SBPE :: Volume #16

#10040: Chapter 10040

Lin Yi smiles: Has not deceived you, my presently comes, you look.” 林逸笑了笑:“没有骗你,我的现在才来,你看。” Speech at the same time, before a pure regular strength has presently his body suddenly, the whole passes the come out aura intensity compared with by that the shadow man robs, was higher than at least one entire rank! 说话的同时,一份精纯的规则力量蓦然出现在他的身前,整体透出来的气息强度比起被黑影男子抢走的那一份,高出了至少一整个级别! This is the sea does not have the day strength. 这才是海无天的力量。 The shadow man compels at the scene ignorant: „Before that whose is?” 黑影男子当场懵逼:“那之前的又是谁的?” Strength supplies type of thing cannot emerge out of thin air with no reason at all, has the given objective to arrive inevitably in this region, the shadow man thinks that here is terrified is startled. 力量补给这种东西不会无缘无故凭空出现,必然是有着既定目标才会降临在这片区域的,黑影男子想到这里不由悚然一惊。 Does the nearby have the Third individual? 难道附近还有第三个人? Unexpectedly some people can under his eye hides hides such for a long time . Moreover the least bit shows no trace, the key he also snatched the strength supplies of opposite party, this person of attitude does not need to want ready ready to be the enemy non- friend! 居然有人能在他的眼皮子底下潜藏这么久,而且半点不露痕迹,关键他还抢了对方的力量补给,此人态度不用想妥妥是敌非友! Thinks of here, the shadow man only thinks cold air from the foot heel direct impact scalp, suddenly regarding dreading of this mysterious Third person even also above Lin Yi! 一想到这里,黑影男子只觉一股寒气从脚后跟直冲头皮,一时间对于这个神秘第三人的忌惮甚至还远在林逸之上! Can compel this grade of position him, Lin Yi admittedly is the threat is to him huge, may regarding the unknown ultimate fear throughout be the instinct of human, this point, even if unable to change to existence of his rank. 能够生生把他逼到这等境地,林逸对他来说固然是威胁巨大,可对于未知的终极恐惧始终是人类的天性,这一点哪怕到了他这种级别的存在也无法更改。 The Lin Yi seeing that corners of the mouth brought back a pondering curve. 林逸见状嘴角勾起了一丝玩味的弧度。 Reminded opposite party matter specially, was actually a psychological warfare, although only coped with front this person of issue is not big by his strength, but went all out also uses the full power. 特意提醒对方这件事,其实就是一场攻心战,虽然以他的实力只对付面前这人问题不大,但狮子搏兔亦用全力。 Let alone how the opposite party said that is also grasping the strengths of 10% boundary levels, many is also a variable. 何况对方怎么说也是握着10%尊者境层次的力量,多少也算是一个变数。 What most important is, Lin Yi had guessed correctly that behind the opposite party also has other influences inevitably, before the true inquiry clear opposite party details, he does not want to expose too many strength before the opposite party. 重要的是,林逸已经猜到对方背后必然还有其他势力,在真正打探清楚对方底细之前,他不想在对方面前暴露出太多的实力 If by some chance some opposite people are paying attention to all these in the time? 万一对面有人在时刻关注着这一切呢? The shadow man who this, prepared to give it all somewhat was immediately in a dilemma. 这一下,原本准备放手一搏的黑影男子顿时就有些进退失据了。 If not make a move to Lin Yi full power, he is unable to guarantee that can one move of second massacre Lin Yi, then this time gives it all does not have the significance. 如果不对林逸全力出手,他根本无法保证能够一招秒杀掉林逸,那么这次放手一搏就毫无意义。 But if reckless acted to Lin Yi full power, even if can go well finally smoothly, he feared by that is not known hides where mysterious Third canary. 可要是不顾一切对林逸全力出手了,就算最终能够顺利得手,他还是怕被那不知潜藏在何处的神秘第三者黄雀在后。 In a dilemma! 进退两难! Lin Yi does not act on own initiative, is calm and composed even in press of work is waiting for opposite party's response. 林逸也不主动出手,就这么好整以暇的等着对方的反应。 The shadow man intertwined to have two quarters fully, to him the only good news was, perhaps was because was afraid by the reason of his in midway sneak attack, although Lin Yi obtained did not have the day strength supplies from the sea, but has not been in front of his to accept this strength. 黑影男子纠结了足有两刻钟,对他来说唯一的好消息是,也许是因为害怕被他中途偷袭的原因,林逸虽然得到了来自海无天的力量补给,但并没有当着他的面收下这份力量。 Otherwise if Lin Yi strength rises sharply, he may thorough no playing. 否则林逸要是实力大涨,他可就彻底没的玩了。 However he eventually is not no Jianghu experience little white, over time, saw with own eyes the sign that Lin Yi and that mysterious Third do not act, finally started to realize was not right. 不过他终究不是毫无江湖经验的小白,随着时间流逝,眼见林逸和那个神秘第三者迟迟没有要出手的迹象,终于开始意识到了不对劲。 „Are you blustering?” “你在虚张声势?” The shadow man responded startled and anger. 黑影男子反应过来又惊又怒。 Lin Yi complexion strange lifted the eyelid: From beginning to end I have not spoken what words probably, reply that but I can be clear about actually your doubts, here really has the Third individual.” 林逸面色古怪的抬了抬眼皮:“从始至终我好像都没说过什么话吧,不过我倒是可以明确的回答你一个疑惑,这里确实有第三个人。” You thought that my also meeting does believe? Really thinks that I with you same am big Congming/smart?” “你觉得我还会信吗?真以为我跟你一样是大聪明?” The shadow man thinks had understood clearly the Lin Yi's plot thoroughly, wants through the Third individual who the mold did not have, lets his fraught with uncertainty in a dilemma. 黑影男子自以为已经彻底洞悉了林逸的阴谋,就是想通过塑造本不存在的第三个人,来让他畏首畏尾进退失据。 The most basic intention, is to delay the time! 其最根本的意图,是想要拖延时间! Has saying that shadow man a little thing, although the process made a mistake, but infers the come out result greatly to be actually bad. 不得不说,黑影男子还是有点东西的,虽然过程错了,但推导出来的结果倒是大差不差。 Lin Yi truly in protracted time, because, he must catch the opposite party with new World! 林逸确实就是在拖延时间,因为,他要用新世界捕获对方! Before having, alone this solitary one male benefit, goods that these deliver, in the Lin Yi eye that is the green and glossy big fragrant-flowered garlic, whole body is the treasures. 有了之前独孤一雄的甜头,这些自己送上门来的货色,在林逸眼中那都是绿油油的大韭菜,全身上下都是宝。 If kills, was rather a pity, new World is they best home to return. 如果就这么打死,未免太可惜了,新世界才是他们最好的归宿。 The only issue is, the new World target acquisition requires the time, the middle cannot be broken, therefore needs to delay the time. 唯一的问题在于,新世界捕获目标需要时间,中间不能被打断,所以才需要拖延时间。 Otherwise if the opposite party the midway travels, or above comes a fight in which both sides perish simply, that fell short. 否则对方要是中途跑路,亦或者干脆上头来个鱼死网破,那就功亏一篑了。 The shadow man is naturally impossible to know this back profound meaning, but since had detected that was not right, will not naturally coordinate to get down again, uses the revering boundary strength without hesitation immediately, is initiating to Lin Yi strikes full power! 黑影男子自然不可能知道这背后的深意,但既然已经察觉到了不对,自然就不会再配合下去,毫不犹豫当即动用尊者境力量,对着林逸发起全力一击! What a pity, was late. 可惜,还是晚了。 Same time that is determined to abandon something as beyond redemption in him finally, by a mysterious strength package, had not waited for him to make any response in all directions, the whole person has disappeared same place. 就在他终于下定决心破罐破摔的同一时间,四面八方已经被一股玄妙的力量包裹,紧接着未等他做出任何反应,整个人就已原地消失。 What damned place is this?” “这是什么鬼地方?” Was caught since new World, the shadow man actually thinking of wishful thinking like alone this solitary one hero has not been the illusion, but gave birth eventually several points of panic that is hard to describe. 被捕获进入新世界,黑影男子倒是没像独孤一雄那样一厢情愿的以为是幻境,不过终究还是生出了几分难以言状的恐慌。 What most made his fearful and apprehensive was, when he discovered the Lin Yi trail, the instance that condensed the revering boundary strength of rumbles the hand , the revering boundary strength unexpectedly was the direct dissipation in invisible! 最令他心惊肉跳的是,当他发现林逸踪迹,把手中凝聚的尊者境力量轰出去的瞬间,尊者境力量竟是直接消散于无形! Was absorbed?” “被吸收了?” The shadow man is startled dumbfoundedly, he estimated the powerful card in a hand that gives the final word sufficiently, including the minimum ripples not to stir up finally unexpectedly, such light reducing and solving. 黑影男子惊得目瞪口呆,他预想中足以一锤定音的强大底牌,结果居然连一点起码的涟漪都没有激起来,就这么平平淡淡的给化解了。 What is odder, he has not even seen Lin Yi to lift the hand, the entire feeling clearly is this chaos space spontaneous action. 更离谱的是,他甚至都没看到林逸抬手,整个感觉分明是这片混沌空间的自发行为。 Lin Yi pouts: Gives you to introduce, strength supplies that you just snatched, is her.” 林逸努了努嘴:“给你介绍一下,你刚刚抢的力量补给,是她的。” Following the direction that the Lin Yi vision refers , the shadow man saw startled still in stupor deep sleep Ning Wan, immediately the complexion rises red, the entire brain was attacked humming sound the straight sound by a huge shame. 顺着林逸目光所指的方向,黑影男子愕然看到了仍在昏迷沉睡的宁婉君,顿时脸色涨得通红,整个脑子被一种巨大的羞辱冲击得嗡嗡直响。 At this moment even the fool can still respond, he was played! 此刻就算傻子也都能反应过来,他被耍了! From beginning to end, he himself is that true big Congming/smart! 从头到尾,原来他自己才是那个真正的大聪明 Lin Yi calm visits him: What also had to say?” 林逸一脸平静的看着他:“还有什么想说的吗?” For a long time, the shadow man from such as was struck by lightning to respond, sound bitter and astringent suppresses one: Actually I have no evil intention to you, I want to rob the strength supplies purely, do you believe?” 许久,黑影男子才从如遭雷击中反应过来,声音苦涩的憋出一句:“其实我对你并没有什么恶意,我只是单纯想要抢走力量补给而已,你信吗?” Letter/believes, what does this have to believe?” “信啊,这有什么好不信的?” Nod that Lin Yi is with good intention very much. 林逸很是善解人意的点点头。 The shadow man sees that the spirit to inspire immediately: Therefore between you and me does not need, I to snatch your thing life and death is not right, I can compensate, certainly will make you satisfy.” 黑影男子见状顿时精神一振:“所以你我之间没必要这么你死我活的,我想要抢你的东西是不对,我可以做出补偿,一定会让你满意。” Was saying he shot a look at Ning Wan bitterly: Let alone said strictly, actually you have no loss, among us definitely does not need to make such at daggers drawn, did you say?” 说着他又恨恨的瞥了宁婉君一眼:“何况严格说起来,其实你也没有任何损失,咱们之间完全没必要弄得这么剑拔弩张,你说呢?” Lin Yi said: I have the loss, accompanied you to consume three days of time, perhaps missed a sea royal crown.” 林逸却道:“我还是有损失的吧,陪你耗了三天时间,说不定就错过了一顶海王冠呢。” „......” “……” The shadow man does not know immediately how to chat. 黑影男子顿时就不知道怎么聊下去了。 This doesn't damn touch the porcelain? On only three days of time, how you know that can find the sea royal crown, do you have that luck? 尼玛不是碰瓷吗?就区区三天时间,你怎么知道就能找到海王冠,你有那个运气吗?
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