SBPE :: Volume #16

#10041: Chapter 10041

But this moment situation compels, he had not really said that the energy of forceful talk, must ridicule saying: Finding the sea royal crown actually also not necessarily was the good deed, I told a truth, was not necessarily able to insist all day one by Your Excellency strength.” 可此刻形势所迫,他实在没有说硬话的底气,只得讪笑道:“找到海王冠其实也未见得就是好事,恕我说句实话,以阁下实力未必就能坚持得住一整天。” Lin Yi smiled: If by some chance?” 林逸笑了:“万一呢?” The shadow man is very assured: „ Does not have the eventuality, the terrifying of my secret donor you cannot imagine, my offensive talk places here, this time near sea king already already decided but not yet announced. 黑影男子无比笃定:“没有万一,我那位幕后金主的恐怖你根本想象不到,我丑话放在这里,这次的近海王早就已经被内定了。 If others know the limitation, buys dozen of soy sauce, the opportunity of perhaps also somewhat moving out. 其他人要是识相一点,打打酱油,也许还有几分全身而退的机会。 But if does not consider resources bite off more than can chew, perhaps that dies does not know how dead, heart-to-heart talk, hopes Your Excellency will not make some foolish matters. ” 可要是自不量力,那恐怕就死都不知道怎么死的了,肺腑之言,希望阁下不会做一些蠢事。” Said that your secret donor also is really an extraordinary great person.” “这么说你那位幕后金主还真是位了不得的大人物。” Lin Yi coordination showed the surprised expression. 林逸配合的露出了惊讶的表情。 The shadow man heart next loosen, in the surface is even more arrogant: That is natural, even the Sihai royal family before him, is still one group of motley crew, sooner or later is the destruction fate!” 黑影男子心下一松,面上愈发倨傲:“那是自然,就算是四海王族在他面前,也不过是一群乌合之众罢了,迟早是个覆灭的下场!” The threat meant, has written on the face directly. 话里话外的恐吓意味,已经直接写在了脸上。 Finally Lin Yi asked not a related question beyond expectation: Not the fifth royal family?” 结果林逸却出人意料的问了一个不相关的问题:“没有第五王族吗?” The shadow man obviously gawked, immediately snorts contemptuously: On the nonsense's fifth royal family who that proclaims, you think that also matching does make my secret donor pay attention to?” 黑影男子明显愣了一下,随即嗤之以鼻:“就那自封的狗屁第五王族,你认为也配让我那位幕后金主放在眼里?” Lin Yi nods. 林逸点点头。 Only this appraisal, roughly judged that sufficiently Qin was anything locates. 只这一句评价,就足以大致判断秦家是个什么定位了。 Sees Lin Yi as if to fall into silent, the shadow man thinks that he in hesitant, the spirit inspires must strike while the iron is hot immediately, finally at this moment actually listens to Lin Yi saying: Since idle chatted, that delivered you to start off.” 林逸似乎陷入沉默,黑影男子以为他在犹豫,精神一振当即就要趁热打铁,结果就在这时却听林逸说道:“既然闲篇都聊完了,那就送你上路吧。” Said that then the figure flashes the illness/quick to plunder. 说完便身形一闪疾掠而来。 The shadow man has a scare, opens the accelerate pattern hastily, simultaneously tries to enter the ultimate concealment condition. 黑影男子吓了一跳,连忙开启加速模式,同时试图进入终极隐匿状态。 Finally actually sees Lin Yi to be unvexed, the ultimate concealment that the accelerate rule not to mention, withstood the test before also lost the effect unexpectedly, this point made him be startled. 结果却见林逸根本不受干扰,加速规则暂且不说,之前屡试不爽的终极隐匿居然也失去了效果,这一点着实令他大吃一惊。 This was his final maintaining life method. 这可是他最后的保命手段了。 Once this move of expiration, he almost keeps up with not fortification to be common in front of Lin Yi, will not have any strength of resistance again, if this is not the case, he will not rack brains to waste so many argument with Lin Yi. 一旦这一招失效,他在林逸面前几乎就跟不设防一般,不会再有任何的抵抗之力,若非如此,他也不会绞尽脑汁跟林逸浪费这么多口舌。 If makes his secret donor know that he is deliberately pulling the fierce appearance to enlarge the flag, First dying is he himself! 要知道,如果让他那位幕后金主知道他在刻意扯虎皮拉大旗,第一个死的就是他自己! However at present all these already not important. 不过眼下这一切都已经不重要了。 Because he see again | goodbye to his secret donor, is not only one will put in an appearance merely, the shadow man then has died at the scene again cannot die! 因为他已经不会再见到他那位幕后金主了,仅仅只是一个照面,黑影男子便已当场死得不能再死! Discussed the hard strength disparity only, even if there are will not be big, at least certainly not big to him opportunity no situation of counter-attack. 单论彼此之间的硬实力差距,即便有也不会太大,至少绝不会大到他连反击的机会都没有的地步。 But in this new World, Lin Yi is the gods without a doubt, all regular strengths that the shadow man grasps gives the new World raw material in vain, fundamental role Lin Yi oneself body. 可是在这新世界之中,林逸就是毋庸置疑的神明,黑影男子所掌握的一切规则力量都只是白白送给新世界的原料,根本作用不到林逸本人的身上。 Without the regular strength, the natural fart is not. 没了规则力量,自然屁都不是。 Pitifully, is only the ordinary fragrant-flowered garlic.” “可惜了,只是普通韭菜。” Lin Yi feels the feedback that new World is transmitting, slightly disappointed shaking the head. 林逸感受着新世界传来的反馈,略显失望的摇了摇头。 If makes the shadow man see his expression, it is estimated that must die with injustice unredressed. 如果让黑影男子看到他这个表情,估计得死不瞑目。 But the fact so, compares the outstanding fragrant-flowered garlic that the alone this solitary one male that type frequently gives in vain one pile of sea god belief, like his type at best is also defective product, a point does not have as the self- training of high-quality fragrant-flowered garlic. 但事实如此,相比起独孤一雄那种动辄白送一堆海神信仰度的杰出韭菜,像他这种充其量也就是一残次品,一点作为优质韭菜的自我修养都没有。 Except for letting new World supplemented a wave of regular strength, swallowed origin spirit to supplement simultaneously beyond a wave of intelligence, the shadow man took to the Lin Yi's biggest harvest, information about his secret donor. 除了让新世界补充了一波规则力量,同时吞了元神补充了一波灵性之外,黑影男子带给林逸的最大收获,就是关于他那位幕后金主的情报了。 desolate invincible......” “萧无敌……” Lin Yi has not really thought, in the shadow male spigot this all-resourceful secret donor, is desolate is unexpectedly invincible. 林逸是真的没有想到,黑影男子口中这位神通广大的幕后金主,居然是萧无敌。 Just before entered the empire ruins, he has seen desolate invincibly one side, the sea did not have the day sworn enemy, that walked to open trial who the shape cauldron recommended in the sea temple sea god ranked the tenth. 之前正是进入帝国遗址之前,他见过萧无敌一面,正是海无天的死对头,那位在海神殿排名第十的海神行走张象鼎所举荐的试炼者。 Regarding this person, the sea does not have the day appraisal to be extremely high, dreaded extremely. 对于此人,海无天的评价极高,同时也是极为忌惮。 As name brand revering boundary expert, dreads existence that under revering boundary will so not cover up, especially his type, even if in same level revering boundary expert may be the character of elite, is really unthinkable. 作为一个正牌尊者境高手,会如此不加遮掩的忌惮一个尊者境之下的存在,尤其还是他这种即便在同级尊者境高手之中都可算是精英的人物,实在是匪夷所思。 According to his view, if did not meet Lin Yi this anomaly, struggles him not to hold the least bit to hope regarding this near sea king, gives up directly simply. 按照他的说法,如果不是遇上了林逸这个怪胎,对于这次近海王之争他已根本不抱半点希望,直接就是干脆放弃的。 In fact even if had Lin Yi, the sea did not have the day still to retain for several points to hope reluctantly, that is all. 事实上即便有了林逸,海无天也只是勉强保留了几分希望,仅此而已。 But even this, including him in the middle of everyone cognition, desolate invincibly as before is only hired thug that a opened shape cauldron looks, opening the shape cauldron is a weight/quantity heavier that secretly person. 可就算这样,在包括他在内的所有人认知当中,萧无敌依旧只是一个被张象鼎找来的打手而已,张象鼎才是分量更重的那个幕后之人。 However in the memory of this shadow man, his secret donor, is desolate is invincible. 然而在这个黑影男子的记忆当中,他的那位幕后金主,却是萧无敌。 Opens shape cauldron sea temple sea god ranked the tenth to walk, but is places the pretence in floor, desolate Wudi is all these true manipulators. 张象鼎这个海神殿排名第十的海神行走,不过是个放在台面上的幌子罢了,萧无敌才是这一切的真正操纵者。 Good big chess......” “好一盘大棋……” Through the memory of read shadow man, Lin Yi, although is unable to understand clearly the desolate Wudi complete plan thoroughly, after all the position of strength like shadow man under its is not high, core information extremely that he knows is actually limited. 通过读取黑影男子的记忆,林逸虽然无法彻底洞悉萧无敌的全部计划,毕竟像黑影男子这样的战力在其手底下地位并不算高,他所知道的核心信息其实十分有限。 However the bonus is so, through scale claw that only all sorts of traces splice, made Lin Yi shocking as before. 不过饶是如此,通过种种痕迹所拼接起来的只鳞片爪,依旧令林逸触目惊心。 This desolate Wudi writing skill, can imagine him is much bigger. 这个萧无敌的手笔,远比他所能想象的还要大得多。 Jiang Xiaoshang also stared dumbfounded: obediently, do this goods want to murder the god unexpectedly?” 就连姜小尚也都是瞠目结舌:“乖乖,这货居然想要弑神?” Regarding the average person, various God keeps aloof inviolably, this is almost each person inherent thought steel seal, impregnable! 对于普通人来说,诸神高高在上不可侵犯,这几乎已是每一个人与生俱来的思想钢印,牢不可破! Perhaps murders god such phrase to publish in presently certain novel story-telling scripts, but will not be true in the presently reality, even if might be called subverted a new beast god of side big pattern recently, so far cannot complete the magnificent feat that murdered the god truly. 弑神这样的字眼也许会出现在某些小说话本中,但绝不会真正出现在现实之中,哪怕是最近堪称颠覆了一方大格局的新任兽神,目前为止也都没能真正完成弑神的壮举。 The power of beast temple alternates, although is the bad risk is also incomparable, but it essentially still a new and old change in regular order. 兽神殿的权力更迭,虽然也是凶险无比,但其本质上仍旧是在规则秩序内的一场新老更替。 To put it bluntly, all at first sight treason and heresy that the new beast god makes, actually was actually extremely discrete stepping on the edge, regarding that red string that creating the world god drew, has not spanned one step. 说白了,新任兽神所做的一切乍看起来大逆不道,其实却是十分谨慎的踩在了边缘,对于创世神划下的那道红线,始终没有跨越一步。 But this desolate is invincible. 可是这个萧无敌不一样。 All sorts of signs showed, cropping up of this goods all actions point to the sea god . Moreover, clearly must set at the sea god in the deathtrap! 种种迹象表明,这货一切所作所为的冒头直指海神,而且,分明是要置海神于死地! Lin Yi could not bear ask one: „Does he have the successful possibility?” 林逸忍不住问了一句:“他有成功的可能性吗?” The careerists he saw much, is the ambition as big as the desolate invincible this share, he also is really the first time sees. 野心家他见了不少,可是野心大到萧无敌这个份上的,他还真是头一次见。 If nothing else, once if really went well by this person, regarding the pattern of entire sea area is subversion of destruction level, will also inevitably be affected by it including the Jianghai city destiny, and even radical rewriting. 别的不说,一旦真要是被此人得手,对于整个海域的格局都将是一场毁灭级的颠覆,包括江海城的命运也必然将会受其影响,乃至彻底改写。
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