海之中,水就跟空气一样无处不在,其能发挥出来的威力远超陆地百倍。 If on the land, protection ability of water element barrier can only be ordinary at most, the regular strength of the same class easily can penetrate. 如果是在陆地上,水系屏障的防护能力顶多只能算一般,同级别的规则力量轻易就能穿透。 However at present, after Lin Yi exploratory bang an infinitely merciful palm, the complete impact was absorbed unexpectedly cleanly by it, let alone attacks desolate to be invincible oneself, the surrounding these strength supplies had not been disturbed by the least bit. 然而眼下,当林逸试探性的轰出一记大慈大悲掌后,全部冲击竟是被其吸收得干干净净,别说冲击到萧无敌本人,就连周围这些力量补给都没受到半点干扰。
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