SBPE :: Volume #16

#10042: Chapter 10042

Possibility is zero.” “可能性为零。” Jiang Xiaoshang gave the answer immediately, but made up one immediately: Illuminates his method, even if this time cannot really murder the god to be successful, is still the blood gains absolutely does not owe, the abacus hits flip-flop the sound.” 姜小尚立马给出了答案,但随即又补了一句:“不过照他这个玩法,这次就算不能真的弑神成功,也绝对是血赚不亏,算盘打得噼啪响啊。” Helpless Lin Yi shakes the head: His abacus hits again loud does not matter, but projected on my head to come the abacus, wants to hide cannot avoid, my was the inborn calamity.” 林逸无奈摇了摇头:“他算盘打得再响都无所谓,可是把算盘打到我的头上来了,想躲都躲不开,我这是天生的劳碌命啊。” Attire! Meets the clothing!” “装!接着装!” Jiang Xiaoshang was actually white his one eyes: „ Perhaps you have blossomed happily, this fellow to you absolutely is the unprecedented super big fragrant-flowered garlic, the class/flow of alone this solitary one hero with him, as soon as compares, from the start takes does not amount to something. 姜小尚却是白了他一眼:“你心里恐怕都已经乐开花了吧,这家伙对你来说绝对是史无前例的超级大韭菜,独孤一雄之流跟他一比,压根都拿不上台面。 If this wave can shear smoothly, your strength at least can step up to a big stair, when the time comes wants to stand firm in this sea area again, but was the logical matter. ” 这一波要是能顺利割到,你实力至少能跨上一个大台阶,到时候再想在这海域站稳脚跟,可就是顺理成章的事情了。” A Lin Yi face righteous qi: Visited you saying that was I such person?” 林逸一脸正气:“看你说的,我是那样的人吗?” „......” “……” Jiang Xiaoshang had nothing to say in reply. 姜小尚无言以对。 At this time, empire ruins ruins deep place. 此时,帝国遗址废墟深处。 desolate both hands insert the pocket invincibly, steps the footsteps at ease to loaf slowly, unifies his thin short image of undistinguished appearance, if will put in the crowd no one to pay attention to him absolutely. 萧无敌正双手插兜,迈着闲散的脚步正在缓缓游荡,结合他本人其貌不扬的瘦矮形象,要是放到外界人群中绝对没人会去留意他。 Passer-by from head to foot. 从头到脚的路人相啊。 Only, his place visited lay an ultra sea beast of place. 唯独,他所过之处趴了一地的超海兽。 This group of ferocious terrifying exist are trembling in the collective at this moment, as long as the desolate invincible careless look sweeps, they wish one could to bury to the place, does not see endures the powerful platoon surface that the ratio revering boundary has. 这帮穷凶极恶的恐怖存在此刻正在集体瑟瑟发抖,但凡萧无敌一个漫不经心的眼神扫过来,它们恨不得把头都埋到地底下去,丝毫不见身为堪比尊者境存在的强大排面。 Un? Died?” “嗯?死了一个?” desolate invincibly suddenly footsteps, slightly light well. 萧无敌忽然脚步一顿,微微轻咦了一声。 In he knows in the sea sensation, represents the small luminous spot of shadow man to vanish suddenly baseless, this means that the opposite party had lost the life sign thoroughly. 在他识海感知之中,代表着黑影男子的一个小光点忽然凭空消失,这意味着对方已经彻底失去了生命迹象。 However in order to Insurance, he took advantage of opportunity to detonate the origin spirit incantation resentment. 不过保险起见,他还是顺势引爆了元神咒怨。 Person who so long as works to him, so long as reached the agreement with him, in invisible under the incantation by him, his intention will be moved, can make opposite party origin spirit from exploding. 只要是给他干活的人,只要与他达成了协议,就会在无形之中被他下咒,他心念一动,就能令对方元神自爆。 But this, to avoid the opposite party merely discloses his information. 而这,仅仅只是为了避免对方泄露他的信息罢了。 The information that although under the hand | subordinate these people know is very limited, each one can only understand the tip of the iceberg at most, is unable to spy on the complete picture, but in order to Insurance he started the incantation resentment. 虽然手下这些人所知道的信息都很有限,各自顶多只能了解冰山一角,根本无法窥探全貌,但保险起见他还是发动了咒怨。 However what surprised him slightly somewhat was, after his incantation resentment started, like the clay ox entering the sea, was unexpectedly unresponsive. 不过令他稍微有些意外的是,他咒怨发动之后,竟是如泥牛入海,毫无反应。 This was a little strange. 这就有点奇怪了。 Must know that got down incantation resentful origin spirit by him, without his nod, even if wants from exploding is impossible, before worst collapse , should still surely give him to feed back and warn. 要知道被他下了咒怨的元神,如果没有他的点头,就算想要自爆都不可能,最不济崩溃之前也一定会给他一些反馈和警示。 However, anything does not have. 然而,什么都没有。 Space isolation?” “空间隔绝么?” desolate guessed correctly invincibly immediately the right key, the general space isolation, is unable to isolate him among the induction in fact even theoretically thoroughly with incantation resentment, only has that level extremely high space ability, has such possibility. 萧无敌立马就猜到了正确答案,事实上就算是一般的空间隔绝,理论上都无法彻底隔绝他与咒怨之间的感应,唯有那种层次极高的空间能力,才有这样的可能性。 At this time a female female voice knew the sea to resound in him: High-grade space ability? Sends people to have a look, if really any thorny character, you best strangle it ahead of time, if otherwise is known by him our plan, the remaining disaster is infinite!” 这时一个雌性的女子声音在他识海响起:“高等级空间能力者?派人去看看,万一真要是个什么棘手人物,你最好提前将其扼杀,否则要是被他知道了我们的计划,遗患无穷!” „Does he know with what? Guesses by the clue that traces are not even?” “他拿什么知道?靠那点连蛛丝马迹都算不上的线索来猜么?” Smiling of desolate Wudi thinks little. 萧无敌不以为意的笑了笑。 Controls this regarding the information, he has the absolute confidence, except for he himself and withdraws, in he knows beyond in sea, other have no one person to know his true plan. 对于信息管控这块,他有着绝对的信心,除了他自己和龟缩在他识海中的这位以外,其他没有任何一人知道他的真正计划。 What he does not know, but also some really people can depend on that corner scale claw only, counter promotes the back complete picture step by step! 他不知道的是,还真有人能靠着那点边边角角的只鳞片爪,一步步逆推出背后的全貌! Naturally, this is not Lin Yi's ability, but was Jiang Xiaoshang ability. 当然,这不是林逸的能力,而是姜小尚的能力 desolate Wudi plan is nothing less than thorough, can truly be called is the antelope hangs the corner/horn genius idea, what a pity in the world never true something new. 萧无敌的计划不可谓不周密,也确实称得上是羚羊挂角般的天才想法,可惜天底下从来没有真正的新鲜事。 His all these movements, were actually crystal clear regarding Jiang Xiaoshang, even if cannot direct counter promote each link that he planned, but the roughly outline extremely is clear. 他的这一切动作,对于姜小尚来说却是洞若观火,即便不能直接逆推出他计划的每一个环节,但大致轮廓却已十分清晰。 If knows this point, he will change the plan at this moment absolutely, spares nothing to take the lead to kill Lin Yi! 如果知道这一点,他此刻绝对会更改计划,不惜一切代价率先扑杀林逸 What a pity, if no. 可惜,没有如果。 Even so, desolate gave certain attaching great importance to invincibly: Let 5 th on the 7 th and past looks at one, presently key that little girl, the sea god the most godship seal to her within the body, abandoned something as beyond redemption unexpectedly in this, hehe.” 即便如此,萧无敌还是给出了一定的重视:“让五号和七号过去看一眼,不过现在的关键还是那个小丫头,海神居然把大半神格封印到了她的体内,破罐子破摔到这份上,呵呵。” Sea god this is to set at the deathtrap then to live, but he considers everything, actually cannot calculate us, can only say that the day must perish his he to perish.” “海神这是想置之死地而后生,不过他千算万算,却还是没能算到我们,只能说天要亡他他不得不亡啊。” The female voice follows to say with a smile. 女子声音跟着笑道。 The desolate invincible look moves fast said: First is the beast god, presently is the sea god, after I have the premonition, will have more and more various God to fall down the shrine, a brand-new big time must come!” 萧无敌眼神飘忽道:“先是兽神,现在是海神,我有预感之后还会有越来越多的诸神跌下神坛,一个全新的大时代就要来了!” So long as seizes at present this opportunity, can soar with your heaven defying aptitude ready ready, next step is in charge of the sea temple, suppresses the Sihai royal family, when the time comes you are boundless sea area only control!” “只要抓住眼前这个机会,以你的逆天资质妥妥就能一飞冲天,下一步就是入主海神殿,镇压四海王族,到时候你就是茫茫海域唯一的掌控者!” The female voice is to also rouse, she and desolate Wudi, although is neither relative nor kin, but actually in most goes down in the world the period to form ties, each other is not master and disciple surpasses master and disciple, for a long time is together also to pull out the lung to desolate invincibly from the heart, the fetters are quite deep. 女子声音也是振奋不已,她与萧无敌虽然非亲非故,但却是在最落魄时期结缘,彼此不是师徒胜似师徒,这么长时间相处下来对萧无敌也是掏心掏肺,羁绊颇深。 desolate invincible exchange of gifts between friends: At the appointed time I can the strength of volume of entire sea area, you remould the god body for the paternal aunt, certainly on the day of will have!” 萧无敌投桃报李:“到时我就可以集整个海域之力,为姑姑您重塑神躯,一定会有那一天的!” When the females he is an apprentice, but in his mind, the opposite party is not always his Master, but has another unexplained regarding opposite sex expectation. 女子当他是徒弟,可在他心目中,对方从来都不是他的师父,而是有着另一层说不清道不明的对于异性的憧憬。 Only pitifully, the female actually feels nothing to all these. 只可惜,女子对这一切却浑然不觉。 At this moment, the desolate invincible sudden eyelid jumps: Found that little girl!” 就在这时,萧无敌突然眼皮一跳:“找到那个小丫头了!” The electric light flashes through together, whole person along with, even if from vanishes same place, just lay in a nearby numerous ultra sea beast then such as attains pardon, runs away in abundance respectively. 说完一道电光闪过,整个人随即便从原地消失,刚刚趴在边上的一众超海兽这才如获大赦,纷纷各自逃窜。 After a breath, the deep electric arc concentrates together suddenly the Jucheng together person's shadow, is desolate is invincible. 一息之后,一道深色电弧忽然重新凝聚成一道人影,正是萧无敌。 But at this moment before him is actually little girl. 而此刻在他面前的却是一个小姑娘 If Chu Mengyao will be startled in this absolutely, because this little girl is she harbors intentions impressively unexpectedly, before inexplicable missing resting face/color Er. 若是楚梦瑶在此绝对会大吃一惊,因为这个小姑娘赫然竟是她心心念念,之前莫名失踪的休颜儿。 However at this time, rested on face/color Er the face no longer the young girl pure facial expression, in both eyes does not have the pupil in the past, only had a piece of exceptionally pure clear deep blue color, indistinct reveal had/left several points of sacred inviolable aura. 不过此时,休颜儿脸上却已不复以往少女纯真的神情,双目之中没有了瞳仁,只有一片异常纯澈的湛蓝之色,隐约流露出几分神圣不可侵犯的气息。 Sea god?” “海神?” desolate was away from ten steps distances to stop the footsteps invincibly. 萧无敌隔着十步距离停下了脚步。 Although the layout to this step, he confessed that is absolutely safe, even if the opposite party were the sea god arrives unable to change the general situation, but the sea god eventually was the sea god, that invisible in deterrent made him not dare to treat it lightly as before. 虽然布局到了这一步,他自认已是万无一失,就算对方是海神亲临也已经改变不了大局,可海神终究是海神,那种无形之中的威慑依旧令他不敢掉以轻心。 Even if only god that a godship loses falls, even if clear(ly) knows that opposite party strength already no longer 1/10000 of prosperous time, that does not contain the least bit to belittle as before. 哪怕只是一个神格失坠的神祇,哪怕明知道对方实力已不复鼎盛时候的万分之一,那也依旧不容有半点小觑。
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