SBPE :: Volume #16

#10039: Chapter 10039

Even if in fact pounds two maintaining life items all of a sudden, he discovered as before with amazement, oneself injury not completely recover such as beginning. 事实上哪怕一下子砸进来两件保命道具,他依旧骇然发现,自己身上的伤势并没有完全恢复如初。 Feels the tearing severe pain that whole body is transmitting, the shadow man is startled and fears: Is impossible! How does the time recall possibly makes a mistake?” 感受着全身上下传来的撕裂剧痛,黑影男子又惊又惧:“不可能!时间回溯怎么可能出错?” As everyone knows, this is also the Lin Yi's writing skill. 殊不知,这也是林逸的手笔。 After detecting the time recalls, the Lin Yi second time vibration bang killed has taken the time regular strength, although because of the rule control too low reason, is unable to counter-balance his time recollection completely, may be used to disturb is enough. 在察觉到时间回溯之后,林逸第二次震动轰杀就已带上了时间规则力量,虽然因为规则掌控度太低的缘故,无法完全抵消掉他的时间回溯,可用来干扰却是足够了。 The shadow man does not have the beforehand easy assurance at this time thoroughly. 黑影男子此时已是彻底没了之前的从容自信。 Flurried, although he is unable to infer all these cause and effect accurately, but had also realized Lin Yi before him in the estimate was much stronger than! 慌乱之间,他虽然无法准确推断出这一切的前因后果,但也已经意识到林逸远比他之前预想中要强得多了! Before that kicked the sheet iron is only teased, has the accelerate regular and ultimate concealment in the hand, from beginning to end, the shadow man had not thought from the start had anyone to be able really to suppress him. 之前那句踢到铁板本来只是一句调侃,有着加速规则和终极隐匿在手,从始至终,黑影男子压根就没觉得有什么人能够真的压制得了他。 However at this moment looks like, was actually language to become prophecy/omen. 然而此刻看来,却是一语成谶了。 What awfully is, at present he is seriously injured unable to recover, if continues to choose and Lin Yi spells hardly, even if has hidden strikes the extra addition that broken the ultimate concealment brings, instead kills the probability of going well is also minimal. 更要命的是,眼下他身受重伤无法复原,如果继续选择与林逸硬拼,哪怕有着终极隐匿带来的破隐一击额外加成,反杀得手的概率也是微乎其微。 His presently only choice, can only go into hiding, bets Lin Yi after losing his trail, stupidly will not remain to waste the time with him in vain. 现在唯一的选择,只能隐匿到底,赌一把林逸在失去他的踪迹之后,不会傻乎乎的留下来跟他白白浪费时间。 So long as Lin Yi unties the space blockade, he can the dragon turn over to the sea, stages a comeback! 只要林逸解开空间封锁,他就能龙归大海,卷土重来! Finally, although Lin Yi around looked for several unable to find his trail, the meaning of but not having departed, was instead calm and composed even in press of work remained, even made a sitting in meditation stance. 结果,林逸虽然前后找了几遍都没能找到他的踪迹,但没有就此离去的意思,反而好整以暇的留了下来,甚至做出了一副打坐的架势。 Puts on airs! I thought when you can install!” “装腔作势!我看你能装到什么时候!” The shadow man watches critically, he will not believe Lin Yi really so to be calm from the start. 黑影男子冷眼旁观,他压根不信林逸会真的这么气定神闲。 The position of near sea king to anybody is a huge seduction, particularly regarding strength powerful cultivator, this is a reaching the sky in a single bound golden opportunity. 近海王的位置对任何人来说都是一个巨大的诱惑,尤其是对于实力强大的修炼者,这更是一个一步登天的绝佳机会。 Thinks to look, so long as takes near sea king the position, can suddenly become one of the entire sea area hottest power and influence big shot, theoretically even can are treated equally with the sea temple and Sihai royal families, who can resist such seduction? 想想看,只要拿下近海王的位置,就能一举成为整个海域最炙手可热的权势大佬之一,理论上甚至可以跟海神殿和四海王族都平起平坐,谁能抵挡得住这样的诱惑? To come in him, Lin Yi strength such being the case is above his anticipation, that is like oneself that secret donor inevitably, to the struggle of this time near sea king exerts its utmost, is impossible to waste the so precious time with him here in vain to consuming. 在他想来,林逸实力既然如此超乎他的意料,那必然就跟自己那位幕后金主一样,对这次的近海王之争势在必得,绝不可能浪费如此宝贵的时间跟他在这里白白对耗。 After all does not have the significance. 毕竟毫无意义啊。 Finally, Lin Yi this sat sat directly entire three days. 结果,林逸这一坐直接坐了整整三天。 „......” “……” The shadow man had been compelled quickly insanely. 黑影男子已经快被逼疯了。 Under the ultimate concealment condition his injury recover speed is extremely slow, as assassin expert, his patience is not insufficient, once also had the magnificent feat that concealment entire a half year has assassinated to go well finally at one fell swoop. 终极隐匿状态之下他的伤势恢复速度极慢,作为一个刺客型高手,他的耐心不可谓不足,曾经也有过隐匿整整半年最终一举刺杀得手的壮举。 But is different at present. 可眼下不一样啊。 Between he and that secret donors has the agreement, if he is unable to plunder enough strength supplies during this period, he is not only able to obtain these long-awaited rewards, will also suffer fatal backlash from agreement. 他跟那位幕后金主之间可是有协议的,如果在此期间他无法抢掠到足够的力量补给,他不仅无法得到那些梦寐以求的报酬,还会遭受来自协议的致命反噬。 Said one, before that two time recollection item was one of rewards he paid in advance ahead of time. 多说一句,之前那两个时间回溯道具就是他提前预支的报酬之一。 In other words , this situation Lin Yi can consume at present, instead was he himself cannot consume. 反过来说,眼下这个情形林逸耗得起,反而是他自己耗不起了。 With the position of near sea king just misses to Lin Yi at the worst, what a pity was a little a pity, but is is not completely unacceptable, after all this special selection mechanism is doomed to have a big luck ingredient, can only say my losing I to assign/life fortunately, the Lin Yi mentality has put very evenly. 林逸来说大不了与近海王之位失之交臂,可惜是有点可惜,可也不是完全不能接受,毕竟这种特殊的选拔机制注定有不小的运气成分,只能说得之我幸失之我命,林逸心态一直都放得很平。 But the shadow man cannot lose. 可是黑影男子输不起啊。 Okay good, this is you compels my!” “好好好,这是你逼我的!” The shadow man clenches jaws, if not as a last resort, he will not go out absolutely this step, but really does not have idea at present, he can only offer this bad plan reluctantly. 黑影男子咬牙切齿,如果不是万不得已,他绝对不会走出这一步,但是眼下实在没辙了,他无奈只能出此下策。 Before he prepares to use, strength supplies that plunders! 他准备动用之前抢掠到手的力量补给! Suffered such big in the Lin Yi hand, even if he has the self-confidence to oneself accelerate rule again, does not have to depend on the energy that own strength and Lin Yi resist purely. 林逸手中吃了这么大的亏,哪怕他对自己的加速规则再有自信,也已经没有了纯靠自身实力林逸对抗的底气。 The only means that are the strength of revering boundary rank the use takes, launches the dimensionality reduction attack to Lin Yi! 唯一的办法,就是动用抢到手的尊者境级别的力量,对林逸发动降维打击! As the matter stands, was equivalent temporarily stopped arbitrarily to presenting tribute of secret donor, even if this time can be shocking but not dangerous, still definitely will affect each other transaction. 只是这样一来,就相当于擅自截留了给幕后金主的进贡,就算这次能够有惊无险,也必然会影响到彼此的交易。 Trades First, this matter that is he must avoid strongly. 交易第一,这本是他必须竭力避免的事情。 However selects the least of two evils, since compelled in this share, he does not have other choice, can only after solving Lin Yi finds the way to recover as far as possible. 不过两害相权取其轻,既然已经被逼到这个份上了,他也没有别的选择,只能在解决林逸之后尽可能想办法补救了。 Un?” “嗯?” The shadow man just had an action to perform, Lin Yi had the induction immediately. 黑影男子这边刚一有所动作,林逸马上就有了感应。 Ultimate concealment ability of this goods is truly intrepid, if he has been motionless, Lin Yi really could not have discovered him, but then uses the revering boundary rank the huge strength, key this is also not his own strength, wants completely the concealment residence to have trace that is not quite realistic again. 这货的终极隐匿能力确实强悍,如果他一直不动,林逸还真发现不了他,可是这下动用尊者境级别的庞大力量,关键这还不是他自己的力量,再想完全隐匿住所有痕迹那就不太现实了。 However, the shadow man has not displayed slight flustered, then face confident appearance in front of Lin Yi. 不过,黑影男子并没有表现出丝毫的慌张,转而一脸坦然的现身在了林逸面前。 You also really think that you have eaten to decide me?” “你还真以为你已经吃定我了?” Lin Yi looked at him, face sincere nod: Right, I think.” 林逸看了看他,一脸诚恳的点点头:“没错,我就是这么想的。” „......” “……” The shadow man was choked at the scene half dead, he was understood, was does not look to oneself with the Lin Yi wind trash words happily. 黑影男子当场又被噎了个半死,他算是明白了,跟林逸飙垃圾话根本就是自己给自己找不痛快。 The key in the Lin Yi eye, these as if is also not the trash words, but solid frank talk. 关键是在林逸眼里,这些似乎都还不是垃圾话,而是实实在在的大实话。 The truth most offends somebody. 实话才最伤人啊。 Shadow man cold snort/hum: You also on presently can also obstinate argumentative, in the face of truly the strength of revering boundary level, I am actually very curious you also to smile come out!” 黑影男子冷哼一声:“你也就现在还能嘴硬一下了,在真正尊者境层次的力量面前,我倒是很好奇你还能不能笑得出来!” Lin Yi shows neither approval nor disapproval: Did not say, but I can try.” 林逸不置可否:“不太好说,不过我可以试试。” Tries?” “试试?” The shadow man laughs: Good, your recommendation is the sea temple sea god line ranked the ninth travels by sea does not have the day, by strength was also being able to stand in line number domineering character, if died under his strength, I think that you should be insufficient dead with injustice unredressed?” 黑影男子嗤笑:“好啊,你的举荐者是海神殿排名第九的海神行走海无天,论实力也算是排得上号的强势人物了,如果死在他的力量之下,我想你应该不至于死不瞑目吧?” Finally, Lin Yi is actually face inexplicable blinking of: Clarifies embarrassed, strength supplies that you robbed before, is actually not my, therefore that is not the sea does not have the day strength.” 结果,林逸却是一脸莫名的眨了眨眼睛:“不好意思澄清一下,你之前抢走的力量补给,其实并不是我的,所以那个也不是海无天的力量。” Ha?” “哈?” Shadow man with a look that looks at retard visits him: „Did you special deceive yourself to deceive the demon to be startled? This gadget presents time surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) your one, isn't your my?” 黑影男子不由用一种看白痴的眼神看着他:“你特么骗自己骗魔怔了吧?这玩意儿出现的时候方圆百里就你一个,不是你的难道还是我的?” He believes firmly very much, Lin Yi has not obtained the extra strength supplies, this is also he dares to stand the come out energy to be at this moment blatantly. 他很确信,林逸没有得到额外的力量补给,这也是他此刻敢公然站出来的底气所在。 Otherwise if in Lin Yi is also grasping the strength of revering boundary level, he so will not be flagrant, at the appointed time perhaps is completely another attitude, in this aspect he was always very realistic. 否则要是林逸手里也握着尊者境层次的力量,他绝不会如此明目张胆,到时也许完全就是另一种态度了,在这方面他一向还是很现实的。
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