SBPE :: Volume #16

#10043: Chapter 10043

Rested face/color Ertai raised the head: „Does your such insect also want to blaspheme this god?” 休颜儿抬了抬头:“你这样的虫子也想来亵渎本神?” Insect?” “虫子?” desolate selected the eyebrow invincibly: Good keeping aloof title, conforms to you status actually very much as gods, naturally also conforms to my later status very much, after all later the position was I sits.” 萧无敌挑了挑眉:“好一个高高在上的称谓,倒是很符合你身为神明的身份,当然也很符合我以后的身份,毕竟以后你的位置就是我坐了。” Depends on you?” “就凭你?” Rests in face deep blue both eyes to show two substantive regarding pressures suddenly, this is the invincible might variant, its place visited all were twisted the steamroll, the terrifying of its destructive power, hangs to hit 99% rule big moves sufficiently. 休颜儿湛蓝双目中忽然透出两道实质性的视压,这是神威变种,其所过之处一切都被扭曲碾压,其破坏力之恐怖,足以吊打90%九的规则大招。 Camel of skinny is big, although let alone the present sea god goes down in the world, but also has a disparity to the true skinny. 瘦死的骆驼比马大,何况如今的海神虽然落魄,但离真正瘦死却还有一段差距。 Even if present resting face is not his main body, but he poured into the substitute of most godship, similarly does not have the invincible might that can be deceived. 哪怕眼下的休颜儿并非他本尊,只是他灌注了大半神格的替代品,同样有着不容亵渎的神威。 Single this point, has made him be in an impregnable position. 单这一点,就已令他立于不败之地了。 desolate is invincible, although in the surface has not paid attention to the opposite party, the body actually chose the circumvention extremely honestly. 萧无敌虽然面上没把对方放在眼里,身体却是极为老实的选择了规避。 The invincible might cannot meet hardly, this is the minimum general knowledge, even if the opposite party is the landing phoenix is inferior to the chicken, must give enough respect in this point. 神威不可硬接,这是最起码的常识,哪怕对方已是落地凤凰不如鸡,在这一点上也必须给予足够的尊重。 desolate Wudi turns over to self-confidently self-confidently, but does not have the brain to be arrogant. 萧无敌自信归自信,但不是无脑自大。 However at this moment rests face/color Er to release the come out invincible might and line of sight fuses together, so long as is the line of sight place visited, then has the invincible might to sweep, even if generally cultivator the movement speed is unable to avoid again quickly. 不过此刻休颜儿释放出来的神威与视线融为一体,只要是视线所过之处,便有神威扫过,一般修炼者哪怕身法速度再快也无法躲开。 After all, has the movement possibly resulted in the line of sight quickly? 毕竟,身法怎么可能快得过视线? However desolate actually figure changes into together the from head to tail electric light invincibly, suddenly is to make the invincible might unable to catch up with him unexpectedly, the scene fell into the strange and soul-stirring rubber. 然而萧无敌却身形化为一道彻头彻尾的电光,一时间竟是令神威始终追不上他,场面陷入了诡异而又惊心动魄的胶着。 What thing does in the world have to be able quick the speed of lightning?” “天底下有什么东西能快过闪电的速度?” This is the desolate invincibly biggest self-confidence. 这就是萧无敌最大的自信。 Normal rank extremely high thunder and lightning rule ability, is unable to achieve the whole person even changes into the electric light thoroughly, but he can, only this point make him stand in peak of undefeated sufficiently. 正常即便是等级极高的雷电规则能力者,也无法做到将自己整个人彻底化为电光,但他可以,仅此一点就足以令他站在不败的巅峰 In an numerous second-level rule, the thunder and lightning rule might be considered as most used force or high-handed methods the non-solution a rule, simultaneously has both the non-solution the killing of speed and terrifying. 在一众二级规则之中,雷电规则本就堪称是最硬霸无解的一项规则,同时兼具无解的速度和恐怖的杀伤。 Places desolate at this moment invincible, because the body thunder and lightning does not have the reason of entity, is the successive defeats does not know how to defeat! 放在此刻的萧无敌身上,因为身化雷电没有实体的缘故,更是连败都不知道怎么败! Highlights two characters from head to foot. 从头到脚就突出两个字。 Non-solution. 无解。 But this, is he is at with the energy that the sea god contests directly. 而这,就是他与海神正面过招的底气所在。 Runs the quick insect also insect.” “跑得再快的虫子也还是虫子。” Rests the face invincible might to erupt suddenly, at this moment the invincible might no longer solely come out from her both eyes, whole body emitted the trace of invincible might, will be ready to make trouble as if momentarily from exploding. 休颜儿忽然神威爆发,这一刻神威不再单单是从她双目之中出来,全身上下都冒出了神威的痕迹,蠢蠢欲动似乎随时都会自爆。 desolate Wudi sees that the heart to jump, this has to perish together, really the gods are the untender lunatic! 萧无敌见状不由心头一跳,这是有同归于尽啊,果然神明都是毫无感情的疯子! Trades to make any cultivator, in own strength occupies in the situation of overwhelming superiority, even if unable to create fatal killing to the opposite party for a while, will not so choose with the opposite party rashly perishes together. 换做任何一个修炼者,在自身实力占据绝对优势的情况下,哪怕一时无法给对方造成致命杀伤,也绝不会如此冒然选择跟对方同归于尽。 Even if really has so rams the person of iron headstrongly, that still must intertwine well hesitant. 就算真有如此莽撞头铁之人,那也必然要好好纠结犹豫一下。 But regarding not having sentimental gods, this together icy computation topic, after he figures out the right key, even if this right key seems like unreasonable, he will also be put into practice without hesitation, just like the present. 可是对于没有感情的神明来说,这就只是一道冷冰冰的计算题,当他算出正确答案之后,哪怕这个正确答案看起来再不合理,他也会毫不犹豫付诸实践,正如眼下。 The invincible might of this grade of scale erupts, naturally died as carrier resting face, but his desolate invincibly also definitely under the invincible might of this all-around no dead angle will cover is buried along with the dead to her. 这等规模的神威爆发,作为载体的休颜儿自然是死定了,而他萧无敌也必然会在这全方位无死角的神威覆盖之下给她陪葬。 This naturally is not the result that he wants. 这自然不是他想要的结果。 Critical moment, together slender elegant empty shadow, since he knows in the sea to emit, a slender white hands gently point, along with, even if will see cold air to rest face to cover. 关键时刻,一道窈窕典雅的虚影从他识海中冒出,纤纤玉手轻轻一点,随即便见一股寒气将休颜儿笼罩。 In a flash, rested face then to be frozen a human shaped ice sculpture, had also stopped suddenly in the invincible might of eruption edge. 转瞬之间,休颜儿便被生生冻成了一座人形冰雕,本已在爆发边缘的神威随之戛然而止。 Paternal aunt!” “姑姑!” desolate invincible vision blazing looks at the female fictitious shadow, the female returns to smile, after releasing the cold air sealed up to rest face, her shadow obviously was frailer several points, almost must vanish from this world. 萧无敌目光炽热的看着女子虚影,女子回以一笑,不过在释放了寒气封住休颜儿之后,她的影子明显更加单薄了几分,几乎就要从这世上消失。 desolate Wudi busy say/way: Paternal aunt you first comes back, remaining gives me to come.” 萧无敌忙道:“姑姑你先回来吧,剩下的交给我来。” Good.” “好。” The female fictitious shadow re-enters desolate Wudi to know the sea immediately. 女子虚影随即重新进入萧无敌识海。 At this time rested face/color Er the voice to transmit from the ice sculpture, was actually rare had several points of mood: „A false god of life, an exceptional insect, you two match actually certainly.” 这时休颜儿的声音从冰雕内传来,却是罕见的带了几分情绪:“一个孤魂野鬼的伪神,一只自命不凡的虫子,你们两个倒是绝配。” desolate does not think the pestle invincibly, instead happily laughs: You completely can scold coarse, what welldoing I also want to take a look at the gods who was compelled the hopeless situation to be , is like our these insects?” 萧无敌丝毫不以为杵,反而得意大笑:“你尽可以骂得更难听一点,我也很想看看一个被逼到绝境的神明会是一副什么德行,是不是也跟我们这些虫子一样?” The result rests face/color Er actually thread of conversation one revolution: You think that this can replace me?” 结果休颜儿却话锋一转:“你以为这样就能取代我了?” desolate invincible wisdom bead is grasping saying: You after previous generation near sea king falls from the sky, ahead of time your godship source seal in sea Wang Guanzhong, so long as I attained the sea royal crown, attained key that aspires to seize the position of sea god, haven't I spoken incorrectly?” 萧无敌智珠在握道:“你在上一代近海王陨落之后,提前将你的神格本源封印在了海王冠中,只要我拿到了海王冠,就拿到了问鼎海神之位的钥匙,我没说错吧?” Rested face as if to have food stuck in the throat, fell into silent. 休颜儿似乎被噎住,陷入了沉默。 Many high-grade cultivator can have a premonition that own death, he as the solemn sea god, naturally can also foresee oneself falling from the sky, therefore then set the foreshadowing for ahead of time, the sea royal crown is the most important point. 许多高等级修炼者都能预感到自己的死亡,他身为堂堂海神,自然也能预见到自己的陨落,所以便提前埋下了伏笔,海王冠就是其中最重要的一环。 desolate said invincibly, is not the least bit off. 萧无敌所言,丝毫不差。 For a long time, the sea god sound resounds again: By your insignificant strength, even if made you obtain the sea royal crown, you are unable to break open the outer layer seal, maximum value, makes a near sea king in name only.” 许久,海神的声音才再度响起:“以你这点微不足道的实力,就算让你得到了海王冠,你也无法破开外层封印,最大的价值,也不过是做一个徒有虚名的近海王。” desolate Wudi smiled: Solely truly cannot break by my own strength, but if I gathered strength of dozens over a hundred revering boundaries, you guess that I can break?” 萧无敌笑了:“单单以我自己的实力确实破不开,可要是我集合了几十上百个尊者境的实力呢,你猜我能不能破得开?” The sea god is silent. 海神默然。 This matter at other times other places, radically are fantasy story, may in this place at this moment, actually exactly be the current matter. 这种事情在其他时候其他地方,根本是天方夜谭,可在此地此刻,却恰恰是正在发生的事情。 desolate Wudi sends people to grab the strength supplies everywhere, is preparing for this reason! 萧无敌派人四处劫掠力量补给,就是在为此做准备! I to let them joins a strength supplies rule in the selection, that paid the huge price, if can only change position of the trivial near sea king, I was the blood owe.” “我为了让他们在选拔中加入一条力量补给规则,那可是付出了天大的代价,如果只能换来一个区区的近海王之位,那我可是血亏啊。” desolate Wudi smiles contentedly: If can trade a sea god the position, that may gain on the blood does not owe, the personhood courage is, how can do to sit the position of big winner greatly otherwise, did you say?” 萧无敌自得一笑:“不过要是能换来一个海神的位置,那可就血赚不亏了,做人胆子就是得大一点,要不然怎么能做坐上大赢家的位置,你说呢?” During the speeches, the strength supplies one after another appear before him baseless, this was these expert that he sent starts to defer to the agreement agreement delivery. 说话间,一份又一份的力量补给在他面前凭空浮现,这是他派出去的那些高手们开始按照协议约定交货了。 The short moment time, desolate invincible front strength supplies have reached 60. 短短片刻工夫,萧无敌面前的力量补给就已多达六十份。 But this also merely is only the First batch, will then have the Second batch, the Third batch...... 而这还仅仅只是第一批,接下来还会有第二批,第三批…… Depends on these strength supplies, piles one to endure the score in a short time ten and even tyrannical strength of over a hundred revering boundaries, is a cinch completely! 靠着这些力量补给,堆出一个短时间内堪比数十乃至上百个尊者境的强横实力,完全不在话下! Seal that this strength, the rumbling broken sea god has left behind completely sufficiently. 这份力量,已经完全足以轰碎海神留下的封印了。
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