SBPE :: Volume #16

#10044: Chapter 10044

If the normal state sea god, by god disparity of boundary difference between heaven and earth with revering boundaries, because of read to live the most insignificant seal strength, was not common revering can bribe. 如果是正常状态的海神,以神境与尊者境之间天差地别的差距,哪怕只是因一念而生最微不足道的封印力量,也绝不是寻常尊者可以染指的。 What a pity his present godship loses falls, although sits the sea god in name as before the position, but strength is declining in fact always rapidly, from predecessor beast god such learning from another's mistakes is not far. 可惜他如今神格失坠,虽然名义上依旧坐着海神的位置,可事实上实力无时无刻不在急速衰退,距离前任兽神这样的前车之鉴已是不远。 Although does not seem like beast temple such, was walked by own subordinate in directly the following to subdue|grams, but the front stands an ambitious desolate to be invincible, actually and has no essential difference. 虽然不像是兽神殿那样,直接被自己的麾下行走以下克上,但面前站着一个野心勃勃的萧无敌,其实并无任何本质区别。 The biggest difference nothing but is that new beast god every action and every movement extremely is discrete, has not overstepped to create the custom of the world god truly, but present desolate does not have slightly the scruples in this aspect invincibly, that is all. 最大的区别无非是那位新任兽神一举一动十分谨慎,始终没有真正逾越创世神的规矩,而眼前的萧无敌却没有丝毫这方面的顾忌,仅此而已。 Does not know that had food stuck in the throat, is thorough frozen, the sea god will not have the sound from now on. 不知是被噎住,还是被彻底冰封,海神自此没了动静。 desolate Wudi thinks little: „Will gods also feign death? Hehe, what a pity feigns death uselessly, your subordinate sea gods walk do not know that your situation, you do not dare to make them know your situation, yes?” 萧无敌不以为意:“神明也会装死?呵呵,可惜装死没用啊,你那些麾下的海神行走根本不知道你的处境,你也根本不敢让他们知道你的处境,是吧?” Normal, various God walks is various God the spokesman, both sides are the benefit communities. 正常来说,诸神行走是诸神的代言人,双方是实打实的利益共同体。 Top various God who the especially those are the top position walks, with various God is depth binding, this relations want deeply to be much sturdier than theoretically the blood relationship. 尤其是那些排名前列的顶级诸神行走,与诸神之间更是深度绑定,这种关系理论上远比血缘关系都要深厚牢靠得多。 Theoretically, it can be said that is impregnable. 理论上,可说是无懈可击。 What a pity the beast temple just had/left the precedent in following to subdue|grams, indicates that a brand-new chaotic time has approached, this type should the impregnable relations all of a sudden become in imminent danger. 可惜兽神殿刚刚出了以下克上的先例,预示着一个全新的混乱时代已经来临,这种本该牢不可破的关系一下子变得岌岌可危。 Under some secret strength guidance, various God and various God walked had fallen into a fatal suspicion chain. 在某种幕后力量引导之下,诸神与诸神行走之间已经陷入了一条致命的猜疑链。 By the sea god present situation, once announced that own situation, greets his big probability is not the support of unity is strength, but careerist one after another. 以海神眼下的处境,一旦公布自己的处境,迎接他的大概率不是众志成城的拥护,而是一个接一个的野心家。 Does not need to be many, even if only then, made him beyond redemption sufficiently. 不需要多,哪怕只有一个,就足以令他万劫不复。 Therefore, he does not dare to bet, cannot bet from the start. 所以,他根本不敢赌,也压根赌不起。 Pitiful gods who can only wait for death, you said that we who is more like the insect?” “一个只能等死的可悲的神明,你说咱俩到底谁更像是虫子?” desolate Wudi laughs pleased. 萧无敌快意大笑。 For today, he and knew in the sea this to be called by him for paternal aunt's female is with concentration the layout entire three Ten-year, although compared position of the solid sea god, this time at all was not anything, painstaking care that but consumed these days, is the average man definitely is actually not able to imagine. 为了今天,他和识海中这位被他称呼为姑姑的女子已是潜心布局了整整三十年,虽然相比起一个实实在在的海神之位,这点时间根本不算什么,可这段时间所消耗的心血,却已是常人完全无法想象。 He has bet oneself all. 他已经赌上了自己的一切。 Now all smooth, everything is ready, only owes the east wind! 如今一切顺利,万事俱备,只欠东风! While desolate Wudi smug time, he knows in the sea to represent 5 th and 7 th that two luminous spots disappears suddenly together, is exactly the same as the situation of beforehand shadow man. 正当萧无敌踌躇满志的时候,他识海中代表着五号和七号的那两个光点忽然齐齐消失,跟之前黑影男子的情况如出一辙。 This matter?” “还有这种事?” desolate is invincible, although in surface careless, but eventually were for many several points to care. 萧无敌虽然面上还是漫不经心,不过终究还是多了几分在意。 5 th and 7 th in numerous expert that was controlled by him, is strength extremely near the top existed, only by the individual strength, below the revering boundary that is out-and-out top expert. 五号和七号在被他支配的一众高手之中,已算是实力十分靠前的存在了,单论个体战力,在尊者境以下那都是不折不扣的顶级高手 If not use to press the bottom the card in a hand, even if he acts personally, wants to solve them in such short time is not that easy, let alone is two people together! 如果不动用压箱底的底牌,就算是他本人亲自出手,想要在如此之短的时间内解决他们都不是那么容易的,何况还是两个人一起! However, desolate Wudi still does not have the meaning that must make a move slightly personally. 不过,萧无敌依然没有丝毫要亲自出手的意思。 The empire ruins are the home game of his careful designation, especially also defined specially boundary upper limits of all trial, the fellow who one crowd of hard strength revering boundary thresholds cannot trace continually, at all not possible to pose any substantive threat to him. 帝国废墟是他精心选定的主场,尤其还专门限定了所有试炼者的境界上限,一群硬实力连尊者境门槛都摸不到的家伙,根本不可能对他形成任何实质性的威胁。 With the sea god words, nothing but is one flock of insects. 用海神的话来说,无非是一群虫子而已。 Contemptuously turns over to contemptuously, desolate Wudi does not have to the situation of completely disregarding arrogantly, the direct remote control ordered: „1st and 2nd and 3rd, you had a look together in the past.” 轻蔑归轻蔑,萧无敌倒也没自大到完全无视的地步,直接遥控下令:“一号、二号、三号,你们一起过去看看。” Top three expert send out together, said strictly, this row of surface is actually quite big. 排名前三的高手一起出动,严格说起来,这排面其实已是相当不小了。 To come in him, such lineup has had more than enough to spare. 在他想来,这样的阵容已是绰绰有余。 The result is quick, before three people on step, that several people of road to disaster, represents their luminous spots, in desolate Wudi knows in the sea also to disappear. 结果很快,三人就又步上了之前那几人的覆辙,代表他们的光点在萧无敌识海中同时消失。 „It is not quite right.” “不太对劲。” The female voice resounds, having several points to propose dignifiedly: I thought that you should walk one personally.” 女子声音重新响起,带着几分凝重提议道:“我觉得你该亲自走一趟了。” desolate selected the eyebrow invincibly: This insect is a little truly not as I expected, but the insect is the insect, my present urgent matter conducts according to the plan, perhaps will otherwise be penny-wise and pound foolish.” 萧无敌挑了挑眉:“这只虫子确实有点出乎我的预料,不过虫子就是虫子,我眼下的当务之急还是照计划进行吧,否则说不定会因小失大。” Words are so, is......” “话是如此,可是……” The females somewhat worried faintly. 女子还是隐隐有些担忧。 Her status is unusual, the peak period is away from various God, only then the false god of final one pace, her intuition is different from being prompted by a sudden impulse of general cultivator, but nearly in coming from the future caution. 她的身份非同寻常,巅峰时期乃是距离诸神只有最后一步之遥的伪神,她的直觉已经不同于一般修炼者的心血来潮,而是近乎于来自未来的警示。 If in the peak condition, she believes surely does not doubt. 如果是在巅峰状态,她对此必定会坚信不疑。 What a pity her present condition is really pitiful, was only left over half-dead broken origin spirit, all sorts of method overwhelming majorities of false god period have expired, this caution somewhat credibility, has not really said. 可惜她如今的状态实在凄惨,只剩下了一个半死不活的残破元神,伪神时期的种种手段绝大多数都已失效,这种警示还有几分可信度,实在是不好说。 desolate Wudi said comfortably: Paternal aunt, you must be confident to our three Ten-year painstaking care, all possible sudden outbreaks have made the plan, especially presently most essential one step has been completed, we have victory in the hand.” 萧无敌宽慰道:“姑姑,你要对咱们三十年的心血有信心,一切可能的突发状况都已经做了预案,尤其现在最关键的一步都已完成,我们已经胜券在握了。” From beginning to end, poured into resting face/color Ercai of sea god most godship is most important. 从头到尾,灌注了海神大半神格的休颜儿才是重中之重。 Now rests face in his hands, remaining gathers the strength routinely, the seal of rumbling broken sea royal crown, takes out the sea god other half godship at one fell swoop. 如今休颜儿在他手中,剩下就只是按部就班汇聚力量,一举轰碎海王冠的封印,将海神的另一半神格取出。 So long as combines two parts of godship, he can obtain the complete sea god godship, displaces it, reaches the sky in a single bound! 只要将两部分神格合二为一,他就能获得完整的海神神格,将其取而代之,一步登天! Things have gotten to this point, no one has been able to prevent the progress that he reaches. 事已至此,已经没有任何人能够阻挡他登顶的进步。 Person who because truly has strength, kept off beside the empire ruins, but can enter trial who comes to here, is doomed is not not possible to threaten his strength. 因为真正有实力的人,都被挡在帝国废墟之外,而能够进入到这里来的试炼者,就注定不可能有威胁到他的实力 This is a non-solution paradox. 这就是一个无解的悖论。 The females worry: Does not fear 10,000, fears by some chance......” 女子还是忧心:“不怕一万,就怕万一……” Does not have the eventuality here!” “在我这里没有万一!” desolate invincible categorical breaks, in the eye is glittering the firm self-confidence: „The sea god position I sat well, no one can block, only not knowing the immensity of heaven and earth insect cannot block!” 萧无敌斩钉截铁一口打断,眼中闪烁着坚定的自信:“海神的位置我坐定了,谁也拦不住,区区一只不知天高地厚的虫子更拦不住!” The females are again silent. 女子再度沉默。 She also knows, the development these step actually cannot be changed, can only walk routinely, otherwise not only no helps, instead causing complications will perhaps make the situation deteriorate. 她也知道,局势发展到这一步其实已经不容更改了,只能按部就班的走下去,否则非但于事无补,反而也许会节外生枝让局势恶化。 In fact so far, the situation is also actually far from needing the pessimistic situation, just the opposite, besides the small interlude of this minor details, instead it can be said that all smooth. 事实上到目前为止,局势其实也远远没到需要悲观的地步,恰恰相反,除了这个细枝末节的小小插曲之外,反而可说是一切顺利。 So long as continues, the desolate invincible big probability can lie down to win. 只要继续下去,萧无敌大概率可以躺赢。 Since can lie down to win, why that can also move unnecessarily? 既然可以躺赢,那为什么还要多此一举? Does not blame desolate invincibly so tenaciously, after all the entire logic is so, believes including female, but that intense and dangerous intuition is actually giving her to warn unceasingly. 不怪萧无敌如此固执,毕竟整个逻辑就是如此,包括女子自己也都是这么认为,只是那种强烈又危险的直觉却又不断在给她警示。 If by some chance the opposite party didn't speak the logic? 万一对方根本就不讲逻辑呢?
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