SBPE :: Volume #16

#10033: Chapter 10033

Really is the shortsighted idiot, to this time, you could not have seen that unexpectedly whose who is weak?” “果真是目光短浅的蠢货,都已经到这个时候了,你居然还看不出孰强孰弱?” The skinny man laughs, changes into a face severe color immediately: „ Misled the young master time one also insufficiently, but also wants to mislead second time, are you for fear that the young master do not die by your pit? 干瘦男子嗤笑不已,随即化为一脸厉色道:“误导了公子一次还不够,还想来误导第二次,你是生怕公子不被你坑死吗? Young master, the time press, we cannot hesitate! ” 公子,时间紧迫,咱们不能再犹豫了!” Sentiment young master wear a look of awkward, but the vision fell on Li Yuan body eventually, he was not murders the resolute person, treating these diners has been generous. 情公子面带为难,但目光终究还是落在了李元的身上,他本身不是什么杀伐果决之人,对待身边这些食客一直都算宽厚。 However since the matter developed this step, actually also can only dead fellow daoist not dead this poor Daoist. 不过事情既然发展到了这一步,却也只能死道友不死贫道了。 Did not do right by.” “对不住了。” The sentiment young master finishes speaking, a distant place space fluctuation, then emits a person's shadow. 情公子这边话音刚落,远处空间一阵波动,紧接着便冒出一个人影。 Is Lin Yi. 林逸 People instantaneous embarrassed lives. 众人瞬间尬住。 The skinny man full is incredible: Is impossible, does alone this solitary one hero such powerful existence, how possibly lose to such unknown goods? Is absolutely impossible, definitely hides in did not have come out somewhere!” 干瘦男子满是不可置信:“不可能的,独孤一雄那样强悍的存在,怎么可能输给这么个名不见经传的货色?绝对不可能,肯定是躲在某处还没出来!” The result several breaths the time to pass, alone this solitary one hero does not have the trail as before. 结果数息时间过去,独孤一雄依旧没有踪迹。 The people expression thoroughly has changed. 众人表情已经彻底变了。 Li Yuan relaxes finally, looks the skinny man who a face loses presence of mind said: Enrages the alone this solitary one male consequence is very truly fearful, because if the opinion of somebody clumsy mischief-doer enraged more powerful existence, the consequence can be more dreadful?” 李元总算松一口气,看着一脸失措的干瘦男子道:“触怒独孤一雄的后果确实很可怕,不过要是因为某人跳梁小丑的言论触怒了更强大的存在,后果会不会更加不堪设想?” Skinny man one startled, looks hastily to the sentiment young master. 干瘦男子一惊,连忙看向情公子。 Since is discussing that yourself raise, I thought you should also nothing more to be said.” “既然是你自己提的议,我想你应该也没什么好说的了。” The sentiment young master without hesitation is direct a palm bang in intimate of this person, the skinny man including snort/hum without enough time snort/hum on one, in double pupil along with even lost tall light, falls to the ground softly weak, became a corpse of dying with injustice unredressed. 情公子毫不犹豫直接一掌轰在此人的腹心,干瘦男子连哼都来不及哼上一声,双眸之中随即便失去了高光,软软瘫倒在地,成了一具死不瞑目的尸体。 Zhang Heng people look that this does not have the slight accident/surprise. 张恒众人看着这一幕却没有丝毫的意外。 This is the cultivate reality, the sea area order is more chaotic than the land on, is naturally more brutal, similar matter momentarily along with carving is happening, really does not need to make much ado about nothing. 这就是修炼界的现实,海域秩序远比陆地上更加混乱,自然也就更加残酷,类似的事情随时随刻都在发生,实在没必要大惊小怪。 Let alone, this person all sorts of words and deeds , is also dies a worthy death. 何况,此人刚才的种种言行,也算是死得其所。 The sentiment young master as the fifth royal family's core direct descendant, if this resolute does not even have, they may on consider that is to continue to hold this thigh. 情公子身为第五王族的核心嫡系,要是连这点果决都没有,那他们可就得好好考虑一下是不是要继续抱这条大腿了。 Li Yuan looks at the ground the corpse is actually a lingering fear, if this moment come out is not Lin Yi, but is alone this solitary one hero, then lies down on the ground at this moment was his Li Yuan. 李元看着地上的尸体却是一阵后怕,如果此刻出来的不是林逸,而是独孤一雄,那么此刻躺在地上的就是他李元了。 Detected that people's response, Lin Yi swept one by far, the meaning of actually not having opened the mouth. 察觉到众人的反应,林逸远远的扫了一眼,却没有开口的意思。 The sentiment young master people see that do not dare to disturb arbitrarily, can only make a respectful and prudent gesture collectively, distant period of five days in same place, does not dare to have the least bit to change, for fear that causes the Lin Yi's misunderstanding. 情公子众人见状也不敢擅自近前打扰,只能集体做出一副恭谨的姿态,远远的候在原地,丝毫不敢有半点异动,生怕引起林逸的误会。 „The fifth royal family......” “第五王族……” In light of the memory that alone this solitary one hero provides, in the Lin Yi mind has delimited the relevant information of sea area major influences fast. 结合独孤一雄提供的记忆,林逸脑海中快速划过海域各大势力的相关信息。 The sea god godship loses falls although so far top secret, the wall that but in the world has not ventilated, this news will have by the major influences sooner or later, in addition beast temple attacking army has reached the city, the sea area will certainly welcome round of unprecedented big shuffle when the time comes. 海神神格失坠到目前为止虽然还是绝密情报,但天底下没有不透风的墙,这个消息迟早会被各大势力掌握,加上兽神殿兵临城下,到时候海域必将迎来一轮史无前例的大洗牌。 Infiltrates the plan of fifth royal family, needs to be ahead of time. 渗透第五王族的计划,需要提前了。 However at present most important matter is actually not this, but stops up in the front that empty whale. 不过眼下最重要的事情却不是这个,而是堵在前方的那头虚鲸。 The empty whale , the surroundings space also was still blocked all-around, although Lin Yi can depend on new World to be separated at any time, but was equivalent in that case withdrew from the struggle of near sea king on own initiative. 虚鲸还在,周围空间也依然被全方位封锁,林逸虽然可以随时靠着新世界脱离,可是那样一来就相当于主动退出了近海王之争。 After all through new World, he can only transmission arrive at other independent mystical places in Jianghai Institute, wants to return to the seabed ruins of this empire ruins to be possible again to be difficult. 毕竟通过新世界,他只能传送到江海学院的其他各个独立秘境,再想回到这帝国遗址的海底废墟可就难了。 The remaining only means that break the space blockade of empty whale. 剩下唯一的办法,就是破解虚鲸的空间封锁。 But hard strength rises suddenly even if now, really must say that had the upfront with the empty whale like this ancient hardly just, successful possibility still extremely was finally uncertain. 可哪怕如今硬实力暴涨,真要说与虚鲸这样的古老存在正面硬刚,最终成功的可能性依旧十分渺茫。 After attempting to make several probes, really did not have Lin Yi to expect, the opposite was unresponsive, sign that the space slightly should not be decoded. 尝试着做了几次试探后,果然不出林逸所料,对面根本毫无反应,空间也丝毫没有要被破解的迹象。 Lin Yi had a surprise actually: „Does it have no hostility to me probably?” 林逸倒是有了一个意外发现:“它好像对我没什么敌意?” The empty whale appears with alone this solitary one hero together, moreover helped alone this solitary one hero block the trim space, according to the normal logic, these two should be one group obviously. 虚鲸跟独孤一雄一起出现,而且帮着独孤一雄封锁了整片空间,按照正常逻辑,这俩显然应该就是一伙的。 Even, this empty whale had the possibility to recognize alone this solitary one one male is a lord. 甚至于,这头虚鲸有可能都已经认独孤一雄为主了。 But presently looks like, is actually not such matter. 可是现在看来,却又不是这么回事。 If the empty whale has recognized the lord, then natural can induce to own master had died, at this time will definitely make the corresponding movement, revenges also well, leaves also well, a little responded after all is right. 如果虚鲸已经认主,那么自然就能感应到自己主人已经死亡,这个时候必然会做出相应的动作,报仇也好,离开也好,总归有点反应才对。 However no. 然而没有。 From beginning to end, empty whale Jingjing(quietly) stops there, like one in ancient existence of dormancy, but Lin Yi actually clearly can feel that it is observing himself. 从始至终,虚鲸就那么静静的停在那里,如同一头正在休眠的古老存在,可林逸却又分明能够感觉到它正在观察着自己。 That is one type extremely and purely does not have the observation that any mood fluctuates. 那是一种极度纯粹且不带任何情绪波动的观察。 Suddenly, the mysterious fluctuation presently Lin Yi knows in the sea together, after the feeling was clear information that this fluctuation gives, the Lin Yi complexion immediately changed. 忽然,一道玄妙的波动出现在林逸识海之中,当感受清楚这道波动所传递过来的信息后,林逸脸色顿时就变了。 Good long time, Lin Yi responded finally: „Do you want to enter my new World?” 好半晌,林逸才终于反应过来:“你想进入我的新世界?” Also fluctuates together mysteriously, but this time meaning, is the obvious affirmation. 又是一道玄妙波动,而这次的意思,就是显而易见的肯定。 Jiang Xiaoshang looks that this smiled: Evidently it with alone this solitary one hero also is really not one group, at best is only partner's relations, this alone this solitary one hero will walk, should also be its reason.” 姜小尚看着这一幕不由笑了:“看样子它跟独孤一雄还真不是一伙的,充其量只是合作伙伴的关系,这次独孤一雄会找上门来,应该也是它的原因。” Lin Yi is stunned: Its reason?” 林逸愕然:“它的原因?” Jiang Xiaoshang explained: „ Empty whale ancient lifeform, no one knows how they come, what is basically certain, they beginning the minute/share before the chaos have existed. 姜小尚解释道:“虚鲸这种古老生物,没人知道它们到底是怎么来的,不过基本可以肯定的是,它们在混沌初分之前就已经存在了。 I have seen a view, they walk randomly between the reality and nihility, if reality World suits them to survive, they will enter the reality, if not suitable they to survive, they will belong to the nihility, enters to being similar in the condition of infinite dormancy. 我见过一种说法,它们游走于现实与虚无之间,如果现实世界适合它们生存,它们就会进入现实,而若是不适合它們生存,它们就会归于虚无,进入到类似于无限休眠的状态。 Until the reality presents the environment that suits them to survive again, they will recover, re-enter reality World. ” 直至现实再度出现适合它们生存的环境,它们才会复苏,重新进入现实世界。” Lin Yi revealed several points of unusual look: Said, new World that my chaos have not divided, is their ideal living environments?” 林逸露出了几分异色:“这么说,我这混沌未分的新世界,才是它们理想的生存环境?” Seemed like this.” “看起来是这样了。” Jiang Xiaoshang speculated saying: „ I suspected that it possibly solely do not look for an ideal environment, the growth of empty whale, may probably with the World source bind very much, in other words, its big probability is to achieve some paragenesis relations with your new World. 姜小尚推测道:“我怀疑它可能不单单是要找一个理想的环境,虚鲸的成长,很有可能要与世界本源绑定,换句话说,它大概率是要跟你的新世界达成某种共生关系。 Congratulates you, you can raise the whale. ” 恭喜你,你可以养鲸鱼了。” Lin Yi speechless. 林逸一阵无语。 Ponders over the moment, finally he complied with the request of empty whale, opened new World to its capture advancement. 思忖片刻,最终他还是答应了虚鲸的请求,开启了新世界对它的捕获进程。 strength admittedly of this empty whale is immeasurably deep, if entered own new World home game, Lin Yi was not worried but can actually unable to press it. 这头虚鲸的实力固然深不可测,不过要是进入到了自己的新世界主场,林逸倒也不担心会摁不住它。 Let alone, brief twice communicated a moment ago, although is unable the accurate expression like the human conversation, but the attitude of opposite party is good is wicked, this is obviously can feel come out. 何况,刚才简短的两次沟通下来,虽然无法像人类对话那样精准表达,但对方的态度是善是恶,这还是明显能够感受出来的。 At least currently speaking, will not cause anything to threaten to oneself. 至少目前来看,不会对自己造成什么威胁。
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