SBPE :: Volume #16

#10056: Chapter 10056

Let alone desolate has not prepared to listen to him rubbish invincibly from the start, launches the attack without delay immediately again, he only thought that was makes Lin Yi die in the pain of crazy broken corpse at this moment, then took over control of the god body of this being destined by him! 何况萧无敌压根也没准备听他废话,二话不说当即再次发起攻击,他此刻唯一的念头,就是让林逸在疯狂碎尸的痛苦中死去,然后由他来接管这具命中注定的神体! The Lin Yi's situation immediately becomes in imminent danger. 林逸的处境顿时变得岌岌可危。 Before the opposite party was only the casting a spell condition, he depended on incarnation Chi You also to be able a upfront war, but presently facing casting a spell desolate of two conditions was invincible, directly on bed sheet steamroll. 之前对方只是禁咒状态,他靠着化身蚩尤还能正面一战,可是现在面对禁咒二状态的萧无敌,直接就被单方面碾压了。 Although is insufficient to be beheaded casually again, but every puts in an appearance one time, the body will leave behind the shocking huge wound, almost cut off several times around the middle. 虽然不至于随随便便就被再次断头,可每一次照面,身上都会留下触目惊心的巨大伤口,几次都差点被拦腰斩断。 If continue, even if his self-recovery ability uses force or high-handed methods abnormal again, being defeated is also sooner or later matter. 照此下去,哪怕他自愈能力再硬霸变态,落败也是迟早的事情。 Li Yuanji knows in the sea to be greatly anxious in desolate Wudi: Was invincible you really to misunderstand, Lin Yi was really our people on one's own side, killed one another again, will only make kissing/betrothal painful enmity quick!” 李元姬在萧无敌识海中大急:“无敌你真的误会了,林逸真的是我们自己人,再这么自相残杀下去,只会让亲者痛仇者快!” Our people on one's own side?” “我们自己人?” desolate returns by sneering of hatred invincibly: Is paternal aunt's your person on one's own side?” 萧无敌回以怨毒的冷笑:“是姑姑你的自己人吧?” Li Yuanji has food stuck in the throat. 李元姬不由噎住。 This saying she also really has no way to refute, she is ancient God a clan orphan, Lin Yi is the ancient god final successor, in her concept each other naturally is the most trustworthy person on one's own side. 这话她还真的没法反驳,她是古神一族遗孤,林逸是古神最后的传人,在她观念中彼此自然是最值得信任的自己人。 After all so long as stained with a ancient god clan side, that is the entire god territory is an enemy, with creating the world god is the enemy! 毕竟只要与古神一族沾上了边,那就是与整个神域为敌,与创世神为敌! Each other warms up except for the report group, any other choices can only classify are stupid. 彼此除了报团取暖,其他任何选择都只能归类为愚蠢。 But her status has never mentioned with desolate Wudi, desolate Wudi still also only knows that she once was a false god, because some incident was forced the escaping lost territory, that is all. 可是她的身份从未跟萧无敌说起过,萧无敌至今也只知道她曾经是一个伪神,因为某次事件被迫逃出神域,仅此而已。 She wants to explain subconsciously, was actually stopped by own reason. 她下意识想要解释,却被自己的理智制止。 If only then she, disclosed that a matter of ancient God clan knows to desolate Wudi, pouring the issue is not big, but relates to Lin Yi now, this is not she can do to make a decision arbitrarily. 如果只有她自己,透露古神一族的事情给萧无敌知道,倒也问题不大,可如今关系到林逸,这就不是她能擅自做决断的了。 After all are many a person to know, to Lin Yi on many one point of danger. 毕竟多一个人知道,对林逸就多一分危险。 After experiencing new World, she has regarded ancient God a clan final hope Lin Yi now, even if she dies, does not allow anybody to threaten the Lin Yi's safety. 在见识了新世界之后,她如今已经将林逸当成了古神一族最后的希望,哪怕她自己去死,也绝不允许任何人威胁到林逸的安危。 This is she a mission as ancient God clan orphan most important. 这是她身为古神一族遗孤最重要的使命。 Before then, she to desolate Wudi is the absolute trust, but presently saw the desolate invincibly so unusual performance, this trust has actually started to become less crowded. 在此之前,她对萧无敌是绝对信任,可现在看到了萧无敌如此反常的表现,这份信任却是已经开始松动了。 Was speechless?” “无话可说了?” desolate invincibly even more fearful, under the heart recognized oneself were worn the green hat, even if Li Yuanji only works as the apprentice to regard him from beginning to end, but he does not manage. 萧无敌越发心寒,心下更加认定自己被戴了绿帽,哪怕李元姬从始至终都只把他当徒弟看待,可是他不管。 Li Yuanji is his something for one's own exclusive use, no one can touch, who bumps who must die! 李元姬是他的禁脔,谁也不能触碰,谁碰谁就必须死! The dreadful anger changes to the limit storm, this he no longer has the least bit to keep the hand time, Lin Yi dismembering dozens. 滔天怒意化作极限强攻,这一次他不再有半点留手,生生将林逸给分尸成了数十块。 However under new World source strength actuation, Lin Yi quick on again recover such as beginning, in this outside world he, although cannot in home game such incarnation gods, but is only this simple self- rebirth is actually a cinch. 然而在新世界本源力量驱动之下,林逸很快就再度恢复如初,在这外界他虽然不能在主场那样化身神明,可只是这种简单的自我重生却不在话下。 After all, new World although now the chaos have not opened, but the evolved degree is not low. 毕竟,新世界如今虽说混沌未开,但演化程度也已经不低了。 Absurd!” “岂有此理!” desolate invincible this did not have the joyful color, instead gave birth to several points of anxiety faintly. 萧无敌这回却没有了欣喜之色,反而隐隐生出了几分不安。 Although emotionally is not willing to acknowledge absolutely, but he truly felt the suppressed feeling, that came from the dimensionality reduction suppression in level. 虽然感情上绝对不愿意承认,但他确实感受到了被压制的感觉,那是来自层次上的降维压制。 By mentality that he is so conceited, unexpectedly was regarded as the unimportant person of insect to suppress by him reverse, did he possibly the so accept brutal reality? 以他如此自视甚高的心态,居然被一个他视为虫子的小人物反向压制,他怎么可能接受得了如此残酷的现实? When I must have a look at you to be able but actually to barely manage to maintain a feeble existence!” “我倒要看看你能苟延残喘到什么时候!” desolate Wudi to oneself the psychological suggestion, abnormal self-recovery ability also has certainly its limit unceasingly again powerful again, so long as his killing broke through that limit, that all are the floating clouds. 萧无敌不断给自己心理暗示,再强大再变态的自愈能力也一定有着它的极限,只要他的杀伤突破了那个极限,那就一切都是浮云。 At this time the Lin Yi light opens the mouth said: How long couldn't you insist probably?” 这时林逸淡淡开口道:“你好像也坚持不了多久吧?” The desolate invincible complexion is one black. 萧无敌脸色又是一黑。 In a few words direct stamp his Achilles'heel, if only the ordinary casting a spell condition, he can also maintain some time reluctantly, its side effect of bring can also press reluctantly, but needs to pay the huge price. 一句话直接戳中了他的死穴,如果只是普通的禁咒状态,他还能勉强维持一段时间,其带来的副作用也勉强能够压下去,只不过需要付出巨大代价罢了。 But the present casting a spell two conditions, his limit duration over one column is not fragrant. 可是眼下的禁咒二状态,他的极限持续时间也不超过一柱香。 Once surpasses, he himself must collapse. 一旦超过,他自己就要崩溃。 Li Yuanji still in knowing the sea earnestly advised him painstakingly, desolate was invincible, not only did not have more sober, the anger instead even more rose suddenly. 李元姬还在识海中苦苦劝他,萧无敌非但没有清醒一些,怒意反而越发暴涨。 You could rest assured that I can project on you dead.” “你放心,我可以打到你死。” „......” “……” Lin Yi shows a strange smile, he actually very simple countermeasure, leaves to draw back hides in new World, at the appointed time the opposite party estimates air/Qi silly bi at the scene. 林逸不由露出一个古怪的笑容,他其实有一个很简单的应对之策,抽身而退躲进新世界,到时对方估计得当场气成傻哔。 This can be said as the most perfect strategy, only if desolate Wudi has the means to lock his position, breaks new World forcefully, otherwise is the non-solution. 这可说是最完美的策略,除非萧无敌有办法锁定他的位置,强行打破新世界,否则就是无解。 The non-solutions in various significances. 各种意义上的无解。 However Lin Yi has not actually planned to do that cares about Li Yuanji feeling actually not, but is the opponent is rare, he truly wants at this moment very much happily follows one opposite party. 不过林逸却没有打算这么做,倒不是顾忌李元姬的感受,而是对手难得,他此时此刻确实很想要痛痛快快的跟对方干一架。 After all, only has ultra intensity the life-and-death fight, is the quickest strengthen shortcut. 毕竟,唯有超强度的生死之战,才是最快的变强捷径。 Ok, I have not happen to given the person in vain, when the sandbag fondness, was hit by you were so long, I may also suppress a lot of fires.” “行吧,正好我也没有白白给人当沙包的癖好,被你打了这么久,我可也是憋了一肚子火啊。” Lin Yi smiles lightly. 林逸淡淡一笑。 Beast god belief that ahead of time reserves lights quietly, one ten times in his ordinary powerful aura, are wreaking havoc from his demon god Chi You's within the body immediately crazily gushing out, the surroundings space started some distortions. 提前预留的一点兽神信仰度悄然点燃,一股十倍于他平常的强大气息,随即从他魔神蚩尤的体内疯狂肆虐着涌出,连带周围空间都开始有些扭曲了。 The gods are near. 神临。 desolate Wudi eyelid jumps crazily, he naturally knows that this condition is representing anything, calls out in alarm loses one's voice: You have beast god belief unexpectedly!” 萧无敌眼皮狂跳,他自然知道这种状态代表着什么,不由惊呼失声:“你居然有兽神信仰度!” He has the casting a spell card in a hand, with the combustion belief god before having the wonder of equally good results from different methods, but synthesizes various aspects to consider, the god near compares to his casting a spell to stronger plan obviously. 他有禁咒底牌,与燃烧信仰度的神临有着异曲同工之妙,但综合各方面考量,神临显然比起他的禁咒还是要更强一筹。 Even if each other strength strengthens ten times, needs to pay the huge price, the price that but he casts a spell is he himself, but the price that the god is near is actually various God believes. 哪怕彼此实力都是强化十倍,也都需要付出巨大的代价,可他禁咒的代价是他自己,而神临的代价却是诸神信仰度。 Indeed various God believes is extremely is also rare. 诚然诸神信仰度也是十分难得。 Except that grasped the exception of special mystique like alone this solitary one hero, regarding certainly large number ordinary revering boundary expert, perhaps the whole body family belongings cannot arrive at various God of number in the units place to believe that but this eventually is the external object, the total ratio offers sacrifices oneself to be much better. 除了像独孤一雄那样掌握了特殊秘法的例外,对于绝大数普通尊者境高手来说,恐怕全身家当都抵不了个位数的诸神信仰度,可这终究还是外物,总比献祭自己要好得多。 If some elect, desolate will not choose casting a spell invincibly. 如果有的选,萧无敌也不会选择禁咒。 What a pity he does not have, Li Yuanji ratter status was doomed, she cannot use any and other god related methods, naturally could not teach the desolate invincible god to be near, important could not give various God who he needed to believe. 可惜他没有,李元姬的叛变者身份注定了,她不能使用任何与其他诸神有关的手段,自然也就教不了萧无敌神临,更重要是给不了他需要的诸神信仰度。 Lin Yi chuckle: Since you opened hanging, I open one is very normal.” 林逸轻笑着回了一句:“既然你都开了挂,我开一个也很正常吧。” Finally, his superficial tone, even more stimulated desolate Wudi to border on the reason of out-of-control. 结果,他这副轻描淡写的语气,越发刺激了萧无敌濒临失控的理智。 Insect is the insect, thinks that can turn over/stand up by this external object? Laughable!” “虫子就是虫子,以为靠这点外物就能翻身?可笑至极!” The desolate invincible violent anger acts. 萧无敌暴怒出手。 However this time, was actually killed the solid resentment by Lin Yi simple vibration bang, not only he puts out a blood, bound at the live incantation of his body surface whole body dim several points. 然而这一次,却被林逸简简单单一记震动轰杀结结实实怼了回去,不仅他本人吐出一口鲜血,连带裹在他体表周身的活咒文都黯淡了几分。
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