SBPE :: Volume #16

#10036: Chapter 10036

Lin Yi asked one at this time suddenly: „Does sea empathize pay attention to the struggle of this near sea king personally?” 林逸这时忽然问了一句:“海神会亲自关注这场近海王之争吗?” The sea does not have the day to stare: Can probably, the position of near sea king is important after all, if were made circuit with troupe by the enemy lane is very troublesome, let alone the sea royal crown is the sea god Sir puts in personally, why asked this?” 海无天一愣:“大概会的吧,毕竟近海王的位置事关重大,要是被敌人弄走会很麻烦,何况海王冠就是海神大人亲自投放的,为什么问这个?” Lin Yi smiles: Curious.” 林逸轻轻一笑:“好奇而已。” The sea does not have the day not to doubt him, immediately reminded: Died to start from the First sea royal crown winner, had the new winner dead each time, trial can come from the strength supplies of recommendation, you paid attention to receive later.” 海无天不疑有他,随即提醒道:“从第一位海王冠获得者死亡开始,每次有新获得者死亡,试炼者都可以得到来自举荐者的实力补给,你待会儿注意接收。” strength supplies?” 实力补给?” Actually the regular strength from recommendation, delivers the upper limit only to be 10% of recommendation each time, so long as is in this trial range, trial can control these strengths freely, not by the limit of it strength.” “其实就是来自举荐者的规则力量,每次投送上限只能是举荐者本人的10%,只要身在这次试炼范围之内,试炼者就可以自由支配这些力量,不受其本身实力的限制。” The sea did not have the day to trade style saying: In other words, you can control my strength temporarily.” 海无天换了个方式道:“也就是说,你可以暂时支配我的力量。” The Lin Yi eyelid jumps: One time is 10%, if obtains supplies one after another ten times, can obtain the solid completely revering boundary strength?” 林逸眼皮一跳:“一次是10%,那如果接连得到十次补给的话,岂不是可以获得实实在在的全部尊者境力量?” The sea does not have Heavenly Dao: Right, therefore strength of recommendation has the enormous influence on the trial result, more drags Late Phase, affecting to be bigger, in comparison strength of trial instead will become insignificant!” 海无天道:“没错,所以举荐者的实力试炼结果有着巨大影响,越是拖到后期,影响就越大,相比之下试炼者本人的实力反而会变得无足轻重!” trial strength was defined below revering boundary, but reviews the qualifications to recommend recommendation of candidate, actually is completely revering boundary expert. 试炼实力在被限定在尊者境以下,而反观有资格举荐人选的举荐者们,却全部都是尊者境高手 Did not discuss regardless Lin Yi such few anomalies, regarding certainly large number trial, strength recommendation extremely relaxed steamroll their complete strength. 抛开林逸这样极少数的怪胎不谈,对于绝大数试炼者来说,举荐者十分之一的实力就已经轻松碾压他们本身的全部实力了。 Especially if recommendation is tyrannical enough, so long as obtains even if strength supplies, can Niaoqiang change the artillery immediately, changes the potential of entire strong and weak thoroughly! 尤其如果举荐者足够强横的话,只要得到哪怕一次实力补给,立马就能鸟枪换炮,彻底扭转整个强弱之势! This regarding itself strength outstanding trial, obviously is not the good news. 这对于本身实力出众的试炼者们来说,显然不是什么好消息。 Lin Yi is full of asking of meaning: What level your is strength in recommendation?” 林逸饶有意味的问道:“你的实力在举荐者中算是什么水平?” The sea did not have the day silent the moment: In in.” 海无天沉默了片刻:“中上吧。” He is the sea god ranked the ninth walks, strength cannot be weak absolutely, but must say that some is also actually far outstanding, the self-assessment in in is also quite objective. 他是排名第九的海神行走,实力绝对不能算弱,可要说有多出众却也谈不上,中上的自我评价还算是比较客观。 That but actually also good, does not calculate that draws.” “那倒还行,也不算太拉。” Lin Yi comforted one very much sincerely. 林逸很是诚恳的安慰了一句。 „......” “……” The sea did not have the day to give immediately entire broken guarded, suppressed for quite a while to emit one spookily: „Do you know that the truth most does offend somebody?” 海无天顿时就给整破防了,憋了半天幽幽冒出一句:“你知不知道实话是最伤人的?” If trades to be others, he so will not be absolutely polite, helpless before Lin Yi, shows come out strength to be extremely maneating, even if one to one is not necessarily able to eat by his strength steadily. 要是换做其他人,他绝对不会这么客气,无奈林逸之前展现出来实力太过凶悍,就算以他的实力一对一都未必能够稳吃。 strength decides the right to speak, who makes others ability big, his solemn sea god ranked the ninth walks also can only respect. 实力决定话语权,谁让人家能耐大呢,他这位堂堂排名第九的海神行走也只能敬着点。 Laughing that Lin Yi thinks little, said immediately: You strength strongest that several recommendation and their trial data compilation, will send me next time together, I quite have a protection.” 林逸不以为意的哈哈一笑,随即道:“你把实力最强的那几位举荐者和他们的试炼者资料整理一下,下次一起发我,我好有个防备。” The sea did not have the day to follow to smile: I looked that is they should guard against you to be right.” 海无天跟着笑了:“我看是他們该防备着你才对。” It can be predicted that the similar dialogue performs in various places at this moment inevitably, these people who takes the lead will inevitably become will be the target of public criticism, especially those strength will be limited, but behind recommendation strength powerful trial, will become everyone will first aim at the target. 可以预见,此时此刻同样的对话必然在各处上演,那些出头鸟不可避免将会成为众矢之的,尤其是那些本身实力有限但背后举荐者实力强大的试炼者,将会成为所有人的优先针对目标。 In comparison, the sea does not have the day not to calculate that prominent strength instead became the Lin Yi best shield. 相比之下,海无天不算突出的实力反而成了林逸最好的掩护。 With the Lin Yi present card in a hand, although cannot withstand the wooden show in forest high pressure, but if can come a wave of canary, Lin Yi is glad very much, when a chapter old compels Yin. 林逸如今的底牌,虽说也不是承受不起木秀于林的高压,可如果能来一波黄雀在后,林逸还是很乐意当一回老阴逼的。 After all, he has not brushed has the feeling to seize the hobby of attention. 毕竟,他可没有刷存在感搏取关注的爱好。 Right, reminded your one, although in most situations the strength supplies were bound, but in certain peculiar circumstances, the strength supplies also had the robbed possibility.” “对了,提醒你一声,虽然大多数情况下实力补给是被绑定的,但在某些特殊情况下,实力补给也有被抢夺的可能。” The sea did not have a day of being forearmed reminder: I guess that should no one be able to seize the food in your here fingers/tiger mouth.” 海无天有备无患的提醒了一句:“不过我猜应该没人能在你这里虎口夺食。” The telephone conversation ended, Lin Yi selected the eyebrow, if this gadget really can rob, that may be big on the pleasure. 通话结束,林逸挑了挑眉,如果这玩意儿真的能够抢夺,那可就乐子大了。 Theoretically, this means that some people possibly accumulate to endure the score positions and even dozens revering boundary expert strength, although possibility not high, but is not totally without possibly. 理论上,这就意味着有人可能攒出堪比数位乃至数十位尊者境高手实力,虽然可能性不高,但并不是完全没有可能。 Perhaps will really raise a monster! 说不定真会养出一个怪物来! Lin Yi thinks, immediately turns the head to set out toward latest mark target point, finally less than the time of quarter of an hour, had seen three dead shape pitiful corpses all the way. 林逸想了想,当即转头朝着最新标记的目标点进发,结果不到一刻钟的工夫,一路上就已见到了三具死状凄惨的尸体。 „Did some people start to start to trial massively?” “有人开始大规模对试炼者下手了?” This scene actually not as he expected, the development inevitably is not unceasingly accelerate, then the trial eliminated speed will be only getting more and more fast, the deceased person will also be naturally getting more and more. 这个场面其实并不出乎他所料,局势发展必然是不断加速的,接下来试炼者们被淘汰的速度只会越来越快,死人自然也会越来越多。 Especially after strength supplies huge variable, these strength powerful trial for the consolidated advantage, naturally can give up the beforehand dormant strategy, then starts as far as possible ahead of time. 尤其在出了实力补给这个巨大变数之后,那些实力强大的试炼者们为了巩固优势,自然会放弃之前的蛰伏策略,转而尽可能提前下手。 But Lin Yi on these corpses, felt several points of unusual aura faintly. 林逸还是在这些尸体身上,隐隐感受到了几分异样的气息。 These people, as if die of the same person's hand, moreover was struck to kill! 这些人,似乎都死于同一人之手,而且都是被一击必杀! Also passes the moment, Lin Yi is not as expected to meet a corpse, corpse that quite looks familiar. 又过片刻,林逸不出预料又遇上一具尸体,一具相当眼熟的尸体。 Zhang Heng! 张恒! Regarding this with the character who Ning Wan has fought, Lin Yi has the impression. 对于这个与宁婉君交过手的人物,林逸还是颇有印象的。 Although strength is not top, but the platoon under the revering boundary arrives at the upstream sufficiently, besides has to jump the ranks to challenge the strength monster like him, has strength of the war to other on same level expert fully. 实力虽然不算顶尖,但在尊者境之下足以排到上游,除了像他这样有着越级挑战实力的怪物之外,对上其他同级高手都足有一战之力。 complete(ly) Jingning Wan was not the good stubble, was not the casual what goods can the entire journey press her to hit. 毕竟宁婉君也不是什么善茬,不是随便什么货色都能全程压着她打的。 The key is, Zhang Heng is the following sentiment young master people acts together, unexpectedly was struck to kill as before, this may really a little be frightened. 关键是,张恒是跟着情公子众人一起行动的,居然依旧被人一击必杀,这可就着实有点令人惊悚了。 This group of person luck a little carry.” “这帮人运气有点背啊。” Lin Yi does not know whether to laugh or cry, first meets alone this solitary one hero, now bumps into such ruthless stubble, he could not bear start for the sentiment young master to be worried. 林逸哭笑不得,先是遇上独孤一雄,如今又碰上这么个狠茬,他都忍不住开始替情公子担心了。 Meets such a ready-made board game piece rarely, if this halfway die young were a little a pity. 难得遇上这么现成的一颗棋子,这要是半途夭折就有点可惜了。 While the Lin Yi preparation studies Zhang Heng's wound well, the nearby transmits an unusual space to fluctuate suddenly. 正当林逸准备好好研究一下张恒的伤口,附近忽然传来一阵异样的空间波动。 Quick, then sees one group of extremely pure regular strengths to reappear baseless. 很快,便见一团极度精纯的规则力量凭空浮现。 The Lin Yi eyelid jumps, this clearly is the revering boundary expert exclusive aura, although only then 10%, may place the revering boundary following level, subverts the war ready ready sufficiently the decisive force. 林逸眼皮一跳,这分明是尊者境高手的专属气息,虽然只有10%,可放在尊者境以下的层次,妥妥是足以颠覆战局的决定性力量。 However what surprised him slightly somewhat was, he on this had not discovered that the sea did not have the day aura. 不过令他稍微有些意外的是,他在这上面并没有发现海无天的气息。 According to the beforehand view, the strength supplies will bind specially, for Insurance in order, recommendation will leave behind individual to be the aura alone, this can only by the trial receive of correspondence, others even is close is unable to bribe. 按照之前的说法,力量补给是会专门绑定的,为了保险起见,举荐者都会留下个人独属气息,这样就只能由对应的试炼者接收,其他人即便近在咫尺也无法染指。 Was the sea does not have the day to neglect? 难道是海无天疏忽了? Said, this goods so trust own strength, assured can no one fingers/tiger mouth from own seize the food? 还是说,这货对自己的实力如此信任,笃定没人可以从自己手底下虎口夺食?
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