SBPE :: Volume #16

#10048: Chapter 10048

The consumables were consumed, this is their fate, well what has strange? 消耗品被消耗掉了,这本就是他们的宿命,有什么好奇怪的吗? Lifting the hand is thunder light, its round of incurring the quick reality is the Lin Yi entire life only sees, lifts the instance of hand in it, bringing thunder light who the powerful rule is fluctuating to rumble to kill to Lin Yi on, the opportunity of radically even responding did not have. 抬手就是一记雷光,其发招之快实乃林逸生平仅见,在其抬手的瞬间,带着强大规则波动的雷光就已轰杀至林逸身上,根本连反应的机会都没有。 The Lin Yi entire body was at the scene black, the life aura also does not have, just like dies again cannot die. 林逸整个身体当场就黑了,生命气息随之全无,俨然已是死得不能再死。 Trash.” “垃圾。” Curling the lip of desolate Wudi disdains. 萧无敌不屑的撇了撇嘴。 However him finishes speaking, on burned black piece of Lin Yi then gives full play to the full of vitality, in an instant then already recover such as beginning, even overall vitality not only has not weakened, instead was more powerful than a moment ago. 然而他这边话音刚落,焦黑一片的林逸身上便重新焕发出勃勃生机,转眼之间便已恢复如初,甚至于整体生机非但没有削弱,反而比刚才更加强大。 This bursting out come out powerful vitality, unexpectedly an inexplicable constriction, feels like facing some inviolable sacred existence! 这种迸发出来的强大生机,竟给人一种莫名的压迫感,给人的感觉似乎是在面对某种不可侵犯的神圣存在! desolate Wudi is shocked: Time recollection?” 萧无敌不由愣住:“时间回溯?” However this judgment was overthrown immediately, the time recollection can only make condition recover arrive at best a moment ago, was impossible to make the condition was stronger than a moment ago. 不过这个判断随即就被推翻,时间回溯充其量只能让状态恢复到刚才,却不可能让状态变得比刚才更强。 But so exaggerating instantaneous recover effect, except for the time recollection, has thought other not come out Second possibilities by his cognition. 可是如此夸张的瞬间恢复效果,除了时间回溯,以他的认知已经想不出来其他第二种可能性了。 Even if these recognized recover is the regular strength, will not have such effect. 哪怕是那些公认的恢复系规则力量,也绝不会有这样的效果。 Because, his attack seems like but conveniently is, contains in -depth curse actually, general rule strength let alone recover so rapidly, normal basic recover recover not. 因为,他的这次攻击看似随手而为,实则蕴含着深层诅咒,普通规则力量别说恢复得如此迅速,正常根本连恢复恢复不了。 As everyone knows, this is only getting a new lease on life of domain strength level, even the regular strength is not. 殊不知,这只是领域力量层次的枯木逢春,连规则力量都算不上。 If desolate Wudi knows this point, it is estimated that must be mad to faint at the scene, style that he is proud possibly by such shallow thing reducing and solving? 萧无敌要是知道这一点,估计得当场被气晕过去,他引以为傲的招式怎么可能被这么粗浅的东西给化解掉? This is impossible! 这绝不可能! Lin Yi looks at his unbelievable expression, selected the eyebrow slightly: Your this probably is not the thunder and lightning rule, inside also has the curse, is the incantation resentful rule in Legend?” 林逸看着他难以置信的表情,微微挑了挑眉:“你这好像也不是雷电规则,里面还带着诅咒,是传说中的咒怨规则?” Also calculates a little eyesight.” “还算有点眼力。” Under desolate Wudi heart sinks, in the surface actually disdains cold snort/hum. 萧无敌心下一沉,面上却是不屑冷哼。 His style has extremely strong confusing, in the past almost all opponents can take for granted thinks that he is the thunder and lightning rule, then with dealing with that set of thunder and lightning rule copes with him, center the result his below bosom. 他的招式有着极强的迷惑性,以往几乎所有的对手都会想当然的以为他是雷电规则,进而用应对雷电规则的那一套来对付他,结果正中他的下怀。 The rule resistance of equality strength, has extremely bright restraint relations. 同等强度的规则对抗,有着极其鲜明的克制关系。 With coping with the mentality of thunder and lightning rule copes with the incantation resentful rule, can only divide minutes dead does not remain the dregs, regarding own small trick, desolate always is quite invincibly contented. 用对付雷电规则的思路来对付咒怨规则,只会分分钟死得连渣都不剩,对于自己的这点小伎俩,萧无敌一向颇为自得。 The result has not thought that then just put in an appearance, unexpectedly was seen through. 结果没想到这才刚一照面,居然就被识破了。 Lin Yi from attending to saying: I heard that the incantation resentful rule not only can curse others, can curse itself, I have not guessed that wrong words, your thunder and lightning strength through cursing oneself must come?” 林逸自顾说道:“我听说咒怨规则不仅可以诅咒别人,同时也可以诅咒自己,我没猜错的话,你这雷电力量就是通过诅咒自己得来的吧?” desolate is startled invincibly. 萧无敌不由又是一惊。 The incantation resentful rule most fearful place does not lie in its strength, but lies in mysterious of its strength. 咒怨规则最可怕的地方不在于其力量本身,而在于其力量的神秘 Is mysterious, it more is hard to guard, it is omnipresent. 越是神秘,它就越是难以防范,它就越是无所不在。 Otherwise if knows about it are more, its threat is smaller, if especially understands enough fully, once made it lose covers in mysterious halo, then it will degenerate to become the ordinary second-level rule, even must be weaker than the ordinary second-level rule! 反之若是对它了解越多,它的威胁就越小,尤其要是了解得足够充分,一旦令其失去笼罩在身上的神秘光环,那么它就会退化成为普通的二级规则,甚至比普通的二级规则还要更弱一些! The mysterious halo, is the basis of incantation resentful rule. 神秘光环,就是咒怨规则的根本。 Trivial frog in a well, you do not know!” “区区井底之蛙,你知道个屁!” desolate Wudi flings thunder light immediately. 萧无敌当即又是甩出一记雷光。 The situation develop has presented the symptom of several points of out-of-control faintly, although also by far the situation that is insufficient to subvert him to plan greatly, is all these hidden dangers, he must strangle in the seed. 形势发展隐隐已经呈现出了几分失控的苗头,虽说还远远不至于到颠覆他大计划的地步,可是这一切的隐患,他必须扼杀于萌芽之中。 Finally, this thunder light invades Lin Yi's within the body time, like before the deducting black coal, instead had not actually been shaken outside the body by a Lin Yi palm directly conveniently directly, oneself return safe and sound unexpectedly! 结果,这一次雷光侵入到林逸的体内,却没有像之前那样直接将其劈成黑炭,反而被林逸随手一掌直接震出体外,本人竟是毫发无损! How is this possible?” “这怎么可能?” desolate invincible this could not conceal his surprised finally. 萧无敌这回终于掩饰不住他的惊讶了。 Spoke the truth, even if his incantation resentful rule were decoded, but that throughout was still the second-level regular strength, was not any random trash, how possibly couldn't the even/including minimum scar remain? 讲道理就算他的咒怨规则被破解,可那始终也是二级规则力量,又不是什么阿猫阿狗,怎么可能连一点起码的伤痕都留不下来? Until, on Lin Yi has delimited together the sacred flowing light faintly. 直至,林逸身上隐隐划过一道神圣的流光。 The screams of women's also know the sea to resound in desolate Wudi: God body! He has the god body unexpectedly!” 女子的惊呼声随之在萧无敌识海响起:“神体!他居然拥有神体!” God body?” “神体?” desolate Wudi follows to have a big shock. 萧无敌跟着大惊失色。 He counts Ten-year with female this false god being together from god territory, are many regarding the matter understanding of various god, naturally includes the god body. 他跟女子这位来自神域的伪神相处数十年,对于诸神的事情了解不少,其中自然包括神体。 No wonder your incantation resentful rule is unfruitful to him, perhaps the god body can the immunity large number regular strength, including your incantation resentful rule, First time be he was just intentional, to test your regular essence certainly intentionally, otherwise you cannot injure his slightest!” “难怪你的咒怨规则对他毫无效果,神体可以免疫绝大数规则力量,包括你的咒怨规则,刚刚第一次恐怕是他有意为之,故意测试你的规则本质,否则你根本伤不到他分毫!” The tone of female is especially dignified: Invincible, our time really met the hard stubble.” 女子的语气格外凝重:“无敌,咱们这次真的遇上硬茬了。” desolate Wudi complexion becomes incomparably ugly. 萧无敌的脸色变得无比难看。 God body these two characters are representing anything, he was extremely clear, after all this is various God exclusive, even if this false god is unable to bribe in most peak period! 神体这两个字代表着什么,他太过清楚了,毕竟这可是诸神的专属,哪怕就是自家这位伪神在最巅峰时期都无法染指! Although does not have the godship is so exaggerating by the level, may have unique that the god boundary is in sole possession, on the value, only where not necessarily missed on Wang Guanzhong's some godship. 虽然论层次没有神格那么夸张,可也有着神境独有的独一性,单就价值而言,未必就比海王冠中的这部分神格差到哪里去了。 Why can he has god body?” “他凭什么能有神体?” desolate has clenched jaws invincibly, since has met with the female, he arrives today is fortuitous encounter, confessed that is the child of destiny existed, but compares with the Lin Yi's god body, immediately is overshadowed. 萧无敌已是咬牙切齿,自从与女子相遇以来,他走到今天已是一路奇遇,自认乃是天命之子般的存在了,可是跟林逸的神体一比,顿时就黯然失色。 How can he lose to only insect in his eye? 他怎么能输给他眼中的区区一只虫子? , God body type of thing variable is too most critically big, levels all advantages that he thinks sufficiently, after all the list on the boundary, he himself now is also half revering. 更关键的是,神体这种东西变数太大,足以抹平他自以为的一切优势,毕竟单就境界来说,他自己如今也才是半步尊者而已。 Naturally, his half revering with other same level different, hard strength not only can the relaxed second kill same level, even if true Yellow Step Initial Phase, he can still the relaxed second kill. 当然,他这个半步尊者跟其他所有的同级都不一样,硬实力不仅能够轻松秒杀同级,就算是真正的黄阶初期尊者,他也能轻松秒杀。 So long as he wants, he can break through momentarily, the revering boundary is not always his goal, let alone was only trivial Yellow Step Initial Phase. 只要他愿意,他随时都能突破,尊者境从来都不是他的目标,更别说只是区区的黄阶初期尊者了。 But the pride of his all these comparing oneself to others god boundaries, in front of the Lin Yi solid god body, actually appear collapses at the first blow. 可他这一切自比神境的骄傲,在林逸实实在在的神体面前,却显得不堪一击。 Even, seeming like a joke. 甚至,看起来就是一个笑话。 The females said: Actually this is a huge good deed, the godship who even if originally you can swallow the sea god smoothly, displaces to sit the position of Shanghai god, in a short time is unable to have own god body, this is a huge hidden danger.” 女子却道:“其实这是一件天大的好事,本来你就算能够顺利吞下海神的神格,取而代之坐上海神的位置,短时间内也无法拥有自己的神体,这是一个巨大的隐患。” desolate Wudi responded immediately: Paternal aunt's you mean, can his god body be used by me?” 萧无敌当即反应过来:“姑姑你的意思是,他的这具神体能够为我所用?” The females are very assured: Very much so, it seems like I have not really been mistaken, you are that do not have child of the destiny ten million/countless, the others not unimaginable chance will deliver to your front radically spontaneously, you only then take advantage of opportunity to hold, naturally can soar!” 女子无比笃定:“正是如此,看来我真的没有看走眼,你就是那个千万中无一的天命之子,旁人根本无法想象的机缘会自发送到你的面前,你只有顺势抓住,自然就能一飞冲天!”
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