SBPE :: Volume #16

#10034: Chapter 10034

Opposite party strength more is powerful, new World catches is difficult, is good because of the empty whale extremely coordination, the bonus is so, caught alone this solitary one hero wanting compared with before difficultly over ten times. 对方实力越是强大,新世界捕获起来就越是艰难,好在虚鲸十分配合,饶是如此,也比之前捕获独孤一雄要难了十倍以上。 The entire process continued enough most of the day, this catches finally successfully, took in the empty whale new World. 整个过程持续了足足大半天,这才终于捕获成功,将虚鲸收进了新世界之中。 Buzz! 嗡! Since the new World empty whale, for the first time made a cheerful sound suddenly, just like the child to jump in the bathtub, that pure made Lin Yi smile joyfully. 骤然进入新世界的虚鲸,破天荒发出了一道欢快的声音,犹如小孩跳进了澡盆,那种单纯至极的喜悦令林逸都不禁莞尔。 Looks that this big fellow at the scene that new World has a good swim cheerfully, before that worry vanished into thin air immediately. 看着这个大家伙在新世界欢快畅游的场面,之前那点担心顿时不翼而飞。 Just like Jiang Xiaoshang the speculation, he has felt paragenesis relation between new World and empty whales, the empty whale is here like a fish in water, but new World had it also obviously became has the vigor. 正如姜小尚的推测,他已经感受到了新世界与虚鲸之间的共生联系,虚鲸在这里如鱼得水,而新世界有了它也明显变得更加有活力了。 The most remarkable performance is, the evolved speed became quicker. 一个最显著的表现就是,演化速度变得更快了。 Jiang Xiaoshang looks that this is also flabbergasted: Is white such powerful Bodyguard, your simply is the treatment of child of destiny, no wonder my main body racks brains to on you bet!” 姜小尚看着这一幕也不由咋舌:“白得这么一个强大的保镖,你这简直就是气运之子的待遇啊,难怪我那本尊绞尽脑汁要在你身上下注!” The empty whale is docile, generally not active offense person, but now it with the new World paragenesis, anybody, if attacks new World, will bring in its counter-attack inevitably. 虚鲸性情温顺,一般不会主动攻击人,可如今它与新世界共生,任何人若是攻击新世界,势必都会引来它的反击。 In other words , not only any by the Lin Yi capture since the new World enemy, is the god of Lin Yi this home game faces when the time comes, meanwhile has an immeasurably deep empty whale. 换句话说,任何被林逸捕获进入新世界的敌人,到时候面对的不仅是林逸这个主场之神,同时还有一头深不可测的虚鲸。 That scene, proper beautiful like picture. 那场面,妥妥美如画。 Regardless how to see, Lin Yi this wave is the blood gains. 无论怎么看,林逸这一波都是血赚。 When Lin Yi returns the outside world time, the sentiment young master people to him are thoroughly startled are the Celestials, although in the surface has not knelt down, but at heart is actually solid knelt down to Lin Yi. 等到林逸重新回到外界的时候,情公子众人对他已是彻底惊为天人,虽然面上没有跪下,但心里却已是实实在在的给林逸跪下了。 This damn is what monster! 尼玛是什么怪物啊! Tidied up alone this solitary one hero not to calculate, unexpectedly even/including Xujing also gave to receive together, this and other immeasurably deep terrifying strength they let alone have seen, from the start listened not to listen continually. 收拾了独孤一雄还不算,居然连虚鲸也一起都给收了,这等深不可测的恐怖实力他们别说见过,压根连听都没有听过。 The sentiment young master suspected seriously, gathers Family complete strength, can achieve this step? 情公子严重怀疑,集合自己家族的全部实力,有没有可能做到这一步? Copes with an alone this solitary one hero to be naturally a cinch, but must say that copes with such a empty whale, did not say that a possibility does not have, that big probability is also unbearable...... 对付一个独孤一雄自然不在话下,可要说对付这么一头虚鲸,不说一点可能性都没有,那大概率也是够呛吧…… Thinks before oneself, unexpectedly makes one make a move to Lin Yi, the sentiment young master the leg was immediately wet. 一想到自己之前居然让人对林逸出手,情公子顿时腿都湿了。 At this time Lin Yi shot a look at his one eyes suddenly: You, come.” 这时林逸忽然瞥了他一眼:“你,过来。” People simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks to the sentiment young master, including strength strongest Zhang Heng, actually no dares to stand come out to interrupt. 众人不由齐齐看向情公子,包括实力最强的张恒在内,却没有一个敢站出来插嘴的。 A sentiment young master brain blank, does not know how oneself are walks, until looking at Lin Yi is close at hand, the response that this lags behind finally, two legs one soft passed kneels in front of Lin Yi. 情公子脑子一片空白,都不知道自己是怎么走过去的,直至看着林逸近在眼前,这才终于后知后觉的反应过来,两腿一软噗通跪在了林逸面前。 Rear people collective casting down one's eyes nose view hearts, when has not seen. 后方众人集体眼观鼻鼻观心,就当没看见。 A Lin Yi face is speechless: I am not the unprincipled person, do you give me line of such big gift to do?” 林逸一脸无语:“我又不是什么坏人,你给我行这么大礼干什么?” „......” “……” Are you unprincipled person do not say, but you compared the alone this solitary one male such unprincipled person more fearful absolutely. 你是不是坏人不好说,但你绝对比独孤一雄那样的坏人可怕多了。 Sentiment young master good half genius to struggle to crawl, squeezes out a ratio to cry forcefully also the ugly smile: Senior you have anything to tell, only then the younger generation can achieve, goes through fire or water not to refuse under any circumstances!” 情公子好半天才挣扎着爬起来,强行挤出一个比哭还难看的笑容:“前辈您有什么吩咐,只有晚辈能做到的,赴汤蹈火在所不辞!” Without is so also difficult, making you solve a poison.” “也没那么难,让你解个毒而已。” Lin Yi was saying emitted Ning Wan from new World, because at this time this woman the sentiment poisonous outbreak is serious, had fallen into the stupor thoroughly. 林逸说着从新世界中放出了宁婉君,此时这个女人因为情毒发作严重,已经彻底陷入了昏迷之中。 The sentiment young master eyelid jumps, observed a Lin Yi's expression cautiously, sees Lin Yi to throw Ning Wan on the ground conveniently, and has no movement that protects affectionate, this felt relieved slightly. 情公子眼皮一跳,小心翼翼的观察了一下林逸的表情,见林逸只是随手将宁婉君扔在地上,并没有什么亲昵呵护的动作,这才稍微放下心来。 If Ning Wan is this something for one's own exclusive use, he may really die in today does not know how should die. 如果宁婉君是这位的禁脔,那他今天可真就死在不知道该怎么死了。 Actually was he is also frightened ignorant. 其实也是他被吓懵了。 If Lin Yi is really interesting about Ning Wan, how before to be him to bully few, pursues Ning Wan one to explode the hammer? 如果林逸真的对宁婉君有意思,之前又岂会任他以多欺少,追着宁婉君一顿爆锤? Lin Yi knit the brows to look at his one eyes: Can solve?” 林逸皱眉看了他一眼:“能不能解?” The sentiment young master frightened one to tremble, the nod such as mashed up garlic hastily: Can be able the energy, younger generation this to give her to detoxify.” 情公子吓了一个哆嗦,连忙点头如捣蒜:“能能能,晚辈这就给她解毒。” Said that then the succinct regular strength will infiltrate Ning Wan together within the body, short after several breaths, Ning Wan aura becomes steady, again before no longer, extremely painful poisoned sign. 说完便将一道精粹的规则力量打入宁婉君体内,短短数息之后,宁婉君的气息就变得平稳起来,再不复之前极度痛苦的中毒迹象。 The sentiment young master said cautiously: So long as then she woke up, makes the recuperation to be able slightly recover such as beginning.” 情公子小心翼翼道:“接下来只要等她醒来,稍作调养就可以恢复如初了。” Lin Yi nods: Ok, you walked.” 林逸点点头:“行了,你走吧。” „......” “……” The sentiment young master is shocked immediately, staring dumbfounded referred to itself: „Do I walk?” 情公子顿时愣住,瞠目结舌的指了指自己:“我走?” Lin Yi looks at his one eyes: „Don't you want to walk? Remains also indifferently, why should why go.” 林逸看他一眼:“你不想走?留下来也无所谓,该干嘛干嘛去。” Said that receives new World Ning Wan again, the figure flashes, then has vanished same place, leaves behind a sentiment young master numerous to look at each other in blank dismay. 说完重新将宁婉君收入新世界,身形一闪,便已原地消失,留下情公子一众面面相觑。 For a long time, the sentiment young master collapses to the ground, unexpectedly is moved. 许久,情公子一屁股瘫坐在地上,竟是怅然若失。 He had prepared to bleed big, where wants to obtain Lin Yi not to press the repertoire to play a card from the start, looked continually has not looked at his one eyes, unexpectedly walked. 他本来都已经准备好大出血了,哪想得到林逸压根不按套路出牌,连看都没有多看他一眼,居然就这么走了。 Others do not have this feeling actually, only feels survivor of disaster in abundance, rejoices. 其余众人倒是没有这种感觉,纷纷只觉得劫后余生,庆幸不已。 Is it possible that young master thought that was somewhat a pity?” “公子莫非觉得有些可惜?” Li Yuan walked quietly. 李元悄然走了过来。 The sentiment young master smiles bitterly: Is a little, if can the boost of this grade of character, my big bro First Position Successor position, but not necessarily can also be so safe.” 情公子苦笑一声:“是有一点,如果能够得到这等人物的助力,我那大哥第一顺位继承人的位置,可就未必还能那么稳当了。” Regarding person on one's own side, he never conceals oneself true idea, this was also the charisma of his difference. 对于身边的自己人,他从来不隐瞒自己的真实想法,这也算是他异样的人格魅力了。 However, if Lin Yi did not leave a moment ago directly, but has the interest in his back Family reveal, he will only keep at a respectful distance absolutely. 不过话说回来,如果刚才林逸不是直接离开,而是对他背后的家族流露出兴趣,那他绝对只会敬而远之。 The good and evil is the core of Family careful training direct descendant, he is also insufficient sweet to thinking entirely white oneself can play the mind with the character of this grade of rank, really must collect rashly, divides minutes to be swallowed does not remain the dregs. 好歹是家族精心培养的核心嫡系,他还不至于傻白甜到以为自己能跟这等级别的人物玩心眼,真要冒然凑上去,分分钟被人吞得连渣都不剩。 Only then Lin Yi does not spare a glance to him, he will think that Lin Yi is credible. 只有林逸对他不屑一顾,他才会觉得林逸可信。 The people are such contradictory. 人就是这么矛盾。 Li Yuan smiles secretly: „The expert conduct is always as deep as a well, we definitely could not grasp, but, I think actually the young master you will also bump into that expert sooner or later.” 李元暗暗一笑:“高人行事总是高深莫测,我们肯定是掌握不了的,不过,我倒是以为公子您迟早还会碰上那位高人的。” The sentiment young master the spirit inspires immediately: This words what lecture?” 情公子顿时精神一振:“此话何讲?” Li Yuan reminded: „The expert trail we are not naturally able to guess, is Ning Wan trail, the young master you always knows fairly well?” 李元提醒道:“高人的踪迹我们自然是无法揣测,可是宁婉君的踪迹,公子您总是心中有数的吧?” That is natural.” “那是自然。” Sentiment young master eyes one bright, the thoughts enliven immediately. 情公子眼睛一亮,心思立马活跃起来。 Ning Wan sentiment poison, although has solved, can he with Ning Wan all sorts of disputes of past, want to find Ning Wan is not a difficult matter, like this time. 宁婉君身上的情毒虽然已解,可以他跟宁婉君以往的种种纠葛,想要找到宁婉君并非难事,就像这次一样。 But from the Lin Yi performance, Ning Wan admittedly was not his woman, may have some relation with him inevitably, so long as found Ning Wan should not be difficult to find him. 而从林逸刚才的表现来看,宁婉君固然不是他的女人,可与他必然有着某种联系,只要找到了宁婉君应该就不难找到他。 Li Yuan reminded: Looks at that expert attitude, should not be willing to mix the struggle of influence, young master you, if wants welcome to this strong help, perhaps must think in well the hand has what chip.” 李元提醒道:“看那位高人的态度,应该是不愿意掺合势力之争,公子您如果想要请到这位强援,恐怕还得好好想想手上有什么筹码。” The sentiment young master deep is so: Is thinks well.” 情公子深以为然:“是得好好想想。”
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