SBPE :: Volume #16

#10038: Chapter 10038

But everything all has the advantages, it also has its strong point. 可凡事皆有利弊,它也有它的长处。 Is the low level rule, rule control promotes is easy, the advanced rule will want control to brush to over 30% difficultly such as to ascend to heaven, will be to the third-level rule, even if not be extremely easy to obtain, that will still be much easier. 越是低级的规则,规则掌控度提升起来就越是容易,高级规则想要将掌控度刷到百分之三十以上难如登天,可是对三级规则来说,即便不是唾手可得,那也要容易得多。 In addition, the direction is unitary, although will aim, but also avoided gaudily. 此外,方向单一虽然会被针对,但同时也避免了花里胡哨。 So long as any rule ability develops the pinnacle, has to destroy day of the strength of extinguishing the place, just like present infinite accelerate! 任何一项规则能力只要开发到极致,都有着毁天灭地的力量,正如眼下的无限加速 Is a little thorny.” “有点棘手啊。” Lin Yi touches the nose, tries to lock the opposite party with divine sense, however as before is the futile effort. 林逸摸了摸鼻子,试图用神识锁定对方,然而依旧是徒劳。 World Martial Art only quickly not broken truth, regardless of being suitable in what level throughout, on this point, the accelerate rule is among the best in a numerous third-level rule only sufficiently. 天下武功唯快不破的道理,无论在什么层次都始终适用,单就这一点,加速规则在一众三级规则之中就足以名列前茅。 Let alone, the speed is the strength, it is also representing the unequalled impulse in great quick incomparable! 何况,速度就是力量,它在巨快无比的同时也代表着无与伦比的冲击力! Let alone under this condition was hit by the upfront, even if scratches to a point near slightly, may make his mortal body collapse instantaneously! 这种状态下别说被正面击中,哪怕只是稍微擦到一点边,都有可能令他肉身瞬间崩坏! The sound of shadow from conveys in all directions: Hehe, the space rule has the strongest mobility, you deadlocked your escape route with the space blockade unexpectedly, hands over the maneuverability advantage on own initiative, I should say you to be stupid, are this/should boasts you big Congming/smart?” 黑影的声音从四面八方传来:“呵呵,空间规则本来有着最强的机动性,你居然用空间封锁锁死了自己的退路,主动将机动性优势拱手相让,我是该说你蠢,还是该夸你是个大聪明?” Although the space blockade is ability that uses force or high-handed methods extremely, but it can no difference seal all space ability. 空间封锁虽然是一项极其硬霸的能力,但它会无差别封印一切空间能力 In other words, to a certain extent to space ability this from waste Martial Art, therefore does not arrive at the necessary time, even if will be these rare high rank space ability little will also use this move extremely. 换句话说,某种程度上对空间能力者而言这就是自废武功,故而不到必要时候,哪怕是那些罕见的高阶空间能力者也极少会使用这招。 Perhaps because of incautiously, the pit will die oneself. 因为一不小心,也许就会坑死自己。 But this, is opposite dares to keep the energy that the upfront accepts a challenge to be, space ability does of self- seal, what have to distinguish with a ready-made meat chicken? 而这,才是对面敢留下来正面应战的底气所在,一个自我封印的空间能力者,跟一只现成的肉鸡有什么区别? Lin Yi hears word actually smiled: You said this to me specially, wants to make me untie the space blockade, quite makes you take advantage of opportunity to withdraw?” 林逸闻言却是笑了:“你特意跟我说这个,是不是想让我解开空间封锁,好让你顺势脱身?” „......” “……” The shadow that marches forward high-speed obviously choked the moment, half genius cold snort/hum: „ My accelerate has completed, you also can only deceive with this spiritual victory, what a pity, the brutal reality will not help you act in a play together. 高速行进的黑影明显噎了片刻,半天才冷哼着回了一句:“我的加速已经完成,你也就只能用这种精神胜利法骗一骗自己了,可惜啊,残酷的现实不会帮着你一起演戏。 Since yourself violate stupid, damn must die! ” 既然你自己犯蠢,该死就是得死!” Then, the goal has locked on Lin Yi. 说完,目标就已锁定在林逸身上。 He truly saved is inducing Lin Yi to untie the space blockade, idea that thus takes the opportunity to withdraw, so long as after all broke through the blockade, anybody is impossible to catch up with his speed at this moment! 他本来确实存着诱导林逸解开空间封锁,从而借机脱身的想法,毕竟只要突破了封锁,任何人都不可能追得上他此刻的速度! Regardless how on his mouth to taunt, high-grade space rule ability, always has the nuclear bomb huge deterrent force, this was not on his mouth wants to disparage can disparage. 无论他嘴上怎么嘲讽,一个高等级的空间规则能力者,始终有着核弹般的巨大威慑力,这不是他嘴上想贬低就能贬低得了的。 Let alone his task robs the strength supplies, as for was directly hard just, this always not in his business category. 何况他的任务只是抢夺力量补给,至于跟人正面硬刚,这从来都不在他的业务范畴。 What a pity, Lin Yi on did not say. 可惜,林逸不上道啊。 The giant crisis approaches, Lin Yi was still trying divine sense to lock the exact location of opposite party, trading to make other person of this radically is unproductive, however also has an opportunity at his divine sense intensity. 巨大危机逼近,林逸仍在尝试着神识锁定对方的具体位置,换做其他人这根本已是徒劳,然而以他的神识强度却还有一线机会。 So long as can lock the opposite party position, even if only then extremely short flickers, can complete overturns instantaneously! 只要能锁定对方位置,哪怕只有极短的一瞬,就能完成瞬间翻盘! This is also the intrinsic property of accelerate rule, so long as the speed broken, it is invincible, but once the speed was broken, then it gives for nothing! 这也是加速规则的固有特性,只要速度不破,它就是无敌,可一旦速度被破,那它就是白给! Invincibly with giving for nothing, only in one. 无敌与白给,只在一线之间。 Locking is completed! 锁定完成! The Lin Yi spirit inspires, the card initiates the last minute of attack in the opposite party, he successfully locked the position of opposite party finally, immediately acts without hesitation outrageously, instead kills! 林逸精神一振,卡在对方发起攻击的最后一刻,他终于成功锁定了对方的方位,当即毫不犹豫悍然出手,反杀! However, finally actually fails. 然而,结果却是落空。 Big Congming/smart is big Congming/smart, I such obvious bait you also believe that how do you live today?” “大聪明就是大聪明,我这么明显的诱饵你也信,你是怎么活到今天的?” When the shadow does not know already in the completely opposite another end. 黑影不知何时已在完全相反的另一端。 At first sight each other is away from at least the kilometer, is a safe distance, however regarding him at this moment, one kilometer distance does not match to call the distance, disappears! 乍一看彼此隔着至少千米,还是一个安全距离,然而对于此刻的他来说,一千米的距离根本不都配叫距离,转瞬即逝! Finishing barely the words at the same time, the shadow has attacked to Lin Yi nearby suddenly. 话音未落的同时,黑影就已骤然突袭至林逸跟前。 The unequalled speed brought the unequalled impact, nearly showed a contemptuous smile on the shadow face of late ruler: Top rule? Hehe, is very strong?” 无与伦比的速度带来了无与伦比的冲击,近在迟尺的黑影脸上露出了一个轻蔑的笑容:“顶级规则?呵呵,很强啊?” Lin Yi that finally at this moment, as he expected should unable to respond, the whole body starts to rise suddenly suddenly, card in last minute incarnation demon god Chi You of engaging in hand-to-hand combat. 结果就在这时,在他预料中本该已经无法反应的林逸,周身忽然开始暴涨,卡在短兵相接的最后一刻化身魔神蚩尤。 Thinks that this can block me? Naive!” “以为这样就能挡得住我?天真!” The shadow saw with own eyes that demon god Chi You branches out two great hands to meet itself hardly, immediately snorts contemptuously, accelerate to this rank, any prevented directly brings contempt upon oneself. 黑影眼见魔神蚩尤分出两只巨手来硬接自己,当即嗤之以鼻,加速到了这个级别,任何正面阻挡都是自取其辱。 The fact as he expected, two great hands are seemingly intrepid, however collapses at the first blow in the face of his absolute speed from the start. 事实果然不出他所料,两只巨手看似强悍,然而在他的绝对速度面前压根不堪一击。 Almost does not have any deadlock stage, two great hands do not have the suspense directly by the steamroll disintegration. 几乎没有任何的僵持阶段,两只巨手毫无悬念直接就被碾压崩碎。 High under stands sentences! 高下立判! However has not waited for his happy, next that presents made his eye of zi want to crack. 然而没等他高兴一下,紧接着出现的下一幕却令他目眦欲裂。 Such staggered, but the twinkling time, demon god Chi You's another two great hands rumble suddenly in his body week, two naked eye obvious vibration ripple also swing. 就这么交错而过的瞬息工夫,魔神蚩尤的另外两只巨手猛然轰在他的身周,两圈肉眼可见的震动波纹随之荡开。 Vibrates the rule!” “震动规则!” The shadow eyelid jumps crazily, has not actually been able to prevent the vibration strength to invade own five main internal organs and six bowels, the whole person also disrupts with a crash. 黑影眼皮狂跳,却已无法阻挡震动力量侵入自己的五脏六腑,整个人随之砰然碎裂。 Was reasonable, to adapt to the characteristics of accelerate rule, he has tempered far the mortal body intensity ultra same level, at least flintiness of body surface absolute without a doubt. 讲道理,为了适应加速规则的特性,他已是将肉身强度锤炼得远超同级,至少体表的坚硬度这一块绝对毋庸置疑。 What a pity, vibrates using force or high-handed methods of rule lies in it not from the exterior bombardment, but is breaks through from the interior directly. 可惜,震动规则的硬霸在于它不是从外部轰击,而是直接从内部突破。 Regarding almost all mortal body expert, the dead angle that this is unable to defend! 对于几乎所有的肉身高手,这都是无法防御的死角! Un? A little meaning.” “嗯?有点意思啊。” Lin Yi does not have to be lax, such injury changes into any mortal body expert to die without doubt, but front the shadow man has not dropped down, unexpectedly presented a dying and being reborn stance! 林逸却是没有就此松懈下来,这样的伤势换成任何一个肉身高手都必死无疑,可面前的这个黑影男子并没有就此倒下,居然呈现出了一副死而复生的架势! Time recollection?” “时间回溯?” Lin Yi felt some extremely mysterious time rule to fluctuate faintly, immediately made up two vibration bang to kill without hesitation. 林逸隐隐感受到了某种极为玄妙的时间规则波动,当即毫不犹豫又补上了两记震动轰杀。 The recover advancement of shadow men's was also broken forcefully, a moment later, vanishes suddenly same place. 黑影男子的恢复进程随之被强行打断,片刻之后,忽然原地消失。 What monster is mother's fellow?” “妈的这家伙是什么怪物?” The shadow man has not left, after all the space was also being blocked, even if he has the space item unable to use, but made itself enter the ultimate concealment condition forcefully. 黑影男子并没有就此离开,毕竟空间还被封锁着,他就算有空间道具也无法使用,只是强行令自己进入了终极隐匿状态罢了。 Besides the accelerate rule, the ultimate concealment similarly is his specialty. 除了加速规则之外,终极隐匿同样是他的拿手好戏。 Depends on one accelerate one to go into hiding, he can obtain the favor of secret donor, even also paid in advance specially to the precious item of his two time recollection maintained life. 正是靠着一手加速一手隐匿,他才能获得幕后金主的青睐,甚至还特别预支给了他两件时间回溯的珍贵道具保命。 The result is booing, this two maintaining life items all pounded all of a sudden directly! 结果倒好,这一下子两件保命道具直接全都砸了进来! If the Lin Yi vigilance is not such high, has not made up the following this vibration bang to kill promptly, a item had had more than enough to spare, what a pity reality not, if. 如果林逸警觉性不是这么高,没有及时补上后面这一记震动轰杀,一件道具本已绰绰有余,可惜现实没有如果。
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