SBPE :: Volume #16

#10045: Chapter 10045

Paternal aunt does not need to be worried, believes that I am good, I will be careful.” “姑姑不必担心了,相信我就好,我会小心的。” desolate invincible is saying, while signed contract under the hand | subordinate through his incantation resentful long-distance control numerous with him, with utmost effort speeds up the progress. 萧无敌一边说着,一边通过他的咒怨远程操控一众跟他签了契约的手下,尽一切可能加快进度。 In a while, another lucky fellow who found the sea royal crown was blown out. 没过多久,又一个找到海王冠的幸运儿被爆出。 But just like former that this was to also be exposed to light dead, from finding the sea royal crown to died a violent death at the scene, let alone insisted one all day, this person linked column fragrant time unable to insist from the start. 而跟之前那个一样,这位同样是见光死,从找到海王冠到当场暴毙,别说坚持一整天,此人压根连一柱香的时间都没能坚持过去。 The point of descent of sea royal crown also renovates again, is random the presently next place. 海王冠的落点随之再度刷新,随机出现在下一个地方。 Short after half of the day, a Third lucky fellow appears, this slightly for a long time insisted a point actually, but also as before column fragrant time. 短短半天之后,第三个幸运儿出现,这位倒是坚持得稍微久了一点,但也依旧堪堪一柱香时间而已。 Then, the sea royal crown was renovated again. 然后,海王冠再次被刷新。 Afterward is fourth, fifth, sixth...... 随后就是第四个,第五个,第六个…… More and more trial realized gradually, sea royal crown that this is representing the huge power and influence and interests, to them perhaps not necessarily is a reaching stair, instead is more like a fearful curse. 越来越多的试炼者渐渐意识到,这个代表着巨大权势和利益的海王冠,对他们来说也许未必就是一步登顶的台阶,反而更像是一种可怕的诅咒。 Who found it, who will die. 谁找到它,谁就会死。 But the game is still continuing, what is strange is even if many people have awakened, wants to withdraw from selection trial that this bad risk measures not on own initiative, but simply does not have this option. 可是游戏还在继续,吊诡的是就算许多人已经醒悟过来,想要主动退出这场凶险莫测的选拔试炼,但却根本没有这个选项。 The offshore king selects trial, once enters, the mechanism that has not withdrawn from own initiative, wants to leave the empire ruins to only have two methods. 近海王选拔试炼一旦进入,就没有主动退出的机制,想要离开帝国废墟只有两种方法。 Either died in trial, either waits till the new near sea king emergence, does not have a Third possibility except this. 要么在试炼中死亡,要么等到新的近海王出现,除此没有第三种可能。 In order to safe arrives careless finally, many trial no longer on own initiative the place that is close to the sea king crown presenting, instead bought the soy sauce in the common edge position as far as possible. 为了能够平安苟到最后,许多试炼者不再主动接近海王冠出现的地方,反而尽可能在不起眼的边缘位置打起了酱油。 But, lucky fellows were blown out as before unceasingly, then dies a violent death rapidly. 可是,一个又一个的幸运儿依旧被不断爆出,然后迅速暴毙。 Matter was more and more interesting.” “事情可是越来越有趣了。” Personally sees the 11 th lucky fellow dead a violent death, Lin Yi selected the eyebrow, he clearly sees that person not on own initiative by the offshore royal crown, but was being pursued running by the sea royal crown! 亲眼看见第十一个幸运儿暴毙,林逸不由挑了挑眉毛,他分明看到那人并非主动靠近海王冠,而是在被海王冠追着跑! Jiang Xiaoshang followed speechless: This selects trial, using an alternative delivers to eat to the sea royal crown came?” 姜小尚跟着无语:“这到底是选拔试炼,还是变着法的给海王冠送吃的来了?” If personally does not see, who can think the sea royal crown that everyone goes after like ducks unexpectedly is such will monster that eats the person, pursue trial to run unexpectedly on own initiative? 如果不是亲眼所见,谁能想到大家趋之若鹜的海王冠竟是这么个吃人的怪物,居然会主动追着试炼者跑? Lin Yi looking pensive: Sea royal crown does not have life, can that all these only be desolate Wudi writing skill?” 林逸若有所思:“海王冠本身没有生命,那这一切只能是萧无敌的手笔了?” Jiang Xiaoshang nodded: „ Should get down the curse by him, regular strength that he controls, as expected should be the incantation in Legend complained, although is only the second-level rule, may actually be the most immeasurably deep rule. 姜小尚点头:“应该是被他下了诅咒,他所掌控的规则力量,不出所料应该就是传说中的咒怨了,虽然只是二级规则,可却是最深不可测的一项规则。 The position of god of curse until now is the vacancy, because no one can control it truly, except for creating world god. ” 诅咒之神的位置迄今为止都是空缺,因为没有任何一个人能真正掌控它,除了创世神本人。” Some Lin Yi surprise: He, since wants to murder the god, wants to sit the sea god the position, that should not controls the sea rule, how can be the incantation resentful rule?” 林逸有些诧异:“他既然想要弑神,想要坐海神的位置,那不应该是掌控海洋规则吗,怎么会是咒怨规则?” Jiang Xiaoshang strange looked at his one eyes: God position is only an god position, who told you on if certainly sea rule?” 姜小尚奇怪的看了他一眼:“神位只是神位,谁跟你说就一定要是海洋规则了?” Isn't?” “难道不是?” Lin Yi is stunned, just like other most people, to this matter he was also first impressions are most lasting of taking for granted. 林逸愕然,跟其他大多数人一样,对这件事他也是想当然的先入为主了。 Jiang Xiaoshang curled the lip: „ Of course not, you can understand that these ancestral tablets common custom Wang Chaozhong's officer position, the officer position is a matter, the one who sits in the officer position is what person, that was a different matter. 姜小尚撇嘴:“当然不是,你可以把这些神位理解成世俗王朝中的官位,官位是一回事,坐在官位上的是个什么样的人,那就是另一回事了。 Although, creates the world god to enfeoff the considerations in some various God truly this aspects from the beginning, but has not made the strict limit. 虽然在一开始的时候,创世神分封诸神确实有这方面的考虑,但并没有对此做出严格限制。 The key of god position lies in a godship, so long as you have the godship, you can sit the corresponding god position, the regular strength that even if you grasp has nothing to do with one another with the sea, you still can still sit the position of Shanghai god steadfastly. ” 神位的关键在于神格,只要你有神格,你就能坐上相应的神位,就算你掌握的规则力量跟海洋风马牛不相及,你也依然可以踏踏实实坐上海神之位。” Lin Yi suddenly: This First time heard actually.” 林逸恍然:“这倒是第一次听说。” Jiang Xiaoshang supplemented that explained: „ However, must say that between both 1 relevance does not have, that is also insufficient but actually, but the primary and secondary relations think with you are just opposite. 姜小尚补充解释道:“不过话说回来,要说两者之间一点相关性都没有,那倒也不至于,不过主次关系跟你所想的刚好相反。 If desolate invincible this time really sits the position of Shanghai god, then he can according to his like to transform the sea, for example makes the trim sea area the sea of curse! ” 如果萧无敌这次真的坐上海神之位,那么他就可以依照他的喜好去改造海洋,比如让整片海域成为诅咒之海!” , Jiang Xiaoshang was full of meaning and said one: Looks at his stance, perhaps to going well is not far.” 顿了顿,姜小尚饶有意味的又说了一句:“看他这个架势,恐怕已是离得手不远了。” Lin Yi nods: 11 unlucky ghosts died, means that he can harvest 11 waves of strength supplies, if gathered completely in same place that scene may a little be exaggerating.” 林逸点点头:“十一个倒霉鬼死亡,意味着他可以收割十一波力量补给,要是全部合在一起那场面可就有点夸张了啊。” Although desolate Wudi person around folded much under his hand, moreover is the sharpest that batch, but can also judge to result in come out through the traces even if, signed contract expert with desolate Wudi, the population are absolutely many! 虽然萧无敌的人在他手底下前后折了不少,而且还都是最精锐的那一批,可哪怕只是通过蛛丝马迹也能判断得出来,与萧无敌签了契约的高手,人数绝对不少! desolate Wudi wants to collect the strength supplies, no one can block him. 萧无敌想要收集力量补给,根本没人能拦得住他。 Jiang Xiaoshang nod approval: From empire ruins advantageous location, selects trial all sorts of rules to the offshore king, is he builds completely carefully, so long as the snowball starts to roll, definitely will get bigger and bigger, if you try to find the solution.” 姜小尚点头赞同:“从帝国废墟这个得天独厚的场地,到近海王选拔试炼的种种规则,全部都是他精心打造,只要雪球开始滚起来,就必然会越滚越大,你要想想办法了。” Even if there is a new World scratch coat, once the ignores opposite party rolls the snowball to the space unscrupulously goes, perhaps when the time comes even Lin Yi, still can only walk for the best plan. 哪怕有新世界打底,一旦放任对方肆无忌惮将雪球滚到天上去,到时候就算是林逸,恐怕也只能走为上策了。 But once the situation develops that step, he wants in the plan that the sea area bases, must go bankrupt directly. 而局势一旦发展到那一步,他想在海域立足的计划,直接就得破产。 However, this sudden outbreak, although gave him one to be caught off guard, but in to endanger organic, if used to finish is also an unprecedented golden opportunity. 不过话说回来,这次突发状况虽说给了他一个措手不及,但危中有机,如果利用好了却也是一次前所未有的绝佳机会。 After all if places ordinarily, wants to meddle the sea area top power pattern, that is almost the unimaginable matter. 毕竟要是放在平常,想要插手海域最顶层的权力格局,那几乎是不可想象的事情。 This is the sea does not have the day strength. 这才是海无天的力量。 The shadow man compels at the scene ignorant: „Before that whose is?” 黑影男子当场懵逼:“那之前的又是谁的?” Strength supplies type of thing cannot emerge out of thin air with no reason at all, has the given objective to arrive inevitably in this region, the shadow man thinks that here is terrified is startled. 力量补给这种东西不会无缘无故凭空出现,必然是有着既定目标才会降临在这片区域的,黑影男子想到这里不由悚然一惊。 Does the nearby have the Third individual? 难道附近还有第三个人? Unexpectedly some people can under his eye hides hides such for a long time . Moreover the least bit shows no trace, the key he also snatched the strength supplies of opposite party, this person of attitude does not need to want ready ready to be the enemy non- friend! 居然有人能在他的眼皮子底下潜藏这么久,而且半点不露痕迹,关键他还抢了对方的力量补给,此人态度不用想妥妥是敌非友! Thinks of here, the shadow man only thinks cold air from the foot heel direct impact scalp, suddenly regarding dreading of this mysterious Third person even also above Lin Yi! 一想到这里,黑影男子只觉一股寒气从脚后跟直冲头皮,一时间对于这个神秘第三人的忌惮甚至还远在林逸之上! Can compel this grade of position him, Lin Yi admittedly is the threat is to him huge, may regarding the unknown ultimate fear throughout be the instinct of human, this point, even if unable to change to existence of his rank. 能够生生把他逼到这等境地,林逸对他来说固然是威胁巨大,可对于未知的终极恐惧始终是人类的天性,这一点哪怕到了他这种级别的存在也无法更改。 The Lin Yi seeing that corners of the mouth brought back a pondering curve. 林逸见状嘴角勾起了一丝玩味的弧度。 Reminded opposite party matter specially, was actually a psychological warfare, although only coped with front this person of issue is not big by his strength, but went all out also uses the full power. 特意提醒对方这件事,其实就是一场攻心战,虽然以他的实力只对付面前这人问题不大,但狮子搏兔亦用全力。 Let alone how the opposite party said that is also grasping the strengths of 10% boundary levels, many is also a variable. 何况对方怎么说也是握着10%尊者境层次的力量,多少也算是一个变数。
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