SBPE :: Volume #16

#10035: Chapter 10035

Looks that he falls into the puzzled appearance that thinks deeply, under Li Yuanxin laughs in one's heart, even more admires regarding Lin Yi, this move of releasing in order to catch complete flexure in sentiment young master’s itchy place, not high is not bright. 看着他陷入深思的纠结模样,李元心下暗笑,对于不由林逸愈发敬服,这一招欲擒故纵完全挠在了情公子的痒处,不可谓不高明。 The human nature is so, if you scurry to paste on own initiative, will only be abandoned such as our Lv. 人性就是如此,你要是上赶着主动贴上去,只会被弃如敝履。 Otherwise if you do not spare a glance, he instead meets worry about personal gains and losses. 反之你要是不屑一顾,他又反而会患得患失 According to this stance develops, soon, this sentiment young master will capture, believes in firmly to Lin Yi, when the time comes comes one wave to push the boat along again, under collaborating from outside with the inside to fall into the Lin Yi control is sooner or later matter. 照这个架势发展下去,用不了多久,这位情公子就会自我攻略,对林逸深信不疑,到时候再来一波顺水推舟,里应外合之下落入林逸掌控是迟早的事情。 All these, did not say completely during Lin Yi's controls, is not far with his expectation. 这一切,不说全部都在林逸的掌控之中,却也跟他的预料相去不远。 Don't forget, he is also mastering the time rule. 别忘了,他还掌握着时间规则。 Although rule control 5%, are unable like half th division clear sees various future, but if does briefly sentences in advance, especially time of opposite party strength under oneself, is very easy. 虽然规则掌控度只有百分之五,无法像洛半师那样清晰的看到各种未来,但如果只是做一点简短的预判,尤其对方实力远在自己之下的时候,还是很容易的。 The sentiment young master, is he an idle chess that prepares to drop, but after obtaining the alone this solitary one male memory, the important nature of this idle chess actually promoted much. 情公子,原本是他准备落下的一步闲棋,不过得到了独孤一雄的记忆后,这步闲棋的重要性却是提升了不少。 Perhaps, this will perhaps really become him to meddle the sea area in the future key! 说不定,这也许真会成为他未来插手海域的关键手! However, this is not the First step chess that he drops. 不过,这可不是他落下的第一步棋。 In fact before the beast temple invades, some people had dropped step important key for him ahead of time. 事实上早在兽神殿入侵之前,有人就已经替他提前落下了一步更重要的关键手。 Zhang Shichang, Shen Qingnian, Han get up......” “张世昌、沈庆年、韩起……” One list of familiar names have delimited in the mind, Lin Yi brought back the corners of the mouth, these old friends have not seen for a long time. 一串熟悉的名字在脑海划过,林逸不由勾起了嘴角,这几位老朋友可是许久没见了啊。 In the person eyes, these dominate temporary man of the hour outside properly, has met in the civil war to be given to exterminate by emperor permits Anshan in the beforehand scientific theory, winner is the king, loser is the villain, nothing more to be said. 在外人眼中,这些正经叱咤一时的风云人物,已在之前的学理会内战中被帝王许安山给剿灭,成王败寇,这没什么好说的。 Let alone later is the beast tide arrives, everyone's attention was shifted spontaneously, no one pays attention again. 何况之后就是兽潮降临,所有人的注意力都被自发转移,再没有任何人关注。 Feels seems like, this group of fierce person into thin air generally, died quietly quietly nameless. 给人的感觉就好像,这帮猛人悄然人间蒸发了一般,死得寂寂无名。 As everyone knows, all these were intentionally concealed to be the result. 殊不知,这一切都是被人刻意隐瞒所致。 This is also Lin Yi and between permits Anshan a biggest tacit understanding, on the other hand, if Zhang Shichang people really died under permits Anshan the hand, even if the Lin Yi pattern were when the time comes big, was impossible again many room to maneuver. 这也是林逸与许安山之间一个最大的默契,话说回来,如果张世昌众人真的死在了许安山手底下,到时候哪怕林逸格局再大,彼此之间也不可能再有多少转圜余地。 If nothing else, the autumn three mothers were impossible to bear. 别的不说,秋三娘就不可能忍得了。 The layout of Zhang Shichang people, this chess is profounder than Lin Yi at present, if both can complement one another, when the time comes perhaps will give everyone a huge pleasant surprise. 张世昌众人的布局,远比林逸眼下这手棋更加深远,两者若是能够相辅相成,到时候也许会给所有人一个巨大的惊喜。 Looked at a sea not to have map that the day gave, Lin Yi toward the mark position sets out immediately. 看了一眼海无天给过来的地图,林逸随即朝着标记的位置进发。 In the future wants to base in the sea area, near sea king is an extremely essential position, needs well the spend some thoughts on this. 未来想在海域立足,近海王是个极其关键的位置,还是需要在这上面好好花点心思的。 Naturally, this mainly is also because Ning Wan also in stupor, has no way to continue to give him, when human shaped bait. 当然,这主要也是因为宁婉君还在昏迷中,没法继续给他当人形钓饵了。 Otherwise sea god belief is it is estimated that more fragrant. 否则估计还是海神信仰度更香。 Regarding Ning Wan, Lin Yi, although has no thoughts of showing tender affection, to really to throw to work as the bait her in stupor, that approach is really a little non- human, he is also insufficient not to have the bottom line. 对于宁婉君,林逸虽说没什么怜香惜玉的心思,可真要把昏迷中的她扔出去当钓饵,那种做法实在是有点非人类,他还不至于这么没有底线。 Let alone, later also has in view of the sentiment young master’s layout with Ning Wan place, if something were done overdone, later wants to recover may a little be troublesome. 何况,之后针对情公子的布局还有用到宁婉君的地方,有些事情要是做过火了,之后再想补救可就有点麻烦了。 At the Lin Yi's speed, really must start to catch up with path to come, that naturally is extremely quick. 林逸的速度,真要开始赶起路来,那自然是极快。 Before also fell on the surrounding, was flung by other competitors by far in the rear area, finally less than half double-hour, Lin Yi has met the offshore not to have day of position that merely fast gave the mark. 之前还落在外围,被其他一众竞争者远远甩在后方,结果仅仅不到半个时辰,林逸就已快速接近海无天给出标记的位置。 However although the position, is actually a huge range, initially slightly the estimate at least is three times of Jianghai city. 不过虽说是位置,其实是一片巨大的范围,初略估计至少是江海城的三倍。 On the region length and breadth, the land compares with the sea, is little witch sees Great Shaman. 论地域广袤,陆地跟海洋一比,着实是小巫见大巫 To search for a small sea royal crown in such a big area, even if at the Lin Yi's divine sense intensity, that also looks for a needle in a haystack in a short time as before. 想要在这么大的范围内搜寻一个小小的海王冠,哪怕以林逸的神识强度,短时间内那也依旧是大海捞针。 At this time, regardless of what strength strategy talked nonsense, the luck was the determining factor of First position. 这种时候,无论什么实力智谋都是扯淡,运气才是第一位的决定性因素。 All the way, Lin Yi also ran into several groups of competitors, but each other extremely alert, was careful that is controlling the distance, actually no is driving to find fault. 一路上,林逸也遇到了几拨竞争者,不过彼此都十分戒备,都在小心控制着距离,倒是没有一个主动上来找茬的。 In fact this is the normal style of this trial selection. 事实上这才是本次试炼选拔的正常画风。 Only if directly related with the substantive vital interests, otherwise no one will easily act, first avoids the unnecessary consumption, secondly also to avoid being seen clearly the actual situation early. 除非直接关系到实质性的重大利益,否则没人会轻易出手,一来是避免不必要的消耗,二来也是为了避免早早被人看清虚实。 Arrived the regular level, promoting and constraining mutually between rules must be more essential than the domain period, especially strength disparity not big opponent, once the rule were very been difficult to have the leeway of turning over by to subdue|grams that again. 到了规则层次,规则之间的相生相克远比领域时期还要更加关键,尤其实力差距不大的对手,一旦规则被克那就很难再有翻身的余地了。 After all, is no one holds a pants pocket like Lin Yi various is being regular, let alone new World such tiger balm card in a hand. 毕竟,不是谁都像林逸这样揣着一裤兜各系规则的,更别说还有新世界这样的万金油底牌了。 Swept surrounding one, while Lin Yi hesitant next should toward that side time, the sea does not have the day sound to pass on to suddenly knowing the sea. 扫了周围一眼,正当林逸犹豫下一步该往那边的时候,海无天的声音忽然传至识海。 Urgent notice! The sea royal crown had been found!” “紧急通知!海王冠已经被人找到了!” Lin Yi stares, immediately lets go speechless: How could it not be the struggle of that near sea king ended, my bought soy sauce in vain.” 林逸一愣,随即无语摊手:“那近海王之争岂不就是结束了,我这白白打了一趟酱油啊。” Owing heart that this saying said. 这话说的亏心。 Was an alone this solitary one hero has only made his one wave fat, let alone also hunted and killed so many ultra sea beasts before, even also gave in vain empty whale Bodyguard. 光是一个独孤一雄就已经让他一波肥了,何况之前还猎杀了那么多超海兽,甚至还白送了一头虚鲸保镖 On the essence harvest, this has far exceeded a value of sea royal crown only! 单就实质收获而言,这已经远远超出了一顶海王冠的价值! The sea does not have the day to return said: Had not finished, after obtaining the sea royal crown, has the time to over one day, can obtain the recognizing lord of sea royal crown.” 海无天回道:“还没结束,得到海王冠之后持有时间必须超过一天,才能得到海王冠的认主。” The Lin Yi eyelid jumps: „Did that this lucky fellow become is the target of public criticism?” 林逸眼皮一跳:“那这个幸运儿岂不是成为众矢之的了?” According to this setting, resulted in the sea royal crown to become the chasing down targets of others ready ready, was this lucky or unfortunate? 照这个设定,得了海王冠妥妥就成了其他所有人的追杀目标,这到底算是幸运还是不幸? Finally two after merely breaths . 结果仅仅两息之后。 The sea does not have the day sound to transmit again: Goal confirmed, the First winner of sea royal crown had died, selects trial to continue, the mark position renewed, you pay attention.” 海无天的声音再度传来:“目标确认,海王冠的第一位获得者已经死亡,选拔试炼继续,标记位置更新了,你留意一下。” What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Lin Yi took advantage of opportunity to sweep map, the range of discovery new mark with just missed the long distance impressively, was not further locks to reduce on the existing basis, but changed a place completely. 林逸顺势扫了一眼地图,赫然发现新标记的范围跟刚刚差了十万八千里,并不是在原来的基础上进一步锁定缩小,而是完全换了一个地方。 Was snatches that person of transmission of sea royal crown to run?” “难道是抢到海王冠的那人传送跑了?” The sea does not have the day to return said: „It is not, sea royal crown recognizes the Lord ceremony, once were broken, spontaneous random transmission to other positions, will kill its winner not to mean that in other words can obtain it, will only make the game make a fresh start.” 海无天回道:“不是,海王冠的认主仪式一旦被打断,就会自发随机传送到其他位置,也就是说杀死它的获得者并不意味着就能得到它,只会让游戏重新开始。” The Lin Yi complexion is strange: According to this method, to be endless?” 林逸不由面色古怪:“照这个玩法,岂不是没完没了?” If only the pure seizing treasure, then the competition is even fierce, so long as after one slaughters can always come out the winner, at best nothing but is the scene bloody frigid. 如果只是单纯的夺宝,那么就算竞争再激烈,只要经过一场厮杀总还是能决出胜者,充其量无非是场面血腥惨烈一点罢了。 But if every repeats to renovate one time, that this game may really some play. 可要是每一次都重复刷新,那这游戏可就真有的玩了。 The sea does not have a day of forced smile saying: Therefore wants to win finally, the luck, strategy and strength are indispensable, hard headstrong headstrong does not only arrive at the position of near sea king by strength.” 海无天苦笑道:“所以想要赢到最后,运气、策略、实力缺一不可,只靠实力硬莽是莽不到近海王之位的。”
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