SBPE :: Volume #16

#10037: Chapter 10037

Without thinks, the Lin Yi intention moves then to move sideways immediately to the regular strength, prepares to accept it. 没有多想,林逸心念一动当即便闪身来至规则力量跟前,准备将其收下。 By his strength, although not necessarily needs this, but do not want white/in vain, moreover can the depth experience truly revering boundary expert strength taking this opportunity, is a quite rare experience. 以他的实力虽然未必就需要这个,但不要白不要,而且可以借此机会深度体验一下真正的尊者境高手的力量,也算是一次相当难得的体验。 However at the same time that Lin Yi acts, a shadow flashes in its front, at present the white light flashes, the regular strength vanishes immediately without a trace. 然而就在林逸出手的同一时间,一道黑影在其前方闪现,眼前白光一闪,规则力量随即消失得无影无踪。 Hides enough deeply!” “藏得够深的!” This chapter of Lin Yi is the sincerity is startled, by his time sensation ability, can under his eye hides hides the person with no trace, is really rare. 这回林逸是真心吃了一惊,以他今时今日的感知能力,能在他眼皮子底下藏得这么不着痕迹的人,真的已是难得一见了。 Especially since the opposite party can participate in the struggle of near sea king, explained that account boundary also under revering boundary, at most is only half revering, although was higher than half level compared with conventional giant ultimate grand perfection, but may also be the same level expert to a certain extent. 尤其对方既然能够参加近海王之争,说明账面境界也在尊者境之下,顶多只是半步尊者,虽然比起常规的巨头终极大圆满高出了半级,但某种程度上也可算是同级高手了。 Recently these years, he had rarely suffered a loss in front of expert of the same class. 最近这些年来,他已经很少在同级别的高手面前吃过亏了。 After the opposite party snatched the strength supplies, with the meaning that Lin Yi pesters, the figure do not dodge must withdraw to be far away immediately, the speed the quick bonus is Lin Yi is surprised. 对方抢了实力补给之后,并没有丝毫要跟林逸纠缠的意思,身形一闪当即就要脱身远离,速度之快饶是林逸都不禁为之一惊。 If pursues, although is not the catching up opportunity does not have, but possibility really not high. 如果就这么去追,虽然不是一点追上的机会都没有,但可能性实在不高 In other words, if as expected, today this was unable to speak out about one's grievances is almost eats! 换而言之,如果不出意外,今天这个哑巴亏几乎是吃定了! However several breaths after merely, that shadow stopped the figure, the front seemed to be an invisible barrier to block his way. 不过仅仅数息之后,那道黑影就停住了身形,前方似有一堵无形的屏障堵住了他的去路。 Space blockade?” “空间封锁?” Covers the form under black robe emits one to call out in alarm, hearing the sound is a young men, no recognition, is that type, even if you deliberately pay attention, is still very difficult to remember any characteristics the type. 笼罩在黑袍之下的身影不由冒出一声惊呼,听声音是一个青年男子,没什么辨识度,属于那种就算你刻意留心,也很难记住任何特征的类型。 Not only sound, including this person body body and spirit field, is belongs to throw into the crowd is very difficult to look for come out that kind. 不仅声音,包括此人的身形气场,也都是属于扔进人群中就很难找出来的那一类。 This is typical assassin expert. 这是一个典型的刺客型高手 Today if were not stopped up, after Lin Yi , even if has a mind to recover the gathering place, perhaps does not know that should look for anyone. 今天如果不是被这么堵住,林逸以后就算有心想要找回场子,恐怕都不知道该去找谁。 The Lin Yi's sound leisure resounds behind him: Minimum greeting did not hit, takes my thing to run, was this not quite good? Must make me know, whom asks to demand payment?” 林逸的声音慢悠悠在他后方响起:“连个起码的招呼都不打,拿了我的东西就跑,这样不太好吧?总得让我知道以后去找谁要账吧?” The shadow turns around Leng Leng (coldly) visits him: You also meet the space blockade unexpectedly, I kick the sheet iron evidently?” 黑影转过身来冷冷的看着他:“你居然还会空间封锁,看样子我是踢到铁板了?” If only the general space style, he actually not necessarily pays attention. 如果只是一般的空间招式,他其实未必放在眼里。 But the space blocks differently, this is the high-end style of space rule, rule control 20% is impossible to display come out. 可空间封锁不一样,这是空间规则的高端招式,规则掌控度没有个百分之二十根本就不可能施展得出来 If space expert of that progression, regarding any cultivator is a huge threat, after all space best top rule, it uses force or high-handed methods the non-solution the given name not to blow come out. 而如果是那种级数的空间高手,对于任何修炼者来说都是一个巨大的威胁,毕竟空间这种数一数二的顶级规则,其硬霸无解的名号可不是吹出来的。 Without is so exaggerating, the small method of not amounting to something.” “没那么夸张,一点不上台面的小手段而已。” Lin Yi especially is actually modest. 林逸倒是格外谦虚。 In fact he said also is really the frank talk, his space rule control as before only then 5%, truly cannot amount to something. 事实上他说的还真是大实话,他的空间规则掌控度依旧只有百分之五,确实上不了台面。 Before then his also having more than enough space blockade high rank style, this time can display come out like this, all benefits from coming from the share of empty whale! 在此以前他也用不了空间封锁这样的高阶招式,这次能够施展出来,全是得益于来自虚鲸的分享! Now the empty whale and new World paragenesis, exchange in many level altogether associations, he master as new World will therefore naturally also profit, although is unable to chase rule control directly white/in vain, but the using skills of some space regular strengths, can actually digest the absorption. 如今虚鲸与新世界共生,在许多层面共联互通,他身为新世界的主人自然也会因此受益,虽然无法直接白嫖规则掌控度,可一些空间规则力量的使用技巧,却还是能消化吸收的。 Naturally, even similarly is the space blockade, limited to rule control, Lin Yi present's space blockade is unable to place on a par with empty whale that. 当然,就算同样是空间封锁,受限于规则掌控度,林逸眼下的这个空间封锁跟虚鲸那个根本无法相提并论。 If others wrapped up dozens centimeters thick steel plate the entire space, he this, binds a paper at present at best. 如果说人家是把整个空间裹上了数十公分厚的钢板,那他眼下这个,充其量也就是裹了一层纸。 Holds breaks. 一捅就破。 What a pity the shadow fell into the thinking, from the start without going to make the attempt in this aspect, if just he struck full power, the big probability can directly the crack. 可惜黑影陷入了思维定势,压根没有去做这方面的尝试,刚刚如果他全力一击,大概率直接就能破口而出。 Right?” “是吗?” The shadow does not believe Lin Yi this frank talk obviously, does not have to further break through the attempt of space blockade, then chose faced directly Lin Yi. 黑影显然不信林逸这句大实话,也没有进一步去突破空间封锁的尝试,转而选择了直面林逸 Lin Yi selects the eyebrow slightly: „Do you have probably very much self-confidently to yourself?” 林逸微微挑眉:“你好像对自己很有自信啊?” According to the normal logic, assassin expert focusing on concealment, in being forced by the field territory opposed the enemy directly, this absolutely is the taboo of being the first! 按照正常逻辑,一个以隐匿为主的刺客型高手,在受限场域内被迫正面对敌,这绝对是排在首位的大忌! Changes him at opposite party position at this moment, at this time the most reasonable decision did everything possible to get out of trouble inevitably, must like enter the concealment condition again badly a moment ago. 换他处在对方此刻的位置,这种时候最合理的决策必然是想方设法脱困,再不济也要像刚才那样进入隐匿状态。 The enemies are bright I to be dark, this is as an assassin's minimum request. 敌明我暗,这是身为一个刺客最起码的要求。 The shadow took off head cape, revealed an average not wonderful face, in the look has several points to ridicule: You should not think that I can only hide in the hidden place covertly carry out the sneak attack?” 黑影摘下了头上的斗篷,露出一张平平无奇的脸,眼神中带起了几分嘲弄:“你该不会以为我只能偷偷摸摸躲在暗处搞偷袭吧?” Lin Yi very sincere nod: Isn't?” 林逸很是诚恳的点点头:“难道不是?” „......” “……” Shadow complexion one stiff, the air/Qi smiles: Also ok, I keep a lesson to you, the unimportant person must have the determination of unimportant person, the next generation remembers these words well, so as to avoid makes same mistakes over again.” 黑影脸色一僵,不由气笑:“也行,那我就给你留个教训,小人物要有小人物的自觉,下辈子好好记住这句话,免得重蹈覆辙。” Then, huge air/Qi field starts to rise suddenly crazily. 说完,身上一股庞大的气场开始疯狂暴涨。 accelerate!” 加速!” Two characters exit|to speak gently, the shadow whole person changed into a remnant shadow directly. 两个字轻轻出口,黑影整个人直接就化为了一道残影。 The Lin Yi look concentrates, from the beginning he can also keep up with the speed of opposite party, is over time, the opposite party speed constantly is actually speeding up, until overshot his movement upper limit completely. 林逸神色微凝,一开始他还能跟上对方的速度,可是随着时间推移,对方速度却在不断加快,直至完全超出了他的身法上限。 The mobility was exploded unexpectedly! 机动性竟被完爆! Since arrives at the Earth Step sea area, he also never eats anything to owe in movement speed, falls well-matched at most, but he let alone keeps up with the speed of opposite party at present, even minimum divine sense locking is unbearable. 自从来到地阶海域,他还从未在身法速度这一块吃过什么亏,顶多也就是落个旗鼓相当,可是眼下他别说跟上对方的速度,甚至连起码的神识锁定都够呛。 Opposite party performance had surpassed his past cognition completely. 对方这个表现已经完全超出了他的以往认知。 Even, until this moment opposite party also in unceasingly accelerate! 甚至于,直到这一刻对方还在不断加速 accelerate rule......” 加速规则……” Lin Yi responded quickly, this absolutely was not the pure movement speed, but obviously was the regular strength, after all this has far exceeded the limit that the normal organism has been able to reach. 林逸很快反应过来,这绝对不是单纯的身法速度,而明显是规则力量,毕竟这已经远远超出了正常生物体所能达到的极限。 The accelerate rule, as the name suggests is a rule of special promotion speed, by the rank, can only be the third-level rule. 加速规则,顾名思义就是一项专门提升速度的规则,论等级,只能算是三级规则。 Let alone places on a par with the space and time such top rule, even various set attribute second-level rules, compare it at least to be higher than an entire level! 别说跟空间、时间这样的顶级规则相提并论,就算是各系属性的二级规则,都比它至少高出一整个层次! But this does not mean that it is weak. 但这并非就意味着它弱。 The third-level rule is the third-level rule, is not because the regular strength is weak, but is unitary because of their regular direction extremely, not has all kinds of development possibilities like the top regular and second-level rule, has nearly infinite development prospect. 三级规则之所以是三级规则,并不是因为规则力量不够强,而是因为它们的规则方向十分单一,不像顶级规则和二级规则那样有着各种各样的拓展可能性,有着近乎无穷的开发前景。 The third-level rule, inherent only has a development direction. 三级规则,与生俱来就只有一个开发方向。 For example petrifies the rule, can only petrify the goal, for example the hard rule, can only strengthen the degree of hardness of goal. 比如石化规则,就只能将目标石化,比如坚硬规则,就只能增强目标的硬度。 Also for example the present accelerate rule, can only goal infinite accelerate! 又比如眼前的加速规则,就只能将目标无限加速 The direction is unitary, means that aimed at easily, once meets to have the rule of restraint relations, will be restrained dead. 方向单一,就意味着容易被针对,一旦遇上有着克制关系的规则,就会被克制到死。
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